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Short story romance about finding love when you least expect it. |
No More Searching Jamile stood in the barbershop staring out the window. His eyes scanned the sidewalks, catching glimpses of women walking by the shop. The beauties ranged in sizes, from healthy, to slim, black, white, short hair, long hair. There were all types. But none caught his eye. He heard his barber call his name and went to his chair. "What you over there thinking about. There ain't no sense in contemplating life as it is." Dale, the barber, seemed to always have a comment for something. Even when the comments weren't asked for, he gave them anyway. "I'm not contemplating life. I'm just checking out all the beautiful women. There are so many to choose from. I just haven't found one I want to choose yet." He sat up in his seat, ready to get his grooming over with. "I just want an edge up and for you to trim my mustache and beard." "Aight. So what’s going through that head of yours?” “D, I am 32 years old. I have been in one serious relationship. I’m ready to settle down. I’m getting tired of the games being played. Lisa cheated on me, and for a while, I was really bitter. I am over it now, and I am ready to move on with my life.” “I feel you man. I’m lucky to have found Shirley when I did. But I was just the opposite. I didn’t want to be in a relationship. Luckily, she saw something in me that said I did. So…two years later, we are married.” “I know man. Who knows, maybe my future lady will bump into me when I walk out the door today.” Chuckling, Jamile sat back in his seat. Tamyla felt the beads of sweat running down her face. She ran as fast as she could, trying to get away from Donald. He was in one of his moods, and she didn’t feel like being his punching bag. She never felt like it, but today, she wasn’t going to stand for it. She looked back in time to see him turning the corner, she ran faster, thankful for the Nikes she was wearing. She turned the corner, just as a man emerged from the nearby barber shop. “I’m sorry, but you have gotta help me. He’s is going to beat me up. Please.” She looked terrified. Her lips trembled, and her eyes were red and puffy from the crying she had obviously been doing. “Okay, calm down. Let’s go in here.” He opened the barbershop door and ushered her into the back waiting room. “What is he wearing?” “A white shirt and some black jeans. Please don’t let him find me. I’m begging you.” She clutched his jacket and looked into his eyes, pleading with him to help her. “I won’t. I promise,” he said taking her hands. Her tears dried a little and he got a glimpse of her beauty. Wow he thought to himself. “I’m going to go look and see if I see him. Stay back here.” He felt her tighten her grip, before releasing him. Jamile walked out into the front part of the store and stood at the door. He scanned the walkway and saw the man walking down the street. I should go kick his ass. Why would he put his hands on a woman that gorgeous. “What’s going on J?” Dale asked. “The man coming down the street has been beating on the woman in the back.” “Damn. That’s a shame. What are you going to do?” Dale, looked back toward the room where Tamyla sat. “I don’t know. I’m going to get her out of here first. I see him going to a car now. That’s good because she can get away.” Once Jamile saw the man drive away, he went back to Tamyla. “Is he gone,” she asked anxiously. Her eyes were wide with fright. “Yeah. I just saw him drive off. Look…is there somewhere you can go, family you can stay with?” Jamile took a seat next to her and handed her a tissue, waiting for her answer. “No. Most of my family live in August,” she said sadly. “We just moved up here a few years ago. He was never like this before the move.” She sighed and shook her head in thought. She remembered when things were so happy and lively. They went out often, laughed and acted like newlyweds. Everything changed within a span of months. He started yelling more, and verbally abusing her. Her tears didn’t arouse any emotion in him. He seemed to thrive off her hurt. “Well, what would you say to coming to my house for a few days. Clear your head. I understand you don’t know anything about me. And if you’d rather not, I understand. But the offer is still there.” He watched the emotions cross her face. “I would like that. But first, can I see your driver’s license. I have a photographic memory, so if anything happens to me, they can find you.” She smiled for the first time since she had run into him. When he smiled back, her heartbeat began to race. He was gorgeous. “Sure. No problem,” he said handing her the identification card. Once she was done and it was placed back in his wallet, he spoke again. “I am going to go and drive my car around the front. That way you won’t have to walk down the street in case he is riding around.” “Thank you so much.” She instantly, and without thought, wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt the strength of his arms when they tightened around her waist. I could stay here forever. Instantly, her mind flashed of them together, in love, and in bed. She quickly released him and dropped her head in embarrassment. She hadn’t meant to be so forward but his kindness had shocked her. She cleared her throat and mumbled an apology. “It’s okay. You are going through a lot. I’ll be right back.” He exited the room and the building. Jamile walked to his car, his thoughts on the beautiful woman inside the barbershop. Her eyes revealed all the hurt and confusion she was dealing with. He could hear it in her voice. He arrived at his car and quickly got in. Once he pulled up to the curb, he saw her standing near the doorway. He exited the car and realized that he didn’t know her name. He opened the door and ushered her to the car after saying goodbye to Dale. Once she was safely inside, he quickly moved to the driver’s side and drove off. “My name is Tamyla Johansen,” she said once they started driving. “After you left out, I realized that I hadn’t told you my name. It would be appropriate since you are taking me in like this don’t you think?” Jamile smiled, hearing the comedy in her voice. “I think you are right. Jamile Donaldson at your service.” Her shifted gears and moved his seat back, getting comfortable. Jamile continued to drive to his place in silence. He wanted to give Tamyla enough time to herself and think. He caught glimpses of her at stop lights and stop signs. He saw in her eyes that her mind was far away from his car. Tamyla’s mind was wondering to different things, but it always returned to her love life. Jonathan. Her mind traveled to him again and again. Her mother begged her not to move out of state with him. And of course, being an adult, she felt she knew best. Shaking her head, she felt her eyes begin to fill with tears. She wished she had listened. “Are you okay,” Jamile asked, seeing the tears she tried to hold back fall down her face. “Yeah. Just a lot to absorb. Things took a quick turn for the worse.” She turned to look at him, noticing the shape of his mouth. “If you want to talk about it, I’m here. I’ll listen to you.” He reached over and cupped her knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We should be there in about 5 minutes.” “Okay,” she said quietly. Jamile pulled into a parking lot to an apartment complex. Duncan Suites looked to be an upscale section in the city. She scanned her surroundings, noticing the swimming pool. Being all-state champion in high school, the smiled. There was also a tennis court and a room labeled ‘Games” on one end of the lot. “This is nice,” she said, exiting the car. “Thanks. I really like it. The people mind their business and they’re nice. It’s quiet, too.” He closed the door, and walked around to her side. “Come on.” Jamile opened the door to his apartment and ushered her ahead of him. “This is it. Make yourself at home.” He walked through and flipped on lights and turned on the air. “Can I get you anything?” “No, I’m fine. Thanks.” She took a seat on the plush sofa and instantly sighed. It felt so good. “Oh my goodness. This chair is a dream,” she said softly. “I know. I fall asleep here all the time.” Jamile took a seat next to her and removed his Timberland boots. “So…tell me about you.” Laughing, she responded, “there isn’t much to tell.” “Tell me what little there is. I don’t want a complete stranger in my house. So, come on, tell me.” Getting comfortable, he propped his head in his hand and focused solely on her. “Well, I’m 24 years old. I was born in Augusta, Georgia. I have two sisters and one brother. I am the baby. My parents have been married for thirty years. I just graduated with a major in Journalism. Anything else,” she asked saucily, finally beginning to relax. “What do you like to do for fun?” “Anything. I’m pretty spontaneous. What about you?” She removed her shoes and got comfortable also, looking him in his eyes. “I like to bowl. And I like all sports. Movies, plays, readings. I like it all. And, I am 26 years old. I have one brother and one sister. I am the middle child. Parents have been married for 30 years as well. I have a degree in accounting. Right now I am freelance. I have an interview with a major company next week though. Hopefully, I get the job. Then I can buy me a house.” He stopped talking and took in her beauty. Her nose, eyes, lips, especially the bottom one. Her eyebrows had a natural arch to them, which intrigued him. It made him want to run his finger across them. Coming out of his dream state, he looked at the time. “What would you like to eat. I can cook something, or I can have a pizza or something delivered.” “Pizza. What toppings do you like?” “Pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese.” “I like those too.” “Okay, let me get the phone book and I’ll order one.” He left the couch and went in search of the directory. Tamyla stood and strolled around the room. It was tastefully decorated in different shades of brown and black. He had various pieces of artwork on the walls. Either he had someone decorate his place or he had excellent taste. “Pizza should be here in about fifteen minutes,” Jamile said interrupting her perusal of his house. “No problem. Can I use your bathroom to freshen up my face. I know I look a little rough around the edges.” “You look beautiful,” he said softly. His eyes captured hers, staring intently. He knew his body well and was well aware of the desire radiating through his eyes. “Thank you,” she said quietly. The compliment meant more to her than he knew. For the first time in a long while, she truly felt beautiful. “I’ll get you a wash cloth and something to put on.” He walked toward the back of the house and found a washcloth and a pair of shorts his sister had left at his house the weekend before. He pulled one of his t-shirts out of the drawer and handed her that as well. “Here you go. The bathroom is to your right.” He pointed in the direction and walked into the living room. Just as he took a seat and flipped on the television, the doorbell rang. Walking to the door, he swung it open expecting the delivery man. Instead his big brother was there. “What do you want Jamal?” he asked. “It’s a girl here isn’t it?’ Jamal asked. He stepped in the doorway, and looked around. He and Jamile were two years apart, but sometimes their ability to know each others moods and the reasons for them, made them feel like twins. “Come on man. Make it quick.” Jamile hated when his brother visited when there was company. It made him think that he drove around outside and watched his house, trying to see if he had a guest. “It’s cool, J. I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Jamal said, walking to the door. “You sure?” “Yeah. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He exited the door, patting Jamile on the back. “Later,” Jamile called. Just as he was closing the door, the delivery man walked to the door. He quickly paid him and sent him on his way. Placing the pizza on the table in the living room, he went to the kitchen and fixed to glasses of iced tea. When he walked back in, Tamyla was seated, waiting for him. “I got us some drinks.” He placed them on the table and sat next to her. “Thanks.” She grabbed the first slice and took a healthy bite. Chewing mightily, she relished in the cheesiness. She turned to see Jamile watching her with a slight smirk on his face. She swallowed and wiped her mouth before asking, “what?” “Nothing. Just watching you eat. You make it seem so good.” He picked up a slice for himself and began eating. “It is.” Together, they finished off the pizza and began watching movies. They laughed and joked like kids until one in the morning. Tamyla had stretched out on the couch and Jamile took a seat on the floor. Once he realized Tamyla had fallen asleep, he stood up and went to get a blanket. He covered her up and took a moment to look at her. She was so beautiful. She had a wonderful spirit and smile. She seemed so perfect. And he knew in his heart, that is what she is. Perfect. He tucked the blanket around her shoulders and leaned down to plant a kiss on her forehead. His mind told him to detour south and place it on her lips, but he didn’t want to frighten her. He settled for her forehead. She opened her eyes slightly and looked him in the eyes. “Thank you,” she said, a catch in her voice. “Thank you for helping me, someone you don’t even know.” “You’re welcome,” he whispered and went to his room. The next morning, Jamile woke up to the smell of food. He pulled on a pair of jogging pants and went to inspect. He saw Tamyla standing at the stove cooking. She was dancing to the tune of Maxwell. He smiled, thinking how she looked like she belonged in his kitchen. “Good morning.” She jumped, startled by his voice, heavy with sleep, slicing through the air. “Good morning to you also.” She turned the knob on the stove and placed the food in a plate. “I hope you don’t mind me using your kitchen, and your food, and your pots and pans.” “Of course not,” he said chuckling. “As long as I have some,” he said, with a questioning look. “You do.” She placed the plates on the table and they sat down. Jamile looked at his plate, filled with an omelet, toast, bacon, and grits. He didn’t even know he had all that stuff in his house. They blessed the food and ate in silence. Once the meal was consumed and the dishes done, they took refuge in the living room. “What do you have planned for the day?” Tamyla asked. “I’m on vacation this week and next, so I’m free. You want to do something?” “No. I don’t want to take the chance that Jonathan will see me.” “I’m sorry. I forgot about that. Well…we can always chill around here. I have a huge movie collection. And I don’t mind staying in the house. I can be just as happy here than I can being outside. I think it’s safer here too,” he said laughing. “That sounds like a plan. You are such a great guy. Are you single?” she asked suddenly. Once realization of her question dawned on her, her face reddened. “Yes. Can’t find anyone who wants to respect me and love me.” “I know the feeling.” Her face displayed her sadness and her quest for love. “I just want someone to love me for who I am. I’m not perfect, but…I don’t know. I stopped loving Jonathan a long time ago, and I don’t understand why I stayed.” “Because you were scared. But you’re safe as long as you are here. I promise you that,” he stated firmly. “You can’t promise that,” she spoke lightly. “I just did.” Tamyla looked in his eyes. He will protect me she said to herself. Her eyes dropped to his lips, his firm, luscious lips. Looking back up into his eyes, she saw pure desire. Desire for her. She reached out and pulled him to her. She tilted her head and placed her lips on his. She kissed him softly and drew away. “I’m sorry.” “Don’t be. I wanted to kiss you so bad last night. I didn’t want to scare you away or frighten you. I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable. I am attracted to you. I know all that is going on, but I just want you to feel safe. That’s why I didn’t kiss you.” “I didn’t think I wanted to kiss you until just now. I know now that I wanted to last night also. Do you mind?” she asked, her eyes traveling to his lips again. “Of course not.” He reached out and lifted her to his lap. He wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her to his chest. Tamyla dipped her head to his and their lips connected. Something electric jumped through her, shocking her, giving her a ray of hope. She had never felt such passion, especially for a first kiss. His lips, what could she say about them? They were…from heaven. His tongue…had been nurtured and made for kissing. She grabbed the side of his face and kissed him deeper, her tongue meeting and twirling with his. Jamile rubbed his hands up and down her back, letting her know that she was okay. That she was safe. His lips communicated his want for her. His tongue communicated his desire. All of them were a deadly combination, to which he thought she took like a champion. She matched him stroke for stroke. Feeling things spiraling out of control, he pulled back. “We have to stop baby.” “I’m being too forward. I’m so sorry.” She tried removing herself from his lap, but he held her still. “Don’t. I want this. I know we hardly know each other, but I felt something with that kiss. Something cosmic. I know things aren’t settled with that other jerk yet, but all you have to do is say the word. Say that you like me, want to see me, date me, or anything.” “I like you, want to see you, date you, and anything.” Raising his hands to the sky, he whispered a strong “Thank God.” Tamyla laughed and moved from his lap. “Lets watch some movies. “No problem.” Later that night, after watching about five movies, Tamyla sat in the den alone. Jamile had gone to the store for some snacks. She sat thinking about Jonathan. She needed to call him and tell him it was over. She reached for the phone and dialed the number. “Tamyla?” he asked in place of a customary greeting. She sat quietly for a few seconds before saying, “yeah.” “Where the hell are you? I have been worried sick. I called your mother and everything.” “What did you say to her?” “I said I didn’t know where you were and you didn’t come home last night.” “Did you tell her why?” “Of course not. Stop asking stupid ass questions. Now where are you so I can come and get you.” “Don’t worry about me. I am safe. And I feel like for the first time, I am going to be happy. You have no idea the crap you put me through. I took this for too long. But…no…more. It’s over!!! I hate you. Now…this is how it is going to be. I am coming to the house tomorrow. And I am bringing the police. If you don’t want to go to jail, I suggest you not be there.” “Tamyla, baby, I’m sorry. I just been stressed lately. Come back home and lets work on this.” “No dammit. You really think I am that stupid to fall for that weak excuse again? Hell no. I should be there around noon. Don’t be there.” “Tamyla please¾” She slammed the phone down on the cradle, disconnecting the call. She exhaled loudly, standing up. She heard the key in the lock and turned to see Jamile walking in the door. She took him in, thinking about how she would love to be standing there, watching him walk in the door, coming home to her. “Hey handsome.” Jamile looked up to see Tamyla standing on the other side of the room. She took his breath away. “Hey honey,” he said. He placed the bags on the table near the door and walked to her. Kissing her lips softly once, twice, then three times, he asked, “how are you?” “I am good. Very good. I stood up to Jonathan and I am free. Free to find someone who wants to be with me.” She smiled, smelling his scent. “What happened?” he asked with a concerned look on his face. She relayed the conversation with Jonathan. Afterward, she smiled brightly and grabbed his face. “I think it’s time for me to be happy.” “I do too. And you can stop that search for someone who wants to be with you. I want to be with you. I don’t know why, well…yes I do. But I never felt like this and I like it. It’s me and you sweetness. Now, lets go put away these groceries.” “Wait.” She walked to him and planted a soft, sweet, slow kiss on his lips. “Thank you so much. For everything. For making me feel special. You will never know how much I appreciate you.” “Thank you too. For allowing me to take care of you and get to know you. Now can we go put up the groceries?” “Yeah, let’s go.” |