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Rated: 13+ · Other · Teen · #812845
Contents of an old CC I'm restarting. Died due to a glitch in the system.
Achren, annoyed at the dawn-lit world, slammed her fist down on her rattling alarm clock. When it refused to shut off, she picked it up and hurled it across the room into her closet, where it banged into a pair of boots and fell, silent, to the floor. She got up out of bed and used the bathroom connected to her bedroom.
Flicking the light switch and blinking furiously, she brushed out her hair as her pupils contracted, adjusting to the light. She brushed her pearly whites and went to get dressed.
Selecting a pair of black jeans, a tight, dark red cashmere sweater and a pair of chunk heeled boots, she swung her bag over her shoulder and walked out, applying her makeup on the way. Shouting to the sleepy house that she was leaving, she pulled her baggy brown leather jacket off a hook and left the house.
The car ride there was peaceful enough, and with two lawyers for parents at least Achren could afford a nice car. She pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. Looking at her watch, she swore softly and ran all the way into homeroom, where her teacher stared at her irritably.
"What? I'm only 30 seconds late." Achren remarked cooly, and the teacher shook her head under the icy glare and looked away. Achren took her seat and began staring around at her fellow students.

ps: forgive typos, very poor typist at work here.

[Lillith] Name: Katrina Kitzer
Nickname: Kitty Kat
Gender: Female
Nationality: German

Star Sign: Libra
Birthstone: Sapphire
Element: Water
Cult: Light

Height: 4'9"
Weight: 96 lbs
Social Status: Nerd/Loner
Sexual Preference: Males, but is Bisexual

Random Info: Chocolatey-brown eyes, set in a deathly pale face, are
covered by a curtain of long black hair. She is short for her age,
however, she likes to think of herself simply as petite. Her face
is often expressionless and nothing seems to affect her much. Rarely
does she wear make-up and when she does, it is very little.

Slender and curvy, her body is in good shape and well-toned. However,
she hides her figure beneath her dark clothes, which range from
slightly preppy to baggy and gothic. She always has a chain with her
keys hooked to her pants, a necklace of a squid grasping a blue orb
with its tentacles, and a silver ring with a sapphire and two
triangular diamonds. On her left ear only is a heart-shaped stud.

Kat is one of the most mysterious students of the school. She gets
excellent grades and all the teachers love her but there is a dark,
utterly depressing aura about her. None of the students tease her
about being a nerd, she isn't even worth their time. She has no
friends, not even the other nerds will hang out with her. Nothing
is known about her except that she is extremely quiet.

Katrina barely moved at all when Achren burst in. Though if you watched her eyes, they had slowly shifted to her for a few seconds before returning to the teacher.

Her seat was right in front of Achren's and she could sometimes feel her eyes passing by her. She simply smoothed out her top and clasped her hands on top of her desk.


[veyri] Name: Carmine Lucian Aymond
Gender: Male
Nickname: None, least none that he knows of or prefers.
Clique: Goth, usually hangs out with the druggies and the "bad kids".
Personality: Carmine is the poster child for juvenile delinquent. When orders are given, he does the opposite; when conversations loom, he insults his way out. Morals are for weaklings, according to him. Most think of him as a stupid, violent jerk, but they only have his grades and his actions to judge by. If he didn't rip up homework assignments and deliberately fail tests, he could easily get all A's. And if he isn't big on physical harm.

With a short snort of amusement, Carmine reached up to his hair to check that every naturally pale blonde hair was slicked back into place. Like his torn, all-black outfit, the style was meant to reaffirm his reputation, cement it in. Even more proof of his "anarchist attitude," as the school counselor had once called it, was the mocking, wryly amused grin on his pale, thin face.

Stupid teacher... he thought to himself. One of the first laws of the jungle is that looking away signifies weakness. Bowing to your subject's wishes just opens the door to further loss of power.

To prove his point, Carmine chose that time to raise his hand. With a carefully tolerant expression on her face, the teacher called upon him, though she would soon regret it.

"Didn't you say last week that the next time any of the students came in late you would give them a week's worth of detentions? Have I missed something here? Are Mr. and Mrs. Duaite boosting your meager salary? Or are you just a weak-willed hypocrit with no backbone whatsoever?"

[I am Camio] Name: Kai Silver
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Black Hair
Black Eyes
Artistic and Musical
120 lbs.
Sexual Preference: Undecided (He is a Furry [one who likes anthropormorphic animal] see my bio for more info)
Stays away from people and has no friends. He maintains a careless attitude toward school as he sees it as a waste of time. The only classes he puts effort into are his art, writing, and music class. While he is a loner he is still very active in extracurricular activities involving art and music.

Kai pulled out his notebook, ignoring the frivoulous happenings of the class. Everything about his life was boring, especially having to sit in class all day working on subjects that were not needed for his future as an artist. On the first clean piece of notebook paper he began to take notes, but then switched to sketching. This is how it ended up in most periods, but the teacher always thought he was taking notes and being the 'good' student. Once again Kai messed up his sketch and turned to a new page to try again. He had been going on like this for weeks, trying to get himself into the form of an animal on paper. Trying to satisfy his desire to be more than himself, a miserable and depressed human. A load of snickering woke Kai from his trance. "Glad you could join us Mister Silver," the teacher said in a mocking tone, "Now please try to pay attention so you won't fail your next exam!"

[Angel of DOOM is in LOVE!!!] Name: Charlie Cramer
Gender: Female
Brown hair
Soft brown eyes, with thin glasses that she never takes off.
Slender and a bit short, with subtle curves.
Bookworm, nerd, loner
Sexual Preference: Doesn't know, has never had anyone interested in her.
Quiet, speaks almost monosyllabically if asked a question. Hates crowds, and tries to be as nondescript as possible. Does not want to be noticed. She plays violin and is part of the computer club, although nobody notices her. She could dissappear from the school and hardly anyone would notice.

Sitting at the back of the class, Charlie opeened her book and began reading. Normally that wasn't allowed, but the teacher didn't even notice. She watched with interest when Achren walked in, and Carmine made snide comments to the teacher. She wondered what it was like to be Achren or Carmine, be noticed.

When the banter ended, she turned back to her book. This was a boring class anyway.

[Buddy Girl] Charlie Crow:
Strong, so strong no one challenged him. Amereican Indian, hazel eyes, red tanned skin, animal healthy, proud. Eagle-eyed and brilliant.
He wants to achieve to prove his peoples worth.
He brooks no challengers.

[plz dont skp me ~ im very bzy!] Name: Irwyn Kendricks
Nickname: Wyn, Kendricks
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 5'3", 130
Eye Color: Medium blue
Hair: Wyn's a brunette, but right now, the bottom half of her hair is "electric blue." The color makes her eyes look amazing. It's naturally wavy, and Wyn keeps in in a cut that hits right at the ear. Sometimes she does temporary dreads or a few lil braids in them, but usually just wash and go.
Appearance: She's petite, with some curves. But Wyn doesn't flaunt them much, besides her fitted tees and tanks, with either bands or sarcastic snides on them. Those, along with hoodies and men's baggy, wide-leg pants and shorts, is Wyn's style, along with, maybe, a few punk accessories. (Cuffs, rubber bracelets, grommets, leather, etc.)
Personality: Her personality is conveyed through her hobbies - she's punkish, tomboyish, a skater, loves music, but also responsible, intelligent, etc. She's the Designated Driver at the party that everyone loves, and can sip on a Smirnoff and people still know she's still safe!
Hobbies: Skating, going to concerts, reading and writing (yes she may be a punk/skater, but she's still very smart, and loves to write), listening to music 24-7 (always has Discman in her pocket, headphones around her neck, if not on her ears), hanging with friends.
Other: Has lived in the town all her life, her parents are divorced, and she lives with her mom. Has a bratty younger sister. Also, has a few piercings - 3 holes in each ear, with one cartilage pierced also, navel, tongue, eyebrow, (Wyn wanted them, and, because she was such a good kid, her mom let her get one on each b-day, since she was 13.) And she has one tattoo, a large Celtic design (family history of Irish-ness) on her lower back that incorporates her name, a cross, and some other extremely intricate, beautiful aspects.

[Lady of the Night] Name: Juliet Ray Carson
Nickname: Julie, Jules
Gender: Female
Sexual Preference: Male, currently
Eyes: bright blue, although hidden behind a pair of thin-rimmed glasses.
Hair: Thick, wavy, fly-away blonde hair, usually kept back in a low, loose, ponytail; with a few whisps layering her face.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 155
Hobbies: Acting, people watching, writing poetry, reading, and dancing.
Julie is actively involved in Speech and Debate, on the speech side. She is also a big time Drama student. She loves being the center of attention, so long as she is only role-playing, but in class or in front of her peers she tends to be shy and well behaved. Juliet is the girl people view as nice, quiet and trustworthy, hiding her true identity from all except her diary, and her invisible daemon, Tristan. She gets along well with all groups but belongs to none of them. She dresses very girly, with peasant tops, skirts, and silver jewelry, and could almost be considered pretty, although not thin.

Julie watched with little interest as her peers glared at each other, fooling with the silver charm on her necklace. Achren walked in, late, but as beautiful as usual. Julie wished for two seconds that she could be as pretty as Achren, but took the thought back quickly. What had the book said? Try to accept who you are... It was harder than it seemed. In front of her, Carmine slowly raised his hand. She sighed inwardly. Carmine could be such a trouble maker! But she only cocked her head to listen politely as he spoke. By the time Ms. Hendricks had started to answer him, she had tuned out, slowly rolling up her sleeve to glance at her left wrist. Only two red scratches, that hadn't even broken the skin enough to scab. It was a start. Maybe the books were helping...just a little. Coming back to awareness she quickly rolled the sleeve back down, hoping no one had seen. Collecting herself, she opened her notebook to a fresh page, smiled at Ms. Hendricks, and prepared to take notes.

[AngelWriter] Name: Angela Cooper
Blonde hair
blue eyes
Great body. Likes guys! :) Usually when asked out (BY A BOY) the answer is YES! Loves Art, Music writing, gets a long with pretty much anyone.
She loves to sing and play Basketball!

[~Enigma~] Name: Sara Lewis (Hennesy)
Gender: Female
Height/Weight: 5'6 120lbs
Short dyed-black and purple hair.
Blue eyes
Not in bad physical shape but not overly thin.
Sara has just transfered to Sable Rock after a suicide attempt. She now lives with her boyfriend, Josh (much to the horror of her parents). She isn't your average "suicide case" and regrets the attempt. She's trying to forget her past and start a new, happy future. The medication helps with that. Smiles often but has a shy air about her.

Sara lifted her head from her page, which was now littered in thoughts which her brain had vomited and forced her hand to write.
She lifted her eyes for a moment to watch Achren sit down and cause a little scene of her own. Then her eyes drifted across the aisle to the girl beside her, Julie, she remembered the girls name from another class.
She glanced for a moment at the scrapes that she wasn't ment to see, then unflinching, down to her own uncut flesh.
"Couldn't cut myself" ,she thought "had to just fall asleep, no pain in that. Brave girl."
She shook the thoughts from her head as though they were annoying flys. Her goal, to forget the past was going slowly. Josh was helping, she smiled as she thought of the guy at home. He was dark too, outside; they were the odd couple but their souls seemed to fit together.
She assesed the room in another glance, then looked over her other shoulder to the stranger at the next desk.
"I'm here to make friends." she sighed a little at the thought back to her list of goals.
Then, ripping the corner from her page she wrote a scribbly note, folded it neatly and handed it to the stranger in the next seat.

[Achren Duaite] Achren stared icily from Carmine to the teacher. "Bull." she snarled. "My parents wouldn't support this excuse for a unit of public education if she begged on bended knee. She seems to be having trouble teaching me what I don't already know. And if anyone deserves a dentention or two, it would be you, Mr. Aymond, for speaking out of turn and arriving later than anyone else more often than anyone else." Dead silence fell upon the class, followed by a mild hint of muttering and the passing of notes, as Achren took her seat. The teacher started to open her mouth, then shook her head. She seemed more content to attack easier targets (Achren's eyes floated over to Kai) than the ice queen, Miss Duaite.
Achren, mildly interested, took sparing notice of the other students. Katrina's pale face was bent towards work of some sort, Kai seemed to be recovering from the teacher's sharp tongue. Achren could have felt bad for him, if it had occured to her to do so. The girl who called herself Charlie seemed as disinterested as Achren herself. Achren's eyes focused slightly as she spotted the Celtic design on Wyn's back. It was quite intricate, and Achren would have wanted one herself, if she wasn't so inclined to keep her pale skin markless. Achren spotted Juliet's notice of her entrance and the brief exchange with Carmine, and smiled inwardly. For her part, though, she only flicked a slight shadow-smile at the girl. Too much interaction with the outside world gave her migraines. She turned slightly to examine the new girl, Sara, who was at the moment penning what looked to be a note to a nearby student.
Just as that pathetic doormat opened her mouth to begin a lesson, Achren heard the bell ring. Free period. The staff expected the students to use it for "study hall" in the library of cafeteria, but everyone knew it was used for whatever the most enjoyable purpose was. Some went outside or to the bathroom to smoke and talk, some wandered the halls, looking for something to do, and some actually did hide in the library, though they weren't doing anything close to schoolwork. Achren smiled primly at the red-faced teacher on her way out. It was so much fun to be her.

OOC: Ok, sorry to dissapoint you, but I am a very impatient and strict manager (You will live under my iron grip! ha ha!:). Here are the rules, obey them:
1) If anyone takes more than a day or so to reply, their turn will be skipped. I have too many members to be waiting a week for one reply.

2) If anyone says anything extremely, inexcusably offensive or just outrageously wierd and creepy, I work on a two strike basis. My dissaproval makes one strike. All I need is one complaint from any other writer (via email, people!) and that offender will be deleted. Sorry!

Other notice: If you make a mistake with your post, I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do. I've tried, but it just doesn't work. Sorry!

If I think of any other rules, I'll post them. Other than that, have fun and remember to HAVE A DAY!!!!

Sincerely Insane (Mwahahahahaha);
~Achren Duaite, FireMistress :) "It's good to be queen." :):):):):)

[veyri] Carmine rolled his dark, deep blue eyes as Achren spat out her reply, pantomiming the girl with an exagerated look of annoyance on his face which, as soon as he was done, reverted back to his usual cocky grin.

"Oh no. The big bad detention fairy is coming to get me. Oh, the inhumanity. Save me, Mommy, save me," said the tall blonde boy, "God, Achren, come up with something better than detention to threaten me with. It's getting a little old, between you, the guidance counselor, my parents, and basically all the other adults that I come in contact with. Its, 'Carmine, don't do this. Carmine, stop it or suffer the consequences. Carmine, don't take drugs. La de da de da."

Even though Achren was long gone, Carmine didn't shut up. He liked the sound of his own voice, because usually he didn't say anything. In fact, before high school, he had the reputation of a bookwormish, shy freak. Now he has the reputation of a jerky, idiotic freak.

Finally shutting up when he realized he could be out on the grounds messing about, smoking in the bathroom, or spray-painting the side of the school building. Or something like that.

His grin stretching to insane proportions, Carmine stood up once more and walked out of the classroom, deliberatly bumping into a few people on the way.

(OOC: Sorry for the crappiness and lack of spelling precision... Too lazy to spell-check and I suck at spelling. Arg.)

[I am Camio] -More Character Information- Kai dislikes and distrusts humans even though he is one. He is very confusing and complex, which is why he does not get involved with anyone or lets anyone get involved with him -

Kai got up and shuffled out of the room quickly, trying to avoid contact with anyone. He didn't trust them, and would never get close enough to one of them to do so. 'They are all just stupid,' Kai thought, 'All they care about is what matters to them.'

A solid bump brought Kai back to school, and he looked up just in time to see Carmine walking away. 'I can't stand them one bit,' Kai thought, sighing to himself as he walked through the hallway.

Peering into the library he saw how crowded it was and decided not to go in. Knowing that the cafeteria would be far worse, Kai headed for the front doors. 'Why should I be required to be near such a disgusting race?' Kai asked himself as he sat down on a bench outside of the school.

[Skandranon] Name: Cory McNeil
Nickname: Cor
Gender: Male
Deep brown eyes, dark hair.
Relatively skinny, medium height. Cor works out a lot, so he is strong and athletic. Though not considered a jock, Cor runs long distance on the track team.
Cor is also a brilliant student who wants to be valedictorian. He is bored out of his mind by half his classes, regardless of how difficult anyone else might think they are, so he normally spends half his day reading his book.
He is an excellent musician and saxophone player in the band.
Normally seen in a plain T-shirt and jeans, Cor normally hangs out with the "band geeks," if anyone. Despite this, he is still often considered attractive, though he currently has no girlfriend. He is not into drugs or alcohol.
Normally Cor tolerates just about everyone unless for some reason they really get on his nerves, though he can be somewhat sarcastic. Still, most of the time he simply ignores everyone else.

The school day started basically the same as any other day. Cor sat in his class reading his book, Achren walked in late, a couple of sarcastic comments were exchanged and yet another monotonous lesson ensued. That is not to say that Cor actually listened to the lesson, as the teacher was just repeating the same stuff they had already learned. Instead, Cor simply leaned back in his chair and read his book.

Some time later the bell rang, signaling the end of the class period. Because he didn't really feel like getting up, Cor simply continued reading, enjoying the lack of noise in the now-deserted classroom.

[Angel of DOOM is in LOVE!!!] Charlie headed towards the library when the free period bell rang, accidentally bumbing into Carmine. She apologized quickly and practically ran away.

Stopping, she saw Kai, the artist, walking towards the front doors of the school. If she had to pick, he was certainly the most interesting person in the school, by far. So she followed him around as inconspicuously as possible, not very often, and learned what she could about him.

She had seen some of his drawings, anthros, mostly. She found that interesting, as fantasy was one of her favorite genres, and anthros were most certainly fantasy.

She followed Kai out the front doors, and he didn't notice her at all. She stayed back, not trying to attract attention. She wasn't stalking him, just... trying to get to know as much about him as possible without him knowing. Yeah.

[Lady of the Night] Julie, being the good girl she was, waited until the bell had rung to unfold the note. A bright eyed smile spread across her face, erasing all cobwebs from her head. Not for long, as soon as she realized they were gone, they returned. She was different that way, she realized. Sometimes it was down, down, down...but other times she just fine. No, more than fine, happy. Unfortunately the former was the one that more often controlled her actions. Folding the note again and she placed it neatly in her bag, purposely waiting for Carmine to get up and leave. She avoided him whenever possible, just look at the way he practically knocked Charlie down! Shaking her head, she turned her attention to Cory, the strong, dark, sensitive type, she imagined. Nice hair...she thought, as she unconsciously smoothed her own. A noise from the hallway brought Julie back to her head. Rising from her desk, she glanced over her shoulder at Cory, the only one left in the room, and proceeded to the library.

As the bell rang Sara slowly rose from her seat and took her time compiling her books. Being new was tough, she had no real place to hang out, all her friends were living in the same town as her parents. She smiled as she thought of her friends who had thrown her and Josh a party to celebrate what they had named "The re-birth of Sara".
"Today is a bad day, but it's a new day, so it's free for me to work on" She shook her head as she repeated the Mantra.
She walked passed the teens in the hall, who pretended not to look at "the new girl". She made her way to the bathroom, clutching a bottle of pills in her hand.
So it came again, the little voice in her head who whispered "If you just take a few extra you can end the bad days, forever". The voice had been there for a long time now, but Sara had only listened to it once. She took one of the small white pills in her palm and choked it down without water.
Lifting her head she looked at herself in the dirty mirror. New Sara looked the same as Old Sara, only New Sara had bloodshot eyes from lack of sleep, and newly dyed purple hair.
"Yes, today is a new day, but I'm much to tired of life to work". The thought made her a little worried, she promised that she was getting better, she promised she would stay alive.
If only it wasn't for the bad days she wouldn't have to lie to everyone.
She left the bathroom and turned the corner in search of someone to relate to, in search of someone, anyone.

[Achren Duaite] Daunator here, speaking on behalf of Achren. She's been majorly grounded, so no privlages-- including the computer. Until she comes back, I'll be managing the campfire, so no worries.

Oh, and y'all are going to have to deal without Achren the character. She ain't allowed the write, either... Nightmarish, isn't it?

[Lillith] Katrina was walking down the hallway which was crowded as usual, but she always managed to slip between people without touching them. Her brown eyes stared straight ahead, emotionless and unflinching. She hardly seemed to blink, it was also as if she didn't even see anything.

She had just passed the bathroom door and after a few steps, she visibly noticed someone. Stopping, she brushed back the dark hair that completely covered the left side of her face.

'...Sara,' her mind registered. Her thin eyebrows knitted together, as if in confusion. It seemed like she was fighting an inner battle on whether or not she should talk. A flash of pain crossed through her eyes and she abruptly hung her head, turning to walk away again.

[veyri] As Carmine walked down the hallway, he tried to figure out just what he wanted to do. The spray-painting idea had been little more than a joke; there were too many people around for that. Smoking was out as well, because that was more of a thing he did to get adults pissed off and not something he did for pleasure. Just hanging about the grounds and screwing with people was still an option, but there were only so many times you could insult someone and not get your face punched in, and he was well overdue for a black eye.

To be honest, the whole jerk-off persona was getting a little old. The thrill of actually standing up for himself, of actually being known instead of being the bully-magnet whose name no one knew, was starting to wear off. He wanted friends. Not drinking buddies, not the type of friends you had to prove yourself to in order to get even a marginal amount of respect, not the "I say I want to be your buddy but all I really want is to get paid and get out of this office" guidance counselors.... A friend.

Like that was ever going to happen.... He'd built his "screw off or die" act so well that the lingering reputation of it might follow him even into college, if he didn't get out of state. So why was he even dreaming about hanging out with someone that wasn't either too scared or timid to leave or doing so only because they all had to prove to someone that they were "bad"?

But maybe if he started hanging out with the new girl, he might be able to get past all the crap. I mean, how much could she know about him? And how much could she figure out by his actions? It wasn't like he wanted to get into her pants or something... He just wanted someone he could talk to.

Mustering up the courage that had fled at the thought of actually talking to someone as a person and not a lesser being, Carmine started walking towards Sara. When he was close enough so that if he talked regularly, she could hear him, he stopped and asked her a question.

"Ah, hey Sara. You looking for something? You have kind of a... a searching look on her face. Or something."

[I am Camio] Kai positioned himself on the bench so that he could look up at the sky. He didn't feel very hungry, or wasn't really in the mood to eat. The day was terrible, but that wasn't unusual. All he really need was a break from all this, a hiatus to sooth his nerves. He was also sick of most the people here. While he disliked most of the people, he was most disgusted with himself. He felt fake all of the time. Sure, he pretended to be active and involved, but, for some reason he didn't really enjoy himself. Instead he would rather by alone, or with a small, quiet group of friends, if such a thing was possible. Kai knew that he had set up a pretense of being an inmovable stone, hiding his true feelings behind a mask of normality. Feeling he had spent enough time thinking he sat up rather fast, getting a little bit dizzy as a result. From the corner of his eye he caught sight of Charlie, trying so hard to by unseen by him. Kai felt that Charlie was the one most like himself in the entire school, and he also wondered why all this time she had never talked to him one bit... after all, she does seem to follow him around a bit. Kai stood up and turned to her and watched. Waiting for her to say something, he didn't feel much like being the one to start the conversation.

[Skandranon] Shortly after everyone had vacated the classroom, Cor noticed that the silence seemed unnaturally oppressive that day. Standing, Cor put down his book, his desire to read utterly gone. He strode out of the classroom and down the hallway, noticing that there was an odd air of tense unhappiness. Everyone seemed to be depressed or disturbed in some way. He, in fact, was also somewhat destressed and suddenly felt the need to converse with someone. It didn't really matter who, he just felt the need for some human interaction. Most of his peers were occupied with someone else, and he didn't particularly feel the need to interrupt a conversation. Strolling down the halls, he finally spotted a solitary figure leaning against the lockers at the end of the hall. She had her back turned to him, but as he approached, he realized it was Achren. He almost considered turning around, not sure if he felt like dealing with the ice queen. Still, he figured that at least a conversation with her would be an interesting one. He walked up behind her, stopping as she noticed him out of the corner of her eye.

[Lady of the Night] The library. It was supposed to be some nice, quiet place where you could read and do homework and such, wasn’t it? That’s the picture everyone gave. Julie tried to ignore the atmosphere of the stuffy room and walked along until she saw the “R” aisle. Turning into it she almost tripped on a couple making out. They cursed her, of course, but she didn’t say anything. Ra, Re…there, Rice. Anne Rice…the vampire chronicles. She pulled out The Vampire Lestat (her favorite), stepped gently back over the couple, and went in search of the deaf old librarian.
Walking towards her next class she flipped through the pages…taking pleasure in rereading her favorite parts again. Concentrating on the book she ran straight into Katrina, who seemed almost as preoccupied as Julie was. She stepped back and jerked her head up from her book, blonde curls flying back out of her face. “Sorry!” She started, “I should’ve looked where I was going…” She trailed off, staring at Kat's face.

[~Enigma~] Sara scanned the crowded hallway for a friendly face. Kat seemed to float through the people, her stoic expression wasn't something Sara deemed as approachable.
"Troubled Kat?" she thought, "maybe we could relate..."
Her train of thought was derailed as somebody ran into her. She soon realized that she was standing in the very center of the hall, blocking movement in every direction and if she didn't move she'd soon be run over.
"Like animals...wandering, aimless animals."
Moving aside she tried to find Kat again but somehow the brown eyed girl had been swallowed up by the crowd. Clutching the pill bottle tightly in her hand she stood there against the wall wondering where to go from there.
Then as if on cue, as if the ebony clouds had parted she heard a voice. Deep, male, Carmine.
"Uh...Hi", Her own voice sounded distant and unfimiliar to her. The interneal battle began in her head.
'What's he talking to you for?' said the depression 'Nobody really wants to be you're friend.'
'Shut up! Don't think that; that's the old Sara.
Today is a new day...'
"Hi, you're Carmine right? Looking? I'm not looking for anything, just kinda spaced"
'Looking for a friend. Looking for escape. Looking for salvation. Of course "nothing" would be a bit less scary an answer'
Then it ended, she ran out of things to say, so she stood there smiling at him, wishing that he would take her away from here, hoping that this was the change she was waiting for.

[Achren Duaite] OOC: Hey, guys. I apologize for my long absence. After a series of groundings, in addition to my lovely computer deciding not to be my friend anymore *glares at computer*, I just haven't been able to tackle my responsibilities at Writing. My thanks to Daunator for managing my account while I was gone.

Achren turned sharply, staring at Cor.
"In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not exactly the perosn everyone wants to hang out with during a free period. I am... well, let's just say there's no word to describe me that can be used in civilized conversation. I was just on my way to a quiet hour in the library. If you would like to be abused, both verbally and possible physically, feel free to follow. If not, I suggest you gather your things and go bother someone else."
She stalked off towards the library.

OOC: My apologies for typos, and to "Cor", whom I know in real life and apologize to for my character's evilness.

[Lillith] Katrina was nearly bowled over by Julie, who outweighed the tiny girl by quite a bit. She managed to find her balance again and threw Julie a quick, pained glance before bowing low. Since she never spoke, she used that as a form of apology. Her ebony hair fell slowly around her face like a closing curtain.

As Kat straightened back up, Sara caught her attention again. She took in the other girl's nerve-wracked behaviour and her eyes glazed over. Tears built up behind them but she wouldn't let them loose.

'I was like that... and I would still have been like that... if only...'

She blinked rapidly, her eyes regaining their normal, emotionless expression. Turning away, she tried to continue weaving through everyone in the hall, trying to get to 'her spot'.

'Thankfully, she isn't like me... she still has a chance...'

(OOC: It seems there is a cloud of depression floating over this crowd... Reading about all the characters haunted with mental problems is like reading about my own life. lol, I'll shut up now...)

[veyri] (OOC: Fwee. No problem. I enjoy skipping people... *evil, threatening grin*)

A halting smile lit up Carmine's pale face, his eyes twinkling with a lightness not usually seen in the boy's eyes. In fact, he seemed so happy that those who knew his reputation edged away from him as they made their way down the hallway. In the past, a happy Carmine meant someone was seriously hurting somewhere, if not physically.

"Yeah, that happens. Especially in class. Look, w... would you mind, like... I dunno, wandering outside or something with me?" he stuttered, expression turning towards one of earnest worry mingled with desperate hope, "Normally I don't seem to have this much trouble speaking..."

(OOC: 'Nother note... Angsty people are funner to play. But on a more serious note, lossa people vent while role-playing. Makes them feel better. Like when you want to kill something, but you can't. A charrie can do it for you!)

[Skandranon] Cor watched as Achren stalked off toward the library. He knew that if he was smart, he would simply walk away, but he didn't feel like being logical. Intrigued (and partially having a death wish), Cor followed Achren.

Achren was already entering the library when Cor walked up behind her again. "You know, it's amazing that i can bother you without even talking. Do you always threaten anyone who comes near you?" Cor spoke calmly, his face completely straight as Achren spun around, giving him a classic Achren-style-ice-queen stare.

(OOC: Achren, evilness is cool. And I know I'm just asking for it now by provoking the evil character.)

[Star very stressed and sick]
Name: Starr Williams

Age: 16

Grade: 11th

Appearance: Starr is very good looking with blood red curls that fall softly at her shoulder blades. Her eyes are bright and sparkling blue and her body is of well looked upon structure. She has long thin legs and she stands at 5' 8 1/2". Starr is curvy and definitely easy on the male eyes.

Personality: Starr is a prep and military brat. He father just got moved here and Sable Rock was the most convenient school to get her into. Starr is used to private school life though and she definitely acts the part. She is somewhat snotty and flirty. She use her looks to her advantage, but she is smart. She is friendly around everyone in the eyes of any adult or person in charge, though other times can be a different story...

Clubs, Groups, Sports, Etc: Starr is a singer and actress. She is in both Drama Club and Choir and leads usually in both.

[Achren Duaite] ooc: *snickers* Oh, this is going to be fun. I'm in a vindictive mood this fine evening, and Cor does not know what he's getting himself into... :) I love being evil.
On that note, allow me to remind you that just becuse I am not always here to inforce the rules, namely the first one, that does not mean I would like you to ignore them entirely. However: I know that in most areas school has recently started and there are others with more of a life than I, thus, I am allowing extra time for those who seem to need it. Enjoy!

Achren stopped dead a few feet from the library door, a slow smile spreading across her face. Whipping around, she grabbed Cor, digging a thumbnail into his collarbone.
"No, Cor, I don't threaten everyone who comes near me. Because you see, threats are usually idle warnings, telling someone that I will do something that I usually don't carry out. I don't threaten. I promise." She dug her nails in harder. "And I always keep my promises." She let him go, smiling sweetly at a teacher who walked by, then promptly giving the finger to the back of said teacher. "Now, unless you wish to recieve some damage to a vital piece of equipment," she hissed savagely, hooking her fingers in emphasis, "You will leave me alone. Mr. Aymond has put me in a particularly bad mood today, and I do not wish to cause unnecessary harm to your body or your ego. Goodbye."

ooc: Sorry, Skandranon! Achren's a bitch, I know. Can't help it. Maybe she'll warm up to him a little, I dunno. Hopefully :), but I'll have to ask her! *snickers, wanders off*

Tituba out.

[Belle Morte] Isidora


Isidora has silvery white hair that reaches just past her waist. Her eyes are an unusal golden color. With the body of a dancer, Isidora is lean and lithe.

Even though Isidora is gorgeous, she is emotionless. She is always cold and distant and rarely speaks.

Isidora takes kendo and archery.

[Lillith] Katrina was once again swallowed up by the crowd, her mind adrift in her own fantasy world. What kind of fantasy, no one knew and no one cared. All she knew was that she was alone in the world, even if it was full of other people just like her.

She found her locker, replaced the books she had taken out, and withdrew the ones she would need for next class. To the right of her locker was a large window, and as she glanced out, she noticed two of her classmates, Kai and Charlie. Her eyes swept over them, almost as if she didn't see them, and she sat in the tiny crevice between the locker and the wall. She took out a large, thick book, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".

And so Kat sat alone in her corner, reading about The Boy Who Lived and his continuing battles against his teachers, new and old alike; facing new challenges and troubles, like growing up and trying to decipher mixed emotions about his friends. A great fantasy world... one that she would gladly give up this life for...

[Skandranon] "Pleasant girl," Cor muttered to himself as Achren stalked away. He suppressed a further urge to follow her, figuring this thought as simply pride and stupidity. Through his white shirt, Cor could already see his only blood seeping through, spreading quickly only as red on white could. He didn't realize Achren had drawn that much blood with so simple a gesture. He had to admit, she had a talent there, in addition to being a heartless ice-queen most of the time.

Cor looked at the expanding splotch of red on his shoulder. He almost considered going to the bathroom and washing the blood off, but for whatever reason he thought better of the action. Instead, he turned and walked away, searching for something else to occupy his free period. As he walked, he saw a few eyes dart to his shoulder and quickly away. He sighed. If you didn't announce things here, no one asked, because they were afraid. "People are so sad," Cor said to himself, shaking his head.

Finally deciding, Cor quickly walked down to the band room and picked up his sax. Having nothing better to do, Cor walked outside, finding a vacant bench underneath a tree. His shoulder hurt slightly, but he ignored it. Cor started playing- nothing in particular, just making up rhythms and notes as he went along. He found that he was always good at improvising, and as he played, the music took on the haunting tone of Cor's mood and thoughts.

[~Enigma~] Sara caught the boys smile as though it were a deadly virus. She smirked at his shyness and her mind went in a billion directions at once. She had heard from some of the other kids not to get close to Carmine 'he'll suck you in and then spit you out when he's done'. In the short time since she'd come to Sable Rock she had even witnessed Carmine's wrath when he sent a boy away with a black eye.
Her mind told her 'Sara you need a friend not a guy!' everything in her knew the warnings and much to her delight, very little of her cared.
'I'm a big girl, how tough can he be?' she reasoned.
"Go someplace?" she asked, not even hearing the shy manner of his speech. Her own voice was happy and she sounded more suprised then she meant to. "I'd love to...I've got uh..I've got a spare now."
"Walk outside?" With those words she smiled, dove into whatever this was with both feet and forgot for a moment how very sad she was.
'New Sara one...depression one million...at least it's a start' she thought waiting for a response.

(ooc: What's up with the purple?! *gag me with a spoon*, it's blinding! I agree about the angsty teenagers! They're so much more fun to play then the perfect bubble-gum kids.)

[Star very stressed and sick] ((Sorry!))

((I'm not quite sure how to ease myself into this, but, here goes!))

Starr moved in just a few days ago and it was her first day at school. She had just as much confidence of anyone else in the school if not more and the arrogance of any private school girl. The thing was, everything was different here; these were public school kids and Starr could already tell it would be harder to find friends here.

Starr looked around her, taking in all of the different walks of life in the school and wondering about all of them. The looks on their faces told her different things and she had a strange feeling about this school. She had no idea what would happen to her here, seeing as she had no idea what sort of things would go on and what to do about them all...

[Achren Duaite] As Cor walked away, Achren began to feel mildly bad about, well, ripping a hole in his shoulder. Carmine was a ... yeah. Carmine had put her in a black mood, it was true, but she had no right to take it out on Cor. He rarely reached out, and she had ruined this time for him.
Oh well.
She followed him outside, curious as to the damage her fingernails had done. He was sitting on a bench, playing his saxaphone with startling talent. Achren herself wasn't a fan of jazz music, but she had to admit that the boy had talent. She walked over and sat down beside him, though careful to keep her distance. She had a reputation to keep, and plus, the kid could be annoying.
"Pretty nasty cut you got there." she commented.
She opened her backpack and took out one of her father's handkercheifs that she had stolen just to make his mornings harder.
"Here. Might help a bit."

ooc: Despite the fact that I am not able to get to my computer, I am still making an attempt at keeping up management. In the meantime, Veyri is helping me out. My apologies for any inconvenience, and please, have a day.

[veyri] Carmine nodded happily, much relieved. He was adding up some points in his head as well, though the score was much more in his favor than Sara's was. But why should he care? He had better things to do, goshdernit! Like acting tolerably toward a girl.

"Love to," he replied, voice much smoother. "The picnic area is usually deserted this time of day, and there are some nice stone benches that I haven't gotten around to destroying yet. That sound good to you?"

[I am Camio] Kai stood up and walked briskly by Charlie. He didn't feel much like making an effort. Besides, he really wasn't one for much talking. Being alone was fine, nothing wrong with it. It never really bothered him. Whatever people thought of him never occured to him, never damaged him. Kai pushed through the front door of the school and headed toward the music hallway, one of the few places people don't go to often... unless they have to.

The hallway was quiet and empty, just as Kai had wanted. 'Finally peace and quiet,' he thought as he slumped against a wall.

[Skandranon] A momentary expression of shock crossed Cor's face. He hid it immediately, lest he upset Achren's temper again, but even so, he had the feeling she noticed. Thankfully for him and his already painful shoulder, she didn't get angry, she simply began to mop up his blood with her father's hankerchief.

As she did so, Cor wondered at Achren's sudden change of heart. Five minutes ago she had phsically and verbally attacked him, and now she was apologizing and helping him. Suddenly the thought occured to him that she was not being sincere, that this was some cruel game she was playing with him. He dismissed that thought as quickly as it came. Somehow he knew that she was being sincere.

One question still bothered him though: Why? Why had Achren the Ice Queen suddenly changed her mind and decided to be nice to him, when she normally seemed to hate everyone. Achren rolled her father's now-bloody hankerchief into a ball and threw it back in her backpack. Cor gave a little mental shrug. He figured since she was there, he might as well ask. "So...what brought around this sudden change of heart?"
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