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Who are Jan's friends? Do you have any friends? |
FRIENDS It is Wednesday morning. The sun is just now starting to rise. I feel alone. Alone like I’ve never felt before. I sigh as I turn over on my side to read the bold-red numbers on the clock. It reads 5:30, and I am surprised that I have risen so early for I rarely rise before ten. I suppose it is the absence of his body next to mine. I guess I should start to adjust to his being gone for he will never return. I know this and yet I still cannot sleep as I used to. It’s as if I am expecting to be murdered as he was. I’ve often wondered if he died in this very bed that I lie in now even though they have told me over and over again that he never slept in it nor did anyone else. Those fools. They think that I cannot remember, but I do. Oh how I do. I remember him sleeping beside me, night after night for the three years we were married. I remember them when they came and took away his body after they killed him. Oh those fools. How can they possibly think that I would not remember? I was there when they killed him. They told me he had committed suicide, but I knew it wasn’t’ true. I told them so and they wanted to know how I knew. Still in shock, I told them. “I was there. I saw them when they killed him. They made me watch as they took his life from him and released his soul to God. You ask how I know he was murdered! I tell you, I saw them as they did it.” “Did you get a good look at them?” They asked. “Yes. I would know anywhere, at anytime.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “You could make a positive identification?” “Yes. I could make an identification. One that they would never be able to deny!” “Why would they not be able to deny that they killed him? Do you have some sort of evidence that we should be made aware of?” “No.” “You do understand that unless we have your complete corporation, we may never be able to catch these people whom you say murdered your husband?” “Yes. I will help in any way that I can.” “Are you willing to press charges?” “Yes.” “Do you have any idea why anyone would want to murder your husband?” “Yes. They told me that he was no good. They said that he deserved to die.” “Why?” “Because he didn’t love me. He was having an affair and it wasn’t’ his first. They knew and so did I, but I lived with it. I lived with it for years. They killed him.” “Do you know how to get in touch with them?” “No. They come and go as they please. I only see them when they want me to.” “Do you have a name that we could use?” “No, they never told me their names. They never stayed long enough for me to get any.” “Were they friends of your husband’s?” “No.” That was a week ago. They still haven’t found them and they never will. They don’t want to be found. I am expecting them to reach me before long. They are not going to be happy that I have contacted the police. “Jan, wake up!” “What? Who’s here?” “Jan, it is us. We are your friends. Do you remember us?” “Yes. You are the one’s who they want to find.” “Yes, now tell us who they are.” “They are the police.” “That’s right Jan. We are your friends. He was cheating on you and you knew it. He was hurting you, killing you little by little. We love you. We wanted to save you, so we told you what to do. You killed him and then you deserted us. All we wanted was to save you.” “At first when you told me about the affairs, I told you I already knew. You convinced me that I couldn’t go on living like that, so I decided to kill myself.” “Yes! And we’re the one’s who saved you. We’re the one’s who’ve saved you since you were a child. We love you that’s why we always save you.” “No! You don’t love me! You only save me because if I die then you die as well. That’s why you had me kill him instead of myself!” “Jan! How can you say such things? After all we’ve done for you? How can you betray us in such a way? We’re the only ones who have ever cared about you! Don’t you see?” “No! No! Get out! Leave me alone. You don’t care about me, you only care about yourselves! And the only reason you don’t want me to kill myself is because if do, then you die with me!” “That’s right Jan. But don’t forget, if we die, you also must die!” “Well than, my ex friends, goodbye!!!” “Jan, wait! We love you. Think of all the things we have done for you. Think about how we saved you form Bob. He was going to rape you, hurt you. You do remember Bob, don’t you?” “Bob. Yes. He’s the one who lied to me. He told me he wanted to tell me a secret so we had to go behind the gym. He put his face next to my ear, but he didn’t say anything. He started kissing me, touching me. His tongue withered around in my mouth like a snake. A poisons snake.” “And do you remember what you were begging him to do? You begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t would he? You were crying, he was hurting you. He wouldn’t stop. You begged us to help, but we didn’t want to come out and risk being discovered but you begged us. We couldn’t bare to see you in pain, so we came out in front of him. Just for you. We made him stop and he didn’t hurt you anymore.” “Yes, but then you killed him. I didn’t want him to die. I wanted him to stop. You killed him!” “We had to. He knew too much. If he would’ve lived, he would have told everybody everything. You didn’t have many friends. Most of the guys who went out with was because of your big breasts. They loved them, not you. You would’ve never had a chance to the life you deserve. You should never have married him to begin with.” “You are right. You have saved me from many things, but now it is time I save myself. Goodbye friends.” “Jan, no don’t. You must not go this way. You deserve more than this. You are a queen. You should live and rule like one!” “Yes, you are right once more. But it is time that I do it on my own. Dear spirits, it is time that I be left to live like a person with just one soul to live for. Then and only then can I reach my full potential.” “Well, goodbye Jan. If you need us just call. We love you Jan!” “Goodbye friends” Those fools. I have lived long enough in their lies. I have finally reached my full potential. Now that I have learned that there is a way for me to rule my life by myself, I must. I have but one last thing to do before the end. “Hello, may I please speak to the detective who is handling the case concerning Tom Kacks? Yes, I’ll hold. Thank you.” “Detective, yes this is Jan Kacks, I have some information to give you. I know who killed my husband. I did. There will be no need to send a car or an ambulance, just the coroner to pick up my body. Thank you, goodbye.” Now I am in my bedroom. The gun is in my hand. I am the mirror because I want to see their faces as I die. As they die. Goodbye! “Jan, noooooooooooo................................!” |