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Rated: GC · Fiction · Young Adult · #826689
This, children, is what happens when you stay up too late and you start thinking.
A/N: I'm not sure why I chose the people I did, they just seemed to fit the characters. Juliette needs a shag, but from whom? And what will that entail? Will she learn something she wasn't supposed to?

"Juliette, stop daydreaming and answer the question!"
"What is the molecular formula for glucose?"
"Oh, I know this . . ." Juliette concentrated, but not on molecules. She tried tot shake the pestering image in her head. "Wait . . . C . . . 16 . . ." Juliette frowned. "No, C6H12O6!" she said triumphantly.
"Thank you." The teacher continued droning on like the exams were tomorrow and they really needed to know the chemical equation for photosynthesis. Juliette turned to Natalie.
"Not in class, you fucker!"
"I'm sorry. I'm just going through a dry patch, that's all. I'll get high on Saturday and get some then."
"You should talk to Julia, she can hook you up."
"I told you, I'm not into that."
"I'm just trying to help you academically. You really haven't been concentrating since the break up."
"Yeah well . . . It's not like I'm gonna pass anyway."
"But at least you can try and your teachers can say you're a hard worker."
"Yeah well . . ." The bell rang signalling the end of the lesson. The 24 teenagers filed out of the stuffy room. The halls were no different. Juliette shuffled to her locker to take out her algebra book. A wad of carelessly strewn papers had infested the locker and multiplied. Juliette rummaged through and found her brother's old math book. Her brother annoyed her, he got all the new stuff and he was old enough to drink, take drugs, go to clubs etc legally. But she loved him really and he had his own marijuana plant, which he grew from scratch. Sometimes when Juliette was grounded and he had no plans they would roll up in his attic room. Double maths passed slower than an OAP with Parkinson's disease. Juliette's mind was on another planet where her naked crush lived and happened to have sex with Juliette a lot. Thank God maths was so easy Juliette could do it with half a brain cell. Unfortunately, she was having trouble finding unoccupied brain power. So even the simplest of algebraic expressions frustrated her. She leaned over to another of her mates.
"Hey, what's the answer to . . . all of them?"
"Gimme your paper." Sarah replied. Juliette handed over her sheet and tried desperately to look like she was doing something as Sarah speedily jotted down all the stages and answers of the re-arranged formulae in imitation Juliette handwriting. Jesus Christ, Sarah was good at maths. Even better than Juliette. That said they were all throwing their educations away by never doing their homework, drinking, smoking, taking drugs, going to raves, having sex with guys at raves etc. And they dragged all their other mates into as well. And they wonder why this generation gets shit results? The bell went but no one moved. They had to wait another 40 minutes to be released. Juliette clutched her head and closed her eyes.
"Hey . . . er . . . You okay?" She opened her eyes to see the teacher had left the room to attend to something (most likely alcohol or nicotine cravings) and Sarah kneeling down beside her desk with a concerned look.
"I'm just feeling a bit down, that's all."
"Is it about Alex?"
"It's not about Alex! I just have a headache!" Juliette was getting aggravated.
"Hey, chill out! So it IS about Alex?"
"No." She looked at her friend whose expression just said 'just tell me, you can trust me.' "Are you sure?"
"Okay yes. It's about Alex."
"So spill. What's going on?"
"At the party last last Saturday, you know, Ben's party at the massive hall. I arrived with Alex. So halfway through I go into the bathroom and when I come back out, Alex and some other girl are getting freaky in the janitor's closet right near-by. And they left the fucking door open, like they wanted me to see. And so I was like 'fuck that.' And I walked out." Juliette felt sick at the memory. It kept playing over and over in her brain.
"Have you tried to sort it out with Alex?"
"We haven't spoken since. Besides, what am I s'posed to say. 'Oh yeah, last last Saturday at Ben's party, I saw you with wots-her-face having sex in a closet.' And then what, do I just wait for an apology?"
"Ummmmm . . . Maybe that isn't a good idea. One thing you could try . . ."
"A rebound. Find someone and have sex with them. And make sure you have no regrets. Go wild."
"Hey, good idea! Sarah . . ."
"Oi! Watch it! 'Sides, I'm accounted for. I meant someone more along the lines of just met in a bar, felt electricity, went back to your place for some 'coffee', have sex the whole night, next morning they're gone and you never have to see them again."
"Christ, how many times have you done that?"
"It's like my end of relationship tradition."
"So you've lost count then? Sorry, no offence yeah, but I don't wanna be only one layer of latex away from HIV."
"Juliette, it was you who first told me to do that."
"Oh yeah."
"You're sure you don't wanna?"
"I'm sure."
"I have two more options for you then."
"Go on, I'm listening."
"First, is that you curl up in the foetal position and weep. But that doesn't do anybody much good. Second, I know a professional who's reasonable and completely clean. She does your kinda thing too."
"No way."
"You know her?"
"Natalie suggested her as well. What, has she fucked everyone but me?"
"Ummmmmm . . . As far as I know, she has a waiting list."
"And she's still clean?"
"Apparently, she should've caught HIV years ago, but for some reason she can't catch it."
"Well, that's not fair."
"Yeah, and all us suckers gotta use condoms."
"Wait a sec, how long is this waiting list?"
"I've heard people wait about a week, but there have been other stories of fortnights or months."
"Shit, she's popular. I don't wanna wait a week."
"Don't worry. I'll give you the day time slot. I'll pull a couple G-strings. Meet outside the parking lot at three."
"Wait, how can you do that?"
"I'm her manager. It's my number on her business card."
"Fucking hell, business cards?! So that's why your phone is always engaged. This makes perfect sense now."
"It does?"
"No, of course it doesn't! One of my mates is a pimp."
"Uhhhhh . . . Yeah . . . Sure." The teacher entered the room along with the faint scent of neat whiskey and Benson & Hedges. Maybe miss had to teach a cover lesson so she lost her vital cigarette break at third period. Juliette now found it harder to even consider thinking about equations. Her mind was heavy and tangled with conflicting and confusing thoughts. Deal with it the way everyone else does and stay in bed and lack Vitamin D. Or, take the easy way out, be the next trick for the most popular prostitute in school and risk being discovered hiring a hooker, damaging her reputation. Fuck it, if some prostitute was the fastest way to a fuck then so be it.

Julia's car gracefully glided across the blistering concrete. The convertible Pontiac's engine purred contentedly. She pulled up next to the parking lot. On the phone, Sarah had instructed her to be gentle, she was a first timer. Ahhhhhh . . . Fresh meat. Julia vaguely remembered meeting the client once or twice at parties but it was a quick 'hi!' at the punch bowl and that was it. And maybe those rumours about Alex were linked to the client as well. They were going out or something. Alex was such a mean bitch. Even though over half of Julia's clients had partners, you weren't meant to do it when the partner is right there. And with the door open, that's just mean. Oh well, a job was a job. And money meant less depression and sickness that came with the withdrawal symptoms. Julia looked up at the rear-view mirror and re-adjusted her hair and make-up.

Juliette watched the beautiful car approach. But the beautiful babe was far more stunning. Her eyes fell from the babe's face to her breasts. She got out the car and activated the alarm. Juliette instantly realised why she was such a popular prostitute.

Julia looked at the client once over. And then she smiled in the same seductive way she always did. The client looked Julia over the same way. So much so; that they could have both been hookers. Julia turned around and sprawled herself over the bonnet of the car.

Juliette looked as Julia did a very ostentatious dance. She wanted . . . No, she needed to have sex with this girl. But she noticed something, a very small detail. It was holding her back. Juliette noticed it as soon as Julia turned around. Just above the belt, a small, bright red lipstick mark was inked into Julia's soft, tanned skin. Juliette memory flashed with the image of the tattoo. Another mental picture was brought to the surface. Alex . . . the little fucker was having sex with Julia in closet. Juliette was so fucking mad . . . And this little shit had the audacity to come here and expect it to be peachy. She wanted hurt Julia so badly. She wanted to mutilate her body. She wanted to rip her head off and put it in Alex's bed when she was sleeping. Grrrrrrrr! Bitch! Juliette lunged Julia. Julia's head slammed against the hood. Juliette reached for the throat. Julia struggled and pushed Juliette off. Juliette pounced and Julia bashed against the car again. She continually pummelled Julia's face. Julia tried to scream through the pain. Her face was bloody and bruised. Bodiless hands attacked her.

Sarah ran down the stairs. She wanted to check up on Julia and Juliette. She hoped they were getting along. Actually, she hoped they were fucking. Sarah made for the parking lot as quickly as she could. Well, Juliette was on top of Julia but something was very wrong. She sprinted towards the two and tugged on Juliette's top. Sarah grabbed Juliette's shoulders and tore her away from Julia. She twisted the arms back and restrained them. Julia got up.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Julia screamed.
"You . . . were . . . fucking Alex! You fucking whore!" Juliette shouted through angered breaths.
Sarah stood between the two. "Well, yeah duh!"
"Why'd you fuck Alex?" Juliette raged.
"Because I told her to." Sarah said simply.
"You see, I've been after Alex for a long time. And recently, she got interested. But then, along comes you and you swoop down and take her from right under my nose. So I get Julia here to 'arouse' her interest again."
"You want Alex? For what?"
"What do you think? I wanted her to work for me. Do you know how many people want to fuck her? It's ridiculous. She's a money-making machine."
"You?" Juliette was fuming.
"Yes, of course me. I employ every single slut in this school. No one escapes my grasp."
"You fucking bitch!" Juliette punched Sarah. Unfortunately for her, Sarah didn't have to be sexy and slim so she regularly worked with heavy weights and did martial arts and had a powerful punch. Sarah blocked and hit back. Next moment, Juliette was out cold on the floor. Julia turned to Sarah in terror.
"What's the matter with you? Look like you seen a ghost."
"Boss, you just knocked someone out. You've hurt a lot of people just for Alex."
"I know. Let's get out of here." Sarah hopped into the Pontiac. She revved the engine. Julia got in. Sarah picked up a condom wrapper on the dashboard. "What the fuck you been doing in my car?"

© Copyright 2004 Sarah Kerrigan (sdakerrigan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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