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Analogy about these three primary factors
involved in communication- my opinion.
“T”onality, “b”ody language, and “w”ords: are the three primary factors involved in the congruency of the information, emotion, and state of reality that which the expresser is conveying to the perceiver/receiver. Any static in the “t.b.w.”, the perceiver must weigh out, to form a concept from the three factors. The mutual agreement/congruency of what is being said, the tonality, and the non-verbal message being projected… are (almost) always in alignment with the sincerity of the message, when adding up these elements. There tend to be few exceptions. Example: where body language, and/or tonality are not received; as in telephone communication, and in writing. "Timing" may also be a factored co-element, that sets the rythym of clear message. The perceiver needs to discern, and weigh-out the differences that make-up the balance of the signal/expression, in order to understand and receive the over-all reality/point. The end result of the factors involved in conveying the truth/sincerity of a message, usually tends to “justify” the “mean” average-point, of the “tonality/body language, and words”, being expressed. --------------------------------------------------------------------Shop online @ http://www.cbtopsites.com/r/marlene2 |