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This month's newsletter is about Jesus. |
Flair For Writing Issue 19 Editor: Megan Rose Princess Megan Rose ![]() ![]() Assistant Editor: Angel Angel ![]() ![]() Hi Angel here for this month. We decided to write about the true meaning of Easter and learn more about what Easter means for most of us. I went to my Bible and it also gave me a chance to refresh my memory. Megan and my self want you to read and learn about the true meaning of Easter. This is a wonderful learning experience. So I decided to to write a biography of Jesus and this is what I come up with. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you! ~~Image #821368 Sharing Restricted~~ Biography of Jesus Jesus {also called Christ which means king or Messiah} was born in Isarel 2000 years ago. Modern civilization marks his birth by dividing time B.C.{before Christ} and A.D.{Anno Domino- or the year of our Lord}. For his first thirty years, Jesus lived a traditional Jewish life, working as a carpenter. During this time, all of Isarel was under Caesar's Roman dictatorship, including Bethlehem, where Jesus was born and Nazareth where he raised. In his thirties, Jesus began his public teaching and display of recorded miracles, yet still never traveled more then 200 miles from his birthplace. Over a three year period, despite his efforts to keep a low profile, Jesus' reputation spread nation wise. The Roman governors and rulers of Isarel's provinces and the leaders of the Jewish people{The religious counsels} took note of him. Jesus key messages included: Jesus most controversial act was that he repeatedly claimed to be God, which was a direct violation of the Jewish Law. Therefore, the religious leaders asked the Roman government to execute him. In each of several official trials, The Romans found Jesus not guilty of breaking any Roman law. Even the Jewish leaders recognized that other then Jesus' claim to be God, Jesus followed Jewish Law perfectly. Still the religious leaders, using the argument of political disfavor, persuaded Pilate, a Roman governor of the Southern province of Isarel, to authorize an execution. Jesus was brutally tortured and then hung by his hands, which were nailed to a horizontal wooden beam. This method of execution restricted the airflow to his lungs, killing him in three hours. However, according to more then 500 witnesses, Jesus returned from the dead three days later and over the next 40 days journeyed in both the southern and northern provinces of Isarel. To many, this was conclusive proof that Jesus' claims to be the son of God were real. Jesus returned to Jerusalem, the city where he was recently executed and according to witnesses, he left the earth alive by rising up into the sky. When kids hear the word Easter, they think about the Easter bunny. That's quite understandable because they are children but us? We know where the Easter name came from. We know Easter comes from the Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus, our savior. Teaching our children the name of our Lord is very important. Most of us grow up appreciating Easter much more. Please read and learn more about Jesus, Here is a few samples of the Bible. The Easter Story Jesus is Led Away to Be Crucified As they were on the way, they came across a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross. They went to a place called Golgotha{which means Skull Hill}. The soldiers gave him wine mixed with bitter gall but when he tasted it, he refused to drink it. After they had nailed him to the cross, the soldiers gambled for his clothes by throwing dice. Afterwards, they sat around and kept guard as he hung there. A sign board was fastened to the cross above Jesus' head announcing the charge against him. It read: This is Jesus, the King of the Jews." Two criminals were crucified with him, their crosses on either side of his. The people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. "So! You can destroy the Temple and build it again in three days, can you? Well, then if you are the son of God, save yourself and come down from the cross!" The leading priests, the teachers of religious law and other leaders also mocked Jesus. "He saved others," they scoffed "But he can't save himself! So he is the King of Isarel, is he? Let him come down from the cross and we will believe in him! He trusted God-let God show his approval by delivering him! For he said""I am the son of God!" The criminals who were crucified with him also shouted the same insults at him. Jesus Dies on the Cross At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o'clock. At this time, Jesus called out with a loud voice:"Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani" which means "My God, my God why have you forsaken me?" Some of the bystanders misunderstood and thought he was calling for the prophet Elijah. One of them ran and filled a sponge with sour wine, holding it up on a stick so he could drink. The rest said:"Leave him alone. Let's see whether Elijah will come and save him." Jesus shouted out again and he gave up his spirit. At that moment, the curtain in the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The earth shook, rocks split apart and tombs opened. The bodies of many godily men and women who had died were raised from the dead and appeared to many people. The Roman officer and the other soldiers at the crucifixion were terrified by the earthquake and all that had happened. They said: "Truly, this was the Son of God!" Many women who had come from Galilee with Jesus to care for him were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary{the mother of James and Joseph} and Zebedee's wife, the mother of James and John. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb As evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea, who was one of Jesus' followers, went to Pilate and asked for Jesus' body. Pilate issued an order to release it to him. Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a long linen cloth. He placed it in his own new tomb which had been carved out of the rock. He then rolled a great stone across the entrance as he left. Both Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting nearby watching. Jesus Rises From the dead Early on Sunday morning, as the day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to see the tomb. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake because an angel of the Lord came down from Heaven and rolled aside the stone and sat on it. His face shined like lightning and his clothing was as white as snow. The guards shook with fear when they saw him and they fell into a dead faint. The angel spoke to the women:"Don't be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He isn't here! He has been raised from the dead just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. Now, go quickly and tell his disciples he has been raised from the dead and he is going ahead of you to Gaililee. You will see him there. Remember, I have told you." If you open your Bible From Matthew 28:8 continue reading how Jesus appears to the women which is a wonderful reading. You can also go to the following wonderful site where I got most of my information: http://www.christianitytoday.com/holidays/easter/features/story.html I like the story of Mary Magdalene finding a red Easter egg and she knew it was from Jesus. Everyone didn't believe her but Mary knew the truth and this gave her comfort that the egg was from Jesus. This was a comfort to her. Jesus had appeared to Mary before that, after he was crucified but he told her she couldn't hug him. She kept her distance but was happy. Jesus appeared to two men and walked beside them and talked to him but he looked entirely different. They realized after talking to him, that he was Jesus. With the Passion of the Christ Movie, so popular, this was the perfect time for Angel to write this. Thanks, Angel for the beautiful job. I love you. Megan |