Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/829858-Silver-and-Gold
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #829858
The adventure of Jacqueline Barker, a female pirate of the Caribbean. Please R&R.
         It was morning on the high sea. Jacqueline Barker, the notorious female pirate, was perched at the bow watching the sunrise over the ocean, her home. She could smell the saltiness of the sea as the waves crashed against the strong wood of the infamous Red Diamond. Jacqueline had no time for dilly-dally for the reason that she was on a hunt to top all hunts. The amount was vast and uncountable, and it was going to be all hers.
         “Captain we’ve found the island; 10 degrees off the starboard side.” Jacqueline turned to Mary, Black Mary, as she was known on land and for good reason. That is why Jacqueline had made Mary her second mate (with Nasty Anne being her first mate). She needed someone ruthless and not afraid to get the job done at any cost and Anne and Mary were just the women to do it.
         Jacqueline left her post and King Charles, Jacqueline’s prized monkey, climbed onto her shoulder and curled his tail about her neck for support. He fished a stale biscuit out of her breast pocket and nibbled on it as Jacqueline strode to the helm. I’ve got you now, she thought as she pictured the gold in her mind. She knew whatever she imagined, the real thing was far more. Holding the scope to her eye, she couldn’t yet make out the island in the morning light.
         “Ah, there you are. I’ve been looking for you all morning.” Jacqueline smiled and turned to acknowledge William Barker, her husband and the only man allowed on board. “Well, aren’t you going to greet me?”
         “Greetings my fine man,” she exclaimed in mock worship. She took off her hat and bowed low to him. King Charles hopped off her shoulder and onto the nearest rope as she bent, showing her famous tattoo of a barking dog on the small of her back.
         “Stop your play.” He inquired as to why she was so happy and she tossed him the scope. “There isn’t anything there.”
         “Not yet, but soon there will be.” She smiled knowingly in the direction of the island. She rubbed her hands together almost feeling the gold falling through her fingers.
         The island grew bigger and bigger until it filled the whole horizon in front of her. Somewhere on that island were her riches and she would find them. They hit land and immediately Jacqueline didn’t like it; she could feel something evil on the island, something guarding her treasure. Pulling out her sword, she told her first and second mates to scout ahead with her and ordered the rest of the crew to stay behind with the boats. She didn’t want to take any chances of being stranded on this island with whatever was haunting it. Jacqueline followed the map to where the treasure was supposed to be and was outraged. The treasure was gone and the hole freshly dug. Sword at the ready, she stalked back in the direction of the boats looking around every tree and bush. She knew someone was out there and wanted or had her treasure.
         There was a yell up ahead and then silence. Jacqueline quickly ran back to her crew and found them all in good health. Where did the holler come from? Her crew had heard it as well and was ready for a fight, swords and pistols in hand. Running up to the tallest peak, she spotted a familiar sail leaving the island. “Captain Jack Rackham,” she sneered. He had stolen her treasure and was making off with it! How dare he steal what is hers!
         “To the ship!” she hollered to her crew. They stood stone still and Jacqueline looked at what had frightened them so much that they wouldn’t follow orders. A shadow was crawling towards her crew and they were rooted to the ground. “If you want to find out what the shadow is, by all means stay. But I am going back to the ship,” she barked. The crew rushed to the boats and made their way to the ship as quickly as possible. They didn’t know what the evil spirit wanted and they certainly weren’t going to find out.
         Jacqueline didn’t care about the evil spirit. All she wanted was her treasure and she was going to get it back. It was hers; she found it first. Jacqueline shouted orders and they chased after Captain Rackham's ship, the Black Revenge. It was no use. Captain Rackham had too much of a head start and it had far bigger sails to catch the wind. There was no way they would catch up.
         With a rejected sigh, she made her way to her cabin to plot a new course. On her way, she told Anne to send William to her cabin. “We can’t find him, ma’am. He’s not on the ship.”
         Jacqueline’s temper flared again. Not on the ship? “Where is he then?”
         “He went after you on the island. We tried to stop him-”
         Jacqueline screamed with rage and King Charles screeched with her. That was the holler she heard. Her dear William had been taken captive and was sailing away on the Black Revenge, and all because he had been at the wrong place at the wrong time. “What are you waiting for!? Follow that ship! Open the sails! I want full speed immediately!” Anne called orders as Jacqueline flew to the helm. They wouldn’t get away that easily. Not with her William and her treasure.
         Jacqueline took a deep breath to gather her bearings. With the Black Revenge having bigger sails, it would be harder to catch. She had to have a plan. Captain Rackham knew that she would follow and she had to make him believe that he had gotten away and was safe for the time being.
         The first part of her plan was to get more supplies. She would dock at the first port along the way and stock up on guns, food, and ammunition. This would be a large battle when she caught up and she wanted to be ready.
         Port Royal came into view and Jacqueline had the colors lowered so as not to arouse suspicion. Having the tight clothing of the wealthy made her blend in easily while she looked for the best gunsmith on the island. Don’t fret William. I will get you back. She thought silently.
         Port Royal was a busy settlement. It would be hard to carry guns without looking apprehensive; she would have to be very careful. This town hung pirates, no questions asked and this was not the time to be slowed up with a hanging, especially hers.
         Jacqueline asked around for the best gunsmith for her husband’s birthday was drawing near and she wanted to get him a beautiful gift. She was graciously pointed in the right direction and thanked the gentleman profusely. At the gunsmith, the story was the same. She said she wanted it as a gift and how long would it take. Three days? Well that will be all right, but could you please try to be swift. Jacqueline walked the streets, her moneybag a little lighter. She would have to be careful those three days and stay out of sight as much as it was possible. The guard became suspicious of strangers staying for too long without settling down.
         It was a beautiful pistol when it was completed. Jacqueline admired it while her crew loaded the boats with the new supplies. The dock was getting more and more crowded and there seemed to be quite a lot of guards about. The guards were drawing closer and Jacqueline told her crew to hurry it up. She quickly thought up a plan to detour the guards away from her ship. Stealing the closest horse to her person, she made in the opposite direction of her beloved ship, yelling at Anne to meet her on the other side of the island. She knew her crew would follow her orders even without her aboard. That was why she loved her crew. They would never even think of committing mutiny against her; and if they did, she would drop them all overboard with cannons strapped to their ankles.
         The guards chased after her, but the horse was too fast for their inexperienced legs. She rode through the crowded streets ducking overhangings and dodging people, laughing as she went. The guard fell further and further behind until she could only hear their shouting. She knew they’d be getting horses soon, but she was too far ahead to be caught now. She was in open country with nothing in her way. Jacqueline pushed her horse harder and loved the wind on her face. It was almost like being at sea.
         As planned, a boat was waiting on shore to take her to the Red Diamond. She hopped off the horse and into the boat before the guards rounded the last bend. She was halfway to the ship by the time they got to the water’s edge, punishing themselves for not catching the most famous pirate in the Caribbean. Jacqueline was congratulated as she boarded the ship and they were after the Black Revenge once again. After making a few quick calculations, she plotted the most likely course Captain Rackham would take. She learned long ago to know her enemy before attacking him and she knew Captain Rackham almost as well as herself.

         Jacqueline remembered back to when she was a fresh pirate just starting on the sea. She had always dreamed of being a famous pirate even though she was a girl. Disguised as a boy, Jacqueline ran away from home and had joined a pirate crew knowing they’d never let her on if she were a girl. That was when she was part of Captain Rackham’s crew. She was just a lowly cabin boy, but was learning every day by watching Captain Rackham and the crew. She became callous with the whippings she received often. By the time she was found out and left at the next port, she knew enough to start her own crew.
         That was when she met Anne and Mary. They were older than her, but had respect for her when she told them of the brutal treatment aboard the Black Revenge. Together, they had the money to buy a small ship. No, it wasn’t a ship; it was more like a large boat with sails. They used that boat to make a name for themselves and commandeered a large ship that was just right for their plans. They then gathered themselves an all-female crew. The type of girls who would make a good pirate and not worry about breaking a nail or having greasy hair.
         Then she met William Barker. He was handsome and had once been a cabin boy himself. He too had always dreamed of being a pirate, but was always turned down. The Diamond crew had all agreed to not allow men aboard, but William was not about to be left ashore while his wife sailed the seas living his dream. The crew graciously made an exception for him. They said he was entertaining and fun. Jacqueline told them to keep their bloody paws off. An addition to the articles was made saying any other man brought aboard will be left at the next port or island, whichever came first, and the woman that brought him aboard would be strung up by her toes (See articles, which aren't up yet).
Those were the good days when unsuspecting gold-bearing ships where aplenty. Now, everyone carried cannons and it was harder to attack merchant ships.

         “We have him in our sights, Captain!” Jacqueline exited the cabin and took the scope from Mary. She could make out the sails of the Black Revenge against the horizon and smiled to herself. She wouldn’t lose him this time and she would get her dear William and her treasure back.
         Night came and the Red Diamond stealthily moved forward. Jacqueline had waited for the cover of darkness before making her move. It would be hard to spot the Diamond when your eyes weren’t yet accustomed to the dark. The crew quietly boarded the Revenge and before Captain Rackham knew what had happened, the crew was aboard the Diamond with the treasure and William. William was trying to explain something, but Jacqueline had no time for talk and wanted to leave as quickly as possible before Captain Rackham realized what happened. But there was something wrong. Jacqueline realized that it was too quiet aboard the Revenge. She had expected to slit the throats of a few of Rackham’s crew, but there wasn’t a one. Before she had a chance to react, they were ambushed aboard their own ship.
         Jacqueline and her crew quickly drew their weapons, but it was too late. Captain Rackham and his crew were ready for them and would fight to the death to finally get rid of the Diamond crew. Jacqueline’s crew fought well, but they were no competition for Rackham He had trained his crew to be cold-blooded killers and had done a fine job of it. Hearing a noise behind her, Jacqueline turned, but she was to late in her reaction. She could hear the air leave her lungs as she fell to the ground. Rackham pulled his sword from her chest whilst Jacqueline lay on the rough deck.
         With their captain down, the female crew surrendered the treasure to Rackham It was a black day indeed when a pirate crew was forced to give up their treasure to another. Their hearts were heavy as they watched the Revenge sail into the night.
         After making sure she was still alive, Jacqueline was carried to her quarters to rest. Amelia, the Diamond’s surgeon, assured the crew Jacqueline would live, but she would have a scar on her spirit as well as her flesh.
         When she awoke, Captain Rackham and her treasure were gone and the ship was calm. A sharp pain ran through her chest as she tried to sit up and she was forced to lie back down. Amelia, the Diamond’s surgeon, put a hand on Jacqueline’s arm. “Lay still, Captain,” Amelia stated, “you’ve been badly injured. One more inch to the left and he would have pierced your heart.”
         “I don’t have time to just lay here like an empty barrel. We must get that treasure back. Where is William?” Jacqueline slowly sat up despite the pain. King Charles sat by his master and muttered encouraging noises to her. He was glad to see her awake and arguing like normal.
         “He’s been taken again, Captain, and we don’t know where the Revenge went. They disappeared.” Jacqueline gave a defeated sigh and lay back down. For the first time in her life, she didn’t know what to do. She tried coming up with a plan, but everything she thought of seemed hopeless or terribly absurd. There was no getting around it. Jacqueline’s treasure and William were gone. She had lost. She had failed as a captain and wanted to fall into a hole and be buried.

         A week went by and Jacqueline was able to stand up, but wasn’t able to forget about what had happened. She was disheartened and her crew was worried about her. This wasn’t like their fearless captain to feel this way.
         One night, when Jacqueline was getting to where she could stand it no longer, one of the crew spotted something in the sky. It was a pigeon and strapped to its leg was a scrap of parchment, a letter from William. The letter was quickly taken to Jacqueline and she read it with growing enthusiasm. It said that William was in good health and had passed himself off as one of the crew. It also contained the coordinates of the Black Revenge and where they were headed. This letter gave her the strength and will to find and rescue her treasure.
         Jacqueline limped out of her cabin and out onto the deck. The salty air blasted her face and she wondered why anyone would ever want to live on land when the sea was so wonderful. “Anne! I want this ship ready to move yesterday. We’re going after my treasure!” Jacqueline barked orders as if she had never been in poor health.
         “Aye Captain!” Anne yelled back with a grin. She was glad to have her captain alive and well and barking orders like her namesake. They were sailing toward her William at top speed before you could have said, “Do you have the courage and the fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?”
         Hours later, Jacqueline was laughing and would have been dancing had it not hurt her wound so much. “What has put you in such a fine mood, Captain?” one of the crew inquired.
         “We’re catching up.” She pulled out her scope and saw the Black Revenge in her sights. The black ship was moving at a fine pace, but was no match for the Red Diamond, who was gaining quickly. “Make ready the guns!” The sound of covers being pulled off cannons was music to Jacqueline’s ears. She was always ready for a good fight and intended to win this one even if she never won another the rest of her days.

         It was the fight to end all fights; even King Charles was give a small dagger and was sticking a few men. There was much chaos aboard the two ships as both sides fought for their lives. The Diamond crew, however, had more to fight for and therefore, fought harder. They wanted to make their captain proud after losing the last battle against the Revenge. They were going to be sure that this battle wasn’t lost.
         Jacqueline’s crew fought well with their injured captain and in the end Captain Rackham was on his back with the tip of Jacqueline’s sword at his throat. “You fight well for a woman,” he said with a curl of his lip.
         She plunged her sword into his gullet and pronounced, “I fight well for anyone.” King Charles screeched with delight at the sight of his master’s foe beaten. The victory was won. Jacqueline had her treasure and her man back aboard her own ship.
         William and Jacqueline watched the Revenge sink into the blue Caribbean waters. “What are you going to do with your treasure?” William asked. “Spend it? Bury it?”
         Jacqueline pulled him closer. “Not all treasure is silver and gold mate.”

Pirate Code of Conduct (adapted from Captain Bartholomew Roberts)

1. Everyone shall obey orders.
2. Booty will be shared out as follows: 1 share to every ordinary seawoman; 1 1/2 shares to the captain; 1 1/4 shares to the master carpenter, boatswain and gunner.
3. Anyone keeping secret of attempting to desert will be marooned. She may take only a flask of gunpowder, a bottle of water, a gun and some shot.
4. The punishment for hitting a woman is 40 lashes on the bare back.
5. Anyone being lazy or failing to clean her weapons will lose her share of booty.
6. Everyone may vote on all important decisions.
7. Everyone may have a share of captured drink and fresh food.
8. Anyone found stealing form another member of crew will have her ears and nose slit open and be set ashore.
9. Gambling with cards and money is forbidden.
10. The penalty for bringing a man aboard in disguise is death. (The only exception is Captain Jacqueline's husband.)
11. No one may leave the crew until each woman has made 1,100 pounds.
12. The compensation of losing a limb is 800 silver dollars.
© Copyright 2004 standingontheedge (gtseternity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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