Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/815218-Beybladers---Might-of-the-Dragon
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #815218
What does one do when they're left behind to dwell in violence
Jake and Tom walked moarnfully down the alley. They had just said their farewells to their greatest friend and leader. The leader of the Silverpikes. The great Possesor of a Dragoon Ablimination. Known to all as Fang.

They were miserable and sad. The Pikes were gone. Only Jake would remain after today. Tom would be leaving in less than an hour. They split up at the end of Tom's road. Jake could not go down that road. He was from the Greystone Towerblocks on the otherside of town. Tom was a Maybank. Greystones never crossed into Maybank territory or Goldstep land for that matter. that was just how it worked in Awaiville.

Jake watched Tom's retreating back disappear into one of the fancy house's. None of them were ever to beat the rebel blader's again in a fist fight or a beybattle. But in the eyes of a seven year old, Jake knew that he was alone and no matter what rebels did, or Milo did or even he himself did he would remain alone...

9 Years Later

Jake was on his way to watch the beyblade finals. He had to see it, even if the last time he had had anything to do with the game had been before Tom and Fang had abondoned him.

He shook his head angrily.That was years ago. He was sixteen now not some pathetic seven year old. He looked down at his own beyblade. Furious at his emotion he shoved it roughly into one of his many pockets.

From his seat in the beystadium he could see the team he was supporting. The Fanged Warriors. Something about the way their leader moved was familiar. A boy sat down beside him. He looked about the same age as himself. The hair was a shock of black and his clothes were all brands. Nike, Quicksilver. It angered Jake. That anger fell when he saw the strangers eyes. He knew those eyes.

"Who're you supporting?"

"Have a guess Tom. Go on." He said, ice dripping from his tongue.

"Do I know you?" Tom looked puzzeled.

"Ya should." Jake laughed coldly,"Don' ya remember who I support. Always the Warriors until the day they break up."

"Who are you?"

"Me! I'm Jake. Bu' then why would ya remember a Greystone, ya thick loada trash!" Jake pulled out Tom's old Draciel. he had fixed this for Tom when he was seven but then Tom had moved and he had forgotten to take it with him, "Here. I don' wan' it' no more."
He dropped it into Tom's lap.

"J...Jake," Tom stuttered. "I...I...I'm s..sorry. Really I..."

"I don' need yar stoopid apologies."

A round of applause made them both sit up. The Fanged Warriors and the apposing team, The Garcia had entered the main floor.

Tom looked at Jake.How Jake had changed, He took in Jake's new dyed red hair and rebel looks and thought of the rebel naure that he had just seen. What had Awaiville done to him? Why was Jake rejecting him?

Up in Jake's head Tom was thought of as a traitor. So was Fang. Tom saw a putrid glare come his waybut before he could question it, the Umpire (and comentator) had introduced the first battlers.

"For the first round of the match Aracnae from the Fanged Warriors and Jo - Ypio from the Garcia." It said, "Contenders ready."

Let It Rip.

And the battle began. Jo - Ypio won the first but the next two Aracnae took out the Ultimate Saizo with one spin fom her Barishin-Oh. Next it was Scavenger's turn to fight. He lost to Sibl. But that was what the crowd wanted. They wanted to see Kai and Latimer fight.

This was the big one. Kai and Latimer were the top beybladers in the world. Jake was tense. he had never been so involved in beyblading since Tom.... No-matter, that was all in the past now.

The whistle blew. The battle started. Latimer's Drigar was moving into the middle. Kai's Dragoon Master attacked. Or was that a Dragoon Master.....Sparks began to fly. Kai was way below Latimer's standard. But Jake knew this stratagy. Fang had beaten him amny times like this. He knew that just as Latimer made his Drigar attack Kai would unleash the power of his bitbeast and strike with White Ablimination. Just as he predicted kai did exactly that but more power was unleashed in that move than jake had anticipated. It sent Drigar into orbit before smashing into the ground in a million tiny pieces.

The Fanged Warriors had won.

Yet Jake was angry again. Tome could feel it radiating from him in waves. Then Jake stood up and stomped away. Tom hurried after him.

"Wait!" he called,"Wait.!"

Jake slowed but did not stop. Tom finally managed to catch up with his old friend.

"Where you going? The autographing thingy?" Tom asked curoiusly.

Jake was muttering to himself,"I don' care no more bu' he ripped off those moves. Never had any good luck and tha' jus' had to bring it all back." He looked up at Tom and Tom could see the boy he had loved still in those eyes. "I'm gonna see tha' Kai geeza."

"Jake don't do anything I wouldn't do."

His eye's hardened,"Don' worry I don' walk out on my friends."

Tom sighed and spotted the two Blade groups coming.
"Here they come."

Jake ducked under the rope seperating the crowds and the bladers, walked straight up to Kai and punched him, hard in the face. Kai staggered backwards.

"That's for taking off Fang!" He snarled.

"Fang..." Kai murmered, rubbing his jaw to take away the pain.

"Yeah. He maybe a traitor but you ripped him off!"

"TRAITOR! How dare you!" Kai lunged at Jake.

But Awaiville had taught him to fight. Fight like the rebels fought. As he dodged easily out of range he taunted Kai.

"Why no' take this out in a Bey battle?"

Kai stopped and laughed, "And who would win?"

The rhetorical question fell stale, "Me." The red head replied. He was serious. He could fight and he would win.

"I'll fight you." Kai smiled mysteriously,"If you can defeat Aracnae."

"Easy. The Greystones in block 12 use her tactics."

Who are you? Kai thought as he looked at the boy. Who are you stranger?

Nevously Tom came up to Jake," I'm with you this time. I won't leave again. I swear it."


Kai and Tom could hear the bitterness in his voice but only one understood it.

Aracnae lead the way back to the stadium. She was looking forward to crushing this punk's spirit. No one hit Kai and lived to remember it.

Crowds were gathering. Most were jeering at Jake and Tom but they shrugged it off.

She felt Scavenger was happier left out after losing to Sibl. Plus he hated hurting people. Unlike her when she was angry. She enjoyed knowing that she had trampled over anouther piece of scum.

Let it Rip

The beybattle had begun.

Jake was home.

She expected the rebal to crack and bend to the power of her beybalde but he did not. He span on endurence and the blades on his Dranzer had been changed to razer sharp metal spikes. he span to fast o be interpreted.

"It's amazin' wha' nine years of bein' beaten up by all ya know includin' you family can do. Wha' misery can drive a person to do. When I found tha' there was somethin' I could do to stop it this is what came from the ashes." Jake laughed, a hollow, visious laugh that scared even himself.

"Now Dranzer! Flame Claw Attack!" He yelled. His bitbeast rose from it's sleep and attacked.

Aracnae shot out of the ring and landed at her feet.

"That's wha' Awaiville can teach ya."

Kai's eyes widened. Awaiville. Could he have really heard that name after so long. he had tried to put the past behind him. Was it catching up again?

"Ready?" Came the rebel's voice.

Kai looked up and replied with the words of his true bey group.

"Gotcha Silver. Cos you're gonna need it."

The look on the red head's face was unreadable but Kai swore he saw a brief look of recognision and tghen anger but the next minute he believed he had imagined it.

And then the battle was begun.

Tom was tense. Something told him Kai was capable of defeat. The crowds continued to spit and swear at Jake but his friend did not take his eyes of Dranzer. Tom looked up at Kai. Then he saw it and realised the terrible truth. A Pike was fighting a Pike. Two great friends were fighting.

Jake was moving in for the kill. Kai had been struggling his way through the battle.

"Wait Jake!" Tom ran forward, "What would you do if this were Fang?"

"I'd have my revenge for wha' you and he did."

"Jake this is -"

"Dranzer Now!!!" Jake interrupted.

The Dragoon Ablimination went flying. Broken in three.

"How could you fight another Pike Jake? How?!" Tom shrieked and fell to the ground.

"Tom!" Jake ran over then looked up at Kai and realised at last.

"Fang? God no.... Fang?"

"Yeah Fang. BUT who are you Stranger?"

"The one tha' was lef' behind. Ya knew me as Jake but I'm lots of things. Idiot, Bastard. Failure, scum." He looked at Aracnae when he said this and she hung her head. He shrugged. "I'm no one."

He looked back to Tom. He was sorry now that he had not listened. Tears pricked in his eyes and heat rose in his cheeks. He realised now that Tom ahd never forgotten even though he had left. Jake ahd never expected any of this though.

Kai looked at Jake kneeling. Bent over his unconcious friend. For a second Jake looked over at him and in that second Kai saw the first tear Jake had ever shed. What he saw in those eyes though was shame and so many tears that had needed to fall through out life.

A tear rolled silently down Jake's heavily tanned face. The sparkle of the SilverPike pendant caught Kai's eye and he became Fang again. This was what he himself ahd been like when he hd left the tortures of Awaiville and became Kai. Suddenly he felt strong twangs of sympathy for Jake, even if his friend had faced him in a non - friendly beybattle.

A hand rested on Jake's shoulder . Looking up, the red haired sixteen year old saw it was Fang not Kai.

"I'm sorry." He said but he voice was all broken up and tears fell down his face. Taking a long look at Fang and then Tom he rose to his feet. They were so different. They came from different worlds. Fang was world famous and Tom was plainly high ranked than even the Goldsteps now.

"Tell Tom I've gone. I'm gonna le' Awaiville destroy me before I do somethin' really stoopid." He took one more sad look at Fang and left on silent suffering.

"Wait! Join me again!" Kai called after him.

Jake walked on, shaking his head. Fang could have sworn he heard Jake laugh but it just a memory of before.

Three Days Later

Jake stood motionless against a pole of the building site. His face was a mask of buises if anyone had seen the rest of his body they would have been shocked at the blood caked welts and the painful cuts all over. Ciggerette burns were all over his chest where his clothes had been ripped. Glue gun burns traced down his arms. THe pain was more more now. It was agony.

Laz, a leader of a Maybank gangshoved Jake away from the pole. Two other rebels seized his arms and let the rest of the gang eat him some more before finally dragging him to a pit of wet cement.

"What's that idiot letting them do?" Fang murmered.

"Killing himself." Scavenger said quietly.

"Slowly." Aracnae added.

Tom looked at her. His face was pale.

"Geez..." Fang exclaimed.

"They're taking him over to that cement." Scavenger went pale now.

Tom looked sick.

"Look how pathetic he feels." Aracnae whispered. She could not help liking Jake now. He was so different from all the other boys she had met.

One more shove and he would be in that cement. His pain would end as they buried him in it.

Buried Alive. Just like the hope that had died when he was seven.

They pushed. Jake tumbled into the brown mixture wordlessly. He could feel the cement falling on him from above, suffocating him. He struggled for air but not much. More of the fould tasting stuff camme into his mouth. Life slowly seemed to be leaving him and with it the pain.

The rebels were laughing at the drowning young man when Fang attacked. Laz and the gang ran for it when they saw how wild they looked. Tom instantly started to push away cement. The others helped. Carefully Jake began to emerge from the mix.

Like a mother with a new born child Tom gently turned Jake to face the sky. He was not surprised to see a look of misery on Jakes lifeless face. BUt he did look hurt anymore. That surprised Tom. Jake looked have at peace.

"NO!" Tom screamed when he saw Aracnae feel for the pulse and return with nothing. He shook Jake like a rag ddoll. But Jake stayed limp in his cement covered body. He shook him again.

"Stop Tom. He's gone now." Fang said.

"No. Not Jake...." Tom sobbed. Putting his forhead to the hand of his beathless friend.

"Come on. Let's find something to put him into." Fang could not look into the face of his torrn friend.

((Just because i hate sad endings right now))

Jake could hear voice around him. They sounded dim as if far away. Infront of him lay a stairway, around him lay darkness and behind him the green planet, and Tom. Instantly he made up his mind.

Coughing and choking on cement Jake managed to grab hold of life once more and rench himself out the already crusting cement. He looked out out of his bleary eyes and saw the Fanged Warriors and Tom walking away. Tom was crying.

"Wha' are ya'll doin' here?" He yelled after them. His voice sounded like a metal grate being grinded down with grit. It was excrusiatingly painful. then he wondered:

Why am I alive? How am I alive?

"Jake!" cried Tom with a laugh,"I thought you were dead." He hugged jake in all his mucky clothes until Jake could not breath and began to choke.

"Why? Why'd you come?" Jake croaked.

"To get you out mate." Fang replied with a smile.

"Wha'?Why? I..."

"Jake." Aracnae said softly, "You suffered enough. you life has been dirt so far. Join us and be happy for a changed. We can call ourselves something else if you like."

"Please Jake. I won't join unless you do." Tom said .

Jake nodded but dizzyness was reaching him. Tiredness reached out for him. Tom hugged him tight again. Jake began to build his world on the ruins of the old.

Together they all walked away from Awaiville. Tom and Jake hand in hand. Fang their leader once more and Aracnae and Scavenger completed the team that soon was standing high above the ranks of beybladers. They were the Silver Dragons.
© Copyright 2004 Dr Matticakes Myra (dragoon362 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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