Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/820352-Sins-Of-The-Flesh
Rated: 18+ · Non-fiction · Horror/Scary · #820352
The dark shadow watches her closely.
Sins Of The Flesh

The dark figure stood by the old oak tree watching intently on its next victim as she sat by her window brushing her golden long blonde hair. It scraped it’s long rough talons in the bark drawing a circle with an upside down cross in the centre, the same symbol it wore around its neck on a chunky silver chain.

The clouds hung low covering up the moon and the stars. No one was walking the tree-lined street, which was dimly lit with old street lanterns. Few of them worked, every so often one would flicker for a while before it gave up and turned off again.

So naturally, no one would have noticed the dark figure hunched over by the largest oak tree, twirling its medallion in its left hand as it clawed at the tree with its other.

For a street as large, hardly any houses stood on it. The old large houses stood on their own, surrounded by front, back and side gardens, with medium sized hedges separating the land.

The dark figure crawled stealthily towards the house, its red glowing eyes fixed on the beautiful blonde-haired woman. Saliva dripped from its large mouth.

* * * * *

Sarah, the beautiful blonde hummed to herself as she brushed her hair. She felt relaxed and at ease with herself. At last she had the house to herself. No squabbling for the bathroom to soak in the tub brimmed with bubbles. No complaints about her music being too loud. They had all left her alone. She placed her brush down and applied lip-gloss to her full pale lips.

Something creaked from downstairs.

Sarah slammed her lip-gloss onto the dressing table, cracking the plastic container. She leapt from her stool and kicked it out of her way.

“For Gods sake can’t I have some bloody peace,” she whispered. She flung her bedroom door open and tiptoed across the landing. She peered down the stairs. No lights were on. Thank God, Carl hasn’t come home early, she thought. There’s no way I could tackle him. Carl, her stepbrother had gone away for the weekend camping with his wrestling friends.

Sarah knelt down at the top of the stairs to have a better look, making sure there were no lamps on.

No lights. No sound.

She sighed with relief and stood up. Something brushed against her legs. She froze. Her body stiffened with fright. By the time she managed to look down what ever it was, was gone.

Sarah flicked the landing light on. All was clear.

It’s just my imagination. I’m just not used to being alone here in this house.

Sarah headed to the bathroom for her relaxing hot soak.

The candles that she lighted earlier lit the room calmly giving it a soothing feel. Lavender lingered in the air.

Sarah loosened her pink silk dressing gown and allowed it to fall to the ground revealing her nakedness. She stood in front of the full-length mirror admiring her firm supple body. A chill ran through her body sending goose bumps from head to toe. Her small nipples jutted out from her average sized breasts. She smiled to her reflection as she ran her hands over her breasts.

“All mine,” she said, and then she blew herself a kiss and tied up her hair in a loose bun. As she stepped into the bath, she noticed from the corner of her eye that something moved. She whipped her head round holding her breath.

Nothing was there just a large fern plant.

“Stop this shit woman. You’re freaking me out,” Sarah told herself.

She lowered her body into the bathwater. The heat felt good to her aching body. She picked up a flannel, dipped it in the water, folded it and placed it over her eyes. She took a couple of deep breaths then she hummed the tune to ‘Singing In The Rain’ as she slid her hands over her body feeling every curve.

* * * * *

The dark figure peered out from under the kitchen table, where it hid. All clear. It looked round the room trying to work out what had made that creaking sound. She must have stood on a loose floor board, It thought, even though the creek sounded from nearby.

It climbed out from under the table and stretched its back. She was close now It could smell her. A pang of hunger growled in its stomach. It closed its eyes and licked its lips with a large lumpy tongue. It had to get her. It needed her now. It made its way to the kitchen door and listened carefully.

Something brushed against its leg. It looked down to its leg; something darted away from its legs towards the stairs. It sniffed the air, but it could only smell her. She was very close now. It could taste her sweat.

The dark figure waited and listened carefully.

A light flicked on upstairs, It stepped back into the shadows in the kitchen. Footsteps from above headed away from It, and then the sounds of humming and splashing filled its ears.

The dark figure moved along the walls and up the stairs. It covered its eyes as it felt the light switch to turn the light off.

* * * * *

Sarah slowly drifted off to sleep. The candles burned low, half of them burnt out by the time Sarah woke.

She dreamt of running naked through a field of daisies with faces on them cursing her as she ran by them. She falls over a large daisy, it laughs at her and says, “Your time is nigh.” Then the daisy throws its petals at her, as they hit they slice at her skin.

Sarah screams out, but her mouth fills with water. Something cuts across her stomach. She opens her eyes. Darkness. Sarah gulps at the water desperately to breathe. She grabs the sides of the bathtub and pulls herself up. Water spurts out from her mouth and she coughs uncontrollably. The flannel falls from her face. She stares around the room. No one.

She clambers out of the bath shakily. She grabs for a towel, but she pauses as she glances in the mirror.

* * * * *

The dark figure walks to the bathroom and pauses by the door. It looks in shielding its eyes from the light. Sarah is now humming ‘Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head’. Her hands are seductively stroking her breasts then they slowly move down her body, It watches her curiously. It uses all of its strength to stop its self from lurching into the room to take her now.

It dare not take the risk of the light burning its sensitive eyes. It would be weakened if it did. Only dim light would it take the chance, very dim light. So, It stepped back into the shadows and waited for the candles to burn out.

* * * * *

Sarah felt panicky. She eagerly searched the room for signs of anyone. She flicked the lights on and walked slowly back to the mirror. Her mind puzzled at the cut on her stomach. A trickle of blood slid down her body. She lifted her hands and inspected her fingernails. They were long but no crooked edged which could scratch that deeply into her skin. She wrapped a towel round her body and ran to her bedroom.

* * * * *

Something was wrong. It could feel a strange presence. The smell and taste of Sarah was stronger, so strong that it was unable to smell out who else or what else was there with them.

* * * * *

Sarah slammed the bedroom door behind her and locked it. She hurriedly went to the window and closed the curtains.

Her heart was racing. She had to calm down. She sat at her dresser and brushed her hair. She slowly but surely felt more at ease with herself. She dried her body and climbed into bed. She lay for a long time before she decided to go to sleep.
She lit a candle and turned off the light.

* * * * *

It sat scraping at the inside of the wardrobe while it waited for her. Just a little longer than he could have his trophy.

Sarah ran through the door and slammed it behind her. Something blurry flew by her legs and hid under the bed. The something moved that fast that It did not see what it was, but he had a good idea what that thing might be. That faded quickly from Its mind the moment it tasted her salty blood lingering in the air.

* * * * *

Sarah was just dozing off when something wrapped around her neck and squeezed. She opened her eyes. A blurry shape hovered above her head with a tentacle of some sort wrapped around her neck. Four more tentacles stretched from the things main body and held her arms and legs down. A large mouth formed on the blurry shape with thousands of small pointed teeth. Sarah tried to scream. The thing bit down on her cheek and ripped off a chunk of flesh. Immense pain shot through her face. Sarah’s vision went hazy. Behind the blur a large dark figure appeared. It held up its hand and outstretched its fingers displaying long thick yellow talons. The hand whooshed down to her head. She fainted.

* * * * *

The dark figure waited patiently for Sarah to fall asleep. It watched closely as she began to drift off to sleep. It opened the wardrobe door slowly. Something flew out from beneath the bed and grasped Sarah.

“Mine,” It growled. It flung its hand up and swiped at the something.

Another tentacle stretched out and swiped at the dark figure. The tentacle and Its hand collided. It clung onto the tentacle and pulled. The something released its grip from Sarah and attached itself to the dark figure.

“Wait your turn you fucking buzzard,” the dark figure roared. It held up its medallion and shoved it inside of the something’s body.

“I said wait. Or die,” It hissed at the something.

The blurry something squealed, released its grip, and hovered into a corner.

The dark figure sat beside Sarah, and took off its medallion and placed it around Sarah’s neck.

* * * * *

Sarah gained consciousness. She screamed out at the sight of the dark figure sitting beside her. Its red eyes stared at her, its large nostrils flexed as it sniffed her scent, its mouth hung open showing large crooked teeth, its skin a mixture of pale green and pink hung crinkled and loosely from its deformed skull.

“Sinner,” It roared.

Sarah screamed hysterically.

“Be quiet bitch,” It spat, as it swung its hand across her face.

“Please,” she whimpered.

“Please,” It mimicked. “Please, that’s a word you don’t understand. Is it?”

Her body trembled with fear. It sliced her across the stomach, then ripped out her intestines and drank the blood as it poured out.

Sarah’s eyes rolled back in their sockets, her mouth stretched open as she silently screamed.

It slashed her across the throat cutting her vocal chords. She coughed up blood. She prayed, for the pain to stop.

“Not yet! Don’t you dare pass out! Feel it. Feel what you’ve did,” It said.

Memories flooded in Sarah’s brain, memories of wickedness.

* * * * *

It ripped into her flesh with its talons and drank her blood. It fed on her absorbing her sins. The medallion glowed around Sarah’s neck. It roared out a grunt of satisfaction. It placed the medallion over her head. It spoke in a foreign tongue, and then drove its hand through her breast shattering her ribs as it pulled out her heart. It bit out a chunk and chewed hungrily on it. Blood squirted with every bit it took. It sucked up as much of the blood from the gaping hole in Sarah’s chest, enjoying every salty mouthful.

It fed on her body taking her sins with it sending her soul to hell. It finished feeding and roared with delight.

“You can have what’s left now buzzard. Be warned, if you ever try to take a body with sins again before I’ve fed upon them you will be punished. You will never be a being like me,” It said as it yanked its medallion from Sarah’s lifeless body.

The blurry buzzard thing fed upon the scraps off Sarah’s body. The things tentacles ripped chunks of flesh, sinew and small bones from the remains stuffing them into its huge hungry mouth.

* * * * *

The dark figure full from its feast left the house. It walked past the shed at the bottom of the garden where Sarah’s parents and sisters’ bodies lay tied up with pieces of washing line. Their severed bodies were piled in the centre of the shed with an axe on top of them with Sarah’s fingerprints on it and a can of petrol dumped beside the corpses.

© Copyright 2004 Nickers (nickers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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