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This is about how one who walks in darkness then gives it up for His Light. (a long poem) |
Although all round is very black I walk in all my pride For in my hands is a sack Filled with all I prize: My anger and jealousies Lewdness and ambitions Hatred and Idolatry And all of my dissensions. Deaf and dumb I may be, I do not give a care I just keep walking on this street Although I know not where. All I need is my bag With all of life's desires As long as these I do have Where I'm going does not matter. But suddenly in front of me, I see a Light that shines. Who or what it could be, Nothing strikes the mind. As it nears and parts the mist, I think, " How strange is this Light!" For I am not used to this All I know is night. The Brightness gets the best o' me So to my knees I fall My heart is filled with grief There is no one here to call. But then I see a Man Who holds the Light I've seen Down to me He gives His hand And pulls me to my feet. Then I begin to think About what good the Light would do With it, I then could see My stumbles would be few. But the Man said, " That is a bag of sins" And He slowly shook His head, " My Light won't shine for them." I looked down at my little sack, And gripped it very tight. For long I've loved it in the black, To give it up, would be a fight. The Man stretched His hand anew An said, " Give it here to me. If this, o man, you will do, How better off you'll be!" I thought about what He was saying, And then it finally clicked, All my fear and my envy Just wouldn't do the trick! I threw the bag at his feet, All my evil and my pride, Cried, " Lord please forgive me For living such a life!" He just stood there for awhile Nothing did He say, Until He said with a smile, " Here's My Light to lead the way!" |