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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #840239
Crystal's first day with the new limbs continues
Chapter 30 - That First Day

         Arriving at school, Erick helped both girls into their wheelchairs. “Why isn’t Crystal walking?” Melinda asked, concerned.

         ”Because I haven’t learned how yet,” Crystal replied calmly. “That comes today at two,” she said, grinning widely at the thought. “And I can’t WAIT to try it!”

         ”I can’t blame you a bit, girl!” Melinda said openly. “I just wish I’d get a chance like that,” she said, a good bit more reserved in her tone. Erick walked over and knelt beside her.

         ”Melinda, look at me.” When she did, her face beginning to get distorted with tears, he continued. “Don’t give up hope, honey,” he said softly. “Remember - just a year ago, Crystal’s new limbs had not yet been invented. They’re only in clinical trial right now. No one knows what the next few years will bring. If they did this in the past year,” he said, motioning to Crystal’s limbs, they may well figure out a way for you to walk again in the years ahead. If the technology has reached this level by now, there’s no limit to where it will go in the future. Remember that. And don’t forget - they’re already experimenting with using electrical charges to make people’s paralyzed limbs move. If they’re doing that, all they need to do is get the bugs out of that, and control the sequence of the electrical charges to make it possible for you to walk. Get the idea?” Erick had noticed Crystal was already openly crying as she always did when she saw him use his compassion and quick thinking to help someone else. And as he finished speaking, Melinda broke down, too, but with a wide smile on her face.

         ”God, Erick, you’re right,” Melinda gushed through deep sobs. “I should have thought of those electrical tests. I’ve seen them on documentaries. I’ve just been too down about my situation to see clearly I guess. Thank you!” she said as she tried to get her tears under control.

         ”God I love you for this, darling!” Crystal sputtered as she, too, tried to stop crying. “I love the way you are so willing to help others when you can. It only makes me love you even more, if that’s still possible, baby,” she said, sniffling now. Erick leaned down, hugged her tightly and gave her a passionate kiss.

         ”Thanks, sweetheart. It’s just the way I am. But then, you know that already,” he said smiling. Giving them both a minute to compose themselves, he said, smiling, “Well, ladies, are we ready for another tough day in the classroom?”

         ”I… suppose we are, if we have to be,” Melinda laughed, smiling now.

         ”I’ll definitely second that feeling!” Crystal laughed in return. “Lead on, McDuff!” she shouted, remembering the exchange weeks ago between Erick and Roy, when she and Erick were on their honeymoon.

         ”Leave it to YOU to remember THAT,” Erick laughed as he began pushing Crystal’s chair. “Let’s go, ladies!” Erick glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Melinda, still smiling, having no problem keeping up with him. Those arms of hers had definitely told her brain by now that they were not going to give up any more than she was. Erick smiled warmly as he looked ahead of him. “Thank you, Lord,” he quietly whispered. “For the wonder and joy you have brought both these wonderful girls simply by bringing them together. And thank You, too, for the deeper bond you brought Crystal and I yesterday as we realized how much we cherish the memories of our first months together. I ask that the bonds between all three of us continue to grow and prosper as our lives go forward. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


         ”Well, well, what have we here, young lady?” Professor (Avery) Martin asked as he walked up to Erick, Crystal and Melinda as all of them, himself included, were crossing the campus for their next class. “Did you grow a new arm and leg?” he laughed, smiling warmly.

         "It's almost that good, Professor Martin," Crystal said, grinning.

         “And who have we here?” he asked, turning to Melinda.

         ”I’m Melinda Graham, Professor,” she said warmly as they shook hands. “I’m in all the same classes as Crystal this term, so they offered to handle my transportation needs for school.”

         ”Erick, Crystal, I know you heard this from Professor Parker when this term started, and yes, he told me about it, but I’ll say it again, in my own words. You two are very special people. Not only in the relationship you have with each other, but in the way you care so much about others and help whenever you can. Whether you know it or not, you’ve developed quite a wonderful reputation on campus for that, and I see, now, what brought that about, and how you earned it,” he said, gesturing toward Melinda.

         ”Thank you, Professor,” Crystal blushed.

         ”We deeply appreciate knowing that,” added Erick.

         ”You’re both more than welcome, I assure you,” he said. “Now, young lady, answer my earlier question. Did you grow a new arm and leg?” he laughed.

         ”Well, it feels like it sometimes, Professor,” Crystal smiled. Unable to resist the chance to brag a little, she continued, raising her right arm as she spoke. “Professor, I’d like to shake your hand, properly this time, and thank you again for all the consideration you and my other professors are giving me this year.” She watched his face.

         ”Well, now,” he said, smiling as he reached to shake her hand. “You certainly have always surprised me, Crystal, and it’s obvious you will continue to do so while you’re here,” he said, still smiling. “I’ll bet this feels awfully good to you, doesn’t it?”

         ”Yes, it does, Professor. Definitely. And that’s not all,” she finished, unable to restrain herself.

         ”Let me guess,” he laughed. “The leg moves too, right?”

         “Step back about a foot, Professor.” When he did, Crystal extended her right leg till it was straight out in front of her, then back down.

         ”With a leg like that,” he began, smiling again, “how come you’re sitting there when you could be walking?“

         ”I learn how to do that at 2:00 this afternoon,” she said, smiling with him.

         ”Excellent!” he exclaimed. “I knew from the start last term that nothing would ever slow you down,” he laughed heartily. “And you’ve proven me right more than once. I’m certainly proud to know you, Crystal! You too, Erick,” he said as he shook their hands again. "And it's nice to have met you, too, Melinda. “I’d better get to class,” he said as he turned to go.

         "Nice to meet you, too, Professor," Melinda responded, smiling.

         ”Thank you, Professor Martin,” Crystal and Erick said in unison.

         “We have to get moving too,” Erick finished, pushing Crystal’s chair as he spoke.

         As they arrive for Professor Parker’s Accounting class at 10:00 AM, a student approaches them. His face is familiar, but Crystal and Erick look at each other, hoping the other can put a name to the face. No luck.

         The student sees the wondering look on their faces. ”Crystal, Erick? I’m Alex Barker. I think you’ll remember me if I tell you that I’m the guy you counseled at the beginning of Professor Parker’s class this term. My girlfriend had lost part of her leg to diabetes and I needed to know how to deal with that in terms of proving to her I was going to be here for the long haul. Remember?”

         ”Sure I do, Alex!” Crystal squealed. “How are things going?“

         ”Thanks to you two, I was able to prove to her, and her parents, that I’m not going anywhere, not giving her up. It worked so well that Sheila and I got engaged last weekend!” he said, grinning widely.

         ”That’s great! “ Crystal all but shouted, grinning with him.

         ”I told her about you two, and how much you helped me get past my fears of proving my intent to her, and she said she wants to meet you both if we can figure out a time and place. I told her briefly about your accident and she said if you could come through that and be here so soon, she sure as hell has no excuse to do any less in her situation,” he finished, laughing. “And those were her exact words. She hasn’t even met you yet, and your courage is rubbing off on her. Thank you very much, both of you!” Alex finished, getting a bit emotional.

         ”Glad to help, Alex,” Erick said warmly. “That’s the sort of thing we love hearing. It makes us feel good, too.”

         As the room began to fill up, Crystal said, “That’s right, Alex, and after what you’ve said, I want to meet her, too. Any evening works for us right now. Check with her, and let us know.”

         ”I’ll do that,” he said, smiling as he turned to go to his seat. Erick wheeled Crystal to her spot and took his seat beside her as class began.


         Just as Erick, Crystal and Melinda sat down for lunch, they got another surprise. “Hi, Harold!” Melinda shouted as he walked up to their table. “Can you join us for lunch?”

         ”I’d love to,” he said as he sat down beside her and kissed her tenderly.. “How have you two been?” he asked, turning to Erick and Crystal.

         ”Just fine, Harold,” Crystal said. “And from what I hear, things are going just fine with you and Melinda as well, right?” she grinned.

         ”Yep, they are,” he grinned back, kissing Melinda again. “And I see that what Melinda told me last night about your new arm and leg is certainly true,” he said, smiling.

         That was all Melinda needed. Bubbling with her usual enthusiasm, she said excitedly, “Show him, Crystal. Show him, please?”

         Crystal laughed. “OK, OK, Melinda. Swinging herself around so her legs were hanging over the side of the booth seat, she said, “Watch carefully, Harold.” Crystal knew full well that Melinda would be watching again too, and smiled at that thought as she raised her right leg up for them once again. When she lowered the leg, Crystal then reached out with her right arm, as she had done with Professor Martin. "Want to shake hands, Harold?" she asked, grinning.

         "I'd love to, Mrs. Metcalf!" he responded, grinning with her. "Now I see why Melinda was so insistent that you show me. And she told me you learn how to walk today. I'll bet you're looking forward to that, aren't you?"

         "You bet I am!" she shouted.

         "Honey," said Erick warmly, "I hate to break up this little party, but that reminds me. We have to be there in about an hour, and we still have to finish eating. Can we pick up the conversation this afternoon or tomorrow, Harold? Melinda?"

         "You bet," Melinda said. "I have to finish eating too," she said. "Harold, I'll see you tonight, OK?"

         "What are you talking about, baby?" Harold asked, smiling. "I'm sticking around because when you're done eating, you're going to need help getting to your last two classes since these two are leaving, right?"

         "Harold, be my guest," Erick laughed. I'd arranged for an old friend to help Melinda this afternoon, but I'll give her a quick call. I'm sure she won't mind deferring when she finds out it's to someone Melinda considers special."

         "Thanks, Erick," Melinda said. "And please give my best to Andria."

         "Will do, Melinda."

         With time now becoming an issue, the three of them quickly got back to their lunch as Harold patiently waited to help out his special lady.

 Chapter 31 - Walking  (E)
Crystal takes her first steps in almost a year
#857556 by Incurable Romantic

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