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by Missc
Rated: 13+ · Script/Play · Family · #819933
Two Cousins devoted to their career's and each other!
Julisa - (Lazing in a canopy bed surrounded by a dozen pillows, in an assortment of shapes and sizes, she impatiently waits on hold for her call to be connected) How's my lovely and talented Attorney, slash publicist?

Delilah - Very busy, so let's get to the point, what do you want, and how much is it going to cost?

Julisa - How presumptuous of you, darling! I just wanted to inquiring on your health, nothing more, nothing less! You are a blood relative after all, and family as you well know is of most importance to my persona!

Delilah - My health? One moment...(Addressing assistant, though use of a desk top intercom system) Terry, please informed Mrs. Barr that I have been detained, my tardiness is unfortunate and will not be continuous!...(Returning her attention to the current phone conversation) My health as of this moment is being threaten, I am not to be aggravated! So it would please my persona, if you would drop the act and consider directness!

Julisa - You do have a way with words don't you!

Delilah - And you have a way of excessively verbalizing!

Julisa - Undeniably so!

Delilah - Now we're getting somewhere, continue!

Julisa - I want to remodel a few rooms, specifically the guestrooms at my Malibu residence!

Delilah - The entire property was remodeled less than a year ago, to your exact and extreme specifications!

Julisa - I know, however, I will be having special guests in the very near future, and its lacking in perfection!

Delilah - Special guests? Like whom?

Julisa - Well Oprah for one, she will be extracting an on site personal interview!

Delilah - Are you back on those birth control pills? I thought we discussed alternative contraceptives!

Julisa - I've been off those abominable pills for weeks, why do you ask?

Delilah - Because, they must still be effecting your common sense, if not you would recall that, I am your publicist. That being said, what is the real reason remodeling is needed?

Julisa - Fine, have it your way, Oprah isn't coming!

Delilah - (Sarcastically) Really!

Julisa - Yes, however, my in-laws are!

Delilah - Aren't you separated?

Julisa - Yes, but his parents don't know that, yet!

Delilah - What, they can't read? You aren't exactly the queen of discretion! Every damm tabloid has written about your very public split! I've received more than a dozen calls daily for an exclusive interview since the broadcast!

Julisa - An exclusive interview! With me?

Delilah - (ignoring the blonde moment) The point being, that I'm sure they have figured it out by now. In Addition I don't see any just cause for remodeling whether they know or don't!

Julisa - You don't understand, Aiden's mom acts all normal and nice at functions, however, when she's a guest in my home, she notices and is critical of everything!

Delilah - Why do you care? You are divorcing her son, and in a couple months she will once again become another face in a crowd.

Julisa - You don't understand!

Delilah - I understand that this discussion is over, your request has been denied, and I have a normal client to attend too! See you next Saturday!

Julisa - Next Saturday?

Delilah - Check the itinerary I faxed you this morning, if any changes are needed or if you have any questions you can direct them to the attention of my assistant! Have a good day!

Julisa - But...hello?

Delilah - Terry, Mrs. Turner will call you momentarily, Tell her that Jennifer is a blood relative from the family that means so much to her persona! Please also inform Mrs. Turner that appropriate attire has been order for the occasion and will be deliver on the morrow! I will be out of the office for the reminder of the day! If my husband calls I can be reached on my mobile phone! Please cancel and rescheduled all my appointments for tomorrow, I will be taking a much-needed day off! Have a Goodnight Mr. Hunter!

To Be Continued ...
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