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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #834649
Brooke and Brett? Brooke and Dylan? Whose relationship is strong enough to make it last?
Brooke wasn't an average teenage girl. Sure, she looked like one with her pretty blond hair, crystal blue eyes, petite figure,and beautiful happy face. But behind that smiling face there was a lot more. If someone got close enough they could see a sadness behind those blue eyes. Although Brooke would push anyone away if they got that close.

She had been through a lot. Her boyfriend, Brett, started all her problems. He forced her to do things she wasn't ready or willing to do. He also made her feel over-powered to do anything about her situation. Feeling very inadequate she stayed with him for three years. She wasn't allowed to try out for basketball, which she loved, or even have many friends of her own. He made her believe that her life was him and only him.

She felt like nothing was going right. So when he offered her something that he said would make her feel good she accepted without much hesitation. She knew it was wrong but felt she had nothing to loose. It started out as a few here and a few there but she soon turned to them every time she was the least bit unhappy.

One day while he was at football practice she got on the computer to play pool. She started a game with a guy and began talking to him. She didn't get to talk to many people so now that she was she couldn't stop talking. She told him all about herself and he told her about himself. His name was Dylan and she liked him because he listened and actually seemed to care about what she was saying.

While she was talking to him Brett signed on and she noticed his practice had already ended. She had been talking to Dylan for a lot longer than she had realized. Brett started cursing her and saying unnecessary mean things all because she was on line and he wasn't able to call her as soon as he got back from practice. She refused to get off the computer because she was having such a great time talking to Dylan.

Dylan started worrying when she wasn't talking anymore. When he asked her what was wrong she told him about having a fight with her boyfriend. Dylan started asking about her relationship with Brett and she told him everything. After she told him she couldn't believe she had just told on Brett. She knew he could get in a whole lot of trouble for what he did to her. She didn't know why she had just told his total stranger about her's and Brett's business, she guessed because Dylan seemed to be such a good listener.

He immediately freaked out and insisted she tell someone about it. She tried profusely to take it back. He of course didn't believe her and knew that what she originally had told him was the actual truth.

They had been talking for a few hours and it was time for him to go. She made him promise to talk to her again because she was scared he was going to tell someone about her and what was happening to her. They traded screen names and planned a time to talk the next night. She asked him not to worry about that she would explain more about everything the following night. She knew telling him not to worry wouldn't do any good because he was a honestly nice sweet guy.

Brett's football season was starting and so he had practice all the time and if he wasn't practicing with the team he was working out. He didn't find much time for her which was fine by her, she could use the break from him. Now that Brett was busy she could spend her time talking to Dylan.

Brooke explained to Dylan a little more about how things were with her nd convinced him to keep his mouth shut. Dylan had no intentions of telling anyone anything because it's not like it would have made a difference considering he lived in Michigan and she lived in Georgia. He really wished she would get help and stop letting her boyfriend take advantage of her. He begged her to tell someone but she refused.

Dylan and Brooke talked for about two weeks. They talked about everything and anything. They became close and she considered him to be her best friend. Then one night he told her he loved her. She didn't say it back to him for numerous reasons. One because it had only been two weeks and that wasn't long enough to know if you loved someone. Two because she was Brett's girlfriend and he would do the unthinkable if he found out another guy said that to her. Three because Brett tells her he loves her and she wasn't into being 'loved'. Four because she didn't believe in love. She thought it was some stupid meaningless word. A word that was abused by so many people. She thought that it wasn't a read feeling just when someone liked another person a lot that confused like with love.

After that night he told her he loved her she started to push him away. That was just the way she was. She didn't like being so close with someone. The thought of getting close with someone like she was close with Brett scared her. But she couldn't push him away, he wouldn't let her. His desperation to keep her around was so touching and cute that it made her want to stay around him. She explained to him and wanted him to understand the thought of love scared her.

His understanding and compassion was the thing that kept her going, the thing that made getting out of bed in the morning worthwhile. She couldn't believe it but she was starting to have very strong feelings for Dylan. She even opened up to the idea of being in love with him. For a while she brushed her feelings and thoughts off nonchalantly. Finally, after a while she admitted to herself that she was in love with him.

These feelings rather it was love or something else gave the strength to break up with Brett. He didn't let her go easy though. He got what he wanted and promised her that wouldn't be the last time they were together. It was more of a command than a promise. She was still scared of him but she knew she was going the right thing.

She told Dylan all about the break up. He was so proud of her for breaking things off with him but hurt by what Brett did to her. He wondered what had brought of her decision. She avoided telling him the whole truth about what really brought on her decision. Eventually, she couldn't hold it in any longer and said the words she never thought she would. She told him she loved him.

He was completely ecstatic. He couldn't believe that such an amazing girl as Brooke would actually love him. He even had a nick name for her, his angel. He had never felt so happy in his life. Everything was going perfect for both of them.

Well, things were perfect for a little while. But no matter how much they loved each other the distance was becoming to be a problem. It was beginning to overwhelm Brooke. She was feeling more alone than ever before. She started hanging out with her best guy friend Jake. Hoping that spending time with Jake would make her feel less alone.

Spending time with Jake defiantly made her feel better and less alone. She kept spending time with her, more and more. Then she started to get a crush on him. She figured it was only fair that she told Dylan. He insisted that if she liked Jake he was okay with her being with him. So they each agreed to date other people but still love each other.

Brooke and Jake were getting really close and one night while they were hanging out. They got caught in the moment and kissed. Immediately Jake began apologizing profusely. But Brooke didn't see any need for apologies, she enjoyed it. She explained to him how she felt about him. He was confused and taken back by her confession. He told her they would talk about it later.

Well, that later turned to much later. He avoided her for days after and finally she had had enough and was going to confront him. When she got to his truck, where she knew he would be, she seen him in his truck kissing her friend full force. Shocked and hurt she ran away as quickly as she could hopeing he didn't see her.

The next day when he came up to her to explain and apologize she realized she had obviously not ran away quickly enough. They talked through everything and decided to try dating. Dating is exactly what they did. They were together practically every night, which cause jealously for Dylan.

Dylan held in his jealousy as long as he could. He tried denying that he was jealous but ever time he politely asked how things were going with her and Jake her honest answers and the happiness he could tell Jake was making her feel was enough to make him crazy with jealousy. He couldn't take holding it in anymore and a huge fight between them erupted. The fight ended fine. Brooke decided to break up with Jake to prove to Dylan how much he loved him.

After that things were good between them. They became close than ever. Brooke went out with a few guys ever once and a while, nothing serious though. She didn't stay with one guy for longer than one or two dates. Dylan didn't date any girls because he said no girl could compare to his angel, Brooke.

Things only got better over time. Things were perfect. They were very close and completely happy. They even accepted the huge factor of distance. That only made them more determined to overcome the obstacle and be together.

Brooke was completely in love. Head over hills, hopelessly in love. She thought about Dylan all the time. He was the first thing she thought about when she woke up and the last thing she thought about before she went to sleep. She couldn't be happier unless he was actually there.

The night of her birthday she got on line to talk to Dylan just like always. But wasn't like always, he told her that should just be friends. He also told her he just didn't feel the same anymore. She had no idea where this was coming from. He explained he thought they had just grown apart. She didn't believe that and demanded to know the truth. After much protest he gave in and told her the truth, he was with someone else.

This broke her heart but she refused to give up easily. She kept talking to him just like always and eventually he wanted her just as much as he did before Anna, the other girl.

As much as Brooke tried to get past the idea of some other girl in Dylan's arms, she just couldn't. She cried for weeks and eventually because to resent him for being with Anna. She was very emotional when she was with him. She would start fights with him over nothing and try to make him angry so she would have a reason to hate him.

She decided if she couldn't have him there was nothing or no one to be good for. She turned back to Brett and everything that came along with him. This also came between them and soon there was practically nothing left between them. Brooke still felt it but refused to give him the satisfaction of her loving him and him not feeling the same way. Dylan also still felt it but found it impossible to prove it to her.

The fighting continued. A huge fight erupted when Brooke got on line one night completely messed up. From past experiences Dylan knew that Brooke said a lot of things she wouldn't ordinarily say when she was like this. He also know there was always a reason for her turning to this. She eventually admitted that Brett forced his self on her again. Dylan felt awful for her and hatred toward Brett.

They stopped fighting and became close again. They loved each other but knew they could only be friends. They both accepted it and were best friends.
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