Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/826058-The-Legend-of-the-Rising-Tide
Rated: · Fiction · Cultural · #826058
the love behind the mystery of the sea and the sky...
Long ago when the gods freely walked the land and everyone lived to prove their race’s worth lived a couple named Alon, the husband who was the best fisherman of the village and was greatly favored by the seas and his wife Luna, a radiantly fair maiden who is a good storyteller. They were well loved by the children of the village most of them practically grew up under their care because the parents are always busy preparing for battles. Alon and Luna having no children yet were left in the village to look after the children and the elders.

Luna is in-charge of the education of the children, she taught them how to read, write and on some evenings she told them stories. Alon became the provider of food for the ones left in the village, as a skilled fisherman he always comes home with a good catch.

After one long day for the couple, the couple talked again about not having an offspring of their own.

“The gods has definitely cursed me! I cannot bear you a child Alon! You have always been a good provider and protector as wee. In as much that I am happy with you… I know that it’s in every man’s heart to have a child, a son over whom he gives his name and the honors of his triumphant battles like the men in this village! I cannot even give a daughter whom young men would line up and give you services for her hand! It is also every wife’s wish to bear a child for her husband you see!”

One night Alon was not able to go home (he went to see the mountain goddess and asked her to favor them with a child). Luna was very worried she went to the seashore to look for her husband. Instead she heard the winds murmur, “Have you seen the woman with Alon? She is very pretty… very pretty indeed!”

In great despair she ran up the mountain and cried her heart out. Tala, the son of the goddess of the sky heard it. Tala was also once one of Luna’s suitors comforted the grieving Luna and made her an offer. “I’d ask my mother to favor you a child so that your husband will remain faithful to you but if you husband still finds a mistress I will take you with me and live among the skies!”
Luna gave Tala a hug and with high hopes she went home to tell her husband the good news. When Luna arrived she saw Alon was very happy. Alon who didn’t know what his wife has been through cheerfully greeted her as well.

The news about Luna and Alon’s blessings spread like lightning in the village and when the time came for Luna to give birth to their child, a boy to everyone’s joy the whole village prepared a great big feast for his coming. As the merry making continued deep into the night, Luna noticed that Alon was not around, so she looked for him again.

On her way out the village she met Tala who just arrived to celebrate with the whole village, volunteered to help Luna find Alon.

At the mouth of a cave west of the village Alon offered gifts for the goddess whom he had asked for a child.

“Oh great goddess! I am very thankful for giving us a son. Please accept my offerings for you! I am really grateful!”

At last Luna and Tala found Alon. Luna saw that her husband was giving gifts to the woman standing amongst the rocks at the mouth of the cave. She ran nearer checking if it was really her husband… and to her great disbelief it was really Alon. “Now that I have given you a son why are you unfaithful to me? Have I been an awful wife? I have given you everything Alon, why?”

Alon now realized his wife’s present turned to explain everything but it was too late. Luna and Tala was now ascending to the skies. “Luna,” he called out “let me explain! It’s not what you think… Luna! Wait!” He ran to his boat and tried to catch up with his wife again shouting out his explanations.

The next day the village people looked for the young couple but they couldn’t find them. They searched both land and water but there was no trace of the couple. But when darkness came… they were awed by the beauty of the new addition in the sky a round radiant ball with a shadow of woman reading. It was Luna! She became the moon! At some nights she came out reading stories for the children in the village and at some nights she hides in great grief for her broken love.

What happened to Alon? The water god who has always favored him kept him in the sea protecting him from the world. On nights when Luna is out reading for the children of the village and for her son as well Alon in the waters still tries to reach out for his wife. On these nights the water level is high -believing its Alon’s force to reach out for his wife and the villagers still hears Alon’s lamentations brought by the sea breeze.

The villagers in gratitude to the couple for their services raised Luna and Alon’s son and he later became the greatest leader of the village ever had for he was favored by the skies whom his mother now lives and the seas whom his father dominates.

*hope you enjoyed it! (",)
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