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The Dream Weaver keeps his promise |
Time: Part 8 David stumbled to the table collapsing into the chair, he held his head in his hands as he broke down. He couldn’t bare to look at the images being displayed all around him. As tears rolled down his cheeks, his heart was breaking. “Oh Beth, what have I done to you? How did this happen?” Sobs wracked his body as he continued to cry. He couldn’t shake the feeling that it was his fault this had happened. What had he been trying to prove when he suggested they enter this stupid game? He found it difficult to breath. For several moments he was consumed by guilt, then anger began to ensue. “Why in the hell would you let Mark to do this to her? I just don’t understand. What’s Marks position in this game anyway? I thought he was trying to win her love, not kill her!” Through his anger and frustrations, he wanted to confront the Dream Weaver. He then realized by doing so, it wouldn’t help Beth or their positions in the game. He finally decided to gather his thoughts and discuss this openly and calmly with the Dream Weaver. Maybe he had stepped in before Mark could kill her? How would he ever know if he didn’t at least ask. *** Hearing David’s comments had infuriated the Dream Weaver! “You idiots! Because you demanded he be in the calming room, he thinks Mark did this to her! He should’ve been left in his room where he belonged, with the monitoring walls on!” “Master, we’re sorry! We had no way of knowing the turn of events would happen as they did!” “Shut up! All of you! I should place all of you, with Mark for reconditioning!” A sly smile then crept across the Dream Weavers face, as he had an idea. “Bring Mark to me. It’s TIME we have a little chat about his future!” “Yes Master.” “Then I want to see David. I want to make him completely aware of what he missed!” “Yes Master.” *** The elders slowly walked to the cell that was Mark’s temporary holding place. It was a damp, dark area where players were placed while awaiting “reconditioning“. Eventually all his memories were to be erased and he would merely become a tool for the master of the game. They weren’t looking forward to this. They’d seen many different things happen when the Dream Weaver requested to see players that were in holding. Some turned out ok, most did not. As they entered the cell, Mark jumped to his feet. “What’s goin’ on now?” “The Dream Weaver has asked to meet with you.” “Why? Hasn’t he already done enough! He has me where he wants me. I failed, he wins. End of story.” “We’re sorry Mark. There’s really no choice in the matter. You must respond to his beckoning.” “Fine! I have a few things to say to the son of a bitch anyway!” One of the elders sat down beside him, placing his hand on Marks shoulder. “Mark, I know this isn’t easy but...” Mark pushed his hand away and cut him off in mid-sentence. “Nothings easy now is it? Take me to him!” “Mark, I must warn you. You need to calm down! The Dream Weaver is rather hostile right now. Don’t say anything tha...” “Hostile? I’ll show you hostile! Take me to him!” “But Mark..” “NOW!” They had tried to prepare him, but he wasn’t willing to listen. They were in fear of what might happen to him if he was confrontational with the Dream Weaver. *** David had regained his composure and decided the best action at the moment, would be to try and talk to the Dream Weaver. He left his room, carefully composing the words in his mind that he planned to use. *** As they were leading Mark to the Dream Weaver, David came around the opposite corner. Mark was moving with a determined stride and nearly bowled him over. David instantly recognized him. Without a second thought, he leapt on Mark and knocked him to the ground. The elders stood there for a moment, trying to comprehend what was happening. When they gathered their wits and tried to pull him off Mark, they failed. David was completely out of control! He wanted to kill him! “How fucking dare you do this to Beth, you son of a bitch!” Mark on the other hand, had no idea who was attacking him and why. “Who the hell are you?” He managed to get out between blows. The Dream Weaver emerged and grabbed David by the scruff of the neck. He hurled him over his shoulder as if he were rag doll. His head hit the wall with such force, he was knocked unconscious. Mark jumped to his feet and went for the Dream Weaver. “You son of a bitch! What was he talking about? What have you done to Beth?” “You so easily forget who I am?” The Dream Weaver transformed to the beast that Mark recognized from Beth’s bedroom. Though he trembled with fear, his anger still raged. “You knew I couldn’t do this, you heartless bastard! What kind of game are you running? How dare you....” The Dream Weaver knocked him to the ground with one stealth blow. He straddled David, and produced razor like finger’s. He grabbed Marks chest. “You should never have questioned how I run my game!” “No!” The Dream Weaver’s fingers pierced through his skin like butter. He pulled Mark’s heart from his chest and threw it in his face. “Now who’s the heartless bastard?” Mark’s last breath escaped his body. The Dream Weaver’s laughter echoed through TIME. *** Beth trembled from the sound. She knew in her heart that that sound represented shear horror. With wobbly legs, she made her way to the couch. Everything was racing through her mind. What just happened? And to whom? Mark? My partner in this game? God what’s going on now? *** The sound and vibrations of the Dream Weaver’s laughter jolted David back to consciousness. As he opened his eyes, he nearly lost it due to the sights displayed before him. There was blood splattered everywhere. The placid white walls had turned crimson. The white tiled floors surrounding him, were now covered in the sticky red substance. He was still unsure as to where the mass of blood had come from. He feared that it may be coming from his own body. David chose not to move, but continued to scan the hall. He could see the group of elders standing with their backs against the wall. Their skin tone appeared to be pristine white. Yet, there was blood splattered all over their faces and clothes. They stood motionless, doing nothing about it. They were clearly in fear for their own lives. David eyes shifted back to the floor. He saw Marks lifeless body. He instantly realized where all the blood had come from. The beast that he saw atop Mark, caused his stomach to turn uncontrollably. The Dream Weaver stood up and returned to his normal form. He looked towards David. Realizing he was once again awake and clearly in a state of fear and confusion, he then turned his gaze towards the elders. Seeing the fear on everyone’s faces, he became very pleased with himself. “Awe, now maybe you gentlemen will remember who the master of this game is!” He was thrilled that he had got what he wanted. He had hoped that it would’ve been Beth or David. But, Mark was the first to question how he played the game. At least he had been able to make good of his promise! Seeing the fear on the faces all around him, was merely an added pleasure. Looking back towards David, he thought it would be a good time to make a move that could very well end the game. “While we clean up this little mess, you may go to Beth. I’m in such a good mood, I’ll even say no rules for this one! Say and do as you wish. She’ll even know you. How’s that?” His laughter bellowed once again. *** With that, David found himself standing in Beth’s living room. He was in shock from what he had witnessed. “David?” He looked at her beautiful face now broken and bruised. He couldn’t believe what he had done to her. His anger again, began to rage. But, his concern for her was stronger than his anger. “Beth! Baby, are you ok?” “I will be. It‘s not as bad as it looks.” “I can’t believe he did this to you!” “Me either.” “Well he’s dead now babe! He’ll never be able to touch you again!” “Oh David, if he’s dead, that means the game’s over! Who killed him?” “No Beth, the games not over. I wish it were, but at least he can‘t hurt you anymore. The Dream Weaver killed him.” “You’re not making any sense!” “Beth! The Dream Weaver killed Mark. He'll never be able to harm you again! What part of that doesn’t make sense?” “Mark didn’t do this to me! The Dream Weaver did!” David fell on the couch speechless. He’d been certain that Mark had done this to her. He found it difficult to comprehend what she was saying. Yet, he knew she was telling the truth. He knew there was no way he could go against the Dream Weaver. He had seen the effects of doing that. While his anger still flared, the images of what had happened to Mark took precedence. He knew there was nothing more he could do to protect her. He succumbed to the fact that she would be on her own. He knew he couldn’t tell her of Mark’s gruesome death. He only hoped she’d fully understand what the Dream Weaver had done to her, and the fact that he’d killed Mark. He prayed that she’d think twice before doing anything rash. Beth was speechless as well. The realization of Mark’s death broke her heart! They couldn’t even look at each other. They’d both received devastating news. They didn’t know what may happen next. *** As they sat there in silence, the Dream Weaver once again became angry. “How dare they say nothing! I told him no rules! Yet they say and do nothing!” As if they both sensed the Dream Weaver’s anger, they gave each other a knowing look. It was like they had reconnected in mind and soul. They knew they had no choice but to play as hard as the Dream Weaver was playing, yet maintain level heads. It wasn’t going to be easy. But with knowing the circumstances of becoming hot heads, they knew they had to maintain composure as well as become very strong. “I love you Beth! I always will.” “I know David. I love you too. We'll make it through this!” |