Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/817430-The-Football-Kicker
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #817430
A good story about a kid who is really good at soccer but decides to try football.
Linx ran after the soccer ball, caught up to it and passed it quickly to one of his teammates. He ran down the field and when he got passed to he took a quick hard shot to the right of the goal. The opponent's goalie jumped but missed it by inches and the ball went in.

"Yeah!"Linx shouted enthusiastically. The team ran over to him and cheered and patted him on the back.

"Nice shot Linx,"his coach said with a wide grin on his face. The goal won them the game and Linx went home with another M.V.P of the game. He sat at the dining table with his older brother Tren and his parents for dinner and he was very exhausted.

"Bro, have you ever thought about playing football?"Tren asked.

"No, not really,"Linx answered.

"Well you should try it out some time it's a really fun sport,"Tren said.

"Yeah maybe,"Linx said sarcastically.

"No seriously,"Tren said.

"I don't want to give up soccer,"Linx mumbled.

"Just try it sometime,"Tren put in. Linx finished his food and told his mom he was going to Henry's house. Linx walked outside and ran to Henry's house. He rang the doorbell when he got to his house and Henry's mom answered the door.

"Oh hello Linx,". Henry, Linx is at the door for you!" she yelled upstairs. "You may come in."

"Thanks," Linx said and walked inside. A few moments later Henry stormed down his stairs in excitement.

"Linx come on let's go to the park," he said with a soccer ball in his hand.

"Okay,"Linx said.Henry and Linx walked out the door and walked to the park chattering about their last game. When they arrived at the park they saw Hank and Mark the bullies at school picking on a littler kid.

"Dude let's go help that kid,"Linx said pointing at the smaller kid getting ganged up on. Linx and Henry ran over to Hank and Mark and they both kicked them hard in the back so they flew forward and hit their head on the concrete.

"Go pick on someone your on size,"Henry spat angrily. Linx picked the kid up and ran as fast as he could with Henry beside him. After Linx and Henry got far away from Hank and Mark they went over to a bench and sat down and put the kid on it.

"You okay?"Linx asked.

"No,not really,"the boy replied.

"Where do you live?"Henry asked.

"Over there,"he mumbled with a bloody lip. Linx and Henry saw where the boy was pointing to so they dropped him off with his mom which thanked them heartily as they did.

"Let's get going,"Henry said.

"It's getting kind of late I'm going to go to my house,"Linx said.

"Okay bye,"Henry said and they hit each others knuckles softly. When Linx arrived at home he went upstairs to sleep.

In the morning Linx woke up and dressed and went downstairs. He was glad it was summer because no school and he kept thinking about football and if he should play or not. Linx ate breakfast and decided to try it out with the guys that usually play football at the park. He walked nervously to the park and spotted the guys playing football .Linx walked quietly up to one of the guys and asked if he could play.

"Hold on,"he said.The guy walked over to the rest of the people playing and talked to them and a little later he came back to me. "They say it's okay." Everyone said their names: Pat,Mat,Chris,Sean,Leo,Vick,Sam,Zach,Jesse,Drake,Jade,Red and of course my brother.

"Hey bro,"Tren said cheerfully. "I'm glad you've come to try football." Linx just grinned nervously and when they picked teams and did rock paper scissors to see who get the kickoff are team won and Linx went over to his team to receive the kickoff. He was glad that he read the book about football or else he wouldn't have known the rules. When the other team kicked it off Linx caught it and ran forward he got tackled almost immediately and fell to the ground.

"I didn't think it would be that rough,"Linx said surprised as he lied stunned on the ground.

"Of course it's going to be rough,"Tren said as he picked Linx up off the ground. Linx went in the huddle with the rest of his team and he was told to do a slant so he lined up on the line of scrimmage. When Vick said hike Linx ran down the field and then took a sharp right and Vick looked around and saw that Leo beat his man by a few steps he threw the ball over the defender and Leo caught it scantily and he fell to the ground.

Vick gave Leo a pat on the back and the team went back in the huddle. Linx lined up after the huddle and got ready for the snap of the ball. When Vick said hike one of the lineman stumbled on the ground and the blizter ran straight for Vick who quickly threw it and when Linx saw it was going straight to a defender he ran over there and hit the defender's legs right as he touched the ball and the defender fell but not with the ball.

"Good job,"Tren congratulated Linx.

"Thanks,"Linx said. After a couple more plays they got stopped and it was fourth down. They weren't to far away from the field goal posts so they dicided to go for the field goal.

"Let Linx kick the field goal,"Tren said in the huddle.

"Is he good?"Mat asked.

"Yeah I've seen him play soccer and he can kick that ball great,"Tren boasted about Linx.

"Okay let's do it,"Vick said. When Sean waited to hold the ball for Linx he said hike and received the ball he put it on the ground and held it and Linx ran at the ball and kicked it hard. The ball went smooth and straight and went straight through the posts.

Linx yelled triumphfully and jumped in the air. The team patted him on the back and on the head it felt just like when he made the winning goal in soccer. After the scrimmage Linx went home bruised from being tackled and tackling. He thought about football on the way home and decided to start playing football.

Chapter 2

Linx woke up in the morning with a bunch of sore muscles he could hardly walk.

"Jeez,"he said as he reclined out. Linx got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Once he had breakfast he went upstairs to his brother's room.

"Bro,"Linx whispered.Tren rolled over on his back and asked-


"I was wondering if I could join the football team?"Linx asked hopefully.

"Hold on lemme get dressed,"Tren said. Linx shut Tren's door and waited for a little until Tren finally came out of his room.

"I'll have to ask the coach,come with me to practice today and I'll ask,"Tren said.

"Ok,"Linx answered. When they arrived at the field everyone was wearing pads and their uniforms.

"Oops forgot there was a game today,"Tren said red in the face. Tren told the team that he was going to get his equipment and Linx watched as Tren ran off to go home. HE turned around and found himself face to face with the coach and the team.

"Hi,"Linx said nervously.

"Hi,"the team said back.The coach walked over to Linx and asked what his name was.He stuttered Linx and the coach smiled and shook hands with him.

"My name is Robert nice to meet you,"he said.

"Yeah,"Linx said."Um,I really want to play on your team I was playing soccer but I like football better now,"Linx explained.

"Well you can't play in today's game but you can start coming to practice so I can see how you play,"he said.

"Ok,"Linx said cheerfully. Once Tren came back they started practicing while Linx sat on the bench watching eagerly. He learned some cool stuff watching them play and he was glad that he might be able to play on the team.The Sharks were against the Tigers and Linx was voting for the Sharks because that's the team he was about to be on soon. After the first half the Sharks were trailing by a touchdown.

"You can do it Sharks,"Linx shouted from the bench. With thirty seconds left to go in the fourth quarter it was the Shark's ball and they were losing by two points.

Linx bit his lip and the Sharks got to the twenty-five yard line but they didn't make any more progress so it was fourth down still at the twenty-five yard line.The clock ticked down to one second but the Sharks called a time out and Tren urged the coach to let Linx kick the field goal.The coach finally let him kick it so Linx was excited and volatile and got some equipment on quickly and ran on the field.

One of the kids on the Sharks team held the ball on the ground and when he hiked the ball Linx ran at it and kicked it hard.The ball went far and straight and it was a good kick right through the posts.The whole team cheered and all the fans went wild Linx pounded his fist in the air and the team patted him and congratulated him. Afterward Linx walked home with Tren and he felt very good about making the winning points.

Chapter 3

Tren walked home and told his mom and dad all about it.Dad who wanted Linx to play football very much was really happy. But mom was displeased because she liked me playing soccer but she was glad in a way. Linx plodded outside of his house after dinner and walked down the street. Henry spotted Linx walking down the street so he ran to catch up with him.

"Linx where've you been man,you've missed practices and even games."

"Um...well...I've sort of given up soccer and gone to football,"Linx said nervously.

"What!"."You've gone to that brutal sport football,"Henry said amazed.

"Yeah,"Linx said.

"Well then I'll tell the coach that you're not playing anymore."I won't be seeing you around,"Henry said angrily and took off down the street. Linx looked at his feet and walked back to his house.

In the morning he got dressed walked downstairs and asked Tren if there was a game or practice today.

"Yeah there is a practice in a hour,"he replied.

"Thanks,"Linx told him. Linx ate breakfast and waited for Tren to take a shower and eat.Once they were ready they walked down to the park and met up with the team.

"Hey Tren,"Pat greeted him as he arrived.

"Hi,"Tren said back. Robert walked over to Linx and gave him a uniform which read Sharks number 14.

"Thanks!"Linx exclaimed.

"Keep it safe,because i can't order anymore,"Robert said. Linx stared at his shirt it was shiny with a kind of diamond pattern and it felt really soft. Robert also gave Linx pants for football and pads. He was all ready for practice and the other players got ready too. When everyone was ready to play Robert went over to us and told us the plays to practice. Tren explained Linx all the football specifications and he learned about football while the rest of the team practiced the plays.

"Ok Linx do you get it better now?"Tren asked.

"Yeah,"Linx responded.Linx and Tren joined their teammates and practiced the plays with them.When the practice ended Robert told them about the game in a few days and who we were up against. Linx comprehended the plays so well that he was thinking about them the whole way home.

On the day of the football game Linx was aroused and he rushed home from school to get his equipment on.When he arrived at the field his team was talking with Robert. Linx looked over the other team and they looked really bulky and strong. He ran over to join his team and Tren welcomed him with a pat on the back.

When the both teams lined up for the kickoff Linx sat on the bench waiting to go in the position Robert gave him on defence. The Serpents were receiving it and the Sharks shot down the field after the guy who had the football. Linx spotted Tren running toward the guy with the ball and the guy spun around right before Tren dived at him. He missed and the guy with the ball got tackled afterward.

"Nice try,"Linx cheered from the bench. He ran on the field and got in position. Linx blitzed from the corner and penetrated through a blocker at full speed he tackled the quarterback as hard as he could right after the quarterback threw it.The quarterback lost control when he threw it so it lobbed in the air and Max caught it. He shot down the field toward the Serpents end zone but got hit in the legs and fell to the ground.

"Nice tackle Linx,"Tren said from the sideline.

In the fourth quarter with two minutes to go the score was twenty to twenty-eight the Serpents in the lead and the Sharks with the ball.The ball was at the fourty-third yard line on the Serpents side and Linx watched aroused by the sight of his brother playing wide receiver.When our quarterback snapped the ball Tren ran down the field and took a sharp left and the quarterback looked around and scrambled.

"He's running!"shouted one of the defensive players. The quarterback juked one of the blockers and jumped over a fallen guy on the ground but got tackled for a gain of seven yards.

"Good run,"Robert said loudly from the sideline. The Sharks huddled and picked their next play.The quarterback hiked the ball after the huddle and looked for a open receiver. He shot a long bomb down the left field toward Tren and Linx prayed that he would catch it. Tren caught it barely and started down the field. Linx cheered and yelled when Tren made the touchdown and he ran on the field for the extra point.

"The couch wanted us to do a fake kick and Brian you run it to the left, everybody guard him tight,"the quarterback explained. Linx was very nervous under the pressurized state he was in. Linx snapped the ball and faked the kick and Brian ran to the left with the quarterback in front of him. Brian got tackled from the legs but amazingly broke the tackle and dove in the touchdown with the time running out.

"Yeah!"Brian shouted and slammed the ball on the ground. Linx jumped up and down for winning the hardest team in the league. Everyone from the Sharks ran on the field joyously. Linx walked over to Tren clapped his hand and grinned.

The End.
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