Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/822537-Virulent-Strain-Rough-Draft
Rated: GC · Short Story · Occult · #822537
A change of...perspective for Sara.
Virulent Strain

         Dr. Sara Conrad loved doing this type of field research. At 28 she was still young enough to enjoy roughing it, and old enough to appreciate the value of the work she and her colleagues were doing. Which consisted of finding new plants and tribal medicines, that could be used for modern medical research.

         This trip was to New Britain, an island just off the coast of Papua New Guinea. They had left from the small port city of Kimbe, and headed south-west, on what amounted to rutted old mud roads. Their destination was a small settlement that they would use as a base for their forays into the forest.

         "Ouch, god dammit, something just bit my ankle" complained Sara. "if it wasn't for these damn bugs, this trip would be awesome!" Looking down for the offender, she didn't see anything but a small mark, much like a mosquito bite on her ankle.

         Laughing, another researcher on the project named Ken sumner responded. "Don't I know it. This is my second trip here, and as beautiful as this place is, I'm already sick of it!" slapping a mosquito off the side of his neck he grimaceed and continued "I think I'm down half a pint already!"

         Others in the group laughed, but the occasional slaps and curses heard from throughout the line of march showed that none of the others were fareing any better. Several locals along as guides and porters, didn't seem to be suffering near as bad as the newcommers though. Much to the latter groups amused jealousy.

         Before long, they came to the small community they were to use as their base. Though at first glance there wasn't alot to it. A dozen thatch roofed huts, randomly set around 4 more solid wood structures. All of which were overlooked by a larger house, which looked more like a Virginia plantation house, than something belonging in the rain forest.

         Some of the locals stopped to watch what was going on. But it wasn't totally new to see strangers come and go, so it didn't hold their attention for long. The chief and the medicine man came out of their homes and greeted the expedition leader warmly enough. A good sign that boded well for their stay.

         Sara's lower leg felta little cold, almost numb around the bite, but the excitement of reaching the settlement, and the bustle of setting camp and getting the portable lab working, forced the minor irritation to the back of her mind. Everyone looked haggard by the evening, but the camp was up and ready for the next 3 weeks of research. Tired smiles greeted the sound of the generator starting up, and the camp lights coming to life. Someone had even humped a ghetto blaster and soon the area was inundated with the sounds of Jethro Tulls Aqualung.

         The camp settled for the night early, everyone fairly spent from the hike, the bugs and the setting up of the camp. Things would get into full swing the following day, with only 3 weeks with which to work, they would have alot of very full days ahead of them.

         The chill in Sara's leg continued, but she had checked the bite and it didn't seem infected or inflamed at all, just a small bug bite, so deciding it was just fatigue she settled into her sleeping bag and quickly fell asleep. And dreamed.

         The smell, hot and tempting, pulsing, the fear enticing. Falling on her prey to feed, to gorge on the flood of life. Shadows are safety, must always stay in the shadows, the night is my friend, the sun can't warm me, no warmth there, warmth from them, yes them, they will make me warm, make me strong!

         Upon waking, Sara felt very strange indeed, like her emotions were at war for no particular reason. She remembered some of the dreams she'd had the night before. They weren't really nightmares, but certainly disturbing, yet another part of her was well, turned on. Her whole lower body felt like ice, not really painful, just cold. Opening her sleeping bag, she looked at her legs. They looked a little pale, and felt a little tight, but no pain. And the bites swelling had gone down. She did however feel a little tired and there was a slight throb behind her eyes. Ah well she thought, what do ya expect, middle of the jungle after the long trek to get here. Not to mention, she hated sleeping in a bag. Grabbing the kit she'd need to get her morning wash done, she left her tent. The morning sunlight seemed very bright, and made her head throb painfully. Going back into her tent she grabbed her sunglasses. They helped some, but the throbbing continued.

         The day was beautiful, no rain in sight, and the team was raring to get going, everyone that is except for Sara. But like the good trooper she was, she sucked it up and followed the guide and the team into the jungle to look for new and promising plants that may hold life for the afflicted of the world. The chill moved into Sara's groin half way through the day and suddenly on top of the throbbing headache and sensitivity to the sun, she found that she was horny as hell. What the fuck is wrong with me she kept thinking, while she tried to concentrate on looking for fungus's and flowers that may be what they had come here at such expense for.

         Her randyness increased at the same rate her appetite decreased. At supper she barely touched her food and made polite conversation with her colleagues while she sized every male in the camp up, wondering if she could get one in her tent for a hard banging without the others noticing. Ken!, he'd do it!, she was sure he would, she was pretty wasn't she? Smart, desirable, yes, she'd ask him to come look at her leg bite before he went to bed. If she could wait that long, it was all she could do not to squirm right off her seat. When Ken went to wash up his utensils from supper she followed him. "Heyas Ken, great start today huh?" she said with a smile.

         "hey Sara" Ken responded with a smile "yea went well today, long as the rains hold off it should be an awesome trip, I love this field detective shit."

         "Can I ask ya a favor?"

         "what can I do ya for?"

         "Just wonderin if before ya settle in tonight if you could come check this bite on my leg, its been feelin a bit weird, and well, ya know, I'd like a impartial looksee." she said with a giggle.

         "You bet, I never mind checkin out a ladies legs." he laughed.

         Laughing she turned away saying "thanks Kenny, see ya in a little while, I'm gonna go read for a bit."

         The sun wasn't so bright, having gone below the tree's and as it went down, her headache seemed to lessen.'Bout fucking time she thought, it had been a long day made longer by the constant throbbing, both in her head and her loins. Entering her tent, she stripped down to her panties and put on a loose halter top after removing her shirt and bra. She shuddered, The cold fire between her legs was overwhelming and she couldn't wait for Ken. So she didn't.

         Damn! she thought, that was the fasted I've ever gotten off! Looking closely at her legs she noticed they had gotten very pale, almost white. They felt strong, hard, and as the sun went down she seemed to be getting more energy than she'd had all day. What the hell's going on with me? She noticed she could hear people talking from all over the camp, sorta like a low buzzing, but if she concentrated she could make out bits here and there. Nothing much interesting doing on, and most of it was natives that she didn't understand anyway.

         The change was very rapid, as it always was. Though the Virus wasn't sentient, it was programmed to change its host to suit its own needs. 99.9 percent of creatures infected simple couldn't handle the changes and died within a day or so of infection. Very rarely a creature became a carrier, how this happens will more than likely never be known, though hell would be a good place to begin the search. It was like a symbiotic parasite, It gave many things, but it changed and took many things in return. Evil comes in many forms, and this form was as old as sin itself, at the molecular level.

         The paleness had moved up her body further, changing her in the process. Muscles became stronger, breathing shallower, heartbeat slower. As it reached her neck, she felt a horrible burning. Grabbing the offender and tearing, she ripped the necklace holding a small silver cross from her neck, burning her hand slightly in the process. Looking down at the dropped icon she hisses and turns her head in disgust. Confused she wonders again what the hell was wrong with her, but it was getting harder and harder to care. Looking at her hand where it was burnt, she watches as the wound heals before her eyes.

         As she looked at her hand confused, the Virus was finishing its work. Cold, Hunger, Feed! The coldness moved to envelope her completely, and she died. Only to dream. In her dream, she rose, feeling the strength flowing through her body like it had never done before. Icy tendrils of fire flooded through her mind, awaking it to new thoughts, feelings. Instinct, secrecy, yes secrecy was a must, none could know now. Damn! this hunger was growing like a beast within her! The sun, yes the sun was an enemy, never let the sun see us again! Never, never again! In her dream she went out into the night. She could see every detail, even through the pitch of the darkness. She could hear the beats of the living hearts all around her, they called to her, promising so much and so easy to take. Floating through the night, light as the air, silent as the mist, she threw her mind outward. Seeking, seeking, but what? Yes! Ken, and then she was before him. Calling out to him, enticing him. She would need a guardian in the day, she knew this somehow. Instinct of the Virus to survive. Like a drug, the Virus would guide her thoughts and desires until she was able to guide herself in its benefit. She urged Ken to come to her now! Quietly.

         A sudden urge came over Ken to go Sara, like a command that he had to obey. Shaking his head as if to clear it, even as he started walking toward her tent. He shrugged it off as her earlier request to check her bug bite, compelling him to go. Reaching her tent, he entered without so much as a word.

         She was laying there, in the semi darkness, on top of her sleeping bag, in just her panties, a loose shirt, and her sunglasses, Thinking she was asleep he approached to stand beside her. She looks like a slutty porcelain doll he laughed inwardly. Reaching down, he gently tried to remove her glasses. As his finger touched the frame, her hand shot up, blindingly fast, and gripped his wrist. The grip was so cold, it felt like his lower arm was freezing.

         Sara reached up, and removed her own glasses. "hello darling" she spoke as she looked him in the eyes.

         He stood there in shock, her iris's looked blood red. He shouldn't be able to see them so well, but they seemed to radiate their own inner light. A trick of the mind he supposed, but no denying. They were very very red. And then she smiled, and terror filled him, he bleated like a lamb and tried to turn away, get away, but he couldn't brake free, from either her grip or her gaze. Her teeth, she had fangs! He'd heard all the same stories growing up that most everyone had. The ones about Vampires, but thats all they were, stories, they couldn't be real. Yet here he stood, in the grip of what? What else could Sara be?

         Spiraling downward into the depths of those crimson eyes, the fright and panic fade. Replaced by a sort of calm numbness, as she pulls him down. Scenes play in his head, erotic coupling in silence, always those eyes holding his. Body responding to the touches without concious thought, exstacy. Pain and pleasure as her nails rake his back drawing blood. Frenzy as she flips him over and rakes his back again, this time with her tongue. He knows she owns his soul, and can do nothing about it. He is hers.

         "Go sleep my pet, come to me before the sun rises." Sara commands.

         He left without a word, straight to his tent, laid down and went to sleep.

         Sara waited until the camp was quiet, then walked out into the night. Pale and naked, like a wraith she slipped through the tree's, seeking to quench her hunger but still afraid.

         The Virus motivates, the Virus must have fresh blood, often, though it will survive for very long periods without it, like any creature its instinct is to be fed and comfortable.

         There, ahead on a trail, she spies a native man walking, quietly humming to himself. Sara is amazed the man doesn't hear her walking toward him. Its like she's part of the forest, silent, deadly to the unaware. The hunger drives her forward, Hand striking out, she sends him flying into the forest beside the trail. Immediately she drops onto him, she can hear his heart beating within his chest, the pulsing in his neck. Her attack has knocked him senseless, and he doesn't react when she grabs his hair and turns his head to the side. Leaning down she brushed her lips along the side of her victims neck. Then in a rush her mouth opens and she sinks her virgin fangs into her first throat. Hot, sweet, life rushes down her throat, much spilling out over her chin. Technique will come with time, right now the blood flowing through her was all there is in the universe. No amount of sex or drugs, could ever feel so good. That she just killed a man walking home to his family after a long day toiling in the jungle, didn't even cross her mind. Nor would it ever again.

         The Virus was content

         Sara spent the rest of the night walking through the jungle. Exploring her new,'self', and it was glorious. Her strength was immense, she could hear a million sounds she'd never been able to before. She could see in the pitch of night as well as if she was in the midday sun. She knew there was much more to learn, but she had all the time in the world. Well before the sun rose, she was back at her tent, joined shortly there after by Ken.

         "Hello Kenneth, I'm glad you could come." she giggled.

         "Yes mistress, as you asked." he replied.

         "Mmmm 'mistress' delicious, I like that Kenneth." she coo'd seductively

         "Thank you mistress."

         "Kenny baby, I need your help."

         "What could I possibly help you with mistress?"

         "The sun will rise soon, I can't stand the sun, you have to keep me safe from it, you must!" she pouted.

         "I will, but how?" he asked, thinking.

         "Hide me in the big house, there must be a cellar or somewhere dark and peaceful. Maybe tell the others I'm sick and need the quiet, out of the heat."

         "OK, well lets walk there now before the others rise, I'll tell them I moved you there after checking on you and finding you feeling ill, with a slight fever."

         "Oh, thank you Kenny!" she demurred. "I'll make it worth your while being my protector!"

         Remembering last night, his loins stirred at the promise.

         They went to the plantation house, it wasn't locked. Most dwellings in this area didn't even have doors. Quickly finding the steps to the basement they descended into the darkness. "Yes this will suit me perfectly until you find a way to get me home!" Sara squealed happily.

         Ken's mind swirled, Home? How the hell was he going to get her home?!
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