Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/822049-Dangerously-In-Love
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #822049
A story about love and danger and discovering that not everyone is who you think they are.
The cold, night air whipped against her neck. The bushes on the cliff beside her blew in the wind and she could feel the air from them hit her. It wouldn’t be much longer until he arrived. Hugging herself, Genja blew out heavily. There were footsteps from around the corner and before she knew it, she had spun around to face him. He stood there dressed in black, a cigarette held lightly between his first two fingers. He was part of the underworld, but that didn’t change her view of him. Only his view of her…

He stood in front of her and blew the smoke from his cigarette in her face. He caught her eyes and stared into them. Genja shivered. His eyes were cold, there was no feeling in them anymore.

“I won’t tell anyone Mark!” Genja pleaded to him, before he could even start to say anything. She knew what went on in his world, but she knew better than to tell anyone.

“I can’t take that risk,” Mark’s voice was low as if someone was listening and he didn’t want them to hear.

“It’s okay! I promise I won’t tell another living soul,” Genja swore to him. Mark glanced at her, his bright blue eyes contrasting his black-covered body. He took his eyes off her for a split second and looked downwards towards the path. Genja saw her chance. She turned, spinning on her heels and fled. Mark shot an arm out to stop her, but she twisted free from him and kept running. She knew what he could do to her and there was no choice but to at least try and save herself. Her dark coat flew behind her and the blood in her legs pounded as she ran but she forced herself to keep going. Looking back, she saw Mark still standing on the path, watching her. His hands were deep in his pockets but all of a sudden, as she was watching, one flew out. In it, he held a small pistol and he aimed it in her direction. Screaming, Genja threw herself off the path, rolling down the cliff. She heard a shot behind her and screamed louder, piercing through the night air. She rolled herself into a ball and her body was flung from each bush, finally resting in one of them. She moaned quietly, her head spinning. Leaning against the bush, Genja clutched her ankle. She squinched her eyes in pain. She let all her bodyweight fall against the bush and closed her eyes.

“How am I going to get out of here?” She asked herself out aloud. Opening her eyes and looking around, all she saw was the black of the night. Suddenly, a twig broke on the path above her head. Mark. He was coming back for her. Genja gasped. She had to get away. She started to drag her leg but every time she moved, the twigs covering the ground snapped and she slipped further down the cliff. Genja froze, wondering if he had heard her.

“Hello?” A male voice asked, rather cautiously. Genja gasped and held her breath. That wasn’t Mark’s voice.

“Is anyone out there?” The voice asked. Genja moved her leg and a twig snapped loudly, cutting through the silence. She winced with the noise.

“Who are you? I’m only here to help,” He told her, his voice sounding clear in the night. Genja stared into the darkness. She felt sure it was one of Mark’s contacts. She sat still for several minutes. There was no sound. He must have given up. Genja heaved herself up and began to crawl towards the closest tree. She leaned heavily against it, her ankle throbbing. She pushed herself away and edged along slowly to the next one. Halfway there, someone grabbed her waist and pushed her against their body. Genja opened her mouth to scream but a hand was clasped tightly over it, making her eyes widen in shock. Trying to escape, she struggled endlessly as the man dragged her backwards and lay her against a tree trunk.

“Shhh! I’m not going to hurt you.” He leant himself against the tree, struggling to keep his balance. He looked up towards the path where Genja had fallen. Genja stared at the side of his face. His dark curls fell against his forehead and gently framed his face.

“Where do you think you‘re running to?” He asked her. Genja looked at him wide-eyed.

“He wants to kill me,” She whispered, “Do you know him?” The man nodded, looking back up at the path, “He wants me to 'dispose' of you.” Genja gasped, putting a hand over her mouth. The man looked back down at her once again.

“It’s okay,” He pried her fingers away from her lips, “I’m not going to hurt you. I’ve had enough of this bullsh!t, I’m not playing at these games anymore.” He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he looked at her. His dark eyes caught the moonlight and softly glistened as he grabbed her hand, “I’m not going to let you get caught up in this. I’ll get you out of here. I promise.” He squeezed her hand firmly before gazing up at the path.

“What are you looking at?” Genja felt compelled to ask.

“Mark. He’s coming back to make sure I’ve done it,” He answered.

“Done what?” Genja asked, somewhat naïvely. The man looked into her eyes before turning away again, “It doesn’t matter now.” A bird whistle came from above them and he spun his head away from her.

“Quick! Hide!” He spoke to her, though he was looking intently at the path above them.

“Hide?” Genja sounded confused. She looked around her and below her. There was nothing. Just cliff. “Where?”

“Hug the cliff. Get as close to it as possible,” He instructed. Genja did as she was told, “And don’t move a muscle until I come back.” The man squeezed her hand one last time. “Just relax. Let your mind drift.” He let go and climbed back up the cliff, using the trees for support. Genja held herself against the dirt cliff wall, wincing in agony as the pain from her ankle shot up her leg. For several minutes she stood there, grasping all she could from the bare wall behind her and trembling with the cold. Finally, there was some movement above her.

“Hello?” She asked hesitantly. The tree she was holding onto moved, and before she could even attempt to escape, Mark had an arm wrapped around her shivering body.

“You thought you could escape, didn’t you princess?” He snarled as he deftly picked her up and hauled her over his shoulder. Genja screamed, but he ignored her. He climbed the cliff swiftly and threw her onto the path. Mark gestured at his friend, “Luke here, thought he would be a hero and save you. But it doesn’t work like that where I come from.” Luke was curled into a ball beside the path, motionless.

“What have you done to him?” Genja tried to crawl over to him but Mark’s hand held her back.

“I’ve done to him exactly what he deserved,” Mark stared down at Luke’s body, “He was never smart enough to see the sense in obeying me.” Mark reached into his deep pocket and brought out the pistol once again. Pointing it down at Luke, he held his finger on the trigger.

“NOOO!!!!” Genja screamed before she threw herself towards Mark in an effort to protect the man who had helped her. He fell to the ground, the pressure setting off the gun. The sound pierced through the silent night, the bullet penetrating into the distance. Genja lay stunned on top of Mark for a moment before clambering off him and leaving him to lie there, blood from his nose trickling onto the path. Genja crawled over to Luke, who was no longer unconscious but groaning in pain.

“Luke?” Genja whispered, grasping his hand tightly, “Are you okay?”

He squeezed her hand before forcing himself to sit up, the agony involved clear on his face. “Yeah, just a little battered and bruised. My dignity, that is,” He gave a forced smile. He looked over at Mark, “What did you do?”

Genja grinned, “Those self-defense classes finally paid off.” Luke stood up, holding onto his head.

“C’mon, let’s get out of here before he comes to,” He grabbed Genja’s hand and started to lead her away. But he turned back when she squealed in pain.

“What? What’s wrong?” Luke asked.

“My ankle. I sprained it when I fell down the cliff,” She squeezed her eyes shut as the pain from standing on it spread through her body. Luke began to bend down to look at it when a loud groan came from behind them. Mark had woken up and was stretching across the ground, reaching desperately for the pistol.

“We have to go!” Luke told Genja as Mark’s hand clutched hold of the gun, “Ignore the pain!”

“C‘MON!!” Luke yelled as he grabbed her hand, dragging her along. Genja limped along, trying to ignore the excruciating pain shooting up her leg. Luke led her across the street to a dark carpark. Pushing her inside one of the cars, he ran around to the driver’s side and reversed the car at top speed. The wheels squealed unbearably as Mark fired shots at the car. Genja screamed as the back window shattered to pieces as a bullet spun through it. Holding her head in her lap, she hung on as Luke sped away from the memories.


Minutes later, Genja lifted her head. The cliff was nowhere in sight. Mark was nowhere in sight. And Luke was still driving.

He looked across at her, “Are you okay?” Genja nodded, unable to speak. She twisted around and looked out the broken back window. The scenery had changed and they were driving considerably slower.

“Where are we going?” She asked, still staring out the window.

“I’m taking you to my house to get that ankle bandaged up,” Luke said, not taking his eyes off the road.

“Oh…” Genja mumbled, “Thanks.”

Five minutes of silence later, Luke pulled up outside a small house. Getting out of the car, he walked around to her side, opened the door and picked her up.

“What are you doing?” Genja asked, gripping his shirt tightly.

“Carrying you inside. You can’t walk on that ankle any longer,” He smiled, kicking the door shut with his foot. They got to the front door and Luke bent slightly to turn the handle. After fumbling around for awhile, he stood up straight again.

“Umm, would you be able to open that for me?” He asked, slightly embarrassed by the situation. Genja grinned and opened the door for him. He kicked it open and stood by the light switch. Genja flicked it on without him even asking. He lay her down gently on an old, brown couch.

“I’ll find a bandage,” Luke said before walking off. Genja lay on the couch and let her eyes wander around the room. There wasn’t much to look at. No photos, no frames on the walls, no love. She sighed. Who was this man? Luke came back in, a bandage and some pins in his hand. He sat on the edge of the couch and Genja leant forward to take off her shoe and sock. Luke watched her intently. Genja caught his eye and stopped, her sock halfway off her foot. Luke gazed at her and before she knew what was happening, she had leant forward, her eyes closing. She softly brushed her lips against his, but he remained frozen in place. Suddenly, he pulled away, reached for her foot and tugged the sock off her foot.

“We’d better get this fixed, right?” He muttered, wrapping the bandage around her foot.

Genja stared at him for a moment. “Right.” She blinked back a few hurt tears. Why had he pulled away? Luke wrapped her ankle tight before pinning it.

“Feel better?” He asked, not looking at her.

“Yeah. Thanks,” Genja answered quietly, “I’ll just sleep here tonight then?”

“Umm…yeah. I don’t have an extra bed,” He answered before he got up, “Would you like a drink? I’ve got some hot chocolate. It might make you feel better. And you can have a shower too if you want…It’s just down the hall. And if you…” Luke went on and on, trying to breaking the tension as he stood in the kitchen. He brought her the hot drink and sat on the chair opposite her. Genja sipped her drink as Luke avoided her glance.

“Luke?” Genja forced him to look at her, “Thanks for everything. It means a lot to me,” She smiled.

Luke shook his head and smiled, “Nah…it’s okay. I needed to get away from all that. I can’t do it anymore.” He allowed himself to gaze into her eyes for a second before standing up, feeling uncomfortable.

Clearing his throat, he said, “I’m…I’m gonna go to bed now.”

Genja smiled and nodded, “Okay. Goodnight.” Luke walked towards the hall and shut the door behind him. Genja lay on the couch, a million thoughts running through her mind. She sipped her chocolate but before long she felt her eyes closing…


Genja woke up with a start. She looked around, her eyes wide. She felt a hand touch her face and she gasped.

“Shhh! It’s only me,” Luke placed a finger over her mouth. Genja stared up into his face. He sat on the edge of the couch and brushed the hair from her face. Leaning his head closer to hers, he gently pressed his lips against hers. Genja wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer…


Genja let her eyes flutter open. The brightness of the morning sun hit her, causing her to groan and cover her eyes. She lay still for a moment before sitting up and grasping her ankle. It felt better already. Looking around the living room, all the blinds were open. Luke was obviously already up. Genja put her sprained ankle on the floor and tentatively stood up. Hobbling to the hall door, she called out to Luke without opening it. No answer. Walking back into the living room, she looked outside the window and called again. No answer.

“That’s strange,” She said aloud. Genja stood still by the window and let her eyes roam around the house. Where could he be? There’s no way he could have run off. Could he? Not after last night…Genja shook her head and called his name again. Still no answer. Suddenly, she heard a thump in the hall. Walking gingerly towards the door, she creaked it open and looked towards the floor. Her eyes widened and without a second thought, she let out a piercing scream. Gasping for breath, she hung lifelessly onto the door. Staring down at the man on the floor, she felt all the strength in her body drain and she collapsed to the ground.

“I…Luke…oh my god,” Genja struggled to breathe and talk at the same time. On the floor in front of her was Mark, lying in a pool of blood and Luke, standing by the wall, a gun dropped beside his feet.

“What did you do?” Genja finally managed to get a sentence out. She stared at Mark’s bloody face. There were gashes all over it, and his mangled hair was stuck to his face. Luke stood frozen still, his eyes not blinking. Genja looked up at him. He was in a state of shock.

“Luke?” Genja asked quietly. He didn’t move. Genja forced herself to stand, stepped carefully over Mark and stood beside him.

“Tell me what happened,” She said softly.

Luke swallowed and shook his head, “I can’t…” A single tear fell down his cheek, the start of the torrent that followed.

“He was coming…he came…he was there, next to you,” His words came out in short spurts as he tried to talk.

"What? What are you talking about?” Genja stared at him, her eyes wide. Luke stood by the wall, trembling and tears pouring down his face. He took a few steps away from Mark, a hand covering his mouth.

“I…I didn’t mean to Gen…he was there…and he was going to kill you!” He said the last two words with his eyes wide open as if he didn’t want to believe it. Genja looked down at Mark. He lay motionless, spread on his back. She couldn’t stop herself; she had to ask, “Is he dead?” Luke gulped and looked at her, his eyes filled with tears. Nodding slightly, he turned his head away. Genja looked back down at Mark, this time in a different light. She didn’t feel sad. She didn't feel anything.

“It’s okay, Luke. You did the right thing,” Genja took a few steps toward him and took his hand. Squeezing it, she stood on her toes and gently kissed his cheek. “It’s okay…everything’s going to be fine,” She told him quietly.

Luke nodded slightly, “I know.”

Genja smiled up at him before wrapping her arms around his neck, “Thankyou,” She whispered in his ear. Luke smiled back and leant down to kiss her fully on the lips…


Genja let her eyes open slowly. The bright morning sun beat through her pink curtains. Smiling, content just to lie there and let the sun soak into her body, her mind began to drift. It had been seven months since Mark’s death. Genja glanced down at her left hand. Smiling to herself, she watched as the diamond sparkled with the sun. Mark would never believe this. Finally, she thought, she felt like she had got her revenge. She had finally beaten him. Genja stood up, pressing her hands against the small of her back. Her stomach was growing rapidly and the effects of pregnancy were starting to take their toll on her physically. She slipped on her fluffy slippers and wandered into the kitchen. Luke had left early for work. He had got a job at a local department store. It wasn’t much but it was a steady income. Stability was what they both needed right now.

She popped a piece of bread into the toaster. Pressing the lever down, the toast popped back up again. Genja frowned. The toaster had been an engagement present, it can’t be broken already. She pressed the lever again. It stubbornly refused to stay in place. Genja glanced at the power point. It was switched on. She slammed the lever down again. It popped back up again. Genja felt her temperature rising...she hated it when things didn’t go according to plan. She hit the toaster with such force it toppled over. Glaring at it menacingly, she turned back to the fridge to decide on something else for breakfast. Opening the door, she heard a hissing sound. The toaster jolted on the bench as if it had a mind of its own. Genja turned around slowly and stared at it. It jiggled around in front her like it was having some kind of seizure. Genja took a step forward and smoke began to drift upwards from underneath it. It hissed at her and something in her mind clicked. Genja’s eyes widened as she began to back away slowly. Suddenly, the toaster exploded and shattered into a million pieces as Genja waddled as fast as she could towards the door. Grabbing hold of the door handle, she flung it open and breathed the fresh air in deeply. Smoke billowed out of the door behind her and she flung herself down onto the ground. But she didn’t rest for long. Genja screamed as a hand twisted itself around her throat...

Struggling to breathe, she clutched the hand with her own. But it didn’t feel warm. It didn’t even feel human. Genja twisted herself around to look behind her. There was no one there. She pulled at the object around her throat and it fell down into her hands. She found herself staring at a plastic hand, the fingers mechanically curled in the shape of her throat. Genja pulled at a string above her head and a rope collapsed into her lap.

“What the hell is this?” Genja said out loud. Holding a hand to her racing heart, she swallowed with relief. What was going on? Luke wasn’t one for practical jokes. He wasn’t stupid enough to pull a stunt like this, especially now that she was pregnant. Genja grabbed the hand along with its ropes and stuffed it into the trash. Feeling half nervous, half angry, she went back inside and squatted precariously on the ground, sweeping up the shattered toaster. As she went to tip it into the trash, she heard a blood-curdling scream. Genja snapped her head up and looked around suspiciously. What was that? Where was it coming from? The scream came again, this time closer. Genja stood frozen by the rubbish bins, holding the dustpan in her hand. Catching her breath, she let her eyes wander. Watching for every move, the scream came again. This time, it was close. Really close. It echoed in her ears. Genja dropped the dustpan and felt herself go cold. The scream came again and Genja screamed in return and ran for the door. Forgetting about her bulging stomach, she tripped over a carelessly tossed shoe. She stumbled forward, reaching the door flat on her face. Genja gasped to breathe and she reached up, fumbling for the door handle. Somehow finding it, she twisted it open and flung herself inside. Her heart rate sped as she clung to the door, using it to help her to her feet. She pulled it shut, thumping the lock into place. Shaking uncontrollably, she fumbled for the curtain pull. She tugged at the first string she touched and amazingly the curtains closed, blocking any view, inside or out. Genja became frantic rushing around the house, locking every door, closing every window and shutting every blind. Soon, she sat in complete darkness. The only light was what managed to seep through cracks in the curtains.

Genja sank herself down on the couch, tears finally allowed to trickle down her face. She sat sobbing, her heart rate refusing to slow. Her breath came in quick gasps as she stood up, unsteady on her feet. Genja made her way to the phone and dialled Luke’s work number.


“Good morning, Target in Lewisville, Kelly speaking, how can I help you?”

“Umm…I need to speak to Luke…Luke Golling,” Genja desperately tried to keep her voice calm.

“Is this a personal call? Because the day staff are not allowed to take personal calls,” The girl told her, sounding bored.

“It’s important. Let me speak to him,” Genja’s voice broke and she sounded terrified. “It can’t wait! Please!”

The girl sighed, “Okay, hold the line one moment.” An ad for the store broke their conversation. Genja listened, waiting for Luke’s voice. The ad finished and a Britney Spears song began. Genja waited. The song ended and another ad for the store began. Genja clutched her hands together. The ad finished and the girl’s voice crackled through.

“I’m paging him again. Please hold the line,” Another Britney Spears song began and Genja waited. Her hands still shook as she played nervously with the phone cord. Just then Luke’s voice sounded.

“Hello? Luke speaking.”

“Luke…there‘s someone here…the screaming,” Genja’s voice cracked with emotion before she burst into tears.

“What? Gen? Calm down…tell me what’s going on. Is it the baby?” He asked, suddenly sounding anxious.

“No…well…maybe…I don’t know. Luke…it was the toaster. It exploded and then I went to the trash and a there was a fake hand. It grabbed my throat! And then there was screaming…it was close Luke,” Genja gasped for breath through her tears, “It was right there Luke. It was right next to me. I locked everything and the curtains…” She sobbed loudly and tears streamed down her pale face.

“I’m coming home babe. I’ll be right there, okay?” Luke told her. “You just stay there. Don’t move. I’m coming home.”

“Okay…I love you…sweetie…hurry,” Genja kept the phone to the ear and listened to the clunk. Luke was gone. Genja stood still and listened to the dial tone…


The sound of a car snapped Genja out of her daze. She wobbled to the window and saw Luke pulling into the carport. He rushed out of the car, almost tripping in his hurry and ran up the steps to the door. Genja held it open for him and locked it behind him.

“Are you okay?” Luke asked and pulled her into a hug. Genja rested against his chest. Her breathing started to return to normal as she let his warmth surround her.

“Tell me what happened, okay?” He led her to the couch and sat her down. Genja began to tell him her story.

“What did he look like?” He asked when she had finished.

“What did who look like?” Genja asked, confused.

“The man. Didn’t you say you saw a man?” Luke asked, looking cautious.

“No. I never saw anyone.”

Luke caught her eyes for a moment and Genja stared back. Blinking suddenly, he looked away. “How’s the baby?” Luke looked down at her stomach.

“I don’t know. I’m not in any pain though. But me being petrified probably didn’t do it any good,” Genja forced a smile. She was beginning to feel safer now that Luke was here. He stood up and walked to the curtains, pulling them back to look outside.

"Honey...I just don't know what to say. I don't know what to do," Luke sighed. Genja swallowed and looked down. It was all so strange. They had put everything behind them when Mark died. How can this be happening? And why now?

"It's got something to do with Mark. I just know it does," Genja told him. Luke turned around and narrowed his eyes at her. "Why do you say that?"

Genja shrugged, "I don't know. Just a feeling. I never had anything to do with anyone else who could pull something like this."

Luke stared blankly at her, "Maybe."


Luke slid into bed beside Genja and trailed a finger along her belly. "I wonder who he'll look like. You, me...or...," His voice trailed off and he gave a little shrug.

Genja smiled, "Maybe she will look like my mum."

"Yeah..." Luke wiggled a finger in her belly button and she giggled. Rolling over, her back to Luke, she let him wrap his arms around her and sighed contentedly.

"Do you ever miss Mark?" Luke suddenly asked.

Genja frowned, "Mark?"

"You dated him, you were intimate with him. Don't you miss him?" Luke asked quietly in her ear.

Genja twisted herself around to face him. "Why do you ask that?"

"I'm just wondering," Luke avoided her eyes and twisted her hair between his fingers.

"No, not really. I guess I think about him every once in awhile..." Genja's voice trailed off.

"Really? What do you think about?" Luke asked, staring intently at the blonde hair falling through his fingers.

"Oh...just memories," Genja sighed.

"Bad or…good?" Luke tugged hard on her hair at the word 'good.'

"Ouch! What's with the questions?" Genja pried her hair from his grip. Luke's eyes seemed to flash against the dim light of the bedroom.

"I'm just asking, babe. Just asking..." His eyes stared at her for a moment before he rolled over onto his side. Genja stared at his back. He was acting so strange, so aloof.

"Hun, are you going to turn the light off?" Genja asked, leaning forwards to see his face.

"I..." Luke was cut off when the light in the bedroom flickered off. The darkness closed in on them and Genja let her eyes roam, even though she couldn't see anything.

"How did you do that?!" She asked, frowning.
“I…erm…I don’t know,” Luke answered and sat up straight.

“Well, turn them back on!” Genja squealed. Luke got out of bed and started to feel his way along the walls to the light switch.

“Where are you?” Genja called into the darkness.

“I’m halfway there,” Luke said, one hand trailing along the wall. Suddenly, the light flickered to life. Luke stood in his boxer shorts, one hand reaching out to the light, frozen not even a metre away. Genja stared blankly at him. “Did you turn it on?”

“Err…nope,” Luke said, still frozen in place. Genja and Luke eyed each other, not knowing what to think. Luke flicked the light off again and scurried back to bed. They lay together, completely still, just waiting to see if the light would come back on. But after five minutes, they were still lying curled up next to each other in the dark.

“What’s going on?” Genja whispered.


Genja stood barefoot in her nightgown in front of the wardrobe. Holding on loosely to the handle, she stared at the place where Luke's clothes should be. An empty coat hanger swung eerily in place of the clothes.

“Luke?” Genja called but her voice just bounced off the walls. Wandering from room to room, she scuffed her feet along the cold floor, looking artlessly for him. After scouring every room, she came back to the bedroom, got down on her knees and peered under the bed. Of course, Luke wasn’t there. Genja lifted herself from the floor and sat on the edge of the bed and stared blankly in front of her.

“What have I done?” She whispered. Her eyes drifted to where their picture should have stood on the bedside table. In place of it was a scrawled note. Genja picked it up and in messy handwriting read: ‘I know about the baby…’

“What?!” Genja gasped, standing up in disbelief. Beginning to pace, she repeated the message over and over in her head.

“No…No! What does he mean?” Genja felt her forehead heat. Starting to panic, she waddled her way down the hall to the phone. Searching frantically through the address book, her finger stopped on a name. Shane Finlay. He was Luke’s best friend. He had to know something. Dialling the number, she held the phone to her ear.

“Hello?” A tired male voice answered.

“Shane? It’s Genja. Where’s Luke?” Genja asked.

“What? Luke? It’s seven in the morning…” Shane sounded distracted, his voice far away.

“Yes! Luke. Where is he? He’s taken all his clothes. What did he tell you?” Genja’s voice was frantic.

“His clothes? I don’t know where he is sweetheart,” Shane answered. “Look…honey, I have to go.”

“His note said he knows about the baby,” Genja pushed further, not about to let him off so easily.

“The baby?” Shane’s voice suddenly sounded much louder and much clearer. “Yeah, he knows it’s not his. Everyone does. What…” Genja slammed the phone down in his ear, breathing fast. Picking up the phone again, she dialled a different number.

“Hello? Lewisville Police,” A deep male voice answered.

“I’d like to report a missing person,” Genja said firmly.


Genja sat in the police station, clutching a black handbag tightly in her lap.

“Genja Percivan?” A woman’s voice made her look up.

“Yes?” She answered.

“Could you come with me please? We have some questions we’d like to ask you,” She offered a hand and Genja took it, heaving herself up.

“How close are you?” The woman asked, gesturing at her belly.

“Another month,” Genja said, following her into an interview room. Inside, sat a burly looking man with Sergeant Fadion embroidered on his jacket. He was huge, but he looked harmless. Genja sat on a chair opposite him.

“We believe the missing person in question is your fiancée? Is this correct?” He asked. Genja nodded.

“We have to let you know we are doing everything we can to locate him but it seems he is determined not to leave any tracks of his whereabouts. We may be asking the FBI to join the search later on if nothing is found in the coming hours,” The Sergeant looked down at his notes. “We’ve managed to track his credit card but found it was cancelled this morning, the money was drained from the account.” He looked intently across at Genja. “Do you have any idea where he might have gone? Is there anywhere, or anyone, he runs to when he needs to escape?”

“NO! I told you I don’t know!” Genja answered the question for the third time that morning.

“It’s okay. We’re just making sure…” The woman spoke for the first time since they had entered the room.

Genja glared at her, “Look…I don’t know where he is. I woke up and he was gone! That’s all I know…” Her pulse raced. Why were they so intent on being persistent? Genja’s head spun so she lay her head on the table. As soon as she did, there was a sharp stab in her stomach. Wincing in pain, she clutched at it.

“Are you okay ma’am?” The woman bent down beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Genja shook her off and tried to stand up but the pain shot up her arms, down her legs, everywhere. Genja howled in agony and before she knew it, she was being carted away…


Lying face-up in an ambulance, Genja opened her eyes to look into Luke’s.

“Luke! You came back!” She gasped, trying to sit up.

“Just lie down sweetheart. Close your eyes,” Luke assured her, pressing his hands down on her shoulders. Genja did as she was told.


“Genja…it’s time to wake up,” A hand shook her gently. Genja’s eyes opened and a lady in a starched white dress smiled down at her. “It’s all over.” She lifted Genja’s head and propped a pillow underneath it.

“Luke? Where’s Luke?” Genja mumbled, trying to look around the room.

“Err…Is that your fiancée? He was never here, honey,” The nurse said and pushed her shoulders gently. “Just lie back now.”

“No! He was here. He came back for me!” Genja forced the nurse off, propping herself up on her elbows, ignoring the spinning feeling in her head. “Where is he?! He came back! Tell me where he is!!” Genja thrust herself forward and grabbed hold of the nurses blouse.

“You’ve been through a lot. Do you understand what happened?” The nurse pried her hands off and backed into a chair, gazing at her. Genja stared back, her eyes glazed, completely unaware.

“You’ve had your baby, my dear. You went into premature labour and we were forced to deliver through caesarean. You are now the proud mother of a baby boy. He is very small of course but he's quite healthy for his age,” The nurse grinned at her, obviously quite proud herself.

“Oh…” Genja turned to look out the window.

“Would you like to see him? We can wheel him in for you, if you like?” The nurse asked. Genja stared at her, daggers shooting from her eyes. The nurse backed up against the door mumbling something under her breath. She quickly scurried out the door and Genja fell back onto the bed.

“What have I done?” She moaned.

“Put me through hell and back,” A male voice answered. Genja gasped and looked towards the door to find Luke’s dark eyes boring into her own.

“Luke…what…where did you go?” Genja stuttered, tripping over her own words.

“I know everything. You lied to me Genja,” He paused, giving Genja time to interrupt.

“No! No! I was protecting you. It wasn’t that important!” Genja tried to make him believe.

“It wasn’t that important?! Oh no…You made me believe that baby was mine! Mine! But it’s not. Is it Genja? IS IT?!” He took a step forward. “The baby’s not mine and you’re going to have to pay for that.”

“No! Luke! You don’t understand!” Genja said desperately. “Just hear me out!”

“It seems that Mark was more than just a friend to you. That’s why I killed him Gen. Because the baby was his. Not mine,” Luke eyes flashed. The bed squeaked as he sat down on the edge. “He told me that night. He told me you were pregnant with his child. You didn’t even bother to tell me. I SAVED YOUR LIFE THAT NIGHT!!” Luke leaned forwards and screamed the last sentence in her face.

“No…please…” Genja began to sob.

Luke stood up, “You have to pay for this. You’re going to have to pay the ultimate price…” Genja screamed, burying her face in her hands. What had she done? Looking up, she scoured the room for him. But he was gone…


Genja lay sobbing in the maternity ward. She tried to see through the wall of tears streaming down her face but it was almost impossible.

“Luke…” She whimpered, half wanting him to come back, half wanting him to stay away from her forever. Suddenly, all the blinds in her room were thrust shut, plunging Genja into darkness. Genja caught her breath, gasping quietly.

“Hello?” She ventured. “Luke?” The bed squeaked as someone sat down on it.

“Luke?” Genja’s voice wobbled uncontrollably. “Is that you? What are you doing?” Self-consciously, she wrapped her arms around her legs, waiting for an answer. But none came. “Luke? What are you trying to do? Why are you trying to scare me?” Silence. “That was you all those times wasn’t it? The toaster…the hand…even the lights in our room?” Genja felt like she was talking to herself but she knew he was there. Suddenly, the bed squeaked again and someone stood up. Genja held her eyes open wide as she listened for footsteps. But none came. Genja sat waiting on the bed, completely vulnerable. But then all of a sudden a knock came at the door.

The nurse peeked her head around the corner. “Why are you all in darkness?” She chirped, flicking the light switch. The room was flooded with light and the nurse looked over at Genja. Gasping, she thrust a hand over her mouth.

“What’s this?” She enquired, taking small steps towards Genja’s bed. Genja stared down at her legs and the blankets covering them. Her entire bed was completely covered in photographs. Genja picked up the one closest to her. A young girl with blonde hair and blue eyes looked back at her. She picked up another. A young boy with bright blue eyes and dark hair was pictured.

“Who’s this?” The nurse asked naïvely, handing her another photo. It was another young boy. But this time, a young boy with dark curls and dark eyes stared back at her.

Genja frowned. What did they mean? What was Luke trying to tell her? She fingered the three different photos. Gazing at the one of the young girl, her eyes narrowed.

“That could be me…” She muttered, turning to look at the next two. “And Mark…and Luke!” Genja gasped, the realisation hitting her.

“Who are they?” The nurse asked, picking up another photo.

“I want to see my baby!” Genja snapped, clutching at the three photos in her hand.

“Oh…erm…there has been a few complications and we can’t bring him in right now,” The nurse smiled sympathetically and stood up.

“What do you mean, complications?” Genja asked, glaring at the woman.

“Uhh…well…” The nurse tripped over her few words and was saved by a knock at the door. “I’ll be right back.” She scurried away, closing the door behind her. Genja watched the two nurses discuss something through the window in the door. Glancing back down at the photos, she swallowed back tears. What did Luke want? She didn’t understand the photos…besides the fact they resembled the three of them…but somehow she knew they had something to do with her baby. She needed to see her baby. Now. The door opened again and the nurse came in, a worried look plastered on her pale face. Shutting the door behind her, she walked over to Genja’s bed.

“What? Where’s my baby?” Genja asked, heaving herself up off her pillows.

“Umm…I unfortunately have some bad news for you. It seems that the child has gone missing. We have searched…” The nurse was cut off by Genja’s screaming.

“NO! NO! You can’t do this to me! You WON’T do this to me!” Genja sat up, rocking back and forth. “It was Luke! HE STOLE MY BABY!!” Genja screamed, grabbing the nurses blouse and pulling herself off the bed. “You have to find him!”

“Please…just calm down. We’re doing everything we can!” The nurse said, trying to hold her down.
“GET OFF ME!” Genja screamed, piercing through the air. The nurse struggled against her, reaching over for a red emergency button and frantically hitting against it. Footsteps ran down the hall immediately and their door was flung open. A man came rushing in, grabbing a hold of Genja in an effort to restrain her. But Genja just screamed louder, thrashing her arms and legs against the man. He called out something to the nurse who rushed over to him. Genja looked up into the man’s face. Her eyes widened with shock as she recognised the face.

“LUKE!!” Genja screamed as he held her arms back, taking a needle from the nurse.

“NOOOO!!!!” Genja howled, struggling to escape. Feeling a sharp prick in her arm, she stared up into his face before everything went black…


Genja's head swayed back and forth and she stared into a pair of bright blue eyes. The eyes widened before disappearing suddenly when their owner stood up abruptly.

"She's awake! Please come! Hurry!!" A young male voice screamed loudly from the door. A boy of about ten scrambled back to her side and sat carefully on a chair. Genja stared at him blankly before three or four nurses rushed into the room, blocking her view of him. They fiddled with the machines around her and muttered excited words to each other. Genja tried weakly to move them aside, trying to get glance of the boy. He stood back from the nurses, giving them space.

"How are you feeling?" Someone finally addressed Genja directly. She looked up at the nurse and nodded. Another nurse gently put a glass of water into her hand, curling Genja's fingers around it. "Here...drink up. You need it." Genja swallowed a few gulps before coughing it all back up with the strange feeling it caused in her throat.

"It's okay...it's been awhile," The nurses looked at each other and smiled knowingly. Genja just frowned at them. Just then, an older man wearing a metal stethoscope around his neck, walked through the door and sat himself on the bed. Genja looked at his dark curly hair and dark, deep eyes...he looked vaguely familiar.

"I see you're awake," He smiled warmly. "It's nice to finally see those beautiful eyes of yours. What can you remember? About anything..."

Genja forehead furrowed deeply as she thought. Clearing her throat, she tried to speak but her throat felt like a million pins were being pushed into it. "I...I...don't remember anything. Nothing clear." Genja closed her eyes with the pain and whispered, "I remember my family when I was little..."

"You probably won't remember much. The last time you were awake was in 1993. It's 2003 now. You have been in a coma for ten years," The doctor took her hand gently. Genja looked as his name badge. Dr. Luke Golling. "You will need to rest for at least a few months. Your body is overwhelmed at the moment." Genja nodded vaguely in agreement. She looked past the man to the boy standing in the shadows. He followed her gaze.

"Oh..." The doctor said, "This is my son. He has been intent on watching you. He grew very close. He told me he knew you were going to wake up soon." The doctor smiled at him and reached for his hand.

"He doesn't look like you..." Genja whispered, her throat still stinging.

The doctor laughed loudly, "Everybody says that! I guess he just looks like his mother..."

"What happened to her?"

His eyes narrowed on her, "She died ten years ago. The same day Luke Jr. here was born." The man swept the boy into his arms. "He misses her terribly but there's nothing I can do about it." Genja smiled sympathetically.

"Well, now. You must get some rest! The nurses are bringing you some water and some food that you might be able to get through," The doctor stood up, clutching protectively at the boy.

"I'll stay here Dad," The boy said, looking up at the man. He nodded in agreement and walked out shutting the door, taking the nurses with him.

"I knew you would wake up!" The boy bit his lip and smiled shyly. Genja smiled back weakly. "Dad said you wouldn't but I there was no way I was letting them turn these horrible machines off...so they let you here a little while longer." He said proudly.

"Is that so?" Genja whispered hoarsely. The boy nodded enthusiastically, "Yup!" Genja laughed softly.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked, looking warily at her. Genja nodded weakly. He twisted in his chair, trying to fit a hand into his pocket. Digging something out, he straightened it against the bed. The boy held up an old scrunched photo.

"This is you, isn't it?!" He looked intently at Genja as she slowly took the photo from him. In front of her was a picture of a girl in her early twenties standing next to a man of about the same age. The girl was playfully tousling his hair as he looked cheekily into the camera. Genja stared into his eyes. They were an amazing bright blue. She looked up at the boy sitting next to her. His eyes were the same colour. Genja looked back down. The girl looked terribly familiar but whether it was her or not, she couldn't say.

"I don't know..." Genja whispered, not taking her eyes off the old photograph.

"Who's the guy?" The boy prodded, obviously having wondered about this for some time. "He was your boyfriend wasn't he? Doesn't he look a lot like me?" He sounded excited and his eyes sparkled.

"He does..." Genja muttered, staring intently at the man in the photo. "He really does..."

"Who was he?" The boy leant forward, staring eagerly into her eyes.

"I'm not sure. I don't really remember anything, I'm sorry," Genja thrust the photo back into his hands. The boy's face dropped and he blinked.

"You know..." He started, "I don’t think Dad is my real Dad."

Genja stared at him, "Why do you say that?"

"I found this photo in my Dad’s room when I was little. I don’t know why I kept it, I just did." His eyes widened and he looked at her with interest. "It's strange that man looks so much like me."

"Does your Dad know?" Genja asked.

"Nah...he wouldn't understand. He’s never missed the photo. He'd probably just have a go at me for going through his stuff anyway." The boy said thoughtfully. "Well...I'm gonna go. He's got me doing work around here in the holidays so he's gonna have my head if I don't come back soon. Here…you can look at this.” He handed her the photo.

"Okay..." Genja smiled knowingly at him as he walked to the door. It had taken just a few minutes. Everything was coming back to her. "Take care Mark Jr." The boy stopped with a hand on the door and Genja continued.

"This is me in the picture. And that man is your father." Genja stopped and stared distantly. "We had something good once." The boy turned around, his face emotionless. He stared at Genja for what seemed like an age before stepping quietly up to her bed, his blue eyes glinting against the dim light. Genja stared back at him. He stared deeply into her eyes and Genja felt her breath catch in her throat as she saw Mark’s eyes emulated in his own. He leant close and whispered hoarsely in her ear…

"Then I wanna be just like my daddy.”
© Copyright 2004 twinkledee ♥'s you (twinkledee at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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