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by tomie
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #841630
books are scary..very scary....heres why

The road widened as Nector walked beyond the edge of the forest to reveal a grand view of the Purple Mountains and a small village nestled in the foothills below. He knew if he didn’t get to the village fast the sick child he held in his hands would die. The child’s name was Cran. Cran need the help of the Holy One, she was the master magic in the village of Hackly. To become a master you had to have the gift of nature and the power it possesses. She was the only one that knew every kind of creature and every race of man. She was truly amazing.

Cran was dying slowly, he needed help fast. Nector took out the old stained flute. The flute would call any creature that the possessor needed. In this case Nector needed the help of a flyer. He played the last note; it came out of the instrument like water out of a spigot. Out of the dark stormy sky came a large winged dragon. The dragon was the color of blood. He had spikes that shone gold in the sunlight. The birds flew away in a flock of fear. Behind the great beast came a whirling gust of wind. The wind seemed to pull the darkness out of the sky making a tunnel of black emptiness. The beast came to the ground and bowed his head. Nector bowed his head in respect.

“Hello my friend. This boy needs help.” said Nector. The dragon looked lovingly at the boy who was lying lifeless in the man’s arms, then to Nector with eyes that seemed to look right through him.

“I found him in the forest. He was attacked by a dark magician. He has the dark mark on his forehead.” Nector said pointing to the bloody mark on the innocent boys head. “We must hurry to The Holy One’s fast.”

The dragon stared in disbelieve. But she knew her job and that the boy needed help. She swept the man and the child onto her large wings and hoisted them into the air. Soon they were high over the long road.

Cran began to shake and his fingers began to turn a dark bloody red. Nector reached to the back of his slacks and got a woolen pouch that had golden words sown onto the rim of it. He opened it with care and began to pour a liquid onto the boy’s hands. He whispered lamina sotkia into the boy’s right ear. Cran stopped shaking, but Nector could tell he was still in pain.
“Please can fly faster. He is going to die!”

The dragon mustered all of her energy and burst herself forward. The sky seemed to fly by them like a blinding light. Nector fastened his hold on Cran. The light and sound was too much. Nector closed his eyes. He could smell of the Salt Waterfalls and hear the sound of the Center Bell. He loved the village, he grew up their. He knew every tree, pond, and home. The village was truly beautiful.

The only thing that the people of the village knew that could destroy this village was The Dark Lord’s power. She was the great witch of darkness. She controlled all evil. They knew it was only a matter of time before she would put a shadow on this world and call it her own. She laughs at any sign of despair or sadness. To think that a child would become the one thing feared in the world, but not by all the only thing that didn’t fear her was the great beast, the dragon.

The speed of the beast suddenly began to slow down. They were landing at the edge of the village. The dragon let them off and bowed her head once more. Nector kissed the side of the dragon’s cheek.

“Thank you my friend. I owe you my respect.” Nector said as he bowed his head and carried the boys limp body away.

Nector ran desperately to the Holy Ones home. He ran up the mossy stone steps and onto the log porch. A woman came out. She looked at the boy in Nectors arms with eyes that could melt ice. She had long black hair that was in a single braid and at the end was a piece of fabric the color of the sky at sea on a stormy day. She looked young, not the age you would expect a master of magic to be. She motioned for them to come in. Her home had beaded certain for doors and smelled of incense, the incense of the wind. Bottles of liquids and powders lay strewn over shelves. Books containing magic and history were lying unread on the floor in the corner. The home seemed to give the affect of wonder and imagination. This was the only home in the village that was filled with living creatures.

She had butterflies that changed color with the sound of any musical interment, they were called shens. This was because of the way they were used to help capture many dark magic followers. Many pixies were flying aimlessly around the hallways. They would be challenging each other to see how fast they could go. They would go so fast they would run into walls and knock the pictures off the walls. It’s a well know fact that pixies aren’t the smartest creatures ever made. But every creature on this planet has a cause and that of the pixies is still to be found.

The Holy One took Cran out of Nectors arms and placed him softly on a blanket that was placed on the ground in front of them. Then she took the mat and moved it to an isolated room that she kept only for sick people and creatures.

“He is not well.” She said looking at the cut on his forehead.

“Is he going to make it another day?”

“He might.” She said pausing. “But, then again he still has a role to profill. He will do his best to live. He is a fighter.” She smiled at the young boys face. “Where is he from?”

“He may be from the hills of Kaster. I’m not sure. He has the look of one of the Small People, but he is too tall and has less hair. Cute one he is though.” He said. She looked into his eyes for a sign of some sort.

“What?” he asked unsure of what to do.

“Kindis. That is what he has.” She said taking a wash cloth out of her pocket a rubbed it on his cut. “But this is something different than any I’ve ever seen. He may not survive. But he will fight for his life. I’m sure of that.”

After staying in the cramped room for many hours with Cran she came out into the hallway where Nector sat restless.

“Holy One is he going to be fine?” he asked

“Yes.” She said looking at Nector. She was fuddling with a seam of her dark blue long dress. She looked as if she was looking for the right words to say. But this didn’t last long. She stood upward and looked him in the eye. “Please call me Sloana. That is my name, my real name. I wish not to be called The Holy One. Is that alright with you?” Nector nodded in response. “Thank you Nector.” She said bowing her head as she sat down in front of him and sipped her tea... She looked calm yet unsteady.
“We are all in trouble.” She said a still sipping her tea calmly. “The Dark Lord has returned. She is here.”

“What?!?” Nector said in a panic. He looked as if some one came and hit him in the head with a bat, hard. “This can’t be happening, not now. Not ever.”

“Brace yourself. She is here. You have brought the darkness to the one place you love. You have brought evil into the one place that hasn’t ever been touched by the hand of despair and agony. Now you must be the one to get rid of it. Cran.” Her eyes seemed to shine in the light of the candles that surrounded the room.

“The Dark Lord is……. This can be.” Nector said looking startled and unsure of what to say.

“He has the sickness of the Dark Lord. He has been taken by her. He will become one of her. The dark circle surrounds him. He will become evil.” She said looking at Nector with suspicion. “But you already know this don’t you.” She said focusing her attention on Nector.

“What, what do you mean.” Nector said looking confused.

“You know what I mean. You have already seen such magic before. You even saw it put on this small boy didn’t you.” She stopped for a second before continuing. “You didn’t even stop it from happening.” She said in a harsh deathlike whisper.

Nector stared at her in disbelieve. Sloana just looked back at him not ready to give up. Nector’s stare turned into a sly smile that seemed to make the room ice cold.

“So it takes you until you examine the boy to find the true dark lord. You are one of the slowest people.” Nector began to laugh. Laughs that shuck the walls of the small home and made the pixies fly away into the book selves for shelter.

“you may call me slow but you are the slow one. No one in Kaster is small and has lots of hair. You made the mistake. You never could remember anything about Kaster and its people. You are stupid.”

“let me show you who’s stupid “Holy One” “ Nector held his hands to the sky and shut his eyes. Darkness filled the room. The walls of the home came crashing to the ground. Wind was blowing out of control. Then Nector came slowly from the ground like he was on a string. A bright bolt of lightning sprang from the stormy sky and onto Nector. The electricity went through him. His bones lit up though his flesh you could see his blood being pumped though out his body. As he opened his eyes a blinding beam of light came out of them. He was transforming into something. He seemed to shrink. A long black braid of hair came out of his skull. A black dress replaced is slacks.

A child was now standing in front of Sloana. She was known to many. No one spoke her name in this village before. She was The Black Lord, the child that would bring darkness onto this earth.

“You may think that you control all that lives on earth but you have never met me like this before. You are nothing to me. No one is anything to anyone. You all think you can bring me down but no I will be the one to bring the mountains down and turn over the sea. Every crevice of this earth will be mine, Starting with you and my own precious village.” The child said shaking. She drew up her arm. A stream of air came out of hand. Sloana was pushed to the ground. She was unable to move from the force.

“You dare to use dark magic in the home of hope and love.” Sloana screamed over the howl of the wind.

“I am dark magic. I am the dark lord, the one to rule over the land of nothing that it will become.”

“You can’t kill me. I’m your own blood, the blood of magic no less.” Sloana said.

“I may not be able to kill you I can’t kill any one I wont kill any one, but I can do one thing. I hope you like to read you’ll be doing a lot of it from now on.” She said calmly. One of the books from the shelf came forward and into the dark lords hands. “kilsa dile dike do I kenas.” She bellowed into the heavens.

“No!!!” Sloana screamed, reaching a hand forward to stop her but it was too late. Sloana bolted forward and was devoured by the book titled Life of a Great Sorcerer.

“I knew that no one reads as much as they should. Now she can finally write her own book of life. Every one will.” She said as she dropped the book and glided out of the room.

© Copyright 2004 tomie (livindeadposse at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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