Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/806885-The-forest
Rated: GC · Other · LGBTQ+ · #806885
You're now weak with desire and pure animal lust
The forest

It's dark out. The kind of dark that is blacker than black, the moon and stars hidden deep behind thick clouds. And it's quiet; the gentle mist of rain tapping upon the leaves the only sound. I'm leaning against a tree, chewing on a twig and watching and waiting, patiently waiting because I know you'll come out, come to me... soon. I am very patient and can wait here for hours if need be.
You, my dear, are worth the wait. Warm rain falls upon my face, the tiny drops gathering speed and size as they trickle down my skin, but I don't mind. Their soft touch reminds me of your tender caress and excites me all the more. You see, I don't grow tired or impatient in my waiting, for I have unlimited access to memories to entertain me; memories of you - your face when you smile, your eyes when you laugh, your mouth when you are about to be kissed, and how your face changes when you are making love, when the progressions move from moans to begs then screams.
I have seen it all.
And I can see you quite clearly now, here in the dark as I wait.
As the feelings begin to stir stronger, deeper inside of me, I press my back against the tree, hands buried deep in my pockets, fingers fumbling with an acorn. Then, I freeze, holding my breath, as I see movement. The glass door of the back deck begins to slide open. Silently, I watch.
You pause a moment before leaving the warm shelter of the house to cross outside and into your other world. Out here, you are as an animal. The air, the wind, the rain - you sit quietly absorbing them all, while I watch you, as I have many, many times. But tonight, tonight my love, will be different. Tonight, I will do more than watch.
You are dressed in your purple rain gear as I would expect for a night such as this. Big, baggy water repellent suit which I'm sure keeps you warm and I wonder if it might not become too hot inside of it by the time we are finished.
You sit on the deck chair, placing a glass of wine on the tiny table beside you, and light up your cigar. It's evident how much you enjoy the first taste of it. I watch as your eyes close, your head tips back as you bring it to your lips, wrap those two inviting mounds around it and inhale it's flavor into your mouth - I watch, very closely I watch... wanting to follow the smoke into you, wanting you to taste me instead.
Your head rests comfortably on the back of the chair and you relax and I can feel as the stress and tension of the day evaporates into the still night air. You are calm; you are at peace.
I toss down the twig that my tongue had been massaging, and begin to make my move. Slowly and deliberately, I walk toward you. Soggy sticks crunch beneath my feet, wet leaves stick to the bottom of my boots. One step at a time I take toward you from the depth of the darkness of the trees, headed across the clearing toward your chair.
You are unaware for sometime of my approaching presence, so lost are you in whatever world you are in - but at some point you get a sense, it may not have even been a sound - it may have been a feeling of the energy I am emitting, but you get the sense that you are not alone and your head snaps up and you peer into the darkness, squinting, trying to decipher what it is you detect. Your instincts have kicked in.
See, I said you were an animal out here.
Then you see me.
But you hesitate for one moment. Your mind struggles knowing you should get up and run back into the safety of your house but somehow this, out here, seems safer to you right now, perhaps it is my gaze which has already captured you. Perhaps it is what you have unconsciously determined about me in that brief moment, but whatever it is, you do not run, you remain, your eyes staring as if hypnotized into mine, as I continue to approach you.
I walk up the stairs and stand before you. By now my hair and clothes are completely soaked, rain covers every inch of my body. I pause before you, my breathing is heavy, as if I had run to you and I can see that yours has increased in pace as well. I reach down and take the cigar from your hand, gentle placing it into the ashtray, then holding both your hands, roughly pull you up off the chair and to me.
You groan slightly but fall nicely against me as my hands hold tightly your lower back, pressing your stomach against mine, our hips move together involuntarily. It's nature. We have no control over it now. My mouth plunges onto yours. I am hungry for you and you can smell it. As I begin to kiss you wildly, a crazed animal finally getting to eat and satisfy hunger pains which have been nagging for too long.
My warm lips and tongue cross to your neck and I bite down. Your knees go weak and buckle and I hold onto you tightly to keep you up, and against me and begin to walk you backwards toward the post, pushing you roughly against it. I want to take you here, in the rain. I want the wetness of nature to mix with your wetness. The rain has increased from a soft mist to driving pellets tossed down by gusts of wind, screaming down in white sheets. The sound has grown from a gentle patter to a near deafening roar. Beneath our feet the earth trembles as a thunder roll begins somewhere far off and as if traveling toward us culminates in a loud crack as the air stutters with white light from a jagged bolt which splits open the black sky.
You're now weak with desire and pure animal lust, your head falling back against the wall, your neck exposed to me and I kiss it madly as I unzip the top of your rain outfit, and rip open your blouse, sending buttons flying. Your breasts are now experiencing the sensations of rain drops pelting them, your nipples grow as if thirsty, wanting the rain.
My warm, wet hands slide down your back and enter your pants as my mouth clamps roughly upon your nipples, sucking them hard into my mouth, taking them, wanting them to tickle the back of my throat. Your body pulsates now and I can tell by your thrusting
movements, that you want me inside of you. Your gasps and moans are getting louder now and you struggle to remain standing.
I grab each side of your rain pants and yank them down, dropping to my knees as I pull them to the ground. You scream "Oooohhh" as I, with my hands on your hips, push you back against the post and thrust my face between your legs, biting the inside of each thigh. The slight pain of the bite causes you to rise slightly before you press down toward my mouth. We are both hungry I see.
Now, I use my fingers to separate your lips, thrilled with the sight of rain driving against you, mixing with your wetness and dripping down your thighs. I run my tongue from halfway up your leg along the inside of your thighs, up toward the source of your moisture, and oh what a flavor; how delicious you are.
You are moaning, gyrating your hips, unable to remain still, you want me to take you it is evident and I, not showing any kindness, now spread your lips wide open and force my tongue as deep into you as it will go pushing you up with it.. You let out a scream as you rise a couple inches off the ground, then press down hard onto me. Your wanting is evident. While my tongue continues to slide in and out of you, I use my expert fingers to carry you to ecstasy. Your screams echo through the forest competing with the thunder.
I know the animals in the woods can hear, are watching, and understand. They know what we are feeling.
Now I want to take you like the animal you are and I grab your hands and lead you to the ground, pulling you toward the muddy earth with me. First letting you lay on top of me to break your fall, while kissing you madly, roughly, wildly, my hands scratching your back. Tomorrow, you will see the marks I have left and remember. But tonight, nothing matters but to satisfy these time eternal urges. I roll so that I am on top of you now, and pin you against the wet earth. The damp musty smell mixes with the musty smell which rises from you and I then speak the only words that I will ever say to you, "I'm going to take you again."
With that, my hand slides easily through your creamy lips and I begin to drive you again. Your hips moving wildly you take, swallowing me, closing on me,,, I know you want me and I know you wanted to be made to come like the animal you are, here in the mud, in the rain. Harder and faster I ride you, while sucking and biting your nipples, until your hips rise, arching high into the air and I know the moment is imminent. I press down hard trying to keep you pinned to the ground but your passion is too much and you rise, screaming, grabbing the back of my head, pulling my face into your stomach, releasing a bestial howl as you come, your body shuttering wildly.
The earth shakes below us and another white lightening bolt zips across the sky - thunder singing sweet harmony with your screams. I collapse on top of you, my hands slowly caressing you, bringing you down, back to earth from the heights you were. My lips never leaving your skin. You cry, tremor beneath me, and I hold you tightly, "Shhh" in your ear, wiping your wet hair with my hands.
I take off my shirt and wrap it around your shoulders and with my arm tightly holding you walk with you back up the porch, and lead you to your chair. You pull your legs up underneath you. I reach down and take your cigar and give it to you, pull out a lighter to relight it, then hand your glass of wine to you.
Tenderly I reach down and wipe strands of wet hair from your face, then lean in and softly and sweetly kiss your lips.
I stand before you, naked from the waist up, still breathing deeply as my body recovers from the glorious activity, our eyes locked in intense gaze - worlds of communication transferring between us as the silent moments tick by. The rain is drifting down softly again, the thunder and lightening has moved on to another forest, another cabin...
You occasionally softly tremble.
I turn and walk back into the dark stillness from where I came.
My sweet love. I will keep my eyes upon the weather forecasts and anxiously look forward to the next rain.
© Copyright 2004 Rainamr127 (rainamr127 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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