Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/845182-A-little-poop-wont-hurt-you
Rated: E · Monologue · Inspirational · #845182
Angel's Flight
Angel's Flight

Children! A little poop won't hurt you.

Gal. 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

You may recall the cute story that's running around the net about some children asking their father if they could go see a movie that had a little nudity and violence in it. Their father's reply of course was no with reasons that only made the children rebel.
He later bakes some brownies and tells the children that he baked them just as directed but added a little something extra, Dog Poop! Of course the children are grossed out and the father then explains to them that a little poop (sin) won't hurt them. Soon they get the message.
We too go through life saying ah! a little lie, a little looksie, a little dirty word, a little gossip here and there won't hurt, well you get the idea.
A little sin is still a sin and it must not be allowed to continue or it will contaminate the whole body and soul.
May we all realize that one sin or many no matter how great or small, we need to repent and ask forgiveness for it.

I know that sin, great or small does not get by you and I ask that you show me my sins that I may be able to ask forgiveness for them.
In Jesus' Name,amen Love Angel

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