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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #838967
My first story. It's about a boy who has the ability to save all magical creatures.
Archie Smith, Boy Wonder

Archie Smith had just cried himself to sleep after having a long day. Unnoticed by anyone, two bright orbs of light flew into Archie’s room. A tiny voice asked, “Is he the one?”

“Yes, he is the one,” replied another voice. Just as quietly as they came, the bright orbs disappeared into the darkness of the night.

The next day, Archie was walking alone in the woods. His shaggy brown hair, which was slightly in his eyes, covered a pair of bright blue eyes that held someone no one else has noticed, until now. Archie had decided to go for a walk in the woods to escape the presence of his alcoholic mother and drug addicted father. They weren't very reliable, so Archie basically took care of himself. He didn’t have any friends, but he didn’t care. Archie had to grow up faster than most kids; therefore, he was more mature, more complex than your average fifth grader.

As he was walking in the dense forest, he heard a rustling in a bush nearby. Figuring that it was just some harmless animal, Archie continued walking, until UMPH!

Four eyes watched as Archie tripped over a rock on the path. The two creatures then walked over to the rock that Archie just tripped over. “Archie Smith. We have orders to bring you to our realm, the Mystic Realm,” one of the creatures said.

As the voice began to speak, Archie rolled onto his side and saw what looked like two faeries standing before him.

The creature that was talking had long, wild dark red, dark brown hair. He was on the tall side and slim. He had pointy wings sticking out from his back. The one next to him had short, messy, sandy brown hair. This one wasn’t quite as tall as the other one, but was just as slim. His wings weren’t as pointy either.

Once the voice stopped, Archie asked, “W…who are you? What are you?”

“Well,” the other creature started, “we are faeries. I am Jeumby, and this is Tessel.” Tessel waved his hand at Archie. Archie, who was still in shock, stared at the two faeries for a moment.

“A…and why have you been ordered to bring me back to your realm?”

“Well, because you are the one with the gift, the gift to keep our realm alive. You possess the magic,” Jeumby explained.

A small laugh escaped Archie’s lips, “Magic, me possess magic. Magic is something children possess. I may look like a child, but I definitely don’t think like one,” Archie stated.

“Ah, yes, but you have always believed in magic, have you not? If you didn’t, you would have been more reluctant to believe that we are faeries. So, we know you believe in magic, it’s just getting you to believe in yourself that will be the quest,” Tessel said.
“Then how?” Archie asked. “How do you know I have magic?”

Tessel and Jeumby turned to face each other. “Go on,” Tessel said, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jeumby jumped off of the rock and walked over to a flower that one could visibly tell was going to die soon. “Look at this flower,” Jeumby said while pointing to the flower. “At one time, this flower was alive, healthy, and full of life. Now I can tell by the look in your eyes that somewhere deep down you feel at least a little bit sorry that this flower is now going to die.”

Archie just nodded his head slightly. “Then let the emotion flow through you. Embrace all your feelings and force them to the surface.” As Archie concentrated on his task, Tessel came up behind Jeumby. Jeumby continued to speak, “Once the feeling is complete, lean towards the flower, and a gentle breeze will be sent its way.”

Archie was completely consumed in his emotions, and then he bent closer towards the flower. Slowly a light breeze began to escape his lips. The flower was consuming the emotions escaping from the breeze. When Archie was done, he opened his eyes and the flower looked as healthy as could possibly be. A smile broke across his face as he turned towards Tessel and Jeumby. “Did I really do that?” asked Archie excitedly.

“All you Arch, all you,” replied Tessel.
Archie then turned serious for a moment, and asked, “So, I’m really the only one who can help save you realm, huh?”

“Yes you are, Boy Wonder,” Jeumby answered.

“Will…will I have to stay there?” Archie asked hesitantly.

“I’m afraid so. You will are the only one who can link the magic into our realm. It will only work if you are in our realm,” Jeumby told him.

“I guess that sounds pretty good. I mean, my parents don't really pay attention to me. I mostly take care of myself." Archie looked at the floor for a moment, pondering something. Archie began slowly, "What happens when…when I die?”

Now it was Tessel’s turn to answer, “Your soul will stay in our realm. It will be held there by magic. Your soul will keep being reborn into our realm so that we don’t loose the magic. You see, our magic is running out in our realm. This is happening because our crystal magic, a crystal ball that contains our magic, is slowly coming to an end. Short version, our magic is dying, and we need you to help us save it. If you refuse, the entire realm will die.”

“Well,” Archie said, “anything has got to be better than living here. Okay, let’s go.”

“Follow us,” Tessel and Jeumby replied in unison. The three new friends walked off the path towards a thick group of trees, with Tessel and Jeumby in the lead. Tessel and Jeumby walked over to a fallen, hollow tree. “To enter our realm,” Tessel said, “you have to crawl through the tree. When you come out on the other side, you will have officially entered the Mystic Realm. You first.”

Archie looked towards Tessel and Jeumby; then he looked towards the hollow tree. “Well, here goes nothing,” Archie said more to himself than to his companions. Archie began to crawl through the hollow tree on the ground. The inside of the tree was pitch black, when suddenly sparkling lights began to twinkle. Archie kept crawling, despite the sparkling lights, until he got to the end. Archie crawled out of the tree and onto a hill. Archie sat mesmerized on the floor for a moment before standing up. He stared out at the most beautiful, magical place he had ever laid eyes on. He glanced down and saw that Tessel and Jeumby were out of the tunnel and standing right beside him.

“Well come on, follow us,” said Jeumby. The two faeries started walking down the hill and into the land of magical creatures. Archie followed closely behind. They began walking through streets with magical houses on either side. The houses were painted bright colors and were in the treetops.

“Where are we going?” Archie asked, while keeping his eyes glued to the magical looking houses.

“We are going to see the king and save the magic before it runs out,” Tessel replied.

“After we are pretty sure that we all won’t go to sleep and never wake up again, we’ll show you are,” Jeumby said as he turned to face Archie. Archie wasn’t responding—he was just so overwhelmed by all of this. Jeumby elbowed Tessel and nodded towards Archie.

Tessel turned to face Archie, “Hey, Arch, you all right?”

Archie then realized that he had been staring off in space. His face broke out in the biggest grin it ever had. “Does that answer your question?” Jeumby asked Tessel.

“Yeah, yeah it does,” was Tessel’s reply. As they continued walking towards the king’s palace, Archie got a good glimpse of many of the inhabitants of Mystic Realm.

Tessel and Jeumby, seeing the look in Archie’s face, pointed out all the different creatures they came across. They pointed out other faeries, wizards, trolls, goblins, and many other creatures.

“Well, here it is,” Tessel, said once they reached the palace. The guard just nodded towards the two faeries as they walked through the doors. Archie followed Tessel and Jeumby to the king’s throne room. The three walked up to the throne, with Tessel and Jeumby in front, and bowed.

The king stood as the three companions bowed. He was an old looking wizard, with long graying hair. He had robes of dark blue with yellow stars on it.

“King Prale, may we present Boy Wonder,” Tessel said.

“Boy Wonder,” King Prale said, “it is a pleasure to meet you. We are very content to have you here.” King Prale turned to Tessel and Jeumby, “I presume that you two would like to complete this task.”

“Yes my Lord. Thank you my Lord,” Tessel and Jeumby replied in unison.

“I have the utmost confidence in you,” King Prale replied to the two faeries and Archie. The three bowed and walked out of the room.

Archie followed Tessel and Jeumby to another room. The latter two led Archie to a table with a crystal ball sitting on it. “Okay,” Tessel began, “let your magical emotion consume your body, then let out a light breeze just like before.”

When Archie was completely consumed with magical emotion, a light breeze escaped him. The emotional breeze swirled around the occupants of the room, and then entered the dark brown, crystal ball. The inside began to swirl around and turned crystal clear, then light pink, and finally a light blue swirl. The breeze flew out of the crystal ball and began to flow through the air surrounding the many creatures of the Mystic Realm. The magic of the realm was restored, thanks to Archie Smith, Boy Wonder.

The End
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