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Rated: 18+ · Column · Comedy · #843921
Some very opinionated writing about the strange encounters life presents.
I have just one question before I get started here; What on earth makes men think that they are so much smarter than the women that they just happened to have spawn in? Let's just think about this for a moment.

Here, on the one hand, we have some brilliant minds, all wrapped up nicely, garnished with tasty looking muscles and one to hang on to, or to boot. Then, these same nutcases can turn around and believe that they are 'players, originators of multiple lovers, gangsters, punk and pimps.

Bare with me here a minute. I have several incidents that can prove my point, but there is this one asswipe that I'd like to discuss a bit.

This particular one had been imprisoned for the better parts of his lifetime, since his juvenile years to be honest. His mother smoked mega crack and his daddy....hmmmm, let just say, 'absentee, dead beat, deliquent...I'm sure you've got the big picture here. No role model, nada. Well, except for the great influence the drug dealers that stole while they sold to his mother, aunts and uncles and friends that lurked in the effort to gather for the smoke fests, that visited for the shortened moments for monetary gain.

This person, like I explicitly stated, mind you, tends to believe that since he was jailed for so long, that he knows much more than the average person because he 'self taught.' My only question to this particular male idiot was; 'If self didn't know anything, not-a-got-damned-thing-to-start-with, how is it that self knew what to teach 'self'? Hmmm, I did have to scratch my head to that one. The statement as well as my question to that statement.

Well, he didn't. He had the perfect answer. It was basically this, and not verbetum: His eclectic knowledge learned amongst the presence of older criminals in the same or similar sort of crime rings educated him. Hmmm, again, my head is getting the hell scratched out of it. See, since I had never been in jail, I didn't see it that way. Maybe I am not that smart after all, but if you are learning from someone that is in jail, in prison, doesn't that mean that they were smart at it either?

Someone, please help me understand this weird theory.
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