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Will a bard make it though being the Faerie Queen's "sacrifice"? |
Faerie Queen’s Delight It was in the summer time, when the hot sun made the fecund smells of the earth rise, and the crickets composed new melodious harmonies, that I first met the faerie Queen. It had been a generous summer in many ways, and for a traveling musician such as myself, both gold and women were ripe for the plucking. ‘Twas my time of harvest, or so I innocently thought. When I think about it, the signs were all there, the ash trees, the mushroom rings, how stupid could I honestly have been? Perhaps it was what I truly wanted though, perhaps that’s the reason why I ignored all the signs. As I trod the dirt path through the glen, a way I had never taken before, I hummed a new song, about faeries, and their wiles. I had heard it at a fair not too long ago, and was making some much needed improvements by singing it many times over. It was on the third recitation of the lilting new melody I was modifying that I beheld my first faerie. She stood in front of me, clothed in many purple lilac buds strung together all over her body. The smell wafting from her was pure flower, yet it made my mouth water. She had green hair, and wide brimming eyes of a strange purple color. How could I do anything but stop and stare? “They say the number three has a magical effect on faeries. Do you think it true, now that I have been summoned?” She asked with a grin on her face, her tiny white teeth glaring at me perfectly in the sun. “Summoned?” I blurted. “How, could I have summoned you?” Truly, how could I have summoned something so perfectly out of my dreams, something to match even the best human flesh I had ever had? She simply laughed at me, the gay tinkling sound filling the bright air. Suddenly though, she looked serious, and stepped closer to me. My heart beat like a rabbit’s before a hunter, faeries were known to be strange and wily creatures. Though I may be a clever man, I was sure at that moment that this fey creature standing before me could out trick me with no effort at all. “What would you do with me now?” she questioned, a begging look in her eyes. “Well I, yes, umm well…” I could only stammer. How stupid was I being! A faerie was here, within arms reach and smelling not only of flowers now, but of feminine musk. It was easy to see behind the flowers now, at light pink nipples, gazing down to… a, well the only way to describe it was the most beautiful feminine flower I had ever seen, complete with silky green hair. “You seem confused,” she supplied. “Let me help you.” And with that she “helped me” to the ground, and straddled me while raining light airy kisses all over my neck and forehead. I laughed, it was too unreal! Me, in the middle of a forest footpath, with a faerie I had summoned! She stopped my laugh with a deep kiss, and as her tongue danced with mine I could taste sweet nectar on her breath. She ground her small body down onto my eager phallus, moaning with wanton faerie pleasure. “Take off the flowers,” I moaned. She simply laughed, and reached a petite hand down into my trousers, to torture my willing body. Her hands gripped like a vise, and yet, they were soft as petals, I had to try hard to stifle my urge. “Oh please, take them off,” I begged. “I think not,” she replied. “I have thought of a better idea for you, a most grand honor among both faeries and mortals. You, my sweet songbird, shall be a present for the queen of the faeries.” *** It sounded exciting at the time, especially with me following along after the faerie in a daze, still at half mast. She led me through the forest, on paths unseen, created by tall trees that bent out of the faerie’s way. I saw ferns caress her knees in reverance and tall oaks bow in respect. The water of a nearby stream gurgled a greeting while songbirds landed on her small shoulders; she was almost like the very Goddess of nature herself. She held my hand and I followed like a child, hungrily eating up the way she moved. I might have attacked her and taken her there, had I been that kind of man. Yet, even if I had been, there was something about this faerie that exuded power, I was sure she could hurt me if she wanted to. “What’s your name?” I asked, to try to stop focusing on her rounded, firm, and swaying behind. “My name?” She asked in a tinkling voice. “My name is Lilac, though I thought you would have guessed that by now, you’ve certainly been close enough.” This comment caused my breath to catch in remembrance, and a thrill to shoot down my spine and blossom in my loins. What sweet agony this tiny woman-creature was putting me through! Yet oh how I loved it! The trees brushed my arms and whispered amongst themselves, though I couldn’t understand their language. There was excitement in their rustles, anxiety in their creaks. At long last they gave way to a golden clearing of ponds and grass and sweet flowers dropping petals to make beautiful faerie beds. They were there, all of them. All of a child’s and a man’s fantasies, lounging, flitting amongst the flowers, and kissing languorously by the pond. Some were tiny, no bigger than my hand, others were tall, regal, topping me by half a foot at the least. One of the tiny sprites flitted up to my shoulder and giggled into my ear, rubbing her naked body all over my neck. “How be you, sweet little sacrifice for the Queen?” she asked in a high yet sensuous voice. “I only wish I were big enough to pleasure more than your ears,” she whispered, before giggling once again and flying away. The clearing was warm, inviting, and bright with a bold, yellow sun. Trees with white bark and silver leaves shaded fairies with long legs of many colors, who were feeding each other grapes with their dainty little hands. Some were playing a game of tag, in which the "loser" had to kiss the "winner". What a luxurious lifestyle it seemed! Lilac led me and my childlike wonder to one of the tallest faeries in the clearing. She was fair, with silver hair falling to mid waist, and regal robes of blue. She looked like the fairest being I had ever seen, though certainly less faerie-like than Lilac, one could picture her to be a fair human maiden with ease. In fact she was so regal that my former eagerness withered a bit, along with certain parts of my body, to question with alarm what the little sprite had said. Sacrifice? What was I to “sacrifice” here? She stood then, and looked down at me from her great height with sapphire eyes that penetrated me to the core. Being a man, I’m more used to penetrating than being penetrated, so I didn’t like the feeling much. “So Lilac, this is what you bring for the summer sacrifice to our Queen, very good,” she commented, eyeing me from top to bottom with pleasure. “Yes my lady, though restraint was a hard practice in this case,” she replied dourly. “Very good, well I suppose there is no reason to wait then?” “No, none at all,” Lilac replied. She then whispered to me, “go with Sapphire here, she’ll lead you to the Queen. Forget me not sweet songbird,” she sighed, then cupped my face gently before leaving my side. I stared at her as she walked away and felt a pang of regret, not only because I had not had her but because she intruiged me. She was smart, wily, sarcastic, and too entoxicatingly beautiful to be true. I wished I could grab her back up in my arms and run as fast as I could away from this "sacrifice". I gulped with nervousness. “Faeries!” Sapphire intoned in her regal voice, bringing all attention in the clearing towards us. “Faeries, today we give unto our Queen the summer sacrifice! Be hale and full of heart, for the traditions carry on, and a new fall Queen shall be born! Rejoice!” she cried with exultation, and the faeries responded, by yelling clapping and kissing each other while drinking heady liquors. It was almost too much to see some of these half naked creatures rolling and writhing with each other on the ground, the debauchery excited me back into my previous state of sensual thrall. “Come” she intoned, and led me to a waterfall edged with poppies, their heady fragrance making me dazed. “You must go into the cave yourself, for no one can visit the Queen in this time except for the sacrifice. Go,” she said, and gave me a little push through the water, which left me miraculously dry. I studied my surroundings with uncertainty. What was I to do now? It was warm, and dry in the cave, with phosphorescent fungus lending a glow to the sunshine filtering in from beyond the falls. I walked on, a bit frightened at being the “sacrifice”, but also intrigued. Never had anything so exciting happened to me before, never had I been surrounded by so many lovely creatures, all who wanted me. I rose to my thoughts, and prayed that there was another lovely faerie at the end of this cave. I was not disappointed. A few minutes of walking along the level cave floor brought me to my destination. Suddenly my gait was halted mid-stride, in fact, I was so shocked I could only stare for a moment. But it was not as it had been with Lilac. This was awe at something so beautiful it could only be revered. She looked at me then, with cerulean blue eyes that ate me like sweet sorbet. Her hair was shoulder length spun gold, much more valuable than the true riches, and her muscular bronzed body was covered by a sheer white tunic that reached her knees. The phosphorescent glow from the gave walls bathed her in light that was enhanced by several candles she had set on tables in her cozy dwelling, she radiated warmth and beauty like the sun. She was truly the embodiment of summer. “I see they have chosen well this year,” she said to me, making me feel nude already. “I am to be your sacrifice? “ I asked as I stepped closer to smell her odor of warm grass and hot sun. “You are,” she replied, with a sensuous smile on her lips. Being a sacrifice, I suppose I wasn’t supposed to talk much, because she stopped my very breath by removing her tunic. Underneath was the most shapely, bronzed figure I had ever seen. Her breasts rose high and round, with rose pink nipples perfectly centered. Her stomach was flat and lean, her buttocks round and comely. “You must do the same you know,” she informed me coyly. As fast as I could I struggled out of tunic and breeches, tossing them in a whirlwind of passionate fury every which way. My breechs landed behind me, my shoes could be in the waterfall for all I knew, and my shirt landed on a grass green backless couch that stood in the center of the Queen's dwelling. By the time I looked up, she stood directly in front of me. “How can I please you, your majesty?” I asked with breathless anticipation. “Have you ever tasted summer?” she asked “No,” I replied, somewhat puzzled. “Taste it now,” she commanded with a broad, generous smile. She led me to her couch of bright green silk and pushed my head between her supple tan legs. “Taste,” was her only command. I did as she said, and was rewarded with a shudder through the faerie queen’s body. It was true, she did taste of summer. Of carnivals, of wildflowers, of heat and of love given beneath the warmth of the sun. She tasted of all of these things, and the giving was as pleasurable for me as taking would have been. I bit her gently on her pearl of pleasure and she grasped my head with strong fingers. “Don’t stop!’ she pleaded. Fat chance, I thought. As she rose to her climax she pushed herself into my face harder, and harder, until I slid two fingers inside her quickly and she burst like a ray of light into my eager mouth, begging for me never to stop. She yanked me up quickly then, to my surprise, settling me on top of her, yet trapping my throbbing member onto her belly. She kissed me and tasted herself on my lips, and grinned. “Perhaps I shall be generous to you now, for you did plead your case very well.” She wrapped her long legs around me, and pushed me into her warm, tight, darkness quickly enough to make me gasp in surprise. It felt like being caressed by the summer sun and breezes. It felt like swimming in the pond as a boy. It felt better than anything I had ever known. Slowly I pumped my full length into her, thrusting every inch into her until she would cling to me so tightly I thought we were one. As instinct made me ride her faster and faster she locked her legs around me in an unshakeable embrace and shuddered to her second climax. Her warmth bathing me pushed me over the edge, and I gasped as I let her take all of my seed, as she greedily clung to me, and would not let me go. “In truth, well done young bard, well done,” she half moaned half laughed with humor. “ Since you have been so good to me, I will be generous to you. But first, sing me a song.” I sang to her then, the same song I had used to summon Lilac. I finished the last lines in a whisper of exhaustion, and fell asleep to the last words “faerie beguile me anew”, still inside of the summer faerie Queen. *** I awoke to birdsong and the smell of flowers in the air. I opened my eyes to a bright blue summer sky, and the path where I had first seen Lilac. I sighed, and remembered what had befallen me, it seemed like it had gone by too fast now that it was forever gone. I sighed, and knew I would always remember the wiles of the faeries, especially my first, Lilac, who even after my encounter with the faerie queen, had my loins and my heart flaming anew. I sighed and sat up, checking my pack of food and instruments, before standing and preparing myself for travel through the rest of the old forest. “I was wondering when you’d be ready, I’ve been waiting forever!” said a small tinkling voice behind me. I turned, yet I could not believe it. There was Lilac, standing in front of my very eyes, clad in a purple tunic with embroidered flowers with a matching pack on her back. “When the faerie Queen gives a gift she does it well, don’t you think?” Lilac questioned, laughter, uncertainty, desire, and just maybe love, fighting in her face. “I know so,” I replied, and bent to kiss my faerie girl firmly upon the lips. *** Please rate and review, this is my first piece of erotica, so I need feedback, thanks!!! |