Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/831595-Just-There
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Romance/Love · #831595
It's a story about a girl from Virginia Beach that moves to Minnesota.
Just There

I was sitting there in the waiting room with my grandma, just starting my new book (since I’d finished another one this morning) and listening to my new Good Charlotte c.d. This guy comes and sits next to me and says, “Hey Beautiful.” like he was straight out of an old Clark Gable movie.

I ignored him, hoping that maybe if I did he would go away. But I was wrong. He just said to himself quietly, “Damn, plan B it is than.”, and it took everything I had not to crack a smile.

Soon I felt him move my hair away from my ear and tug a little at my headphone. I quickly hit stop on my little c.d. player and turned to him giving him my best death glare while saying, “Did you want something?”

He just smiled at me (he had a great smile) and tried (unsuccessfully) to sound like James Dean, “I just wanted to know your name.”

I wanted to laugh so hard, but instead added a harder edge to my voice saying, “And why should I give it to you?”

I’d finally gotten to him. “Because, um… I wanted to know it.”, he told me, finally without that sure-of-himself attitude.

I looked over at his grungy, dark blue jeans, his black shirt with white writing saying, “Everything in this universe happens for a reason. So why aren’t you with me?”, his sandy blonde hair, and dark blue eyes. Finally I rolled my eyes and hit play on my c.d. player returning back to my book, unconsciously sucking on the corner of my bottom lip.

Suddenly the nurse bustled through the door asking, “Mary Catherine?”

I hit stop on my c.d. player following my grandma into the back. She got two vials of blood drawn and quickly left.

I helped her get out of the clinic and helped her slowly get into the passengers side of her powder blue, ‘97, Ford Taurus.

I heard the guy from the waiting room call back at me, “Hey, you never answered my question.”, making me jump slightly.

I smiled but kept the same hard edge in my voice, “You still never gave me a good reason for me to give you my name.”

He smirked. “How can I call you to ask you out if I don’t know your name?”, he asked shoving his hands into his pockets.

“Oh, so that’s what you wanted it for?” I asked trying my hardest not to laugh my butt off. I smiled, “Well Minnesota certainly is different from VA Beach.” I dug around in my jeans and pulled out a piece of paper that had a picture of Disturbed printed on the back. I scribbled my cell number and name and handed it to him.

I turned and opened the door. “See ya later, Sarah MacEwan.” He said as I got in and shut the door.

I watched him wave stupidly as I drove away.

A couple days later it was Monday. I was standing in the office to my new school, waiting for my schedule. Truman High School. It was very small, I mean like a third of the size of my old school, Princess Anne High School in VA Beach.

Suddenly I felt the presence of someone next to me. I looked over and laughed, it was him again. This time he was wearing a black shirt with a black and white picture of James Dean, and a pair of light blue jeans. “So now that you know my name, what’s yours?” I asked hoping that my breath didn’t give away the pot of coffee that I drank that morning.

He gave me that sweet smile again (I had never seen teeth that white and straight before) and replied, “Jake.”

I turned towards him, catching the scent of his (to die for) cologne, “Is there a last name with that, Jake?”

“Yeah, but there’s no point in telling you ‘cause you’ll never remember it.” He replied looking down at his black sandals with white socks underneath them and gray toes sticking out.

“Try me.” I replied (trying my hardest to say it seductively).

“Okay, if you really want to know. It’s Hoscheid, Now you know, I’m Jake Hoscheid.”

“Oh, that’s nothing.” I smiled and got my schedule from the secretary. “My best friend’s last name is Wiederhoeft.”

“So what do you have there?” he asked (staring at my lips like he wanted to kiss me).

I handed him the schedule.

He looked it over for a moment than asked, “You know what’s funny?”

“No.” I answered a little confused.

“There’s only one class different in our schedules.”

“Which one?” I asked leaning in to see the schedule (and breathing in his cologne again).

“Uh… fourth hour. You have Art History 101. I’ve got Study Hall.”

“Cool, so you could show me where these classes are.” I smiled (praying that he would accept).

“Well you certainly have changed from yesterday. What happened to the ice princess?” He asked as I moved away a little.

“No one gets away with calling me beautiful without knowing me.” I said easily taking the paper back from him.

“So you did hear me?” He asked handing some money to the secretary.

“Yeah, but I was trying to ignore you. What was with the Clark Gable approach anyway?”

“Long story. So, since I know that’s not the real you, let’s go find your locker.” he said opening the door for me.

So what do you think so far? I know I changed it, but for me getting into a guy's head was just too confusing (lol). So please review and tell me.
© Copyright 2004 scarlettgurl (scarlettgurl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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