Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/817301-Through-His-Emerald-Green-Eyes
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Fantasy · #817301
A prologue of a fantasy story...read and find out what it's about!

The dark square room shimmered with dancing pools of green light. Ghostly images hovered in midair, writhing and twisting in the light. The only audible sound that could be heard in the room was a slow, strange buzzing sound, a noise that seemed to come out of nowhere, yet it was there in the air and the floor itself. It was a noise that sounded like thousands of infuriated bees caged in a single prison, crying for their freedom and hatred.
Standing proudly and menacingly in the center of the room was a tall black robed figure, his face masked and was bathed in the darkest shadow. His gloved hands were clasped tightly behind his back, his invisible head raising upward to stare off into space arrogantly. A long time passed and he still remained motionless on his spot, a lifeless cold statue.
Minutes later however, a door on the wall opposite to the one which he was facing opened with a loud squeaking creak. In came a short haunching man, adorned in a long flowing red robe. His hood was casted over his mysterious face. Dragging heavily and gasping for eluding breath, the little man walked painfully toward his master. He stopped several feet from the tall black robed man and hesitated on his spot. Finally, in a single cry, he dropped to the floor and bursted into tears, his body shaking uncontrollably .
Without turning or doing the slightest move, the tall forbidden figure ignored his servant's continuous sobs and said calmly, a smooth and affable voice.
" How brave of you to return." His words reveberated off the room and bounced from one wall to another, taking at a least a minute for it to fade away. He waited until his words had withered off, before continuing.
"What is your explanation, White Fang?" Still, his voice remained cool, reticent and easy, but his servant knew better what that meant. The little man on the floor brushed his eyes hurriedly with the sleeves of his red robes and finally stared up at his master fearfully.
"Master!" he pleaded, a hopeless and helpless child, " I failed this time, I failed, but, but- it wouldn't happen ever again! Never again! I'll serve you beyond my heart's will! I'll get her, I promise! I promise! Please give me a chance!"
Remaining as still as a pole on his spot, the tall black figure only reiterated,
"What is your explanation?" White Fang hiccuped and sat back on the floor, gathering his long robes around his body tightly and shivered slightly, as though he had just caught a chill.
" Master, I- I", and he stopped abruptly and stared fearfully into the shadowed face of his master. Gathering his breath, White Fang continued, although his voice was barely coherent ringing throughout the chamber.
"I traveled through the Nadger Marsh when I overheard a couple of idiotic hunters in the area talking about a lonely girl. I asked them her descriptions and immediately I knew. So I began to track her, for- for three days, Master. Three days! She was a clever girl and she had done well erasing her trails. But being a girl! Only a little girl, she just couldn't be so smart to outwit me!". There, White Fang paused suddenly and laughed, a laugh full of coldness, proudness and insaneness. He did so momentarily, letting his cry to echo and bounce against the walls in the room for minutes, before staring upward at the ceiling with a seemingly dreamy look in his bright baby blue eyes.
" Bah! I finally discovered her tracks in the Halena Forest soon, right before Twilight! Master! I can still remember the forest, its life, its roots, its very own beauty. The sky above was a like a golden blanket, ahhh, master, you should there to examine this spectacle!"
White Fang paused and his hooded head jerked up, his blue eyes widening with wild and satisfied triumph.
"I found her then, trying to climb over a huge boulder of rock that stood on her way. Oh, what a foolish little girl, not yet old enough to even cross a river by herself! Ha! I confronted with her then, telling her to come down and give me her bag, but what a stubborn girl she was, she refused and started to run, run! Run away from me! I chased and chased, and finally caught up with her, but, but, in the confusion, that brat dropped the precious bag and....
" Clink!, that was the noise we heard!" The little man suddenly hopped back a few paces and cried out in excitement, a look of madness dawning over his face," I realized what had happened, and it really did happen, Master! I backed off in fear of what it would do after that and that whore! She clutched it to her chest! Something, I don't know what, don't know. It surrounded the girl, I couldn't see, Master. I couldn't! It was so bright, too bright and it hurt my eyes badly! It hurt me, hurt me much...When it faded away, the girl was gone, none, everything gone. The night had settled, no more golden sky, no more beautiful forest." White Fang sank to the floor and bowed his head, hugging his knees to his chest, his cries mixing with the hollowed screams of the hissing imprisoned bees in the chamber.
Lord Maglador turned around and stared down at the pitiful man on the floor before him, his black eyes and expression impassive. There was no sign of compassion or even a flinch from his body. He shook his head slowly and said warmly toward his little servant.
" It is indeed very valiant of you to return, even though, you have poorly failed your quest."
White Fang's hood fell off his head as he jerked up to face his master. Thus revealed a young man, not yet older than thirty years of age perhaps, with his head surprisely bald and a round face with a pair of round watery blue eyes. His face was so tear-streaked that his eyes were becoming to turn red. He sniffed silently and dragged himself toward Lord Maglador, tugging at his master's sleeve.
"Master! Master! Please, please give me a chance. I'll not ever going to fail you again! I will serve you beyond my own heart's will, everything I'm going to devote to you!". With that, his tear-streaked face looked up at the masked face of Lord Maglador in a silent pray and imploration.
The man stared down at his servant in total apparent disgust, his eboney eyes glittering phlegmatically. Coldly, he shook himself off White Fang's grasp and aimed a mighty kick at his bottom, which caused the pitiful fellow to double over and cried in a silent scream. His pleas and breathing were the only noise being mixed with the buzzy noise. Lord Maglador was however oblivious of it and raised his head proudly toward the empty ceiling again, his voice calm as ever as it echoed across the room. The atmosphere in the chamber, as even a stranger might feel, began to hotten and moisturize. The mysterious faint green light bathed in the room started to quiver more violently, shadows danced and skipped enthusiastically on the cold cement floor. More buzzing sounds reverberated across the chamber in thousands of screams, more pronounced than ever.
" Master," White Fang quieted down and whimpered like a lost child on his spot, "master, please." His wild sapphire eyes looked up at the man in beseechment, praying silently. His lips trembled drastically.
Lord Maglador slowly withdrew his eyes from the ceiling above and shifted to land squarely on his servant.
" You should know the consequence of your failure." His voice was cold and nonchalant, a statue empty of feelings within itself. His sentence caused White Fang to jerk up violently.
" Master!"
" Do you accept the appropriate punishment of your failure to capture a defendless girl?"
"Do you?"
" Master, but I- I accept my punishment but please give me a chance! I have been faithful to you ever since I first served you. Master!"
Lord Maglador nodded in satisfaction and extended his right gloved hand toward the whimpering man on the floor.
"Come here, White Fang. Come to me, my faithful servant." He smiled at White Fang for the first time with warmth, cold warmth. The man's eyes widened with new hope and dragged himself toward his master. His eyes glittered back with silent tears, which streamed down his cheeks in slender rivers. Before he was able to raise his hand to touch his master's, there was a sudden flash of green light, protruded from Lord Maglador's exposed palm and engulfed itself upon White Fang. Master appeared to be his last word...and last thought. It took only seconds for the fire to shatter and die off, leaving behind a pile of blackened ash, what was the remains of White Fang.
Lord Maglador extracted his hand back into his robe pocket and sighed.
" Good bye to you, my faithful servant."
He turned his back on the ashes and stared into space again, lost in his own dark world.
A short while later, however, the door to which White Fang had first entered opened with a small creak. In walked a tall slender figure attired in a long flowing cloak similar to that of Lord Maglador's. His swift, graceful strolls signaled the agility of the man beneath. The young man walked briskly, nimbly toward Lord Maglador and stopped in a few paces before him. Raising his head high, the young man bowed in formal greeting and remained mute on his spot. His eyes did not even stray to look at the ashes on the floor of which he was stepping.
" Do you know what to do now?" Lord Maglador made it a statement and not a question, his head still averting in the other side of the room.
A pair of green eyes glistened coldly and the young man nodded solenmly in reply. Swerving around, his long nimble legs carried him out the room in seconds. Lord Maglador closed his eyes in contentment and in a slow movement, raised his hands outward to either side of him. As sudden as an eluding dream, he raised his masked face toward the green light and laughed. His laugh penetrated through the thick barriers of the chamber's shadows, and light, over the loud buzzing sound, over the cold atmopshere that hung in the room all these time. For he knew that nobody here, in the world right now, can surpass his laugh, his glee, he himself.
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