Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/846751-Journal-Entry
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #846751
A chance encounter in the woods causes a sexual fantasy to come to life.
In The Woods
Two in nature
Enjoying its splendor.
Passion ensues and to that we temper
Our welling needs to explore unhindered.
by T. Edmondson

Journal Entry

5:07 a.m.

Sometimes you just have to get away. Away from traffic, television, people. Just get the hell away. The woods surrounding my Dad’s place have always been my most perfect escape. Chirping birds in lieu of chirping cell phones and faxes. Rustling leaves, not the rustle of papers slapping into the tray of the copier. Babbling brooks instead of babbling post pubescent pseudo women, regaling the previous evenings television programming. A woman can breathe in the woods. Sweet, untainted oxygen—lungs and lungs of it. All mine. Better pack some water, though. I’m planning to be out there all day.

7:42 a.m.

I’ve been down this path at least twice a year my whole life. Still, each time is a new experience. I can recognize familiar dogwoods, oaks and sweet gums. The leaves are just beginning to show the effects of crisp, mid October temperatures. Glad the sun is finally burning off the mist. I could use some warming rays. Perhaps warm enough to take in the sun perched on my favorite rock by the creek. Beats the sauna, hands down.

9:15 a.m.

There it is. This stream gets wider every year. A little more of the banks erode with each visit. I could stare at the gnarled roots of the trees along the bank for hours. Better lose the jacket, though. It’s really turning out nice and warm. T-shirt and shorts from here on.

9:41 a.m.

Yup. Tuesday is the day. Everybody else is at work, nobody for miles around. I’m doing it. I’m going to get my feet wet . . . and perhaps . . .

10:00 a.m.

Hello river rock! Long time no see!

* * * *

Evan was fed up.

“I can’t believe that guy. Who the hell does he think I am, some lightweight, wet behind the ears grease monkey? What an asshole! I’ve lost more skin off my knuckles in the belly of an internal combustion engine than he’s got on his whole scrawny hide. Bastard!”

Evan trudged, breaking twigs under his feet, crunching and shuffling the dead leaves beneath him.

“I’m too old for this bullshit,” he swore.
The day was warming so Evan stopped near the stream to take a break. He’d been hiking so long, preoccupied with issues at work, that he now wondered where the hell he was. He couldn’t remember this end of the trail.

“Probably just got turned around. Whew! Wonder if this water’s OK to drink?” Evan knelt down and gave the stream the once over. Upstream to his left, the water tumbled over a group of rocks and spilled toward him. Tiny fish, swept by the current, swam by, studying him.

“Well, the fish seem to like it.” Cupping his hand, he dipped into the coolness and put his hand to his lips, pouring the sweet liquid into his mouth and swallowing hard.

“Mmm. Not bad.”
He slipped one arm from the strap of his backpack and heaved the load onto the mossy ground with a thump. Removing the water bottle from the hook on its strap, he filled it, placed it to his lips and drank deeply, washing the heat from his dry throat. He refilled the bottle in the stream and clipped it back onto the pack.

* * * *


I’ve been hauling this pack all morning and I’m wishing I’d left the damn thing at home. One thing’s for sure, my rock has been heating in the sun and is waiting for me. My feet are cooling in the stream and soon, I’ll be getting my spirit lifted by it’s warmth.


Never had the feeling I wasn’t alone up here before. I’m just being paranoid. There’s only fish and rabbits out here today. I’m home in these woods.

* * * *

Evan crouched there and listened to the sounds of the forest. His tension was lifting. Standing, he stretched, picked up the pack and started upstream to get his bearings. Ahead he could see familiar strands of a willow tree that overhung the banks. He was back on track. Evan had made better time than he thought. It was only quarter past ten and he was over halfway to his destination.

* * * *

10:25 a.m.

OK, rock. Here I come. My back stings from carrying that stupid load all the way out here. You’d think I’d learn not to over-pack the blasted thing.

* * * *

Evan could have sworn he heard giggling.
“I must be losing my fucking mind out here in these sticks. Probably just raccoons arguing over a fish.”
Plodding up the rise toward a downed oak tree, everything was now familiar. Evan stepped onto the trunk of the tree to try and spot the flat rock that stuck out of the ground near the rivers fork. He would take the left fork and follow it to the old house. He’d get some sketches and forget about the runt kid. The rock was a monster-sized protrusion of granite, jutting out over the water. It was slightly squared on one end. The other end tapered to a point. The stones surface was smooth and black and the remainder of it layered in shades of gray and black. The square end formed a natural stair to walk up onto it.
There it was again. A giggle. Evan stopped and looked around, tilting his head to get a clue where it was coming from?
“There’s nobody in these woods during the week. Pull it together, man. You’re losing it,” he said, shaking his head. “Just birds.”

* * * *

10:37 a.m.

Daddy would skin me alive if he could see me now. Here I lie, naked to the world, in broad daylight on a hot rock by a creek in the woods. HA! Eat your heart out working girls. Your day spa has got NOTHING on this rock, girlfriends. I’m going to lie here until all is right with the universe. Still get the feeling I’m being watched. It’s probably just wishful thinking, or a deer, perhaps.

* * * *

The sight of her made Evan’s heart stop. He stood there, mouth open. He realized he had stopped breathing. Inhaling, he stooped to avoid detection.


The woman lay naked on her back holding a small notepad, giggling as she wrote in it.

“Evan, my man, you are either mad or dreaming. Damn!” He breathed the words as if he were in a foxhole in the midst of a war zone. She was brown. Brown hair, brown skin, brown . . .

“Shit,” Evan thought. “I’ll bet her eyes are brown, too.”

The woman finished her writing and dropped the pad at her side, sighing, she ran her fingers through her hair, arranging it into a tousled mass on top of her head. Lifting her chin so the sun could reach every inch of her, Evan could see her smiling, self satisfied and relaxed.

“Damn.” Evan reached for his pack, not taking his eyes off the woman lying there, unaware of his presence. About to unzip the pouch where his sketch pad was stored, he thought better and slowly pulled the tab, avoiding making any noise that would disturb his subject.

She lifted a leg, grabbed it around the ankle and pulled it toward her chest. Returning it to its original position, she reached for the other, stretching it in the same manner. Evan’s mouth was open again. He snapped it shut and ducked, thinking the sound may have alerted her to his presence. He drew the pencil from the coils in the edge of his pad as if he were unsheathing a saber and began sketching feverishly. Unable to take his eyes off his model, his hand seemed to find it’s own path across the pad.

She was now stretching her arms out over her head. Her breasts danced as she moved her arms out to her sides. Evan looked down and studied his work for a moment.

“Beautiful! This is going to be my best nude, yet! I can see her in oil. My Odalisque! Note to self: buy brown paint.”

Just then, the woman sat upright. Evan held his breath and crouched lower. “Shit! Was I talking out loud?” He thought.

She cupped her hands to her breasts and looked around. Frowning, she slowly lay back down and continued her sunning, though seemingly not as relaxed. Evan knew he’d better hurry or he’d lose the moment. Biting his lower lip and sketching like a madman, he rushed to get a complete sketch and capture every contrast, shadow and texture of her soft form against the hard granite.

The woman moaned. Evan looked up from his work to find her applying something to her skin. She started with her feet, legs stretching above her. She moved slowly and methodically, as if the substance was thick and she intended to rub it thoroughly into every pore. Working her way up the calf, thigh, belly, arms and breasts. She threw her head back and laughed, tracing circles on her large brown nipples with her fingers; they took on the character of the very stone she lay upon. Placing her palms down on her chest, she smoothed the substance slowly downward to her thighs and into her pubis ending with them placed between her legs. She bent her knees and spread them apart, then stroked it upward along the inside of her thighs to her knees.

Evan had dropped the pad and pencil onto the ground. Now that she was preoccupied with herself, he didn’t feel it necessary to be as covert as he had been and he stood upright to watch, shoving his hand into the front of his well-worn jeans. His increasing erection, straining against the rigid cotton, fought to escape to the location of the woman’s hands. Evan let out a deep sigh as he adjusted his shaft.

“Damn,” he said.

“What the . . .?” She was on her feet. “Alright, who’s getting their jollies at my expense?”

Evan was dumbfounded. There he stood, hand in his crotch, his erection never wavered. Taking his hands from his pants, he tried to speak but his throat was not cooperating. He swallowed hard.

She spun around and spotted Evan at the edge of the tree line. Trying to look angered, she put her hands on her ample hips and stared. Her eyes really were brown. Evan swallowed again and cleared his throat.

“That would be me,” he said.

“Well, who the fuck are you and what are you doing out here in my woods?” She didn’t seem to notice that she was hardly in a position to be defiant. Evan was having visions of taking her right where she stood.

“Evan. Evan Bernhardt, at your service—I mean, pleased to make your acquaintance Miss . . .
“Question number one answered, question number two unanswered. Should I repeat it?” Her hands dropped to her sides and she shifted her weight to the other foot, waiting for Evan to respond. She could see that he was aroused and a slow, mischievous smile crept across her lips.

“Um, I, ah. Well, you see, I was just, ah. What I mean is, I.

“Spit it out, Woody,” she said with a sly smile that melted Evan’s resolve. He grinned sheepishly. “Oh, and for the record, my name is Katherine. Katherine Venable. This is my Dad’s land and I’m still waiting for an answer.”

Evan was amazed at her skin. Miles and miles of it, all very, very brown. Multiple hues of amber and bronze, all glistened in the sun from whatever she had applied earlier. He swallowed.

“Katherine. I, ah, I was told I could come out here and get some sketches of the old house about a quarter-mile downstream. It was not my intention to disturb your, ah, your …” Evan could see her shorts folded neatly over the hiking boots near the edge of the rock. “Your hike.”
“Your were told,” she mocked. “By whom, may I ask?”

“Mr. Walter Jeffrey,” Evan replied. “He gave me a map and everything. I’ve been out here before, but never as far as the house itself. This place by the rock here always captures my attention and I run out of time before …”

“You do ramble on, don’t you Mr. Bernhardt? So, you’re an artist? Show me your sketches.” Katherine was smirking.

She leaned forward, her breasts swung and swayed as she moved. Grasping the edge of the granite, she squatted down, revealing what lie within her golden thatch of pubic hair. Evan’s manhood lurched beneath the cotton of his jeans.

Jumping from the stone, her breasts leapt and bounced, her nipples were large and round and glistened in the sunlight. Katherine strode toward him. Her long legs lightly brushing each other as she walked. Her breasts bobbed and weaved across her chest. It seemed she was moving in slow motion. Evan swallowed hard again and glanced over his shoulder at his pack where the water bottle and sketchpad were. His throat was dry.

“Ah, the pad is, ah over by the tree line. I’ll get it.”

“Well, then, Woody. I’ll wait right here.”

Evan struggled to adjust his member. Although he had been caught in the act, it was still as stiff as the moment she challenged him. With his back to her, he could still see her breasts in his mind’s eye. Taking his hand from his jeans, he reached for the pad, glancing over his shoulder.

“Damn, damn, damn,” he breathed to himself. He wanted her in the worst way. She had aroused him in a way he hadn’t experienced since puberty. The shape, color and texture of her had aroused his creativity. He wanted her in every pose. In ink, pastel, charcoal, on canvas and sculpted in bronze. He’d spend the rest of his life if that’s what it took.

* * *

Katherine stood there, waiting as the entity strode away from her. She could hear him muttering something under his breath. He was tall. From her perspective he appeared to be about six feet and five inches. His shaven head had begun to shimmer with tiny beads of perspiration in the heat of the southern autumn day. His jeans fit loosely, but left her the hint of an ass from which she knew a quarter would bounce. The t-shirt he wore was the plain white variety. Katherine could see herself sliding her hands under it, rubbing his back, chest and abs and taking it over his head to reveal the sinew beneath. Her crotch ached.

From the moment she stood and saw him engrossed in her, she knew her personal fantasy was going to take place in these woods today. To have no-holds-barred, athletic, uninhibited and passionate sex with a perfect specimen of a man and to do it with the sounds of her favorite locale surrounding them and mingling with their sounds of lovemaking. Right out in the secluded open where the birds and squirrels could watch in awe. She could feel her juices flowing, moistening her thighs as she stood there and planned her next move. She had played this scene in her mind over and over a thousand times, alone in her bed or in the slippery, soapy shower and it made it easier for her to bring herself to orgasm. But, not today. “Today,” she vowed, “today, I’ll have some assistance.”

“What’s the hold-up, Woody?”

“Oh, I have it. Here it is,” Evan said as he held the pad aloft for her to see.

Katherine strengthened her resolve to make this fantasy a reality but her legs began to tremble. The thought of what she was about to make happen caused her adrenaline to surge and she shifted her weight, hoping the trembling would go away. As her prize approached her, she could sense his essence. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled the acridness of his perspiration. His sweat was now beading on his forearms. Arms with a sprinkling of soft, curly black hair. She wanted to run her fingertips across it and imagined how it would feel against her skin when he embraced her. He was the shade of her Mother’s mahogany coffee table and twice as polished. It was as if someone had buffed him until his surface held a deep luster, one that reflected your image as you stared into its depths. His beard was soft, like the hair on his forearms and was streaked with gray where it embraced his strong chin. Then, he smiled.

Katherine came to herself and discovered her index finger clenched between her teeth, her lower lip dangling. She was about to drool and Evan smile morphed into a sarcastic grin. She closed her mouth, licking her lips to catch the dribble before it revealed her desire for him.

His teeth shone gleaming white, and she could almost swear that they, along with is dark eyes twinkled. With that, she knew the fantasy had begun. It would take on a life of its own and there was no stopping it now. He stopped at arm’s length from her and offered his sketches for her to view.

“Do I make my move now? Catch him off guard?” Katherine thought as she imagined how she would approach him.

“Shouldn’t you put some clothes on?” Evan inquired. Deep down, he knew it was a stupid suggestion. Why on earth would he want her to? He stayed at arms length, knowing that if he were closer he would fondle her breasts, stroke her hair, grasp her around the waist, open his mouth around hers and shove his tongue down her throat. The pressure in his pants intensified.

“Whatsa matter, Woody? Katherine cooed. “Haven’t you ever seen tits in broad daylight before?” She threw her head back and laughed. A melodical tinkling that emerged from her belly and gave her the courage to act. She raised her hand from her side and extended it as if reaching for the sketches. She stepped toward him and instead grasped the open tab of his jeans and tugged. The zipper obliged her with a confident zip, and Katherine gleefully watched “Woody” flee his prison.

“Hey!” Evan was startled and promptly dropped the sketchpad to the ground. His gut tensed, he threw his arms out to his sides, and sucked in his abdomen, instinctively trying to escape but knowing it was the furthest thing from his conscious mind. He had been thinking it and she just beat him to it.

Katherine’s aroma entered his nostrils lazily and teased his olfactory nerve with earthy delight. It was sandalwood. No, wait, coconut. It was flowers and the tropics. He wanted to taste her and see if the flavor matched her scent. He breathed deeply, intensifying the sensation.

“Mmmm,” she cooed, moving closer. She pressed against him and spread her palms onto his waist. Evan’s member throbbed against her belly. Circling her hands around to his back, Katherine stroked her hands downward to his butt and shoving them down into the waistband. With one smooth movement, she knelt and slid his denims down around his knees. Evan struggled for balance. He wanted to step out of them but his hiking boots were laced too tightly. She was kneeling, looking up at him, smiling lustfully.

“Awwww, shittttt!” Evan hissed the words. Katherine cupped both hands around his scrotum, squeezing and stroking. Katherine gently rolled his jewels against each other and within the warmth of her palms. Her mouth was open and she breathed heavily. Evan had to raise his arms to maintain his balance. His knees were quaking. He could feel her breath on his belly and his penis lurched at the sight of her open mouth.

Katherine continued to stroke him with both hands, smoothing the skin of his shaft as if it were a kitten she petted. Moving one hand up its length underneath and cupping his balls in the other. Evan groaned. His legs ached as he attempted to stay upright. He could feel her breath on his rod and looking down, he watched her close in on him, her mouth open and tongue protruding.

“Unghhhh,” Evan groaned. She hadn’t even touched him with her tongue yet, but he was ready. A droplet of pre-coital fluid escaped and she caught it on her tongue, giggling.

Katherine, with her hand still cupping his scrotum, guided the head onto her tongue, cooing and moaning. Evan throbbed at her every sound. She inserted the head into her mouth and rhythmically circled it with her tongue. Swirling and keeping a steady vacuum on it, enough to make Evan want to cry out her name, but his throat was shut tight with anticipation. No woman had ever taken such care with his shaft. Others merely yanked and sucked. What was she doing to him? She grasped his shaft firmly, and opened her mouth, spread her tongue broad and licked him from stem to stern, raising his cock and sucking his balls.

Katherine was enjoying her work. She was intent and meticulous. Concentrating on every stroke, every movement, and taking her own sweet time. Evan wanted to explode onto her face. She reached around him and grasped each of his cheeks, her hands, warm and soft, pulled him toward her, guiding the throbbing mass deeper into her mouth. Her sweet tongue was warm. It was wet and pink and delightful. Evan threw his head back in ecstasy as she thrust it further along her tongue and down her throat. When she had consumed it to the hilt, she stuck out her tongue and licked his sac, and just as slowly and deliberately pulled back on his pole, applying a steady and constant vacuum. When she neared the tip, she stopped and sucked it as if she were an infant suckling at her mother’s breast. Evan grasped her hair, and tangled his fingers into it, holding on for dear life. Firmly and hungrily she sucked, stroking her tongue on his glans with each suck. Evan’s butt cheeks clenched, his thighs quaked and his knees began to buckle. He maintained his balanced only by his hands in her soft tresses and the fact that Katherine was inhaling him yet again. With her hands still on his ass, she continued pulling him in and guiding him out. She had only really sucked him a few strokes, but Evan felt his orgasm building.

“DAY-yuuuummm!” He was going to blow! He didn’t want to, and tried to withhold longer, but Katherine was in full control. She wanted it and had every intention of getting it. He swallowed hard and then he said it, the very thing Katherine had worked so diligently for:

“K-aaathhhh-rynnnnnghhhh!” Evan wanted to pound her but she had him at her mercy, his knees beginning to collapse from under him. Katherine had to hold on for her own balance. His member lurched and she let go of his ass with one hand and grasped his shaft. She intermittently licked, sucked and stroked him with her hand and then watched him discharge his load. She laughed and threw her head back, allowing the semen to splatter onto her chest and cascade down her breasts.

Evan was spent, he had worked so hard for balance, trying to make the feeling last, he collapsed, knees to the ground and legs still tightly bound by his jeans, limp and trembling. Katherine gently stroked his sleek head, kissing it and giving it a wet and playful lick.

* * *

Katherine was smiling coyly as she raised Evan’s shirt over his head. When it reached his hands, he took it from her and dabbed his juices from her chest. Gazing at her breasts, he cupped them in his hands and thumbed her smooth nipples. They contracted and quickly formed erect peaks that Evan wanted to suckle. Katherine’s chest heaved as she inhaled deeply. She helped Evan to his feet, bent over and pulled his jeans up.

Evan, still dazed, legs tingling and aching, cast a confused look her way.

“Don’t worry, Woody. I ain’t done with ya yet! Come on,” she said, standing. “Let’s get those boots off of you.” She led him back toward the rock and sat him down on one of its ledges near the stream. Together, they removed the hiking boots. Evan watched her with amazement. Katherine, so comfortable with her nakedness, must belong in these woods.

When Katherine stood, Evan reached for her. One hand on her ample rump and the other guided itself toward her mound. He stroked her belly and her golden brown pubis. Turning his palm to face upward, Evan slid his fingers between her legs. She inhaled sharply as his fingers brushed over her clit. She was wet. Wetter than wet, and Evan, feeling he had been taken advantage of in the best possible way, wanted to make her knees weak and leave her in a helpless lump as she had him.

“Unnhh-mmmmm!” Katherine sighed. As he gently stroked her clitoris, Evan could smell her arousal. He wanted her to cum softly and sweetly, then violently and screaming, then again and again and again. He wanted to kiss and fondle her breasts, taste the spot on her neck just above her collarbone and he wanted to taste the nectar now coating his fingers. His recovery was progressing. His groin stirred in anticipation of his next round with this creature of the forest.

Katherine lifted her leg and planted it on Evan’s thigh, allowing him full access to her dewy flower. He reached through her open thighs all the way to where her crack became her spine and back again, spreading her juices as he caressed and then inserting his middle fingers into her. Katherine moaning, her moisture flowing freely, leaned over and encapsulated Evan’s head in her breasts, breathing heavily and running her hands down the muscles of his back as she relaxed into his palm. When she brought her hands back up his spine, Evan pulled her to him, kissing her just below her belly button, licking and swirling his tongue, enjoying the tang of her sweaty skin. She pulled his head into her, cooing as Evan began licking her belly as though it were an ice cream cone. Katherine twitched, her vaginal walls clenching and releasing and aching for him to apply this technique within her waiting vulva.

Evan’s erection was growing and the denim was becoming uncomfortable. He needed room to work. He withdrew his fingers from within her and put them into his mouth.

“Mmmm,” he said, pulling them out with a smack!

Katherine’s adrenaline was pounding in her ears and she trembled and quaked. Taking her foot from Evan’s thigh, she placed it on the ground to avoid crumbling. She would have fallen had it not been for Evan’s hand still cupping the base of her buttocks. He smoothed that hand up her back. The sensation made Katherine tremble violently. It was as if his touch caused her very skin to orgasm. Her vaginal walls tightened and she exhaled, relaxing into his touch.
Evan wanted to taste her. Every inch of her and he began with her cheek. Planting his lips, he touched her face slightly with the tip of his tongue. Next, he tasted her lips. He nibbled her upper lip, then her lower. He enclosed her mouth with his and Katherine searched his mouth hungrily with her own tongue. Her knees growing weaker, she felt intoxicated. Evan, still exploring her mouth and lips, pulled her to him. He could feel her collapse into his embrace and he migrated his kisses from her lips to that soft spot below her ear. They moaned simultaneously.

Katherine could feel his hardness and drunkenly returned his embrace and once again pushed the denims down. They slid unhindered to his ankles and this time, Evan stepped out of them. His penis was recovering nicely and Katherine hissed when she felt the heat of it against her skin.

Both their bodies now naked in the sunlight, Evan grasped Katherine’s behind and lifted her off the ground. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him. His tongue swirling on her neck, she inhaled sharply and threw her head back. Her hearing returned. The roaring rush of adrenaline now replaced with the sounds of the forest. Leaves in the wind, birds, and in the distance a frog croaked. She could now feel the soft hair of his arms around her waist and shoulders as he held her tightly to his searching tongue.

Evan turned with Katherine still wrapped around him. He sat her gently onto the granite. She released her legs from around him and he laid her back onto the towel on which she had earlier sunned herself. With Evan leaning over her, they looked into each other’s eyes for the first time. Katherine could see the depth of passion within those eyes; a gauzy mist that surrounded his pupils and suspended her in its fog. His breath was hot-sweet on her nostrils. Katherine couldn’t help but caress his beard. She stroked his lips with her thumb and with her other hand pulled his bald head closer, nibbled the hair at the corner of his mouth and gave those lips a lick. Evan exhaled sharply and kissed her hard and long, his arms squeezing her tightly to him.
When Evan withdrew from the kiss, he stared at Katherine’s lips. They were flushed from the pressure of his kiss and were moist and sparkled as they reflected the sunlight. He rolled himself onto his left side to admire her form. Her skin stretched before him, her breasts, the nipples pert and protruding from her mounds invited his touch. Evan watched his hand as he stroked the length of her, from her calf, past the knee, over the thigh, around the curve of her hip, up her waist to her ribcage and ending with his fingers against the curve of her breast. He squeezed its softness into his palm and lowered his mouth onto her nipple.

Katherine let out a breath and cooed. She took his head into both her hands and stroked his baldness, enjoying his mouth on her. Relishing in his tongue circling the areola, his suckling made her belly tingle and caused her crotch to ache unbearably. Evan kissed and caressed until her nipple erected itself like a tower and he let go long enough to admire his handy work and give it a gentle pinch. Katherine wanted equal time on her other breast and guided his mouth to it. Evan obliged her. He traced his tongue underneath the curves and folds and squeezed them together, enabling him to enjoy the sight of her cleavage. Circling his tongue in figure eights, he teased and licked both her nipples simultaneously.

Katherine writhed and moaned at his touch. His warm hands and breath on her skin was bringing her to the levels of arousal she had never previously reached. The fantasy had truly taken on a life of it’s own and Evan was masterfully making it a reality, as if he had somehow read her thoughts. Her body relaxed and the sounds of the woods calmed her. The wind soothed her skin and she prepared to go wherever Evan intended to take her.

* * *

Thoughts of bringing Katherine to orgasm after orgasm filled Evan’s mind. He could feel her writhing in his arms and her moans of pleasure caused his penis to throb and lurch with each moan and sigh. Her breasts were magnificent. Proud, supple and perfectly jiggly! Whatever she had applied to her skin allowed his hands to glide effortlessly over her every pore. Evan felt Katherine relax underneath him. It was as if she suddenly liquefied and he wanted to drink her in, to pour her essence over his entire body, to dive into her and swim to her depths of passion. He would willingly drown in her. Evan slid his tongue down her breastbone. He kissed her breasts and licked her stomach. Katherine’s belly was fit, but soft and squeezable. He sucked the flesh on her abdomen into his mouth and savored her flavor. He tongued her belly button, tasted her waist, all the while gently and methodically stroking her skin. Her gasps and moans were all the applause he required. Her hands stroked and danced over his shoulders, back and his scalp tingled at her touch. She twitched slightly as he approached the crease of her thigh. Evan gently raised Katherine’s leg and buried his face and tongue into the crease and licked hungrily. The curly brown hair on her pubis tickled his cheek and fuelled him to his destination.

* * *

“Unnnnh, it’s so gooooood!” Katherine sighed. She wanted him to devour her. Her fantasy man had not been as skilled as Evan. He was making love to her in places she had forgotten existed. His tongue felt wet and hungry for her and she ached for him to make her cum. He was squeezing her ass as he worked and he was stroking her thighs. He grasped each one and raised them, allowing her to plant one foot firmly onto the granite beneath them and raising the other and draping it over his shoulder. The adrenaline was back and Katherine wanted to fight the urge to tremble, but couldn’t. Her desire and anticipation shuddered through every muscle in her legs and Evan paused to gaze at her flower. He placed his hand on her belly and slowly drew it down into her patch, watching the sun catch the golden highlights in it. Katherine raised her head to watch and found him entranced, mouth agape with fascination. Evan stroked her gently and found her clit with his fingers. Her trembling intensified. He held one of her outer lips between his thumb and fingers as if he was peeling a rare and exotic fruit. Evan exhaled.

“Oooo, Daddy!” Katherine couldn’t help it. Feeling his breath on her clitoris, she squealed the words.

“Names Evan.” He breathed. Then he smiled and never taking his eyes off her, licked her. Gently. One lick. It was ever so soft, just to taste her and it sent fire coursing through her thighs.

“Shhhhhh!” Katherine sucked her breath in sharply.

“Oh, my,” Evan sighed. “My sweet, sweet Katherine.”

He closed his mouth around her clit and licked it softly again, finishing with a slurpy smack! “Mmmm, sweet, sweet . . . mmmm” Evan closed his mouth onto her again.

Katherine wanted to grab him by the ears, but he was so meticulous. So focused, she dared not interrupt. Instead, she traced her fingers gently on Evan’s bald head and supported her own with the other arm. She wanted to watch him work. Evan was licking her clit rhythmically now. Still, gentle as ever. Not forcing his tongue up and down, but making love to her clit, kissing it and softly and sweetly suckling her. Katherine could feel the tension building in her groin. Her chest tightened and she laid her head back and reached both hands for Evan’s, now resting on her belly. He was gently massaging her and tracing her belly button. His hand was warm and the heat of it penetrated into her loins.

“Nnnnhhh!” Katherine’s climax was building. “Lick me, baabeeeee!” She wanted it to last. Evan seemed unaware of her pending orgasm. He continued his soft, and gentle licks, appearing to lose himself in her depths. Never wavering, continually stroking the skin on her belly and rubbing her thigh as a child might stroke his blankee and suck his thumb at naptime.

“Mmmmmmm, Ev’nnnnnnnnn! Please! Don’t st-ooopppp!” Nnngggghhhhhh!” Katherine was squealing and squirming, now. Evan’s only indication that he was aware of her climax was that he placed his hand more firmly on her belly.

* * *

Evan could feel her clitoris grow more and more erect on his tongue. Her thighs were quaking and he wanted her to let go. Katherine’s juices were flowing feely now. Evan knew she was about to explode onto his tongue and he wanted to press his body over her and feel the power of her orgasm all over. More than that, he wanted her to cum again and again, so, he licked.

“Ahhhhggghhh! I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum! Ohhh. Lickmelickmelickme!” Katherine moaned. Her hips began a slow and swirling dance and Evan followed with every sway. Her chin tilted skyward, her back arching, Evan placed his hand on her belly to feel the force of her orgasm. He placed his thumb into her vagina so he could feel the walls clenching and unclenching. He closed his mouth onto her clit and with the same gentleness as his licks he began sucking her.

“Unghhhhh! Don’t stop! Dontstopdontstopdontstop! Eeeeee!” Katherine squealed. Her hips rocked and lurched and Evan sucked her clit, softly, gently until her quaking ceased.

“Mmmmm.” Evan moaned. His voice came from deep within his chest. “Might I have another, sweet Katherine?” Then, just as methodically and ever so gently, he began to lick her again.

Katherine was spent. Lying in a drunken stupor, her belly and thighs twitching. Never had she experienced any one take that kind of care and attention to her needs. She never thought it possible that she, Katherine Venable, CEO, could experience multiple orgasms, but she knew at that moment and managed to say, “Yesssss, my love! You may have whatever you wish.”

* * *

Now, Evan’s erection was raging. He wanted to penetrate her but could not escape her juices. He slurped and drank them in. Her wetness was incredible. It seemed to seep from every part of her flower. He savored her dew, licking it from her thighs and lips and rolled his tongue into her. He suckled it from her but cheek, slurped it and immersed himself in her trembling.

Katherine lay spent, gently stroking his hand and his bald head. Her fragrance penetrated his nostrils and filled his soul with desire beyond his own comprehension. He licked her. Still feeling her after-shocks, her thighs quaking and trembling against his cheek. Evan grasped her behind the knees and raised her legs higher to allow him access to her fully. He licked her clit and slid his tongue down to her twitching anus and swirled it. Katherine gasped, her hips lurching at every flicker of his tongue. Evan wanted to devour her whole.

As Evan returned to her clit, Katherine wrapped her legs around his head and crossed them over his back. He licked her playfully and softly, waiting for her trembling to subside, signaling him it was time to bring her to her peak again. As she relaxed into his tongue, Evan began a slow, methodical licking. He was applying a bit more pressure this time and again, Katherine wanted to watch him work. His head bobbed up and down as he stroked her entire length. The sight of it caused Katherine’s walls to clench and her toes to curl. Damn, she was already starting to build toward another orgasm and as a result let out a mewing sigh.

“Mmmmm, that’s my kitty,” Evan breathed the words between licks. “Come to me, sweet Katherine. Evan’s voice and his hot breath on her was fuel to her orgasm. Katherine’s legs relaxed open, almost falling from his shoulders. Evan grasped them both, holding her in place by her knees, he stood, still stroking her long and firm with his tongue.

From this angle, Katherine had a full view of his work. With only her shoulders, neck and head touching the rock, she watched as his eyes made their way to hers. The sight of her transfixed, mouth slightly open, tongue protruding slightly was motivational for Evan. He stared at her, enjoying her enjoying him, and he intensified his efforts. He stroked her up and down with his tongue, over and over and over until he felt her match his rhythm with her hips. When she began to shiver, Evan encapsulated her clitoris in his mouth and continued tonguing her firmly.

Katherine felt it building from deep within her loins. It was coming from her toes, her fingertips, her back. Adrenaline roared in her ears deafening her. It was as if her own body heat rushed from her extremities to her groin and she cried out in ecstasy.

“OH! Oh, Evan! Ohhhhh!! She sucked her breath in sharply and held it as she ground her clit into his mouth. Writhing and lurching with every stroke of his tongue, Katherine could see her juices glazing Evan’s face. As she climaxed, Evan released her legs and let them fall open. Supporting her back with his hands, he continued his assault on her vulva. With her suspended in mid air, her butt resting on his arms, he released his suction on her and licked her softly, feeling her quaking and relishing in her sobs of pleasure.

* * * *

Katherine hung there, trembling and whimpering. Evan released her and settled her back down onto the granite slab.
“Please, Evan,” Katherine said. “I want to feel you inside me, now.”

© Copyright 2004 IAMFIRE (iamfire at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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