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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #846387
Tyler Brightstar - ten year old to be Superspy - is a normal kid until MI6 needs his help.
By: Tyler Davis
Illustrated By: TJ

1: The End

Tyler ran across the platform and all of a sudden he ran into the handle and flipped over it. He was now hanging from the edge of the walkway. His hands were bloody and his shirt was ripped up. Then Vina walked up to Tyler very casually and said,”You see, you are no match for me,” she smiled, then stepped on Tyler’s fingers. Tyler then plunging to his so-called death… Before I can tell you that story read this story.

2: The Beginning

Tyler Brightstar was a very ingenious character if you ask me. He had fire red hair, brown chocolate eyes, and freckles. (All over his face!) His godmother Angela Tato had baby blue eyes, dark brown hair, and was tall. Angela Tato was a lifelong friend to Tyler’s parents, Jenna Brightstar and Evan Brightstar… well until they were killed in a cliff diving accident.
3: England… Who would that be?

4:00 PM, Algonquin, Illinois, The Brightstar residence, Family Room

One day Tyler was sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips, and watching TV like an average ten year old. Then the phone rang,”BRRRING…BARRING”
Tyler jumped up and went over to the phone and looked at the caller ID thinking it’d be one of his friends Bob, Billy, John, or Theodore. Instead he got a big surprise. It said in small digital letters,” England Call”
Tyler then thought to himself,” Who the heck would be calling from England?”
And he hit the button that stated in white letters,” Phone”
As soon as he said,” Hello,” a low-pitched raspy voice said,” Hello… is this Tyler Brightstar?”
Tyler said,” Yes, this is Tyler Brightstar. Who are you?”
The low-pitched raspy voice started speaking again,” We have a code red at MI6… we thought you could help us. You see you’re the only ten years old that has wits, smarts, and won’t flinch at the sight of a gun.”
Tyler then asked,” Very interesting… but I have one objection. Who the heck are you?”
The low-pitched raspy voice then told him,”Oh, yes sorry, I forgot my introduction. I’m James Skully.”
Tyler then said in amazement,” Wow! James Skully the international super-spy?”
Skully said back,” Yes, but I now prefer to be called sir especially from you. Now let’s get to the point, would you like to join MI6?”
Tyler told Skully like he was trying to think,” Well I’ll maybe consider it…NO!”
And Tyler hung up without hearing what this so-called super-spy had to say.

4: The Trip

6:30 Pm, Algonquin, Illinois, the Brightstar Residence, Front Yard

At 6:30 PM Tyler told Angela,” Going for my skateboarding.”
His godmother told him,” Be back before dinner.”
(That was at 7:00.) Tyler ran outside for his usual skateboarding routine. As he ran over the one step on the sidewalk he slammed his skateboard down in front of him but the tile in front of him came backwards. And he was just between the two. He then flew into the top of the edge and hit his stomach. He thought it felt like a horse had just jumped on his stomach. It knocked the wind out of him. His injury was not fatal. He landed in a room about 6 Feet long and 3 Feet wide. There were two doors near him they both had keypads. Then it happened. The concrete tile above him slid back into place, the floor lit up in navy blue, what looked like miniature red lightening bolts covered up the walls leaving only little spaces of black, Tyler got covered in a bright yellow substance, and a quick flash of blinding light and it seemed as if Tyler was never in that teleportatation bay.
2nd dimention, 6:49 PM
Tyler was brought into a huge tunnel the walls were all lit up in reptile green and he was flying. This felt terrible to him because he thought he was losing his mind. He thought he was going insane. Then he lost all his worries and his mind was as empty as a flowerpot. But before his mind was empty he was beginning to think that he was whipping through another dimension.

5: Crash

CIA, Langley, Virginia, 7:00 PM

Meanwhile at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Kevin Reefa tried to access the Earth orbiter to check up on it. But for doing his job all he got was to lose access to everything. He was automatically logged off. He tried to regain access but it was denied. So he went to George Aalam, his boss to ask,” Are you locked out of the mainframe as well?”
His boss simply answered, “Yes.”
So his boss grabbed his laptop in alarm and Kevin could hear the slapping of the keyboard. George had one more choice… to try hacking in from his Dell Notebook. So he started the hacking program. The director knew this would not work because after all this was the CIA computer system here! But it was worth a try. With one more slap of enter to start the program. National terrorism would start here… and everybody knew it. All of a sudden the login window on everybody’s computer disappeared and a tall woman with forest green eyes and nut brown hair appeared on the screen jumbo screen in the front of everyone’s desks. She said,” Hello George, I hope you and all of your lackeys enjoy being locked in what is now your cage. You will be locked out from the entire world. Enjoy dying, well I must be going now; people to murder places to see… oh, and tell Jenna and Evan I said hi.”
6: “Listen Up”

Unknown location, Great Britain, England, 7:30 PM

There was another flash of blinding light and Tyler was back on solid ground. He was dazed and could barely balance himself but on the other hand his mind was back and he did not go insane. Tyler then noticed that his right shoe was missing. Tyler wanted to kiss the ground, well until a man in black slacks and a white T-shirt showed him to a table with about sixteen chairs. Tyler sat down; there was a man with brown hair and turquoise green eyes,” Listen up kid! People don’t usually try to aggravate me,” the man’s skin color turned from light red to dark red,” I in fact don’t deal with ten year olds usually!”
Tyler then exclaimed, “Well I don’t work with terrorists!”
The man’s skin color then turned a tone down to tulip red,” Well I must have forgotten to introduce myself,” with no sound of sympathy,” I am James Skully.”
Tyler then noticed that this is the guy who called him,” Fine, I’ll join.”
Skully then said to the man behind him,” Send one of the clones back to the Brightstar residence before eight. And clean Tyler up.”
Skully then walked up to Tyler and said,” Meet me in the briefing room. Oh and where did your right shoe go? Go ask Nathan over there for a new pair of shoes.”

7: Briefing

MI6, Great Britain, England, Briefing Room, 7:45 PM

“Welcome to MI6,” some of the workers told him and others just stared at him. The youngest secret agent there had ever been. He walked passed a room labeled Q-Lab he also walked passed a room labeled 007’s office. Then he walked into a dark room with a hologram projector and a few cushioned swivel chairs,” Hello 10.”
Tyler said puzzled “10?”
“Yes, 10, your code name,” Skully told Tyler.
“Ah, yes,” Tyler said.
“So anyway, we suspect Karlye Vina of selling smallpox to terrorists. This could cause international chaos all around the globe,” Skully told Tyler with no worry in his voice,” You’re scheduled to win a contest in New York that Vina has started. You’re our only hope, 10. Report to the R-lab.”
“The R-Lab, what about the Q-lab,” asked Tyler?
“The Q-Lab is for double O agents,” Skully told Tyler.

Tyler walked down the hallway to the R-Lab. A man that looked about 68 years old and had an English accent old shook his hand and said,” Hello 10.”
Tyler said back,”Um, hello-“
The man interrupted,”R.”
Tyler replied,” Hello R, I guess this is your gadget lab.”
“Yes it is. How’d you know,” R asked.
10 assumed,” Well, I kind of saw the label by the door.”
R said back,” Oh… well, anyway let’s get to the gadgets shall we?”
Tyler said, “Okay… why don’t you just give me a gun or something useful?”
R started explaining completely ignoring Tyler’s question,” Okay, your gadgets are this gameboy Advance SP, Cell Phone, sunglasses, this necklace, and my personal favorite, the Lamborghini Murcienlago 2003 6.2.”
Tyler then exclaimed,” A Murcienlago!”
R told Tyler, “The Murcienlago features a six point two liter engine, with horsepower of five-hundred-seventy-one, and four-hundred-seventy-nine pounds of torque. But that’s not all. Electric Magnetic Pulse (EMP) launcher mounted in the grill,” R pressed a button inside the car and the grill on each side opened towards the middle and two round skinny silver guns popped out,” It also has optic camouflage,” He pressed a button on the key fob and the car disappeared he pressed it again and the car reappeared,” No one will be able to catch you… well, accept for infra red cameras. We are still working on that. The car also features auto pilot, self-destruct, and eject. Try to only use the self-destruct in a tight spot… I want this car back in pristine order, 10.”
Tyler then said,” And I actually get to drive this?”
“Yes just look into this telescope,” R held up the telescope to Tyler’s eye. There was a flash of blue light inside the telescope and Tyler seemed to know how to drive the car, “Wow! That must be one of your more ingenious inventions… so what about my other gadgets?”
R started telling Tyler,” So anyway, the Gameboy SP, Just insert Super Mario and it is a super high frequency sound device that will jam any listening devices, and cameras. The Spyro game is an acid liquid that I doubt you will need.”
Tyler asked,” What about the Kirby game?”
“Well, duh, you play it,” R told Tyler with lots of sarcasm in his voice.
R then went on,” The sunglasses are fast connections to the Internet, voicemail, and X-Ray glasses… please use them properly. The Cell-Phone is a grapple, laser, decrypter, a hologram projector, and well… a phone. The necklace is a fashion accessory and a hologram projector.”
Tyler then said,” Sweet toys! So do I get to drive my new car to New York?”
R told Tyler, “No, you’re being teleported.”
R brought Tyler to the medical bay and told him to take a drink of the brown liquid on the table and lay on the bed.

8: Changing

MI6, Great Britain, England, Medical Bay, 8:00 PM

Tyler lies on the bed and falls into a deep sleep. This was a good thing. I mean would you like to be awake during Laser Disguise? Tyler’s new identity was Alex Stroganoff his eye color is now blue, (That used to be brown.) his hair color to blonde, (That used to be red.) and made him 2 Inches taller.

9: Winning

Suburbs, New York City, New York, 12:00 PM

Tyler was teleported to New York City, New York and felt his back pocket in his Blue jeans and wondered,” Where is my wallet? I had it before I got here… I hate teleportation.”
Then a Jaguar pulled up in front of him,” Hello… are you Alex Stroganoff?”
Tyler replied,” N… er… Yeah, Yes I am Alex Stroganoff.”
The lady inside the car rolled the window down all the way, “Good, I’m Karlye Vina, and I’m guessing that you’re the lucky contest winner… am I right?”
Tyler recovered quickly, “Yes I am… and you are right.”
Tyler climbed into the back seat of the car and sat next to Vina. She was tall, had nut-brown hair, looked about twenty, and had forest green eyes. She told the driver of the car to drive to the manor and to show our guest how much power this car had. Without a word he put his foot on the gas and the car took off. Vina then told Tyler, “You know this contest was about being the first to try our new Stealth computer, right?”
Tyler responded, “Yes, I do.”

Then they arrived at the mansion and Vina immediately showed him to his room. There was a lock on the door and as soon as Vina left he locked it. He looked through the window and saw the other building across the manor. Tyler thought, “Wow, Vina has a massive operation going on.”
The building looked like it was used for industrial work. It was very casual… at least compared to the mansion.
There were at least seventy men in uniform walking in and out of the building. Whatever Vina was hiding it was big. Something she didn’t want anybody to know about it.

10: Dinner Fright

Vina Manor, Dinner Room, New York City, New York, 6:00 PM

He got dressed in the tuxedo Vina had sent up to his room, and went down the stairs directly to the dining room as Vina had instructed. Tyler walked into the room very casually and sat at the table. Tyler looked at the table and there had to be at least twenty different dishes! And they were all from different countries including Orange Scones from Scotland, Pirogues from Germany, and Escargot (Es-car-go) from France. Then Vina said, “Bon App’etit”
Then Tyler chowed down first grabbing pirogues then ripped an Orange Scone from the plate. About ten minutes later Tyler had eaten two Orange Scones, one pirogue, and a cheeseburger. Tyler then asked Vina, “Say, where does all this extra food go?”
Vina answered with a big grin on her face, “Well, my dog Bowser eats it.”
At that moment he was frozen solid because he knew that about seventy percent of people who own big vicious dogs name their dog Bowser. Tyler then asked stuttering, “B-Bow-Bowser?”
“Yes Bowser,” Vina told Tyler still grinning, “Come, and Bowser.”
Then a Tiny Toy Poodle jumped on the table. Tyler let out a big sigh and felt very relieved.

11: Night

Tyler’s room, Vina Manor, New York City, New York, 7:00 PM

Tyler went up to his room, locked his door, and turned on his GameBoy on with the Super Mario cartridge in it. Then what sounded like a Ring Wraith or screech came out of it. It was so loud he could hear it through his hands. (Which were on his ears.) Then the chain broke that was holding the lamp above his head then it came crashing down onto the bed. The three Inch sharp arrow landed where Tyler’s head used to be. Before the lamp fell Tyler saw it start to move slowly down and rolled to the other side of the bed and barely missed his head. Then Vina stormed into the room and exclaimed, “Oh… er… Thank gosh you’re alive! You can move into the VIP guest room. Just grab all of your stuff.”
Tyler responded, “Well, that’s my name, Vip”
Vina laughed, “You’re very funny.”
They walked across the hallway into the other guest room. It was beautiful! As soon as Vina left Tyler locked the door and did half of the protocol… wait I bet you don’t know what protocol is, right? Well it’s to start his Gameboy with Mario in it and to call Skully… But he’s going to skip calling Skully for now. So Tyler started his Gameboy left it on top of the bed and rolled under the bed. (This hardly had any clearance!) Tyler covered his ears and could only hear a muffled screech this time.

The programmers in the security room could not believe it. That was one of their best cameras in the VIP room. And it went out just like that. “What could have happened,” the Russian man with uniform on asked.
Then the American said, “I’ve no clue… but I’m getting a little suspicious about the so-called contest winner ‘Alex Stroganoff’”

12: Chihuahua
New York City, New York, Vina Manor, VIP room, 9:00 PM

Tyler woke up to the sound of someone knocking on his door, hard. And the sound, “Tyler, honey, I’m making breakfast get dressed and come downstairs.”
Tyler groaned. His enemy – or has MI6 had told him – had called him honey. Tyler felt a glint of sadness. That was what his mother had used to call him.
Tyler got dressed and went out to the courtyard where Vina was sitting. Then out of nowhere a chiuahua jumped into Tyler’s arms and made him stumble backwards. Tyler tripped over the hose and fell flat on his back. Then the dog started to lick his face. He lifted the stray dog up and said, “I’ll name you Connie.”
Tyler held the tiny animal close to his chest and stroked her. Then Vina said, “What are you doing on the ground …cute dog.”
Tyler got up and said at the garden table Vina was sitting at and Connie jumped onto his lap. Then Connie and Bowser started growling and barking at each other. Then Connie jumped out of Tyler’s lap and Bowser jumped out of Vina’s lap. It was a one on one dog brawl!

13: “Fight, Fight, Fight!”
Vina manor, Courtyard, New York, 9:30 AM

Connie jumped at Bowser and Bowser jumped at Connie. Then a smoke cloud appeared and both dogs disappeared in it. Vina and Tyler were both stunned. As the smoke cloud disappeared Connie ran up to Tyler and jumped on his lap without a scratch on her while on the other hand Bowser went over to Vina and fainted. Vina freaked out and ran to her Jaguar and drove to the vet. Tyler ran up to his room after breakfast and with Connie. When Tyler got to his room he locked the door and called Skully. A little gray platform came up through the screen and didn’t even damage it. Then a transparent 3-D screen popped up and said, “Dialing MI6… Dialing MI6… Diali-“
Someone answered the phone; their face was not visible as it was hidden in the darkness, “Skully?” Tyler asked.
The stranger answered, “No, Webber, Jeffery Webber. Skully retired. Hey, you’re the ten-year-old spy, aren’t you?”
Tyler replied, “Yes, the reason why I called is, do you know anything about this Chihuahua?”
Tyler heard clicking of a keyboard, “Hmmm… yes, this seems to be the gadget R did not brief you on? Her name is 153676 but you can name her something else. 10, she is trained to attack when told.”
Tyler nodded, “Thank you for your ti… me?”
In the middle of Tyler’s sentence the MI6 logo appeared on the screen and a window appeared, “Signal blocked. Catastrophic error EJM//673EXE//.”
Tyler then shut off the phone.

14: Stealth

Vina Manor, VIP room, New York, 1:00 PM

Vina came up to Tyler’s room in the early afternoon. She opened the unlocked door and said, “Tyler, it’s time to test Stealth.”
Tyler nodded and grabbed all of his gadgets (he had lots of pockets.) She led him to the building across the courtyard and they both walked into the building. She led him to a wide door with a yellow glowing keypad and a red light. She typed in 63759 and the light quickly turned green with no argument. A quick beeping noise went off then the black part of the door slid apart from the middle slowly. The second part opened; there were four big windows on each corner. They both walked in to the small white room. There was a large silver PC sitting on the ground, a flat black monitor, and a black keyboard. The blast doors closed behind then and Vina said, “Go ahead. There is an account waiting for you. You are allowed to use the Internet and games.”
Tyler nodded his head. Vina typed in the pass code for the blast door and they opened for her. Then they closed and locked. Tyler took his sunglasses out of his pocket and accessed the Internet, “Welcome to MI6. Please choose what you would like to do? Tyler stated clearly, “Voicemail.”
“Who would you like to call?”
“Jeffrey Webber.”
Jeff answered, “Hello?”
Tyler answered, “I’m on the computer right now. Once I gather the info I’ll send it to you.”
The head of MI6 grinned, “Thank you, Tyler.”
Tyler turned of voicemail and accessed the Internet. Big black words appeared on the screen, “Welcome to Vina Industries. All authorized personnel: Login.”
Tyler clicked on it and tried kvina as a username and 63759 as a password. It said, “Welcome boss.”
Tyler clicked on the link that said, “STEALTH DOCUMENT. CLASSIFIED.”
A window popped up on the screen of the PC in front of him.

15: Unwanted access
Factory, Vina Grounds, New York, 1:30 PM

He was in. He accessed the cameras and shut them off. Then Tyler found the Stealth document and opened it. Another window popped up and said, “Congratulations, you have just purchased the most powerful PC there will be in the next ten years. Stealth is the top computer in hacking with high-speed Internet. With 300,000 Gigabytes of RAM and games work very well with it.”
Then an icon appeared on the bottom of that said, “Company Copy” Tyler clicked on it and a page showed up replacing the public copy, “When you first turn on the Stealth there will be a virus sitting in the victim’s inbox that will duplicate itself and send itself to every known computer address. Getting rid of the virus will be impossible because it will always drop the person off the Internet therefore updating virus technology will be impossible. The virus will grow each time a person deletes or blocks it. Once it grows enough it will eat through the government’s encryption and take control of all military equipment.”
Tyler was worried. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to pull it off. He sent the document to Jeff and put his sunglasses in his pocket. Then he logged into his account and went onto the Internet.

16: A walk in the park
Factory, Vina Grounds, New York, 2:00 PM

Vina came into the secured room and said, “Tyler, we have to go back to the mansion.”
Tyler tried his best to look sad. They walked into the mansion and Tyler asked, “Can I go to the park.”
Vina responded, “Sure, be back before dinner”
Tyler walked to the park and when he got there swung on the swings. This reminded him of when he was an average kid with an average life. He was beginning to miss his godmother, Angela Tato. At sunset he was starting to walk back to Vina grounds. On the way to the manor he walked near the edge of the cliff and he was and a motorcycle came at him. He dodged it by jumping out of the way. He was being ambushed. Then some fire flew above his head and ducked. Tyler said two things, “Motorcycle Flamethrower.”
Then the woman on the motorcycle said, “You’ll be a torch when I’m done with you.”
Then she sped at Tyler. Tyler dodged it and the woman had no mercy and pulled the trigger on the flamethrower. It missed him by one Inch, and then the motorcycle flew at him. Tyler did a flip off of the front of the motorcycle and landed on the back seat. And when the driver made a turn at the side of the cliff and Tyler knocked the flamethrower off the cliff. Then Tyler back flipped off the back of the motorcycle. Then the fearless driver went at Tyler full speed. He backed up and felt the edge of the cliff. Tyler then turned around and jumped off the cliff, he spread his arms out. Tyler spotted a branch and grabbed it. It bounced up and down. Then the motorcycle came tumbling down the Cliffside with many sparks and a sound like nails scratching a chalkboard. The motorcycle came down and a large piece of metal scratched his back. Then the branch cracked and he started to fall. Then he remembered that he still had his gadgets. So he quickly took out his cell phone and chose the menu called “lifesavers” he found a gadget called grapple and grappled to a rock near the top of the cliff that was connected to the Cliffside. He got lifted up to the top in the nick of time!

17: Vina
New York Park, New York, 3:00 PM

Vina paced the front corridor when Tyler walked in. His clothes were a little scorched (from the flamethrower) and had a bunch of holes in them (from the cliff.) Vina said, “Oh my gosh, Alex, what happened to you?!”
Tyler muttered under his breath, “I fell off a cliff.”
“What?” Vina asked.
Tyler responded, “Er… I fell off the slide and someone threw a mud ball at me.”
Vina replied, “Well, go get cleaned up. I sent a tuxedo to your room.”
“Got it.”
Tyler did as he was advised and went to his room and got dressed.

18: Night Trial
Vina Grounds, Vina Manor, New York, 5:00 PM

Tyler petted Connie and went down to the dinner table and ate fancy tonight. After dinner he went to his room and pretended to go to sleep he kept his tux on and waited until Vina went to sleep. He set the hologram projector necklace to have himself in the bed. Then he walked out into the courtyard. He dodged the spotlights about twenty times and finally got to the factory. He walked into the building very confidently then ran into a blast door. He forgot he had a blast door in his way. Then he remembered the password: 63759. The light turned green and the massive doors opened. He walked in and the blast doors closed behind him. He moved the mouse and the screensaver disappeared. A login box appeared and he thought, like a secret agent. He typed it in as: kvina 63759

He had all access to every part of Vina Industries in the palm of his hands. He accessed the security cameras and looked at the first screen and made it bigger. Then he saw it. He zoomed in on the first chryo-tube. The kid inside the tube had red hair, brown eyes, and freckles. Then Tyler screamed. He was so frightened. It was him! (Well a clone of him!) Then his Cell-phone rang. He answered it, “This is not the best time, Jeff!”
Jeff completely ignored it, “This is terrible! Someone stole your clone!”
Tyler looked puzzled, “My clone… I have a clone?! That would explain a lot.”
Jeff responded, “Remember when Skully asked you to join?”
Tyler then said, “How could I forget? He threatened to kill me…”
Jeff told Tyler, “Someone got through our blast doors with some kind of chemical.”
Tyler said, “Hmmm...”
Tyler logged out and walked out of the room very casually. He sneaked around the corridor and found the Chryo-tube room. He took out his Cell and selected decrypter. The door sprung open and the flashing red light on the key pad had turned into a flashing green light. As he walked into the room he closed the door behind him and muttered beneath his breath, “A clone of me… very special, I would think that they would keep it heavily guarded…”

19: Ditto

5:30 PM, Vina manufacturing facility, Vina Grounds, New York

Tyler pressed the red button on the control panel and the mist stopped in the narrow tube and walked toward the door and heard a pneumatic hiss and someone say, “Think you’re finished with me?”
Tyler had a foot fly over his head while he ducked and grabbed it, “Yes, I do.”
The clone put his other foot up and kicked Tyler in the chest with both feet. The real Tyler Brightstar got back up and gave the clone a right uppercut and a side kick, knocking him to the floor. Next came bullets, a spray of machine gun fire slammed into the steel door behind one of the Tylers. The security system had a built in machine gun, it identified the real Tyler’s DNA. Tyler took his laser out of his pocket and made a thin line of destruction through the top of the walls, making its was to the sentinel, some sparks jumped off and that was it. Tyler made a big hole in the elevator doors; he pushed the clone to the hole where he held on tightly. Tyler stepped back and lunged forward at Tyler; making the clone fall to his certain doom, “Enjoy your fall!” Tyler yelled as he fell, but now Tyler was hanging from the edge of the broken doors. He pulled himself up and back into the cloning room. Tyler walked out the door and someone kicked him in the back from behind. He was pinned to the ground and could not get back up. All Tyler could do was turn his head and look behind him. There was a man in a uniform, but not just any, a police uniform. He slapped some handcuffs on Tyler and said, “You’ve the right to remain silent.”
The officer took out a buzz baton and the last thing Tyler felt was a sharp sting in his back. That was a police officer, or not.

Vina sat laughing in her bed watching on the news as they hauled Alex, or Tyler or whatever his name is to the police station.

20: The Amazing Escape

6:00 AM, New York, Police Station

Tyler awoke in a jail cell, where criminals belong. Immediately when he woke up a police officer said, “What is your name?”
“Ty- Alex Stroganoff.” Tyler said.
The officer went on the laptop sitting on the table, “Yup, it is an exact match of you.”
Tyler nodded and the man left. Tyler thought, “Wow, MI6’s computer genius has been working hard.”
Tyler then felt his pockets, everything was gone. He felt his hidden pocket and noticed he still had his Cell-Phone, he took it out and turned it on, “WARNING: LOW BATTERY!”
He ignored it, “I just need one thing…” he clicked on the menu called ‘Life Savers’ and chose laser. A little bar started filling up with letters below it that say ‘Charging Laser…’ Then, when the bar finished, a window popped up, ‘Warning, using the laser will deplete all battery power. Continue? 1=Yes or 2=No.’
Tyler pressed in 1; a metal rod came out of the antenna, which had opened into four separate pieces. A fine red laser beam shot out of the rod, the cell door sprung open. Tyler walked out of his jail cell, Secret Agent Man playing in his head, clicked the police PC out of its screensaver, ‘Authorized Access Only,’ and clicked on video mail. He dialed MI6 and got Webber on the other line, “Jeff, I
Jeffery interrupted Tyler, “Why is this signal coming from a police station?”
Tyler answered impatiently, “I’ll explain later, I need my Murcienlago over here ASAP.”
Jeff then said, “Can do.”
The screen clicked off and Tyler grabbed his gadgets, he ran into the lobby, “Just where do you think your going? Vina has given me strict orders to-“
Tyler kicked him in the shin, “Oh, shut up, will you?”
He ran out the door and ran into his car and it came out of Optic Camouflage, the police officer yelled to the other police officers, “Well? Go after him! Do I have to do everything?”
The officer jumped into a police cruiser and was now speeding after Tyler. The race begins!!! Tyler was already speeding down the road at one-hundred Miles Per Hour, the cruiser was flashing lights and making sounds, it was catching up to Tyler. Tyler turned on the radio and it was Good Charlotte, his favorite, “Ah, good chase music.”
The single police officer sped after him, and was gaining speed. The hero whipped his gear into reverse, extremely bad for the car, but effective, and the wheels spun, he ended up behind the cruiser and launched EMP at the car. It stopped dead in its tracks. Tyler put them horses to work and sped in front of the pursuit car, disappearing, to the naked eye.

21: Cause & Effect

Vina Manor, living house, New York

Tyler whipped through the road beside Sarnac Lake and finally arrived at Vina Manor, Tyler ran up to his room to recharge his gadget but, Vina was standing in front of his door with an angry with an angry look on her face, “Why, hello Tyler Brightstar.”
Tyler thought, ‘Shoot! My cover’s been blown!’ but he said very innocently, “What do you mean?”
He started to slip his hand into his pocket unnoticed… Vina reached over and grabbed his arm, he was holding his Gameboy in his fingers, “This is what I mean,” She pressed on, once again the screech came out, she threw it on the ground and stepped on it, with her heel, high heel, Tyler smiled slightly, “You know, you could have just turned it off…”
Vina smirked and picked up one of the many microchips scattered about on the floor, but this one was different, this one said in bold white letters, ‘MI6 Tech’ Vina smiled, “Well, I thought MI6 could do better,” she picked Tyler up by the throat and said, “Got any snotty remarks now, huh?”
Tyler was struggling; he kicked Vina in the stomach and said, “Catch me now!
As he ran off, he ran to the other building and ran inside the building. He ran past a guard and into the room that made the computers. He ran up a ramp and Tyler ran across the platform and all of a sudden he ran into the handle and flipped over it. He was now hanging from the edge of the walkway. His hands were bloody and his shirt was ripped up. Then Vina walked up to Tyler very casually and said, “You see, you are no match for me,” she smiled, and then stepped on his fingers and Tyler lost his grip and fell. He’d one more chance, though, he pushed himself forward so he was above a platform, and he knew this could hurt a little, or maybe a lot, but it’s better than dying. Then he landed on it and his left leg collapsed beneath him, he passed out for a few minutes, then heard Vina, talking to someone over her Cell phone, “Yes, Jeffery he is dead, now, Webber, where is my pay?”
Tyler got up and ran up behind Vina, knocking her down, Vina took out a pistol and tried to shoot at him, but missed every shot but one, it scraped the top of Tyler’s shoulder and went into a container of gasoline, it started fire, it lit everything in it’s path. Tyler ran as fast as he could and jumped through the fire to outside, Vina came up behind him, “Tyler Brightstar! You will not win!”
Then, Connie showed up, she jumped into the car, followed by Tyler. Tyler had one more choice; a plane was taking off on Vina’s runway. Tyler stood on the roof of the car while it was in auto pilot, something hit the car and it shook, Connie accidentally ran into the button that shut off auto pilot, the car was now swerving while Tyler was on the roof. The car swerved and Vina fired a rocket at it, the armor couldn’t take it, the gas tank blew up. At that exact moment Tyler grabbed onto the back of the cargo plane and Connie flew up his back with a smoking tail. Tyler pulled himself up and got into the plane. The computer manufacturing facility sent up a humongous cloud of black smoke into the air and then the place had a hole in its roof; the walls collapsed suddenly and now it was just a pit of fire.
Vina fired her rocket and the yellow sports car blew up. She drove through the smoke and fire and muttered, “Cause and effect, he messes with my plan I kill him…”
Then when the smoke was gone, Vina ended up driving off the end of the runway, the car flew off the end of the cliff.

Tyler looked down at the falling Jaguar and then looked at the cockpit, the door opened and he overreacted kicking the pilot off the plane. He ran to the radio trying to contact MI6’s genius with the communications system. He did answer the call, “Brightstar, is that you?”
Tyler replied, “In the flesh, or in voice.”
He responded, “Zachary Small, no time for introductions, though. You’re in dire danger!”
Tyler rolled his eyes, “You sound like my mother… or godmother…”
Zachary said, “That it the nuclear plane they were going to crash into the White House or Buckingham Palace. But, I’ll give you a nice relaxing trip to MI6.”
Tyler laughed, “You’d better!”

Part 2: Betrayal

Tyler arrived in England in front of MI6 and walked into Jeff’s office, the door shut behind him, a gun was being held at the back of his head, “So, Jeffery, how long have you been planning this,” Tyler said calmly.
Jeffery smiled, “Ever since you joined MI6. How did you and your peanut sized brain figure it out?”
Tyler smiled, his turn, “It was so obvious, you’re just listening to my evidence, waiting for me to fall into your trap. And plus, you shouldn’t talk to your mercenaries while the assassinated guy, is still in there, possibly conscious, and you shouldn’t have let me use the computer, Vina has changed her name several times, because she got caught and had to hide.”
Jeff said, “Hm, I underestimated you, but, this will be fun, now won’t it? Any last words ten?”
Tyler smiled, “Two, Connie, attack!”
Connie ran at Jeff and bit him; his gun went flying out the window, Tyler flipping around backwards, he was in back of Jeff – the moment of truth – Tyler sent his leg hurtling into Jeff’s back; then half of his body to hang out the window, “Any last words?”
Then, Tyler pushed Jeffrey out the window. At that point, the secretary, Courtney, walked in, “Woa! What happened here?!?”
Tyler simply sighed and said, “Clear all traces of Jeffrey Webber off Earth and class four his family.”
Courtney nodded. (Class four was a mind wipe and relocation, so, Jeff’s family would not have a clue who ‘Jeffrey Webber’ was or the ‘Webber’ family.) Then Tyler heard something knocking on the bottom of the desk that used to be Jeff’s that used to be Skully’s. Tyler pressed a flashing red button and the desk folded into four slits on the floor and there lay James Skully ALIVE! Skully said with a huge smile on his face, “Ten! Where is Jeff?”
Tyler smiled proudly, “Flat on the tarmac.”
Skully nodded his head and said something to the agents in the room and said to Tyler, “Thank you, once again.”
Tyler nodded, “It was nothing.”


Tyler Brightstar went home to Angela Tato; who was wondering why he had been acting so strange the last few days… and lived a normal life until he was called on to save the world again.

The End
© Copyright 2004 Twitchy (twitchytack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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