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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Romance/Love · #820026
Continuing to touch others' lives; the first day with the limbs begins
Chapter 29 - Crystal’s New Life Truly Begins

         Once things settled down, Candice walked down the hall, carrying Crystal’s limbs and the plastic bag to keep the caps and water resistant covers in, as Erick carried Crystal a few steps behind, holding her as close as he ever had. Her head was still on his shoulder, her eyes never having left his, as they walked toward Dr. Bernhardt’s office.

         ”Is everything OK?” Dr. Bernhardt asked as they entered a few minutes later. It was then he noticed the calm demeanor and warm smiles on their faces as they all sat down. Erick sat Crystal in his lap instead of the adjacent chair.

         ”Thank you for keeping me in your lap, baby, I need this right now,” she cooed, snuggling into his chest.

         ”Things are just fine, Sam,” said Candice through renewed sniffles as memories of the past few minutes danced through her head again. “In fact, everything’s perfect.”

         ”Then… what’s this all about?” Dr. Bernhardt asked, the curiosity all over his face.

         ”I just got my first wonderfully up close look at the love these two share, that’s all. And Sam, I fully understand every comment you’ve made to me about these two now. And I agree with each and every one of them.” Turning to Erick and Crystal, she said, “And I want to thank the two of you for not only coming into my life, but for forcing me, with your example, to take a closer look at what love is supposed to be, regardless of age. I’m going to talk to my husband tonight about changing a few things for US,” she finished, sniffling a bit at the same time. “It feels good to be one up on you, Sam,” she said, smiling. “I’d love to share this with you if they don’t mind.”

         ”Of course we don’t mind, Candice,” Crystal said. “We’ve gotten to love hearing how our relationship has helped so many others, and seeing how it’s affected people. And I can certainly tell we got to you,” Crystal said warmly. “Please. Go ahead.”

         ”I have a feeling I’m going to like this story,” Dr. Bernhardt said, smiling at them as he sat back in his chair, ears at the ready.

         ”I have a feeling you’re going to LOVE it!“ Candice said without hesitation. Erick and Crystal just smiled warmly, looked at each other, then back to Dr. Bernhardt and Candice. They couldn’t wait to see his reaction to the latest wonderful moment they’d shared, especially with as well as he knew them on a personal level by now. They eagerly watched, and listened intently as Candice began.

         When she reached the point where Crystal couldn’t hold back the tears and Erick quietly took off the limbs as a show of support and love for her, Candice could barely continue beyond that point without breaking down herself. She realized then that seeing it happen is one thing, but telling someone about it brings any event far more vividly to your mind. But, somehow, certainly unknown to her, she managed it. “When I saw him take the limbs off of her without a word passing between them, as he showed her that her wish would be granted at that very moment in time, and then when I saw him lean down and pick her up so gently and… hold her so close, I… almost lost it all over again, and I’m about to now just thinking about it,” Candice finished. Sniffling again she looked up, only to see that Dr. Bernhardt’s eyes were wet with his own tears at this one.

         ”Yes, Candice, now you truly do see exactly what I mean about them. I’m glad you had this chance. It’s a rare moment.” He wiped his eyes. “And thank you for sharing it with me. I appreciate that.”

         ”You’re welcome, Sam,” said Candice. “But I think it’s these two we should both thank. For everything they’re teaching both of us.” Then, taking the initiative, she turned to Erick and Crystal. “Thank you both, so very much for the lessons you’ve taught both of us in the last few days.”

         ”And for me, thank you for all you’ve taught me from the moment you first walked into this office,” said Dr. Bernhardt firmly.

         Crystal blushed, and even Erick got a bit of pink to his face. “You’re welcome,” they said in unison. All four of them broke out laughing, noticing that that unison response had only served to prove the very point they’d been talking about - how unique Erick and Crystal’s relationship was, and is.

         When things calmed down again, Dr. Bernhardt began. “So. How did the therapy session go this afternoon?”

         ”Needless to say, Crystal is my best “student”, Sam,” Candice stated firmly. “We didn’t get to talk about walking today, but the reason she’s my best “student” is because she not only didn’t hesitate trying anything I asked, she has a level-headed approach to this that will save her a lot of pain and frustration while she learns. She proved it once when she said she wasn’t about to rush anything, and a second time when she admitted she was tired instead of trying to keep going and taking too many risks.”

         ”Now THERE’S a glowing report if I ever heard one,” Dr. Bernhardt responded, smiling broadly. “But then, with you being such a fighter,” he said to Crystal, “I wouldn’t have expected anything less. You two are making us look very good right now, and we appreciate it.”

         ”You’re welcome,” Crystal blushed, loving the recognition.

         ”We’ll be covering walking tomorrow at two, Sam,” Candice said to bring him up to date.

         ”Great. Is that it for today then?”

         ”Yep, it is,” said Candice. Turning to Crystal and Erick she said, “We’ll see you two tomorrow at 2:00 then. And I know you two are going to really enjoy yourselves tonight without these,” she smiled, indicating Crystal’s arm and leg which she had carefully laid on an adjacent chair, “but do try to remember to bring them with you tomorrow, OK?” She laughed.

         ”You bet we will!” Crystal chimed in. “I’ve been wondering what it’s going to be like to walk with this thing, and tomorrow I get to find out!” Crystal chirped.

         ”Well, I think it’s obvious our star student certainly still has all that enthusiasm she promised not to lose, doesn’t she?” Candice laughed.

         ”Yep, she does alright!” said Dr. Bernhardt. “Erick, Crystal’s clothes are in this drawer over here,” he said pointing to his left. I’ll wait outside as I did when she put that gown on, and when you bring her out I’ll get back to work. Candice, thank you for all your help with them today,” he said as he and Candice headed for the door.

         ”Sam, you don’t have to thank me. Working with these two is the best job I’ve had in a long time. And I’m looking forward to their future sessions with me already,” Candice said, smiling at them as she closed the door behind them.

         The next morning, after they'd gotten their showers, Erick and Crystal were faced with a brand new, first-time fun dilemma. “Honey, which do you think would be easier?” Erick asked as they began getting things ready to get her dressed. “It would be easier to put your clothes on before the limbs, but it would also be easier to put the limbs on before the clothes. Geez. Any ideas?” he laughed.

         ”Honey, let’s start with doing the limbs first. That would give us a realistic starting point - dressing me would be the same as it would if I had all my natural limbs.”

         ”OK, sweetheart, that’s a good idea. We’ll give it a shot. Lift up your leg stump for me baby, and we’ll get going,” Erick said lovingly as he reached to take the cap off of her stump.

         Less than five minutes later both limbs were in place. Erick picked up her panties. “OK, baby,” he said, smiling, “do you want to try putting them on, now that you have two hands?”

         ”God, baby, I’d love that!” she grinned, beginning to reach down even before she finished her sentence.

         Erick laughed. “I thought you would, baby, but let’s take it slow. Remember you promised not to rush anything?”

         She blushed furiously. “Right, honey. And I meant it. Sounds like you have it worked out, as always, too,” she grinned again.

         ”Yeup. Raise your legs, together, honey. I’ll slip them on over your feet, then you can try pulling them up.”

         Crystal grinned once again. ”That’ll work!” she chirped, already raising her legs. Erick slipped them on up to her ankles.

         ”OK, baby, I’ll help you sit up, then you reach down and take hold of them. When I slowly lay you down, raise your legs again so you can pull them up. Watch that right leg as you move, baby, remember to move it with your left one. When you pull them up as far as you can, I’ll show you how to finish the job until you learn from Candice how to stand on these. OK? Ready?”

         ”You bet I am, honey!” Erick just smiled, and started sitting her up. She slowly reached down and gripped the sides of the panties with both hands, making sure the fingers of her right hand were tight enough to pull the material and not slide off of it. ”OK, honey, lay me down.” As Erick slowly laid her back, Crystal began raising her legs and pulling up the panties. When she got them up to her bottom she stopped. “OK, honey, what do I do now? You said you’d tell me.”

         ”Right baby, I want you to learn this one step at a time so you remember them till you can stand and do this normally. Now. Remember in surgery when they had you put your foot flat on the table?”

         ”Yes, why?”

         ”Bend both legs like that, and when both feet are in position, push against your legs with your body and arch your back a little. That should raise your bottom off the bed to let you pull them the rest of the way up. If the right leg doesn’t act like the left one, I’ll pull them up for you. We need to see how it will act in this position, so be careful. This is new ground, baby. But try it. I love you,” he said warmly.

         ”Gotcha, honey, and I love you, too, sweetheart,” she said as she moved the legs into position. “Here goes, honey. Keep an eye on me please.”

         ”You bet I will, darling!” Erick said firmly and smiling. He watched as closely as he did during the surgery as Crystal slowly raised her bottom off the bed and pulled the panties up to her waist.

         ”I DID IT!” she yelled as she relaxed on the bed. “God this feels good to start dressing myself again! Thanks baby! I love you for this and for your patience.”

         Erick leaned down and kissed her passionately. “Yeup, you did it, alright!” he grinned. “And honey, it warms my heart to see you more self sufficient already. But I have to admit…” he paused a moment and sniffled.

         ”Admit what, honey?” she asked, concerned at his sudden show of emotion.

         Erick sat on the edge of the bed, and stroking her long hair lovingly he said. “I have to admit… that just like you would have missed me carrying you around, I’m going to miss doing all this for you every day.”

         Crystal saw his eyes tear even more as he finished. “Baby,” she said softly, reaching up and stroking his cheek with her left hand. “I won’t let you miss these moments either. You know I loved having you spoiling me, remember? So let’s try this. On the days I feel like being lazy and not wearing the limbs so you can carry me to give me what I want, we’ll start that right when we get up so you can dress me and get the warm fuzzies you long for from those memories. And, on days when you want to spoil me, just say so, and I’ll skip the limbs so you can, and we’ll both have those same two pleasures again. How about it? Is that enough to make you happy about it baby?”

         ”God I love you, Crystal!” Erick sputtered as his tears began.

         Crystal pulled him closer with both arms, holding him against her as she lay on the bed. “It’s OK, honey. This is just your latest turn. We’ll both be taking turns on things for a while here I think,” she said warmly. “Until I get really used to these, we’ll have little things come up that will trigger these moments for us I think.” She squeezed him tighter with both arms then suddenly backed off the right one when she noticed it was almost too tight for them to breathe. Erick took a deep breath. “Sorry, baby, she said sheepishly. I do have to practice a few things with these yet, don’t I?” she asked, smiling to let him know she didn’t mean to hurt him.

         ”Yes, you do have a few things to practice,” Erick responded, smiling slowly. “But baby, I loved that tight squeeze and I want you to practice that one as often as you like,” he said with a warm, tender smile.

         ”Why baby?” she asked, softly. “I sense there’s more than the typical answer here, honey.”

         ”You’re right baby, there is. I meant it when I told you, from the very start, that the missing limbs wouldn’t bother me. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t wondered off and on things like what it would feel like if my wife HAD been able to put two arms around me. And just now I got to find out what it feels like, and I love it. I want that feeling for a lifetime, baby. I love you!” Crystal squeezed him again with both arms, and Erick smiled warmly as he kissed her. “Thank you, baby.”

         ”And don’t worry honey, I plan on doing this a lot anyway. Because I love it too,” Crystal said tenderly. “Let’s get me dressed baby. We don’t want to be late,” she said softly.

         ”You’re right, baby,” Erick said, smiling again. “Besides, I want to see the reaction we get from Melinda when we pick her up!” He grinned.

         ”Me too, honey,” Crystal said, smiling herself now that she knew Erick was smiling again.

         Erick picked up her bra. “OK, baby, here’s one to practice too. I’ll put it around you, then you hold one side with your right hand and hook it with your left. When you get that done, let me know if you feel like you want to try turning it around. OK?”

         ”Got it baby!”

         Erick put the bra around her with the clasp in front of her, and held it while she got hold of it. Then he watched lovingly as she tried to fasten it. It took her a couple full minutes, but she did it.. “Baby, I’ll try to turn it around tomorrow. We don’t want to be late. Would you mind finishing dressing me like old times so we’re not late, sweetheart?” As soon as she asked that, she knew how useless the question was since he’d just said he missed those days, and she broke out laughing.

         Erick just smiled. “You caught that, didn’t you?” he laughed.

         ”Yeup,” she laughed. “Just not in time.”

         Taking hold of her bra and turning it around, Erick said warmly, “You bet I’ll dress you, honey. And I’ll love every minute of it.”

         A short time later, they’d dressed, had their breakfast and were in the truck, on their way to pick up Melinda. “God, Erick, it feels funny to have two feet on the floor in here,” Crystal laughed. “And even funnier to see two legs coming out from under my skirt.”

         ”I can see where it would look and feel a bit strange, baby. After all, you’ve been without one of those two for almost a year.”

         ”Good point,” she chuckled as they pulled up at Melinda’s house. As Erick got out to go get Melinda, Crystal said excitedly, “I can’t wait to see her reaction!”

         Erick smiled knowingly as he opened her door, kissed her passionately, then opened the back door in preparation for seating Melinda there. “I’m curious, too, honey,” he admitted. “I won’t tell her any more than I have to on the way out here, just so you can have the fun with her about it. She’ll love that.”

         ”Thanks, honey,” Crystal said lovingly. With that, Erick went inside to get Melinda.

         As they came out a couple minutes later, Crystal could tell it wouldn’t take long for the fun to start, if it hadn’t already. She could already hear Melinda firing questions at Erick and loved hearing Melinda’s enthusiasm.

         ”Does she have them on? Do they really move? Will I get to see them move? God I can’t wait to see this!”

         Erick laughed as he wheeled Melinda up to the passenger side of the truck. “Slow down, Melinda!” he laughed. “Honey, turn yourself this way. You’re going to have to show Melinda how both of them move if we’re going to get any peace on the ride to school,” he laughed.

         ”Hi, Crystal!” Melinda shouted as she watched Crystal swing herself around so she was facing the open passenger door, her legs both still in the seated position.

         ”Hi, Melinda,” Crystal grinned. “So. You just gotta see what I can do before you’ll let us go to school, huh?” she laughed.

         ”You’ve got THAT right, girl!” Melinda said, laughing with her. They all laughed a moment.

         ”OK, but I gotta make this quick so we’re not late. You’ll see more of it as the day goes by anyway. Watch my leg.” As Melinda watched, transfixed, Crystal raised the right leg till it pointed right at Melinda’s wheelchair.

         ”God that is SOOO COOL!” Melinda said as Crystal lowered it again. “Let me see the arm move AND bend and I promise I’ll let Erick take us to school,” she laughed.

         ”I’m holding you to that,” Crystal laughed back. “Watch carefully.” Again transfixed, Melinda stared point blank at Crystal’s arm, not wanting to miss one second of movement. Crystal raised the arm and bent the elbow as if reaching out to shake hands with Melinda. “Want to shake hands, Melinda? Watch my fingers when we do,” Crystal said, grinning. Erick lifted Melinda up, supporting her from behind so she could reach Crystal’s hand.

         ”God, the fingers really DO move, don’t they!” Melinda shouted. “I love this! I’m glad I’ll see more later. It’s so hard to believe, you know?” she squealed.

         As Erick picked up Melinda and sat her in the back seat of the truck, Crystal responded, “Yeah, I know. You should have seen my face in the operating room when they first had me try them. I couldn’t believe I was seeing it happen, AND feeling it. I feel the vibration of the motors in my stumps when they’re moving. It’s great for telling what’s happening, especially if something happens and one moves without me starting it. That hasn’t happened yet, I’m just saying it’s nice to be able to tell what’s going on in case it does.”

         ”I would guess so,” Melinda said as Erick climbed in the driver’s seat and started the truck.

 Chapter 30 - That First Day  (18+)
Crystal's first day with the new limbs continues
#840239 by Incurable Romantic

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