Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/797918-Strange--and-Twisted-Tale-continued
by Issa
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #797918
The continuation of the first "Strange" story...
To get to the first installment of this story click here:

"Strange and Twisted Tales of A WolfMan Thank You.


         The next few weeks passed pretty uneventfully, like they often do. I went back to school and behaved myself. Although I did shoot glares at Bobby and Charles every once in a while to, you know, keep them on their toes.

         After school I would either hang out with Paige or Amber, whoever I usually saw first. Paige didn’t like going out much because of the possible situations she could get herself into, so we mostly stayed at the dorms and watched movies. We talked a lot too, about our families, childhoods and how our day had gone, the usual.

         I gradually got used to the fact that she could at any moment, drop unconscious without a sound. After one incident of talking to her for 20 minutes only to find her asleep (I'm fairly confident that she had a fit and didn't just drop off out of boredom), I always made sure to look her in the face to make sure she was still awake.

          Amber, on the other hand was a completely different girl, she was a sparkplug. We were always out, doing something, talking with people. We went to plays, free concerts, and community events. Everything with her was always moving somehow, always doing something, and going somewhere. Kept me on my toes, I assure you. There was one thing that came up that made me squirm.

          At the Academy, on the elevator going down, I was standing with Amber and was sneezing non-stop. Every two minutes it seemed she sneezed.

"Geez, I don't know why I'm sneezing so much," Amber complained, grabbing a tissue from her pocket. I squinted, thinking.
         "Are you allergic to anything?" I asked cautiously. Amber wiped her nose and nodded her head.
"Dogs, but I'm never around them," she said as she sneezed. I face fell into a look of disbelief. Holy crap, I thought in shock.

         "Maybe you're allergic to me," I nervously joked, stepping closer to her. She rolled her eyes.

"Ha ha ya right," she said as she pushed me away. The elevator door "dinged" open and she stepped out, me following behind her, biting my lip. What are the chances of that?! I thought in shock as I walked behind her.


         My brother has begun to act more weird than usual. Always wearing long sleeves, hats and often times, gloves. It was like he was trying to cover up more and more of himself every day. I was getting really worried.

         "So what's going on with you?" Cleo asked as she did every Friday. I was sitting in her office again, eating a chicken sandwich.

I'm worried about Seth," I answered sheepishly. "The boy never shows his skin anymore, I don't know what's going on, he could be doing anything from cutting himself to just trying to become more pale," I said exasperated. Aunt Cleo paused for a moment closed her eyes and thought.

         She opened her eyes, focused on me and spoke.

"I know this may be difficult for you to hear, and you probably would rather not, but your brother is 15 and he is going through 'the big change' into his manhood or whatever you males like to call puberty." I flinched and began fidgeting awkwardly. She was right; I didn't want to hear this. Cleo eyed me warily.

         "My advice would be to just go home and act like everything is normal. Don't pick on him, don't bug him-just let him be and let him work this out," she said gently.
I sighed, she always does give the best advice, I thought grumpily. Aunt Cleo studied me intently.

         "So what's this I hear about you seeing two girls at the same time?" she asked, taking a sip of her chai tea. I glanced up guiltily.

"It's a weird situation," I began, "I'm seeing Amber and Paige at the same time. Paige is a narcoleptic and can fall asleep at any moment while Amber is allergic to dogs and can't stop sneezing. I mean, I don't mind them sneezing all over me or falling asleep at crucial moments, but it does get a little frustrating at times.
         I glanced over to see my Aunt with her lips pursed, struggling to hold back the laughter. I rolled my eyes,

"Go ahead," I offered, "laugh all you want I don't care. I know I'm a moron." I bitterly took a bite of my sandwich, ripping the chicken from between the two pieces of bread. Chewing angrily I sat through the rolling laughter that came bursting from my Aunt. It echoed off the walls and flowed around me in waves.

         "I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel bad," my Aunt apologized as she wiped tears from her eyes. I gave her a tired, teenager look and continued chewing.

"I really don't," she insisted, composing herself. "You need to get out of that situation soon or you'll end up getting burned, or something happens that you can't fix," she said seriously. I sighed.

         I know I do, I just can't right now, I thought with my mouth full of food. I like both of them the same amount, but for different reasons, I thought frustrated with myself.

"Could you tell either one about your wolfie issues and expect a positive reaction?" Cleo asked cautiously. I shook my head.

         I know that Paige would get scared and start screaming and Paige would think I'm a freak, I thought as I swallowed the chunk of sandwich.
Cleo looked sad.

         "You should be with someone you won't have to keep secrets from," she advised. I looked down and nodded.

"I'll think of something," I said dejectedly. I gave Aunt Cleo a hug and left, going home.

         Unlocking the front door and stepping inside, I shut the door in shock. The large mirror we had over the fake fireplace was shattered, shards littering the carpet.

         "Seth?!" I called worriedly. I paused as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement and relaxed. Seth's fine, I thought relieved.

"Seth what the beef happened?" I yelled frustrated . If he's fine, he probably did it, I grumbled to myself.
         I heard the basement door open and close to the left, looked over and saw nothing.

"Very funny Seth now get out here and help me clean this up," I said irritated. I walked over, opened the basement door and at the top of the steps, saw nothing. I glanced around, on guard. Nothing was upstairs, but something was.
I lowered my voice and snarled at the room and whatever was in it.

         "Alright I don't know who or what is here, but you need to leave now." Glancing around, nothing moved, nothing made a sound.

Giggles came from a corner and they sounded like...Seth's. My head snapped toward the sound.

         "Seth if that is you playing a practical joke on me I am going to be so freakin' mad," I growled. I could hear him giggling again, except now it was coming from behind me. Seth struggled to speak through his laughter.

"You can't see me can you?" he asked gleefully.
         "Of course I can't!" I snapped angrily. Seth began to cackle happily and I could feel him skip around the room as he sang in an tone deaf voice:

{c}You can't see me, I'm transparent
You can't see me, I'm like cling wrap!

         "Well you need to get your cling-wrapped butt down here now and explain yourself!” I yelled, nearly hysterical. I had been a long and stressful day, I didn't have the time, energy or state of mind to deal with this right now.

"I'm standing right next to you,” my brother's voice whispered in my ear.

         "DANG IT SETH, STOP FOOLING AROUND!" I screamed, on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Slowly, Seth appeared in front of me. Like a developing picture, he just faded into view. Standing right in front of me, wearing blue baggy pajama pants. My jaw dropped in amazement. Seth grinned and shrugged.

         "My power," he said simply, grinning. I relaxed, this was just my brother excited about knowing who and what he was now. He had been waiting a long time.

"How did this happen?" I gestured to the pile of glass on the floor. Seth glanced around nervously.

         "Well I have been feeling really weird lately," he began. "Parts of me had just began to fade, to disappear and it was freaking me out. I could still touch others things with my disappeared parts, but it was still really freaky. So I bean to wear clothes to cover my absences," he explained. "My arms, my legs, my hands, my neck."

I nodded, now understanding.
         "That was the day you wore a turtleneck and a scarf," I was getting it, bit by bit. Seth nodded.

"I didn't know what was going on and it really scared me. I stood in front of the mirror today before school and all of me was gone, except half of my face, I couldn't possibly go to school like that. I didn't know what to do, what was going on. All of it just bubbled up and I punched the mirror, breaking it. I looked at the pieces on the floor a second later and all of me was gone. I thought I was becoming a ghost or something," he said with a quiver in his voice. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him. His bare arms wrapped around me too and we hugged tightly for a few minutes. Stepping back nervously, I cleared my throat.

         "So now you know your power,” I began. "Now what's your name gunna be?" Seth grinned.

"Sethru" he announced proudly. I rolled my eyes.

         "Well alright Seth-ru, let's get this mess cleaned up," I said turning to the pile of glass. With no answer I turned back around and saw nothing. My face folded angrily as I heard him giggle. Glancing down, I realized I could see his feet making impressions on the carpet. I grinned.

That was the best game of tag I've ever played.


         Three weeks later, Amber was gone on a ski trip with her friends, so I paid Paige a visit at the Academy. She opened the door and smiled, jacket in her hand ready to go. Stepping into the hall and linking arms, we began to walk to the elevators; we were going to a movie.

Without warning, Paige went limp and before I could catch her, crashed against a door ad slid to the floor. I quickly knelt at her side and checked her eyes; they were responsive to light, which meant she was okay. I slid my arms under her body and with a grunt, stood and turned to carry her back to her room.

         The door Paige had crashed into opened and there stood Amber in pajama pants and a baggy t-shirt.

"Rowlf?" Amber said startled, "what are you doing here?" My jaw dropped as I turned around and realized who was there. This is not good, I thought, not good. I shifted Paige in my arms.

         "What am I doing here, what are you doing here?" I asked diverting the subject. She narrowed her eyes and studied me.

"I'm sick so I decided not to go," she explained as she glanced at Paige. "Is she okay?" she asked gesturing at Paige.

         "Oh yea, she's fine, listen, I'm going to get right back to yo-" I began. Amber sneezed as I was talking and Paige woke up. She glanced around confused and noticed I was holding her.

"Oh, how sweet," she said leaning forward kissing me. I glanced up frantically to see a really mad Amber glaring at both of us. She gestured at Paige.

         "Who's she?" she snarled.

"Listen, can I get back to yo-" In got out before Paige interrupted me.
         "I'm his girlfriend," she stated, still slightly in a daze. I looked up just in time to see a small but solid hand slap me across the face. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth, knowing it would all be over soon.

"HEY!" Paige shouted shocked. "What's your problem?" She began struggling to get out of my arms.

         "I'm his girlfriend," Amber hissed at her. Paige stopped struggling and whipped her head to face me. I grinned like a mouse that got caught trying to get the cheese.

"Is she telling the truth?" she demanded, flames danced in her eyes, I had never seen her so mad before. I shrugged, not knowing what else to do. Paige's face began to get red and right when I thought she was about to explode, she went limp once again, collapsing in my arms.

         "Good lord what’s wrong with her?" Amber asked exasperated.

"Nothing's wrong with her, she's narcoleptic," I calmly explained. Amber glanced at Paige curiously before turning her laser vision back to me.

         "What's going on here? Are you seriously trying to date both of us at the same time?" she asked in infuriated disbelief.

"Well it's not like I was trying to hurt either of you," I said foolishly trying to defend myself.

         Amber's face began to get red, as Paige's had a few seconds before. She slapped me across the face again, right before she sneezed. Paige woke up and also slapped me swiftly across the face.

"Will you two stop slapping me?" I yelled, hurt.
         "If you were only dating one of us, you wouldn't have that problem!" Paige sassily replied.

I quickly humbled myself, lowered my head and searched my mind desperately for excuses.

         "I'm sorry okay? I really didn't mean to hurt either of you." Both girls backed down the slightest bit. And then I said the stupidest thing ever invented by a male.

"I thought we were in an open relationship," I finished. Both girls clenched their teeth and fists. Paige went unconscious while I got slapped yet again by Amber.

         "What is wrong with you?" she shouted angrily. "Open relationship? How stupid can you be, Rowlf?" She angrily turned, whipped open her door and sneezed just as she slammed it shut.

I winced as I got slapped once again by Paige, who quickly jumped from my arms.
         "Open relationship? Open relationship?” she yelled hysterically. "What's wrong with you Rowlf?" She turned and began stomped down the hall, back to her room. She turned as she opened the door violently.

"You, Rowlf, are a terrible person and I wish I had never met you! How freakin' dumb can you be?!" she yelled as she slammed the door shut. The elevator doors opened with a ding and turned around to face my Aunt. She raised an eyebrow sternly.

         I told you so, she thought without a trace of emotion. I glared at her and took the stairs down. I got home, took a shower and listened to angry music the rest of the night. Halfway though my cd collection I began to write crappy poetry and wallow in my self pity. Sethru was predictably nowhere to be seen.


         I went through the next week of classes and slowly my anger at myself faded.

Friday in Mr. Sterling's class the door opened unexpectedly and in walked a girl. She had shoulder length dark brown wavy hair, blue eyes and her face, arms and neck were covered in freckles. I couldn't help sucking in my breath, she was so beautiful. Walking to the front of the class she handed Mr. Sterling a piece of paper from which he read:

         "Class this is Amelia and she is a new student at our school. Make her feel welcome," he threatened. He glanced around the room, searching for empty desks. He pointed at the desk to the left of me.

"You can go take a seat next to Rowlf over there," he said as he pointed a large beefy finger in my direction. Amelia smiled, walked over and sat down. Wearing a tight purple shirt with baggy blue pants and flip flops, my jaw came unhinged as I saw her feet. Actually, the lrage red scar on her left foot. I nervously turned to her as Sterling began to yell at us about inequalities.

         "What's your last name?" I asked jittery. She smiled.

"What's your last name?" she asked in a silky voice. I swallowed as I heard the words "someone you won't have to keep secrets from" rang in my head.
         "Rowlf Goodbourne," I answered, throat clogged with anticipation. Her eyes widened and she winked.

"Nice to meet your Rowlf Goodbourne, my name is Amelia Binks."

{c}The End.

         Since you took the time to read the whole thing, could you please take the time to r/r it?
© Copyright 2004 Issa (rebeldittoeh at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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