Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/841385-The-Story-of-the-Black-Omegas
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Sci-fi · #841385
A working progress. It's set in the Starcraft universe.
It was near the end of the Terran Confederacy. Just after the colony of Chau Sara was set to the flame by the Protoss. The squadrons of the Confederacy rushed to prepare for the next attack. On Dylar IV, home of Omega Squadron the troops prepare to move out and test their mentle.

Omega Squadron

Lt. Commander Gregory Reikson - Commander of Omega Squadron.

Captain Adrian Gustov - Echo Company Commander, Ghost Specialist.

Captain Robert Taylor - Bravo Company Commander.

Captain Justin "Smokey" Samuels - Delta Company Commander.

Sergeant Major Daniel Shiekh - 1st Battalion Sergeant Major.

Major Shelly Lindon - 2nd Battalion Commander.

Major Barry "Shooter" James - 1st Battalion Commander.

Lieutenant Brian O'Neil - Echo Company Platoon Leader.

First Sergeant Jarred Lipton - Echo Company First Sergeant.

Captain Jason Morelli - 3rd Battalion Commander.

Lt. Commander Kevin Freeman - Omega Squadron Executive Officer.

Alpha Squadron

General Edmund Duke - Commander Alpha Squadron.

Captain Andrew Devion - Alpaha Squadron Company Commander.

Nova Squadron

Colonel Jackson Hauler - Commander Nova Squadron.

Captain "Tavion" - Nova Squadron Specialist.

Delta Squadron

Colonel Yangse - Delta Squadron Commander.

Captain Derek Ambrose - Delta Squadron Executive Officer.

Epsilon Squadron

Major Dupree - Epsilon Squadron Commander.

Our story begins on Dylar IV.

"Hey! We're moving out! Get your gear and file out to the deck! Come on MOVE IT!!!" yelled First Sergeant Lipton.

Soldiers within ear shot of the first sergeant jump up and start to grab their gear and run for the assembly area. Out on the deck runs First Sergeant Lipton with all his gear and turns to see most of the company getting in postition.

"COMPANY!!!!FALL IN!!" he yells.

Within 10 seconds the entire company is in formation and awaiting orders.

"STAND AT EASE!!!!" Lipton yells again.

Lipton then checks roll, about faces to see Captain Gustov waiting for the report.

"Sir! the company is assembled and ready for orders."

"Very good First Sergeant. Take your post. All right, I'm sure you've all heard about the attack on Chau Sara. Well, due to the great leadership that we have, Alpha Squadron is handling that situation. We, are being deployed to a suspected 'Attack Zone'. 1st Battalion will move out while 2nd and 3rd Battalions will be deployed elsewhere. Major James will be here shortly to continue the briefing, just as soon as the other companies get here. Until then stand fast."

Ten minutes later with all the other companies of 1st Battalion formed up Major Barry "Shooter" James walks into the room.

"BATTALION!!, ATTENTION!!!!" yells Command Sergeant Major Sheikh.

"Good Morning 1st Battalion." the Major says. It
was more of a question than a statement.

"GOOD MORNING SIR!" came the reply.

"This from Confederate command: 'The attack on the colony of Chau Sara came at an unexpected time. All squadrons are being deployed to strategic areas to prevent further attack. The missleading reports of Xenomorph activity in the sector is being handled. All commanders are to be alert to rebel activity, this could be one of their doings. Confederate Command out.' So, we are deploying as ordered. 1st Battalion will be headed for Mar Sara, 2nd Battalion is set for Tarsonis, 3rd Battalion is staying in the Dylar IV system. Sucks to be them if I say so myself."

There was some laughing around the gathered men.

"However! all three battalions are equally quallified for the situations. It's just that 1st Battalion was left behind last time, so it's our turn to go out. Of course this is just 12th Brigade's movement. The rest of the squadron is being deployed how Commander Reikson see fit. That is all, departure is at 1300 hours. If your not on your ship, your then stuck with 3rd Battalion until we rotate back, and then you'll have to deal with me. Clear?!"

"SIR YES SIR!!!" came the reply.

"Very good. Sergeant Major Sheikh, take charge and fall the men out."


As the soliders of 1st Battalion make their way to the armories and transports. Discussion about the assignment is on every person's mind.

"Man, I thought Alpha Squadron was handling the Sara colonies?"

"Hey it is Alpha Squadron we're talking about here"

Lipton hears the talk and bangs his sidearm on one of the walls.

"I'm tired of hearing you guys dog the other squadrons! If Command thinks that Alpha needs help, then they'll send in help. If it be us, so be it. I hear one more comment about any other squadron you'll be answering to me. Clear!?"

"Roger First Sergeant."


"Yes Sir?"

"Go with the first transport, I'll go with the last one. Meet back up on the Hammer."

"Yes sir, I'll have the company ready."

Lipton watched as Gustov walked back toward the armory to gather gear and find out about weapon and equipment transfers. He stood about six feet tall and was clad in the Hostile Environment Suits that all Ghosts wear. Just the way he gave back to the men that made everybody trust him so much. Most of the higher ups would never trust a Ghost with that much command power. They normally let Ghosts tell other field soldiers what they need to help them complete their mission and that's it. They normally hold the rank of specialist, not command ranks. When Gustov was promoted to lieutenant there was some uproar. Commander Reikson was able to let him keep his rank and elevate him to company XO, then to company commander.


"Yes sir?"

"I need ya te tell me which transport my platoon is in."

Lieutenant Brian O'Neil. Joined up for the chance to serve and try and make a name for himself. Got lucky getting into Omega Squadron, then Delta Company. Transferred over to Echo Company after hearing about Gustov commanding. Him and Gustov served together when putting down a riot led by the Kel-Morian Combine. O'Neil was clad in the standard black uniform for Omega Squadron. Black colored tactical pants, black vest, combat boots, and black beret with Omega Squadron symbol patch. All command personnel would put their armor on only after they got on board the ships and made sure of their subordinates. Squadron policy.

"Transport number 6 sir."

"Thank ye First Sergeant."

Lieutenant O'Neil walked over to where Gustov was checking final equipment loads. Equipment was starting to be sent over to the Battle cruiser Hammer just before troops would be sent over.

"Yes.....yes, everything seems to in order here. Go ahead and send it across."

The orderly salutes and runs off.

"Here he is. The Adrian Gustov, hard at work seeing on his company. How are ye lad?"

Gustov turns around to see his friend and then sets down his clipboard.

"Shouldn't you be getting your platoon on their transport?"

"Aye, but they know what they're doing. I'm just wondering where are we going?"

"You heard the briefing. Mar Sara colony."

"I know that lad. But if most of Alpha Squadron is there, why are we needed?"

"I'm not sure. Just go along with it for now. They'll tell us more when we get there."

"Who's they lad? And what'll they tell us? Go guard that hill over there?"

"I'm sure command will have further orders for us. And, most likely not guarding a stupid hill. Omega Squadron is a Heavy Assault Squadron, Alpha is an 'Advanced Tactical Strike Squadron' in and out. We go in to fight, you should know that."

"Aye. Well, I'll get back to my platoon. See ya on the Hammer lad."

O'Neil runs off to join his platoon as they board the transport to the Hammer. O'Neil stood about 5'10" with reddish hair and green eyes, an Irish man. He was very proud of his heritage, Gustov respected that. The way he saw it, if you have pride for your heritage and where you came from, you'd fight with that same feriosity.

"Sir! the last two transports are about to launch."

"Thank you....."

Gustov turns to see Corporal Montag, standing the same height as Gustov, with his brown eyes and blond hair, Gui Montag was a very dedicated solider. Clad in his Firebat flamethrower armor, Montag and other Firebats look formidable but, like all flamethrowers they have week spots. All Firebats' tanks are prone to exploding if penetrated. Montag is very persistent with fire, and his record shows that he was a convicted pyromaniac given the option of military service or execution. The choice was obvious.

"Thanks Gui. Shouldn't you be with your platoon?"

"Err.....yes sir. I kinda got distracted. Missed it."

"Well, that's why I always go on the last transport. Make sure any stragglers aren't left behind. Come on let's go."

"Right behind you sir."

The last transport docks with the battle cruiser and the last troops disembark to the ready area, check in with the First Sergeant and wait around.


Gustov walks up to Lipton to receive the report.

"SIR! the company is all present and accounted for!"

"Good. Have the platoon leaders take charge of their platoons and help get the rest of the gear taken care of. Then break them up into the bunk area. I'll check in with the Major, I believe he has a briefing for the commanders. I'll fill you in when I know more. Carry on!"

Lipton salutes Gustov and then turns around back to the company.

"Platoon Leaders! Take charge of your platoons and help secure the rest of the gear. Afterwards, get yourselves your bunks. I'll post a schedule of what's going on. Get to it!"

Gustov walks up to the command deck and meets up with Captain Robert Taylor, Bravo Company's commander.

"Hey Gustov."

"Taylor. What's going on?"

"Just waiting on the Major. All your company here?"

"Yeah they all made it. Yours?"

"Yep. We're all here."

Then Delta Company's commander walks around the corner.

"Gentlemen." he says.

"Hey 'Smokey'!" Taylor replies.

"Captain Samuels." Gustov says as he nods.

"So, who are we waiting on?" 'Smokey' asks.

"I think the Major, any idea Gustov?" Taylor asks.

"I think that the Major is going with another ship. Other than that, nope." Gustov replies.

"Well, come on. No need to keep the Commodore waiting." 'Smokey' says walking to the door.

Gustov, Taylor, and Samuels walk into the ready room and salute Commodore Grey, commander of the Hammer.

"Come in gentlemen, have a seat." Grey says as he returns the salute. "I'm sure you all have had the time to get your men situated? As soon as we get clearance, we'll head for the Mar Sara system. I'm told to deploy your companies on the surface. Is that true?"

"No sir, one company will be on the surface, the other will be on the orbital platform. The third will stay in reserve." Taylor answers.

"Very well, which one will be on the platform and which one will go to the surface?" Grey asks as he picks up his pipe.

"Echo Company will go to the surface sir. Bravo can stay on the platforms." Gustov answers quickly.

"I guess then Delta will stay in reserve." 'Smokey' says.

Taylor looks at Gustov questioningly. Then he turns his attention back to the Commodore as he activates a view screen and dims the lights.

"As you three know, the colony of Chau Sara was scorched two days ago. Alpha Squadron ships have been very active in that sector. Chau Sara was the base of operations for the squadron. Command is fearing that the aliens are targeting the bases of the squadrons to throw the confederacy off guard and make a quick take over."

The screen shows Chau Sara before and after the destruction, then shows the colony of Mar Sara.

"This is where we are headed. Mar Sara, Chau Sara's sister colony. Now expect the Alphas to be a little hostile over their base planet. Just remember, if I'm carrying any Alpha's on board I'll have no quarrels. Am I understood?"

"Yes Sir" the three reply.

The Commodore takes a puff of his pipe and then changes the view screen to the orbital platforms above Mar Sara.

"The orbital platforms need to be secured first. With them, the ground units can move in unchallenged."

"Sir, Mar Sara isn't hostile. Why are we planning this deployment like it is?"

"Command has it's reasons Mr. Taylor. There have also been two sightings of Xenomorph activity. Command has sent in a specialist unit to take care of it though, so don't worry about it. Any further questions?"

"None from me sir." said Gustov.

"I don't have any others." Taylor said.

"Sir, how many other ships will be there with us?" 'Smokey' asks.

"As far as I know, us and two others from Omega Squadron. Alpha Squadron has some ships operating in the vicinity but there's no telling with most of the confusion on the comm nets. And with the destruction of Chau Sara, that's just making things over at command even more confusing. Anything else gentlemen?"


Just then the com line pings and a holo of Major James shows up.

"Commodore, I take you have your cargo?"

"Yes sir Major." Though they were both considered the same rank Grey said sir out of respect.

"Good, then you are clear for transit to the Mar Sara colony. James out."

"Very well, Gentlemen? Anything you wish to add?"

"No sir." came the reply from the commanders.

"Good, then go see to your men. We should be arriving in the Sara system in two days."

The three salute and walk out of the conference room toward the assembly area.

"So you want to rush off and get killed on the ground Gustov?"

"Better the ground than in orbit Taylor. You should know that."

"Yeah, I do. Do you think that the plan is kinda, you know.....extreme?"

"No. Assume that the target is hostile and send full force to confront it. That's standard operation procedure."

"I know that. I'll see you later Gustov."

"Take it easy Taylor."

"You think that Gustov has been acting weird lately 'Smokey'?"

"No, not really, why?"

"It just seems like he's been acting more and more irritable as of late."

"Yeah, maybe it has to do with all the fuss in command about him being a Ghost and commanding a company. Don't get me wrong, Gustov is a damn good commander and I'd follow him to hell and back if I had to. Just give him a little bit of time, he'll come around. It could just be the absence of action."

The two laugh as they walk down the hallway together back toward their companies.

Gustov walked back to Echo Company's assembly area and seeing their equipment manifest hanging on the wall by the door, he picks it up and looks over it. After being satisfied by the manifest Gustov hears First Sergeant Lipton talking to the men.

"You all have free access to these three decks. Don't get in the way of the crew, they know what their doing. Help if your asked to, not before. Captain Gustov should be getting back shortly, so stand fast."

Gustov looked out into the large troop bay and the painted label C Deck, Mid. Deck C, Middle of the ship. Sounds good thought Gustov. He then walked into the bay.

"I'm right here First Sergeant."


Lipton about faces to meet Gustov.

"Sir, the company is formed and ready for orders."

"Very well. STAND AT EASE! We'll be in the Sara system in two days. Until then, we WILL be training for what is expected on the planet. Echo Company will be going to the surface, Bravo Company will stay on the Orbital platforms, Delta Company will stay on board as reserve. I will have more for you when I receive it. Do what the First Sergeant says, and no I mean NO fights! Understood?"


"You guys have the rest of the afternoon to yourselves. at 1700, mess call. The rest of the evening will be weapons and equipment checks. Carry On!"

The company falls out and begins to gaggle around, get equipment, go to their bunks, or just watch the stars pass by from a window.

"First Sergeant Lipton?"


"I'm missing something from my platoon's equipment."

"What are you missing sir?"

"A couple of rifles, and some grenades, along with my combat suit."

"Let's see here sir..." Lipton says as he shuffles through his papers of company cargo.

"Your suit was in cargo container 25, it got on board. I saw it myself sir."

"Ok, so where is it?"

"I'll find it sir."

"Thank you First Sergeant."

The Lieutenant walks away toward his platoon still mumbling about his missing combat suit.

"If you were a good officer, you'd make sure your suit was packed and which container it was in." Lipon said under his breath.


"Yes sir?"

"Problems with Lieutenant Marcus?"

"Not really sir. He just lost his combat suit, so I'm going to go find it."

"His suit is in container number 25, I just saw that container. Lets just hope that this is the only problem we have until we get to Mar Sara."

"Hope so sir."

"I'm going to my quarters, if you need me that's where I'll be."

"Yes sir, thank you sir."

Gustov walks out of the assembly area and into a turbolift.

"Destination." the lift chimed.

"B Deck, Officers Quarters."

The lift pinged again, and started moving. There were two other soldiers and an orderly in the lift with Gustov. He could tell what they were thinking, 'wow a ghost!', 'why is he here?', why does he have command rank?'. Gustov just ignored them for the time being. The lift chimed B Deck and the doors opened showing a long hallway with doors on either side. Gustov stepped out of the lift and looked around.

"I should be in number 225, where ever that is." Gustov said to himself.

A crewman walks up to the lift, staring at him.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for room number 225. Do you know where it is?"

"Your not supposed to be up here soldier. This is crew quarters only." he snapped back.

"Ok, calm down, I'm just looking for where officers can bunk."

"You and your officers can bunk down with the rest of your 'mud-crunchers'."

"Now listen here, I haven't done anything to you or your crew, all I want to do is lie down and get some rest, yelling at me is not helping that and...."

"OH!! so I'M YELLING NOW IS IT!!?? Why don't you just get back on that lift and go back to your stupid little unit! Freaking little teep!"

"You need to calm down crewman."

"CALM!!! I AM CALM!!!! It's you soldiers who think that they can push anybody around. 'Move out of the way, I'm confed military.' HA!!!! I got news for you buddy, if it weren't for the navy, you'd be nowhere!!! Still on that pile of rocks we call a planet! And one more thing, I have a rank, it's Ensign! USE IT!!!"

Gustov grabs the ensign by the neck and slams him up against the wall.


The ensign mumbles some gibberish which Gustov couldn't catch.





Gustov drops the crewman just as the lift pings again. He walks back into the lift, leaving the crewman gasping for air on the deck.

"C Deck, Troop station."

The lift doors close and the lift starts downward. Gustov is breathing heavily, but starts to slow down as the agression inhibitors stop the flow of adrenaline. There was another crewman in the lift with him.

<Oh man, he's angry. I shouldn't say anything. He'll probably turn around and threaten to kill me. Wonder why he's mad? Maybe he ran into Simmions? Oh well, I think I'll just sit here and keep my mouth shut.>

The lift pings the arrival to C Deck and Gustov starts to walk out when he turns to the crewman.

"You were smart to stay quiet, Simmions was it? I'll remember that."

The crewman stands there in shock as Gustov walks toward a group of soldiers. The lift doors close again and the lift starts moving.

"He gives me the creeps."

"Crewman Daniels?"


"Get down to cargo bay two and fix the damn gravity plating. It's messing up again"

"On my way sir. Cargo Bay 2."

"Yeah, so I says that's no dog, that's his wife."

The troopers all start laughing at the joke save one.

"It ain't funny no more Jive!"

"What's the problem here?"

"Nothing sir! Just telling a joke sir!"

"Stay away from the crew. I just had a bad run in with one."

"Yes sir!" they all responded.

Gustov turns and walks away.

"What's wrong with the captain?"

"Don't know, but don't go bugging him about it."

"First Sergeant Lipton!"

"Yes sir!"

Inform the other officers that they and the rest of the company are not to fraternize with the ships crew. Understood?"

"Yes sir!, anything else sir?"

"Yes, tell the other officers not to try and bunk on B Deck, instead everyone in the company will be sleeping in here. That is all."

"Yes sir, I'll take care of it."

The Hammer continues it's course toward the colony of Mar Sara. In the next two days the troops aboard the ship train for the coming battle.

"Commodore, we're entering the Sara System now."

"Very good, inform Captains Gustov and Taylor. Drop out of warp and head for the Mar Sara orbital platforms."

"Yes sir."

Meanwhile down in the troop decks...

"So, that's the mission so far. Any questions?"

"What are we looking for sir?"

"An infestation corporal. The special unit assigned to this duty is late. So we're going to have a little look around. Any others?"


"Good, Platoon leaders, get with your men and prep for drop. We should be in orbit of Mar Sara within two standard hours. Get to it!"

The assembled soldiers get up and start to gather gear for the assault. Taylor walks in and starts looking for Gustov.

"Can I help you sir?"

"Um, yes, yes you can sergeant. Where's Captain Gustov?"

"The captain should be over there..."

He points toward one of the drop ships.

"First Sergeant Lipton should be with him."

"Thank you sergeant."

Taylor walks over to the drop ship where the trooper directed him. Upon arrival he sees Gustov, Lipton, and one of Gustov's platoon leaders all in combat armor. Except for Gustov, who rarely ever takes his Hostile Environment Suit off.

"Captain Gustov?"

"Yes Taylor?"

"Commodore says we're in orbit of the platforms and the launch should start in an hour."

"Right on schedule. Good luck Taylor."

Gustov extends his hand to Taylor. Taylor takes Gustov's outstretched hand, returning the hand shake.

"Good luck to you as well Gustov."

The Hammer launches several drop ships and pods headed for the orbital platforms while holding a stationary orbit overhead. Gustov is standing and watching out of one of the view ports watching the orbital platforms being taken over.



"The company is ready sir. Commodore Grey is saying that we should get into all the drop ships and drop pods headed for the surface. He plans to launch us as soon as the all clear is given."

"Very well First Sergeant, let's go."

Gustov and Lipton head over to the drop ship and get on board. The drop on the platforms is going as planned and the all clear is given in short order.

"Commodore. We've received the all clear. The orbital platforms are under control."

"Very good Lieutenant, Launch the second drop."

The second wave of drop ships and drop pods is launched from the Hammer. The ships and pods scream toward the planet below at blinding speeds. On the bridge, a crewman mumbles 'Good Luck' to the troops headed to the surface. Just then an alarm blares.

"SIR! picking up multiple contacts!"


"Checking.....At the drop zone, orbital platforms and.....behind us. I don't get it sir, our sensors should have picked them up long before they got this close."

"It was a trap all along. Get a signal to the troops below. Inform the local government that we are engaging hostiles and...."

"Sir new contact Bering 590 by 385. It's the Norad II."

"Just what we need, Alpha Squadron. Signal them."

"Trying sir. They're either too far away or ignoring us sir."

"Launch fighters! All crew to alert stations! Get Samuels and his company ready to drop in, either of the other two might need some help."

Meanwhile, on the platforms...


"Stand and repel! Pour it on 'em men!" Taylor was yelling as he ran by several bunkers trying to find one to get into to help.

The enemy contacts were zerg. Laying in wait for the Terran's to position themselves on the platforms and then attack and wipe them out in one decisive blow. The troops on the platforms would fight off the zerg for the time being. As for the troops headed for the ground....

"Sir we're getting a message from the Hammer. Zerg contacts at our drop zone!"

"WHAT!!! Tell everyone that this has changed to a combat drop."

As drop pods hit the ground troops came out firing, some fell, others ducked in cover. Gustov's transport was hit by a zerg flier and went down near the drop zone.

"Everybody HANG ON TO SOMETHING!!!!" the pilots voice came over the inner com. The troops were strapped into their seats, so the comment was useless but the pilot probably felt better that he had warned the troops of a potentially hard landing.

The ship hit the ground and instead of sliding like some crash landings cause. It bounced.

"SHIT!!!" a trooper yelled as the drop ship bounced a second time. By now the ship was sliding to a halt stabilizers, wings, engines, and anything else that decided to fail at that point were left as a trail behind the drop ship as it finally stopped moving. Within moments of stopping the emergency hatch was blown and the surviving troops crawled, jumped, and rolled out of the broken ship forming a defense perimeter. Gustov crawled out and then turned to help another solider out.

"You ok solider?"

"I think so sir."

"Good, help any others. If you see my rifle, give it to me will you."

"Yes sir!"

'Great' Gustov thought. 'Downed on arrival and I lost my rifle. What else could go wrong?'

Just then one of the soldiers on the perimeter circle started shooting and yelling.

"BUGS!! BUGS!!!"

"Control your fire!" Gustov yelled. "Stand and engage, those with weapons move to the firing line!"

As the soliders moved to fight off the attacking zerg Gustov tried his radio, but had to jump out of the way when a solider was hit several times by needle spines and fell to the ground. Grabbing the fallen troopers weapon Gustov started to fire at the hydralisk. It rared back and screamed before being pelted by other soldier's fire. The combined fire of Gustov and two other soldiers brought the hydralisk down, it twitched for a moment then finally died. Gustov dropped the fallen soldier's weapon and looked around for his own. He found it lying by a dead zergling, he ran over and grabbed it and started looking for new targets. The training he had to endear, the hours of psycho therapy, combat training, drug testing and deep telepathic scanning. It drove some of the candidates insane -- it flat out killed some. Gustov saw another hydralisk tear a man in two and start toward a group of soldiers. Gustov raised his C-10 canister rifle and exhaled. He pulled the trigger slightly and the weapon bucked as it fired. The hydralisk reared up and screamed as the canister charge exploded on the outer carapace. Gustov fired again and the hydralisk's head exploded in a mess of gore. By now the zerg seemed to be pulling back, Gustov looked around him at the carnage. Everywhere lay dead zerg, some dead soldiers, and a wrecked tank or two.

"Commodore Grey to all field units, zerg are in full retreat. I say again, zerg are in full retreat! All units, report status."

"Platform secure Commodore. Bravo Company reading 5-by-5, over."

"Ground zone secure, Echo Company reading 5-by-5. Requesting reinforcement. Over."

Gustov heard first sergeant Lipton's voice over the com line signaling the all clear. He walked over and helped another soldier back up onto his feet. There were several scar marks on his suit from when a zerg jumped on him.

"Thanks sir" he said.

"Never leave a man behind. Can you still fight?"

"Yes Sir!"

"One to Two, Two, do you copy?"

"Two to One, read you. But your breaking up. Whats your status?"

"Two, status is ok. We are moving toward original drop zone. Can you hold there?"

One, Negative. We are moving to a better location, activating beacon so that you can follow. Over."

"Two, reading beacon as active. Moving out. See you soon. One out."

Gustov and the other survivors start heading toward the beacon that Lipton had activated for them to follow. Taylor on the platforms meanwhile was consolidating his position and trying to see if he could send some support down to the surface.

"Damn! We got hit pretty hard, somehow I knew that this would happen. Any idea how bad it is on the surface?"

"No sir, all I can tell right now is that Echo company had a combat drop."

"What's our status on these platforms?"

"Well sir, we've got half of them secured but the system is just too big for us to handle on our own. We'll just have to wait for Captain Gustov to come up here to help or wait for reinforcements to help us secure the rest of the platforms."

"Well, I don't think that Gustov is going to pull off from the surface unless he really needs to. The best thing that we can do now is keep this passageway open just in case."

"Roger that sir."

Back on the surface.

"Where are we compared to Captain Gustov's location?" Lipton asked.

"Well top, we're about here." the scout pointed to a location on the map. "And Captain Gustov should be about here." he said pointing to another location on the map due south-west of the spot he origionally pointed to.

"Should be there?"

"Err.....That's my best guess top, um, other than that I have no idea."

"Well, you better get a better idea soon otherwise you'll have to explain why our company commander and his drop ship are unaccounted for! Now, get to it."

"Roger that first-sergeant!" the scout said running off to check his maps again.

Lipton sat there and sighed, thinking.

"This would be better off if we didn't have to try and regroup half a company together while trying to cover our own asses! What would Gustov be doing right now? He would be doing his best to get everyone together and online again. I'm the first-sergeant, Gustov put me in this position because he believed that I could handle the job. I'm not going to let him down!"

Lipton stood up, picked up his weapon, and opened his unit-to-unit com link.

"All right, listen up! We're moving out, tactical column, watching each others backs. We move unitl we find a place that we can hold through the next year! Move it out!" He then switched his com over to long range. "One, this is Two, copy?"

"Two, One, go ahead."

"One, we are moving to the nearest place that we can hold for a long stay. Beacon will stay active, will let you know if anything changes. Over."

Two, One acknowledges. One out"

Lipton brought his rifle up and joined one of his squads as they started moving. The scout ran up to join him.

"Hey top, I got something."

"What do you have?"

"Well, there's this nice rocky formation about 3 klicks due East of our location. I think we can make it there in about an hour or two."

"Good job, go lead the way. We keep moving."

"Right away top!" the scout said as he ran to take point.

"Well, things are starting to look up." Lipton thought to himself.

"Ok, Lipton is taking us toward some sort of place where we can hold up, let's just keep following his beacon, we're not that far behind him." Gustov said to the others in his squad. "Stay sharp, Corporal, take point."

"Yes sir."

Meanwhile, on the Hammer....

"Any news?" Commodore Grey asks.

"No sir. The Nemesis took up the same orbit as us and launched it's troops about twenty minutes ago. Captain Taylor radioed that he and the troops from the Nemesis have about 30% of the platforms secure. Enough for us to have a big corridor sir."

"And Captain Gustov?"

"Well, sir it seems he isn't able to achieve radio contact with us or the orbital platforms. However we have established contact with his company's First-Sergeant. He is reporting that they are moving to an area where they can hold and wait for Captain Gustov and any other reinforcements to arrive. The Nemesis did say that they sent about a company size unit down to the surface and are establishing a beach head sir."

"Hmmm....Very good Lieutenant. Captain Samuels?" The Commodore turns to face Delta Company's commander.

"Yes Sir?" he replies.

"I know that you want to get down into the fight but I want to keep you in reserve for now. We'll use the troops from the 'Nemesis' and the 'Gloria Day' for now. Each of them are holding about a company back in reserve as well. In case anything goes wrong we can throw a large force into the fray."

"Very well sir. Delta Company will be ready sir!" he says and turns and walks off the bridge headed toward his men in the troop bay.

"Do you think that he'll wait sir?" the Lieutenant asks.

"He has to, those were the orders from their battalion commander. If I were in his position, I'd be itching to get down there, just like he is now. Any news from the Alpha Squadron ships?"

"The only transmission that we've received is that a group of colonial militia have quote, 'have destroyed vital colonial military equipment, and are under arrest.' Looks like that the local Marshall is one of the ones being arrested. No idea where the Magistrate is sir."

"Damn Alpha playing it all by the damn book work. All right, keep monitoring the situation and keep me informed. I'm going to and try to find out what the hell is going on over at command."

"Yes Sir."

Back on the surface....

Troops are moving around, securing the area, getting ready to move again. Their leader is watching it all, waiting, wondering about his commanding officer.

"First-Sergeant Lipton!"

He turns to see a Firebat and two others running toward him.

"Yes Corporal?"

"Troops from the 'Nemesis are starting to link up with troops from the 'Gloria Day'. They should be heading our way."

"And you know this how?"

"We ran into one of their advance parties, they're sure that they are headed this way."

"Ok, good. Corporal, take your squad and lead them here."

"Yes First-Sergeant!" They run off toward the troops headed toward them.

"One, this is Two. You copy?"

"Two, One. Go ahead."

"One, troops from the 'Nemesis' and the 'Gloria Day' are on the ground and making best speed to our location. What's you situation? Over."

"Two, Location is about 150 klicks away from your location. Situation is good. Over."

"One, roger that. We will continue to hold until you arrive. 'Hammer' has asked if third company is needed. Over."

"Two, Negative, I say again, Negative. We will call them when we need them. Over."

"One, Roger that. Will inform 'Hammer'. See you when you get here. Two out."

Gustov looked out over the hill he was standing on, looking at the landscape and wondered how in the world he and his drop ship could have gotten so far off course.

"Corporal Montag?"

"Yes sir?"

"Remind me why we are here?"

"Well, sir we are here for the colonists and the confederacy. And...."

"I know the political reason Corporal. Tell me why we are here, why Omega Squadron?"

"Um, well sir. I have no idea really."

"Well, I guess that will have to do for now. I was hoping for a successful drop, but we all can't always get what we all want, eh corporal?"

"If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride sir."

"Hahaha, that's true corporal. That is true."


"Everybody get into cover, numbers and direction?"

"All around us! They're everywhere!"

"Get a hold of yourself soldier! Circle up, cover each others backs! Keep suppressing fire on them!"

The rag-tag group of survivors that Gustov had rallied were being cornered off for the kill, Gustov was trying to keep them in a tight unit to better use their firepower since they didn't have any natural barriers to help them make the Zerg numbers count for nothing.

"One, this is Two, come in over?"

"Two, One, I'm a little busy at the moment."

"One, Two, what's your location and encounter sir?"

"Two, One, Facing multiple hostiles from all directions. Possible bad day. Over."

"One, Two, what is your grid location, working on brightening your day. Over?"

"Two, One, grid location is as follows: JT 33846195. Over?"

"One, Two, reading JT 33846195, opening the sunshade. Over."

"Two, One, waiting sunlight. Over."

"Echo 1:6 to Hammer, requesting Yamatto strike at coordinates JT 33846195. Over."

"Hammer to Echo 1:6, received your request, standby for clearance. Over."

"Captain, Yamatto request coming in sir."

"All right, what's the target? Do you know?"

"Hammer to Echo 1:6, what is the target? Over?"

"Hammer, Target is near Echo 1:1's last position, Over."


"Shit, I didn't think we could do that. I'll see what I can do, in the meantime, see if you can't get some bombers down there to assist."

"Yes sir. Hammer to Raptor 6 Flight, redirect to Echo 1:6's beacon and advise to assist."

"Roger Hammer, Redirecting."

"Captain, what's going on down on the surface?"

"Commodore, we've been requested for a Yamatto strike."

"The target being?"

"Echo 1:1's last known position sir."

"What?, what's the situation Ensign?"

"Sir, Echo 1:6 reports that Echo 1:1 is under heavy attack and is requesting a Yamatto strike near his position."

"Are the coordinates accurate Captain?"

"They came directly from Echo 1:6 stating that they were Echo 1:1's last coordinate transmit, so yes, they should be."

"Very well, I'll authorize it, but be careful Captain. We don't need mayrters."

"Aye Sir!"
© Copyright 2004 Jon McLin (jonmclin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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