Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/821557-Dangerous-Desires
Rated: GC · Chapter · Erotica · #821557
This is the first chapter to an erotic novel I have wrote.
Dangerous Desires


Chapter One

Katherine sat there fuming her face a brilliant red. He sat casually with his legs spread apart displaying his crotch, smirking to himself enjoying Katherine’s discomfort. His grin was stretched across his thin face, Katherine wanted to rip it off and dig her high heels in his piercing brown eyes.

‘You did say you wanted it.’

‘Not like this,’ Katherine said, she stood up and walked to the window so her back was to him. ‘I didn’t think it would be like this.’

He licked his thin lips at the thought of touching her. The way she wore low cut tops and those long skirts with slits in up to the top of her thigh drove him crazy. He wanted to touch her. He needed to touch her.

‘That’s not all, Katherine.’

‘What do you mean that’s not all, David?’ She sighed and closed her eyes for more bad news.

David walked up behind her, she smelled of sweet lilies. Her long auburn hair was tied neatly in a tight ponytail revealing her neck. He breathed heavily down her neck. She shuddered. David noticed, he smirked and blew gently on her neck this time.

Katherine was determined to stay angry but her body had a mind of its own. Her flesh broke out in goose bumps. She tilted her head so he had more access to her neck. He breathed again, it felt hotter than before her back arched in response lifting her backside to him, like a cat in heat.

‘Do you want it?’ David whispered brushing his lips across her neck.

Her body wanted her to shout out yes. Her clit throbbed begging to be touched the way her neck was. Her nipples hardened poking crudely out of her tight top. His mouth moved closer to her ear.

‘I said do you want it.’

Her mouth disobeyed her mind, ‘Yes.’

‘Good,’ he said. He bit down on her earlobe pushing his hard on against her left butt cheek. His balls had tightened so hard he could not stand it any longer. She had teased him for too long now. He had lasted nearly a month without being this close to her. The only reason why he left it for as long was that she was the daughter of his ex-partner.

‘No!’ Katherine managed to squeak out trying to resist temptation. ‘David, stop.’

He ignored her. He brushed a strand of hair off her neck with his fingers sweeping lightly across her skin. Her skin was soft under his lips.

He groaned deeply in his throat. ‘You want this as much as I do. Now be a good girl and be quiet.’ His hand slid down her side to her thigh, the other wrapped around her waist holding her firmly.

‘Please!’ Katherine managed to say, not knowing whether she meant him to continue or not. The kisses on her neck were more meaningful his breathing was faster. She could feel his penis lengthen against her butt. She wanted to yell out fuck me, but instead she bit down on her lip. The hand on her thigh slid between the split on her skirt, his fingertips ran across the lace edgings of her hold ups. He reached further grasping the inside of her thigh the back of his thumb stroked against her silky thong.

BEEP. BEEP. ‘God damn it!’ David snarled as he pulled at his beeper on his belt. He took note of the number and threw it on the desk. Katherine broke free of his arm.

‘David. No. Don’t come any closer. What do you mean that’s not all.’

‘Honey,’ he said. He reached out to put his arms around her waist but she stepped back scowling at him. ‘You’re a fucking tease!’

‘And you’re a bastard.’

‘Keep it up. I dare you and you’ll be running back home jobless. Do you want the job or not. That is if you’re up to it. If not then leave. You’re not cut out for this type of work.’

Katherine wished she could leave but things were not that simple. ‘I said I would do it. I’m not happy about it. I thought I left that type of work behind me for good. What’s the other thing?’

David smiled at her, ‘I’m your lover.’


‘I’m your lover,’ his words ripped through her body like poison. ‘I can’t send you out there alone. I’ll be popping in every now and again just to see how things are going. Giving you some advice.’

‘My lover! How am I supposed to act relaxed with you there? What will they say with you being there.’

‘They’ll be fine. I’m just a boyfriend visiting his girlfriend for a quick roll in the hay’

This would be her first assignment for him. She was nervous enough without him spying on her and being a lover. She had to do it. If she walked out now she would never be able to face him again. She had to be strong. Her assignment should be no problem; she had done that type of work before. However, faking a relationship, now that would take some doing, especially with a bastard like him.

‘I will be able to do it without you watching me,’ said Katherine. ‘I don’t need a babysitter.’

‘I am not giving you a choice. Do it my way or not at all.’

‘Just for the record David, I am not happy with the arrangements. If anything happens-’

‘If anything happens I will sort it out. Do you understand or do I have to draw you a bonnie little picture,’ he yelled.

‘I was just trying to tell you that I can do it without you.’

BEEP. BEEP. David picked the bleeper up. ‘All right give me a minute,’ he said to himself.

‘David, can I-’

‘Katherine, you will do it my way. If I tell you to do it bloody hopping, then you will do it bloody hopping. You know the basics. You agreed so you will go through with it.’

David was furious. How can she act so calm after what had just happened. A cold hearted woman. No wonder she was still single. By the time he was thirty, he had settled down, still with the Mrs Lewis after nearly fourteen years, some happy but others not so good. He pursued outside of his marriage what he could not get anymore from his wife. After all she had suggested that it would be better for both of them if he looked else where for his dirty needs. He hated being rejected; actually, he never really was rejected. If he wanted sex, he would get it. However, this tease refused him. He nearly had her. If his sister-in-law left his bleeper alone, he would have been happy now fucking Katherine.

The phone rang. David frowned at it knowing it would be her. ‘Please Katherine don’t fuck with me just do your bloody job. You can leave now I have important things to sort out. Here’s your file. Have a good read. You’ve only a week to remember it all.’ He paused and answered the phone, ‘Hello, yes I did. I was doing it. Hang on a moment I’m with her now. Goodbye Katherine, I’ll see you later.’

Katherine snatched the file from him. She hated him. She hated the way her body ignored her thoughts when she was around him. She picked her handbag up and calmly swayed out of the small office slamming the door behind her. She stormed through the long corridor alongside the cubicles where the onlookers grinned with disgust at her. She needed to calm down. She needed to get away from the cold hard stares Peace and quiet. The only quiet place she could think of was the car park on the lower ground floor, alone in her car.

Katherine sat in her blue mini cooper sports car on the verge of crying. She took three deep breaths and laid her head on the headrest closing her eyes. The look of him mad her feel sick, a thin scrawny six-foot man with dark brown receding hair and a face of a rat. Hands with abnormal long fingers, she imagined how they could easily reach every unknown crevice inside of a woman’s vagina. The thought of his hot sticky breath on the back of her neck. Katherine’s pulse quickened. She squeezed her thighs together; she could still feel his hand on her inner thigh and his thumb brushing against her outer lips. The tip of her ponytail brushed her neck. Her nipples jutted out yearning to be twisted. Katherine slipped her hand in the split of her skirt and lightly stroked her thighs. She eased her seat back a little so she could tilt her pelvis up so she could grasp at her cunt. She was breathing out of control. She had to ease the ache in her body. She opened her eyes and looked around the car park. A cherry red classic 1959 ford mustang convertible with a cream soft top was parked behind her and six other cars in the far corner. No one was in sight.

She squeezed her cunt it throbbed back at her needing to be pleasured. Her mouth was dry. She stroked herself on top of her thongs. Her hand felt strange to her body, she thought of the way David touched her softly caressing her flesh. She unbuttoned her top with her other hand so she had better access to her nipples. She licked her index finger and circled the tip of her nipple then she nipped it. Her breast felt firm yearning to be held. Her hand slid further in-between the fabric clutching at her breast, her long nails dug into her flesh sending sensations of delight to all of her sensitive parts. Her other hand whipped her thongs to the side. She slid her fingers in her shaven slit gently rubbing her clit. Her body tingled as she remembered every touch from David. The warm breath on her neck, the soft lips brushing her skin, those long strong fingers stroking her thigh and the thumb teasing her clit.

This was no good. She needed to be satisfied now there was no time for soft caresses. The slight tingle she had running all over her cunt had now become a desperate ache. Her hand shook vigorously. Her legs widened, she slipped her fingers inside and wriggled them then she began pounding at herself with her hand, she was hot and wet. Her clit needed more work her cunt could wait. Her middle finger tensed as she rubbed as fast as she could. Her hand ached with cramp. She was close. A moan slipped from her mouth as she squeezed harder at her breast. She twisted her erect nipple. The window beside her head had misted. She opened her eyes for a split second to make sure know one was there, a few more minutes that was all what she needed.

‘Ahh. Ohh fuck!’ she whimpered.

She flung her head back and pushed her tits forward. A wave of pleasure swam through her body. Just a little bit more then she would feel better. Her cunt squelched in rhythm with her rubbing. She was on the edge. Her breathing was out of control her legs flung wider and her left leg slammed into the hand brake. The cramp in her hand had travelled up her arm but she could not stop; not yet, she had to have more. Her legs suddenly jammed shut and her body tensed, she jerked in her seat. Her hand squeezed automatically at her cunt, juices oozed between her fingers. She sighed. Katherine’s heartbeat pounded in her ears.

The car felt stuffy so she opened her window. The misty windows slowly cleared. She slipped her thongs back into place and pushed her breast back into her bra. She sat her seat back up and pulled down her visor to check her hair.

A very familiar male voice said, ‘Excuse me miss. But would you mind moving your cars bumper off mine please.’

© Copyright 2004 Nickers (nickers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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