Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/796694-Black-and-Silvered
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #796694
A girl who finds life easier when she is anything but herself.(formerly Ember)

A girl walks down a street lined with beautifully horticulture. She knows she doesn’t fit in around here, but her artistic side almost forces to walk down this street everyday. None of the residents know her name, they only know her as Pest, Or, at least that is how it seems to her. However, she doesn’t expect acceptance, she only comes to admire the artwork made of shrubs.
After going down that street for a few more blocks, she turns onto a deserted alley. If you were to cast a glance at the girl, you wouldn’t think her to be a person to cut through an alley. She looks to be about 14 or 15 years old, with long, wavy, black hair, which she generally keeps braided, and her clothing seems almost spotless, from a distance. As if in argument with everything else, she has startlingly clear gray-blue eyes. However, her looks are deceiving in revealing her place among this harsh society. In fact, though she has a steady job, she has trouble keeping a steady diet of food and an ok place to live. For not only does she have to care for herself, she must also care for her little brother and the newfound puppy she had discovered. Yet she is not unhappy. If you compare her with the everyday, run-of-the-mill teenage girl, you’d find she is much happier.
As she nears the end of the alley, she hears a little boy’s delightful cry. Immediately, the girl recognizes the voice, and calls out to him.

“Reeve!” she taunts quietly “I’m coming to get you.”

A giggle is heard emerging from behind a garbage can and a muddy little puppy comes out. Upon seeing the girl, the puppy, grins a dog smile, lolling tongue included, and sprints towards her.

“Hello Angel,” the girl cooes “Do you know where Reeve is?”
“No!” comes a cry from behind the garbage can “I’ve had enough of that dog for one day.”
“Then come out and greet your elder sister, huh?” the girl threatens “Unless, of course, you want a dog washed face?”

It is an empty threat, but Reeve does not know this. As he slowly crawls out of hiding, the girl sees his huge grin, and can’t help but grin back. As soon as Reeve is free, he jumps forward and encloses the girl in a huge bear hug.

Chapter One

The girl woke up sobbing. What she had just experienced was more than just a dream, it was a memory. Her name is Ember, but at that moment, she was going by the name Eve. To most. Just as every other time, she had changed her name with her home, if you could call them homes. She was no longer the happy-go-lucky girl she used to be. Now she had experienced the hardships of life. It had been three years since that memory had occurred in reality and she was now 20 years old. Her physical appearance was only similar to what it had been. Her hair was chin length, and her face was, seemingly, always serious.
As she continued to sob, her companion, a mixed breed dog, also woke up and tried, unsuccessfully, to cheer her up.

“Oh, Angel,” she sobbed into the dog’s fur “why did he have to go?”

The dog, Angel, suddenly understood why she was crying, and whined pitifully. Both dog and girl were remembering to a little over a year ago. Back to the last time they had seen Ember’s little brother, Reeve.

“Where are you off to?” asks a younger, smiling Ember, watching Reeve while laying on a bed
“I’m going to Europe.” Reeve replies, swiftly packing his meager belongings
“Why?!” Ember becomes serious immediately
“I can’t stand being poor!” Reeve cries out, shaking the shabby apartment’s windows “You can just barely support all of us! I mean look at the apartment we’re in?!”
“Reeve, you’re only just 14! What are you gonna do?” Ember replies shocked

Reeve pulls out a flyer and hands it to Ember. It reads:
Help Needed, NOW!
Where: Wines Burro’s new expansion in Europe
When: A.S.A.P
Who: First ten applicants
Why: Will pay for fare to Europe and will give room and board once arrived

“So, you’ve been accepted.” Ember states weakly, no evidence of there ever having been a smile on her face.
“I’m sorry.” Reeve looks sadly at his sister “Here, this is the address and phone number for where I’ll be boarding.”
He hands her an envelope that has written on the front “Do Not Open Until I Leave”. Ember knows there is more there than just an address and phone number, and feels the tears welling up in her eyes.

“Sis,” Reeve moans “please don’t cry!”
“Well, what else am I supposed to do?!” Ember yells, making the floors vibrate, and Reeve winces.
“Give me a hug?” Reeve suggests uncertainly.

Ember jumps up and hugs Reeve so fiercely he has trouble breathing for a few seconds. However when he tries to break free, and realizes Ember won’t let go, he finally releases his pride and cries onto his sister’s shoulder. After a few more minutes of clinging to her brother, Ember reluctantly lets go.

“You’d better get on your way,” chokes out Ember, wiping at bloodshot eyes “or I may just let Angel here lick up your tears.”

Reeve looks at the dog, Angel lying pitilessly by his feet. Angel, realizing she has Reeve’s attention looks at him pleadingly.

“No!” cries Reeve, a ghost of a smile on his face “I do not want a dog washed face thank you, I’ll go.”

With that, he picks up his bags, gives his sister a kiss good-bye, and walks out the door into his new life.


“Angel,” Eve whispered “why did I let him go?”

Eve would have broken into more sobs just then, but she had already wasted away all the tears she had. As it was, she needed something to do. So, she slithered out of her bed in her new employer’s attic and crossed the room over to a dented dresser.
As she reached for the top drawer, Eve heard a thump coming from downstairs. She froze, and dropped her hand. Slowly, she turned around and silently slipped to her attic door. Ever so carefully, she cracked the door open and looked down the stairs. She saw nothing and heard nothing. Taking a chance, Eve opened the door a tad bit more and slid out. Still, she saw no movement, besides her own, and heard nothing, except for the pounding of her heart.

“All right,” she thought “just go downstairs and see if there’s any damage. Whatever you find, though, don’t scream. Not that there’ll be anything to scream abou.......”

Her thought was interrupted by a soft thud, coming, once again, from downstairs. Eve turned around and pushed Angel, who had been trying to sneak out, back into the room and quietly closed the door. Now, all Eve could do was pray Angel knew to keep quiet. Thankfully, Angel was quite smart enough to figure that out. That done, Eve gathered up all her courage and began soundlessly climbing down the stairs which led from her attic room down to the little shop downstairs. As Eve neared the last step, she placed her feet even more carefully than before. Finally, she reached the last stair, and stopped.

“Hello?” she called into the darkness “Is anybody there?”
“Hello?” she called once again, sounding braver than she truly felt “Who’s there?”

The lights blazed on. Eve saw a young woman standing sheepishly by the switch.

“Hello,” said the girl “I’m Irene Pandros”

Eve looked her over suspiciously. To Eve, Irene seemed like nothing other than a threat among her choice of men. Irene was what most would call hot-tall, thin and shapely. However, this assessment didn't not lessen Eve's suspicion.

“Can I help you?” Eve asked carefully.
“Oh!” Irene hit her hand to her head. “I’m sorry! I must have scared you with all the noise I was making. I’m here to see my father, he owns the shop. His name is Joseph Pandros.”
“I’m Eve,” Eve introduced, “I work here for your father. He never said much about you. Well, except that he had a daughter, he didn’t say anything at all.”
“He’s not here is he?” Irene looked downtrodden.
“Out of town, he left me in charge.” Eve said, being more open than usual. “I’m guessing you were planning on surprising him.”
“Yeah. Oh well, I’ll just crash in his room for the night.” Irene grinned slyly “I’m guessing you’re boarding in the attic?”
“Oh, yes.” Eve yawned widely , realizing how tired she was. “I’m sorry, but could we talk in the morning?”
“Good idea.” Irene’s eyelids drooped visibly. “’Night!”

The girls parted ways. Irene going into her father’s room, just behind the front room. Eve climbed, slowly, up the stairs to her attic room. As soon as she has reached the door, Angel got up from her spot by the bed and leaped over to greet Eve. She smiled tiredly and stepped around the dog to get to her nice, warm, cozy, bed.

“Well, Angel,” Eve said as the curled up at her feet “it seems as though things just got a little more interesting around here.”

When Eve woke the next day, it was not because she needed to. No, she had woken up because she had dreamed of her brother leaving, again. She didn't understand why the dreams haunted her so much. She and Reeve were in constant correspondence. She never called, but that was because she was too afraid she would break down while talking, letters were much safer. (Plus, there was a Cyber Cafe just down the street and Eve planned on going down there soon to get herself an e-mail account, her brother had encouraged this.) Reeve’s latest letters, though, seemed to be more distant, as though he was hiding something from her. Then was not the time to dwell on things such as that. Since she was already awake, she might as well get to work.
At that time of her life, it seemed to everyone all she did was work. No one knew her reasons except herself and Angel. The reason would seem obvious if only people got to know her better. Working was the only way for her to keep her brother, and the memories, from her mind. Eve looked around her room. Everything was neat and organized, but Eve found herself thinking it a mess, and picked up a broom to start sweeping. She swept idly around the room until a knock of her door caused her to jump. Before Eve could do anything, Angel had jumped towards the door and started growling. Without thinking twice, Eve threw the broom down, and jumped over her bed to grab Angel’s collar.

“Who is it?” Eve asked steadily, while restraining Angel.
“It’s Irene.” Came the voice from the other side. “I woke up a few minutes ago and heard movements up here. Thought I’d see what you’re up to. Everything ok?”
“I’m fine, Angel’s just a little excited.” Eve looked carefully at the door for a second “You can come in if you want.”

Irene opened the door cautiously. As soon as she laid eyes on Angel she dropped to her knees in front of the large dog and put her hand forth. Angel sniffed the offered hand eagerly.

“Oh, Eve!” Irene squealed “It’s adorable! Is it a girl?”
“Yes,” Eve watched Angel warily, “Angel.”
“I adore dogs!” Irene hugged Angel, as a little girl hugged her favorite doll.

Eve merely shook her head, seeing the spoiled puppy look returning to Angel’s face. Still she saw how similar she and Irene were. It felt to her that some true happiness had returned to her dreary life. Irene looked up at Eve.

“What were you doing so early in the morning anyway?” Irene asked curiously, while scratching Angel behind her ears.
“This is not early, and I was doing a bit of cleaning.” Eve replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
Irene looked around the room and grinned.
“Well, it looks like you’re finished.” Irene said grimly, through her grin “How about some breakfast?”
“Sure.” Eve looked down at Angel “How about it girl?”
Angel yipped in agreement.
“Come on then,” Irene got up and went to the door “I know the perfect place.”
“Irene?” Eve said, as Irene started out her door
“Yeah?” Irene turned
“Maybe we ought to change into something other than our pajamas?” Eve pointed out.
“That would be a good idea.” Irene said, realizing she did still have her pajamas on. “Meet in the shop downstairs in half an hour?”
Irene left closing the door behind her.
"Well, Angel," Eve said, "let's get cleaned up a bit."

After a quick shower, Eve searched through her tiny supply of clothing for a nice pair of pants and a nice black shirt. She ended up choosing her usual pair of stretchy black capris and a 3/4 length sleeved shirt with a square neckline. Eve passed her mirror without even glancing in it and slipped on her black, ankle boots. She hoped that with the heel she wouldn't feel so short around Irene. Finally, she snatched up Angel's leash, signaling the sleeping dog to get up. Angel was at the door before Eve could say a word. Eve rolled her eyes, and clipped the leash on Angel's collar. As soon as the door had been opened, Eve remembered something. She had to be back in time to open shop.

"Irene," Eve walked down the stairs, "you do know we have to be back in time to open up, right?"
"Now that you mention it," Irene grinned, "I do."

The two girls smiled and continued down the stairs. By the time they reached the door they felt as though they had known each other their entire lives.

"I think," Eve said as they stepped outside, "maybe we should jog to our destination, huh?"
Irene smiled as she locked the front door.
"If you think you can keep up." Irene sprinted off down the street.
"Well, Angel," Eve sighed, "I guess we've given her enough of a head start now."

Angel looked up at Eve, her tail swishing eagerly. Then, they were gone, seen running off in the direction of the café.
Chapter Two
As Eve and Angel came to a halt in front of the café, Irene was still four houses behind. Eve smiled and leaned against the building panting hard. Angel, too, seemed happy with herself, for she sat heavily on her haunches, lolled out her tongue, cocked her head and grinned at the approaching Irene. Irene, already worn out, just glared at them too tired to speak.

"Come on, Irene," Eve called, looking at her watch, "We haven't got all day."

Angel barked as if to say 'Yes, hurry up, I'm thirsty.' As Irene finally reached where Eve was standing, she nearly collapsed against the wall, panting.

"Can we go in and get some food now?" Eve raised her eyebrows questioningly, "I'm rather hungry."

"Yes," Irene panted, "I'm dying of thirst."

Angel padded over to Irene, allowing herself to
be used as a support. Eve opened the doors to Kit Cat Café and held them for her dog and new friend.

"Are you sure they allow dogs here?" Eve asked, looking at the sign once more.
"Yeah," Irene slid into a booth, "don't let the sign confuse you."

Eve slid into the booth across from Irene and picked up a menu. Irene looked up from her menu and hailed down a waitress. Angel, meanwhile, sat patiently on a cushion under the table.

"Hi!" greeted the waitress, a small blonde, blue-eyed girl; "I'm Amy. Can I get your dog a bowl
of water?"
"Yes, thank you." Eve said, patting Angel absently.
"Are there any specials this morning, Amy?" Irene asked putting her menu back on the table.
"Oh, Irene!" Amy smiled, "Didn't see you behind that menu, glad your back. Our special this morning is the jalapenó omelet. It's better than it sounds."
"I'll just have a Mocha Laté and a Muffin, please." Eve said, putting down her menu.
"Great," Amy jotted some words on her note pad, "The usual for you Irene?"
"Yeah," Irene said, "Thanks."

Amy smiled again, picked up the menus and walked towards the kitchen. Eve looked over at Irene curiously. Irene looked steadily back, grinning.
"You two old friend?" Eve asked.
"Yes." Irene replied.
"What? No more info?" Eve inquired.
"Eve," Irene sighed, "we're old friends, that's all. There's no scandal or anything involved."
"Fine, fine, fine," Eve slumped down in the booth; "I'll leave you alone about it."

Angel propped her head on Irene's knee and looked up at her pleadingly. Irene threw up her hands.

"Not fair!" She sighed. "I can't handle it when dog and human hound me for info!"
"Sorry." Eve grinned, Irene glared at her.

At that moment, Amy stepped out of the kitchen and began walking towards their table. She was balancing a tray on her hand. When she reached their table, she took the bowl of water off the tray and put it on the ground in front of Angel. Then, she put the tray, and all that was left on it, on the table. Eve took her Mocha and muffin (which turned out to be chocolate chip), leaving a raspberry scone, a cup of cranberry juice, and a fruit and yogurt parfait, Irene's usual. Irene took her things, then looked over at Amy.

"When does your shift end?" Irene asked, tearing a piece off her scone.
"Once you pay." Amy kept her face straight.
"Well, you may be here for a long shift then." Irene replied, keeping her face just as straight.

Eve shook her head and looked at her watch. Upon seeing the time, she jumped slightly.
"Sorry to interrupt," Eve said, "but I have to open shop in 13 minutes."
"Take your coffee and muffin and go." Irene looked at Angel, who lay quietly by Eve's feet.
"What about Angel?" Eve asked, following Irene's gaze.
"She can come back with me." Irene decided, "Don't worry, I won't lose her."
"Yeah," Amy said, "you can trust Irene."
"Uh-huh," Eve replied, grinning and standing up, "suuuure."
"Here," Amy reached into a pocket of her apron, "for your muffin."
"Thanks." Eve put her muffin in the bag, "By the way, I'm Eve."
"Nice to meet ya," Amy grinned, "Now scat."

Amy shooed Eve out the door. Once outside, Eve decided the quickest way to get back to the shop would be through the alleys.

After the first two blocks, she had finished the muffin and was half way through her mocha. When she got to the next block, she went back onto the main street. At the first trash can she passed, she threw away the bag which had held the muffin, chugged the rest of the mocha, and threw the cup away as well. That done, she looked at her watch once more, she now had ten minutes.

"I can make it with time to spare," she thought, "I'll just need to sprint a bit."
She sprinted off. After two blocks she stopped to catch her breath. As she started off again, she got a strange feeling that she was being followed. She brushed that thought aside, believing it to be paranoia. However, as she got closer to the shop, the feeling intensified. Unable to stand it any longer, Eve spun around. She had expected to find Irene and Angel, standing behind her. Instead, there was…nothing.

"I'm getting paranoid.” Eve thought to herself. "Maybe I need a day off."
Eve looked around once more, turned back towards the shop, and continued walking. The feeling of being watched still didn't go away, but it was a lot weaker. Again, Eve brushed it off as paranoia. Besides, she had just reached the shop, and with seven minutes to spare. Eve took the key out of her pocket, unlocked the door, stepped in, and re-locked the door behind her.
It was a nice little shop, it had a little of everything. There was a book section, a food section, and a section with odds and ends. With her few extra minutes, Eve took the time to restock some shelves and to neaten up in general. Just as she finished putting the last book on a shelf, and began to make sure all the books were organized, the alarm on her watch went off.

"Time to open up." Eve sighed to herself, fixing a smile on her face.

She walked over to the door, flipped the sign to open and unlocked the door once more. Then, she went over to the windows and pulled up the shades, letting the now late morning sunlight in. That done, Eve went back to fixing up the bookshelves.
A few minutes later, the bells above the door jangled, letting Eve know someone had come in. She put the last book in place, and went over to see who it was. She had expected, of course, Irene and Angel. It was, instead, a young man.

"Hi," Eve said, walking over. "Can I help you?"
"Oh," the man, jumped a little, "hello, and yes, I think you can."
"Are you looking for anything in particular?" Eve asked, heading toward the register.
"Yes," the man said, "a book."
"Does it have a title?" Eve asked, trying not to grin.
"Oh," the man blushed, "it's called East from the Heart."
"Ah, yes," Eve looked through the supply list. "We have one last copy. It's in the back, I'll get it for you."

Eve went to the back of the store and through a door entitled Employees Only, heading to the back of the room. Eve bent down over a box and took out the last copy of East from the Heart. On the cover was a young woman, bending over a piece of paper. The book had been selling like hot cakes. Her boss, Mr. Pandoras, had given her one of the first copies as a birthday gift. Not only had it been fresh, but it was also signed by the author, Summer Storms.
To Eve,
May your life be wonderful in every aspect, and may this book bring in a little more joy.
Happy reading.

~Summer Storms

Eve treasured the book almost as much as Angel. Almost. As she brought the book to the young man, she recalled her favorite section of the book.

I sat at my desk, staring at the letter I had just received. It was another one from Joyce, her letters seemed to be coming in shorter and shorter intervals. There was a sense of urgency to them lately as if she was worried about something, but was unable to speak of it. Well, write, technically. Not only that, but she kept calling me Tib, my old childhood nickname. No one called me that anymore, unless they really needed me, which she seemed to. Her final sentence was Tibesha, I REALLY wish you were here. Then she signed it: Your Lonely Friend, Joyce Borgen.
I wasn't sure how to respond to that. Maybe she was just lonely, but she knew I couldn't go and see her it would be too dangerous to be seen. So, I wrote her back, asking if she was alright. Then, for some reason, I signed it as I had my letters to Donny; East from the Heart, Tibesha Kalcky.


"Would you like a name plate from the author?" Eve asked, snapping out of her thoughts.
"A name plate?" The man looked confused.
"We send your name to the author with a request for her to make out an inscription, which we then stick inside your book." Eve answered, while continuing to walk to the register. "Yes or no?"
"Sure," the man replied, looking normal again.
"Alright," Eve said, "Your name?"
"Levi," the man stated, "Levi Hansly."
"Phone number?" Eve filled in the form she had pulled out from behind the counter. "So we can contact you."
"248.163.2641." Levi looked at the book in his hands. "Do you think 'Summer Storms' is a pen name?"
"Yes and no," Eve finished filling out the form and put it in a tray on a nearby counter. "Summer is her middle name, but Storms is her last name. Oh and don't tell anyone about this name plate thing."
"Why not?" Levi pried, curiously.
"We only do it for the last book in each shipment. And even then, only if we feel like being nice." Eve began walking back to the bookshelves. "When you're ready, just call me over to the register."
"Sure," Levi wandered over to the snack aisle.
Just as Eve started to take stock of the books again, the bell jangled, and Irene burst in.
"Eve!" Irene cried, into the shop. "Wait till you hear the news!"
"Calm down." Eve sighed, straightening up.
"Go get 'er Angel." Irene said, and Angel trotted over to Eve.
"So," Eve said, patting the panting Angel, "what's the news?"
"A famous Actor is in town!" Irene squealed, to Eve's rolling eyes. "I'm not sure who, but he's famous."
"Um, excuse me," came a voice near the register, "I'm ready to check-out now."
"Great," Eve began walking towards the register, leaving Angel with Irene once more.

However, halfway there, Eve noticed the lack of sound emanating from Irene. She turned to see what had happened. When she saw Irene, her eyebrows raised, Irene's jaw was hanging down and she was staring at Levi.

"Are you okay Irene?" Eve asked, "I mean, I know he's cute, but still."
"Th-that's him!" Irene stuttered.
"Who?" Eve quested patiently.
"The…the actor." Irene managed.

Eve turned to look at Levi by the counter. He didn't look like any actor she knew. Then again, she hadn't seen many movies lately. Still, he seemed too nice to be an actor.

"Are you?" Eve asked him as she got behind the register.
"What, the actor?" Levi sounded a bit peeved, Eve nodded, "Yeah, and now the one person who didn't know, does. You didn't even recognize my name. Now you're gonna be all 'can I get your autograph'. Oh well, it lasted for a little while."
"What lasted?" Eve looked at him quizzically as she scanned the bar code on a bottle of Coke.
"Being treated like a normal human being." Levi sighed, traumatically.
"What? You're saying you're different from all other human beings?" Eve snapped at him.
"NO!" Levi replied quickly, losing all suave gestures, "Only that everyone treats me like I am. It bugs me."
"I, for one, most certainly will treat you as I normally would any other. And you certainly encourage people to fawn over you with those dramatics." Eve glared at him. "$15.35, please."
"Glad to hear it, and shall take that into account." Levi handed over the money. "I'll make sure to stop by here more often during the shoot."
"Here's your change." Eve handed him the money and his bag. "We'll get in touch with you about the name plate."
"Great." Levi took his things and walked past the still gaping Irene, the stopped in front of the doors, "By the way, what's your name?"
"Eve," Eve grinned, "and that statue is Irene."
"Nice meeting you both," Levi said, going through the doors, "See you soon."

Eve shook her head and walked back to the bookshelf, hoping she'd be able to finish her work there. However, when she saw Irene walking towards her, she threw up her hands and gave up on it. Irene's jaw was still slightly agape and she kept looking back at the door. Eve shook her head and laughed inwardly at Irene's reaction to Levi.

"I cannot believe you did not know who Levi Hansly was!" Irene fairly screamed at Eve, then composed herself. "Eve, tonight, we watch all his movies. Or at least, all the movies that I know exist."
"Whatever you say, Irene." Eve looked at Angel by Irene's side. "Did you think he looked like any actor we know, Angel?"

Angel shook her head. Eve smiled and walked over to the register, again. Angel followed her. Irene merely stood where she was and stared at Eve, amazed.

"Even after you knew, though," Irene said, awed. "You still treated him normally."
"He is normal." Eve sighed, and looked slyly up at Irene. "You have a crush on him, don't you?"
"Oh, my god!" Irene whispered, "Am I that obvious?!"
"Not to the inexperienced eye, like him." Eve ducked behind the counter. "Where are we going to watch the movies?"
"Why not here?" Irene walked to the register, "My dad's got a HUGE screen TV and a nice new DVD player."
"Ok," the bell jangled over the door and a small crowd entered, Eve straightened up, "now, if you'll excuse me, there are customers. Oh, and could you put Angel in my room?"

Eve patted Angel, then went over to a customer.
Chapter Three
That night, as Eve closed up shop, Irene was in her dad's room, setting up the TV and DVD player. Eve wasn't sure why, but she was getting excited about watching the movies. Maybe it was the thought that this guy might be different from all the actors she had met during her short stay in Hollywood. All their acting styles were the same.

She had been in Hollywood to have a go at one of her girlhood fancies, acting. Amazingly, she got the lead part in a movie called "The Way it Was", playing Marlene Backlané. Before she auditioned, they had asked her if she would like to use a screen-name, and she gave them the name Catia Govinya. It seemed as if they had already picked her, but she pushed that away from her mind thinking they asked the same questions of all the auditioners.
It took two weeks before the studio called and told her she had the part. The next day, she went to the set. As soon as she walked through the doors, a small, plump woman with cropped brown hair rushed over to her.

"You must be Catia," the woman said, "I’m Ramona, and dear me, you must get to make-up quickly."

Catia was then ushered quickly to make-up. There, she was greeted by a smiling girl about her own age.

"Ramona," the girl chided, "there's no need to rush this one, she won't need much work done."
"Her hair needs to be cut, and she needs eye color changing contacts." Ramona looked at her watch. "Not only that but she has to get that tiredness off her face, and you've only got two hours. Even if they aren't on set, the Director still wants to see what he's dealing with."
"I'll take it from here, Ramona." The girl guided Catia into the make-up room, "I'm Jessica Rite, but everyone calls me Jess."
"I'm Catia, but you can call me Cat."
"No problem," Jess smiled, "I love cats."

Jess looked at Cat. At that time, Catia's hair was still very long and trailing down her back in a braid. Jess grudgingly pick up the scissors.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jess asked.
"Yeah," Catia braced herself, "I need a change."

With that, Jess cut off the braid. Catia winced, but felt a sense of relief at the same time. It was as though as her hair had fallen, so had most all of her worries. Jess refused to allow a pause of regret and started evening out the cut. When Jess finished, she smiled.

"I wish I had a before and after picture," Jess smiled, "but no mirror until you get the contacts, and then you see the full drastic change. Have you worn contacts before, I don't know if they pre-warned you about them or not."
"I have actually," Catia reached into her pocket, "and I brought the sizing along with me. I also took a picture before I left my place."
"You think of everything," Jess took the sheet from Catia's hand. "Do you need a prescription?"
"Oh, no." Catia looked over at Jess, "Halloween party, I went as a cat."
"Good," Jess relaxed missing the irony, "then this won't take long."

Jess walked back over to the shelf and started rummaging through a large cardboard box. Catia, meanwhile, picked her braid off the floor and put a rubber band on the top to hold it together. Jess pilled a small box out of the cardboard box she was digging through, and started back towards Catia.

"Is there a place where I could get this hair to be donated?" Catia asked.
"Yeah, I'll take it while your running lines."
Jess handed the box to Catia. "Those are your contacts, the eye drops are there, if you need them. I'd like to see you with them in, so I can start figuring out your make-up for later. If you need the mirror you can use it, but I wish you'd wait so you can get the full effect of your change."

Jess gestured to the ledge behind her, and Catia went over to it. Jess followed close behind and after Catia had put the eye drops in, gave her the box with the contacts. Catia-ever curious- turned to the mirror. The shortened hair looked nice, but she didn't look too different. Hurriedly, Catia looked down and opened the contact box, then paused.

"Are you sure these are the right size?" Catia asked.
"Yup." Jess gestured to her box. "I've got every size and shape imaginable."
"Ok," Catia said to herself, and put the contacts in.

When she looked in the mirror again, she was a new person. Her once startling gray eyes had turned into a deep turquoise blue, almost like the ocean. Catia stared at the reflection, agape. She had never imagined such a small change could effect her whole appearance. The hair was only a very small part of the change, the contacts made her entire face look different. Even Jess found herself surprised at the change.

"Well," Jess finally said. "I think you're finished here, I'll show you how to get to Wardrobe. Don't want you getting lost."
"Thanks." Catia replied relieved that she wouldn't have to try to find it alone. "Hey, Jess?"
"Yeah?" Jess turned before opening the door.
"Do I just keep these?" Catia gestured to her eyes.
"Yup. They're good for a month, may as well wear 'em and get used to 'em." Jess smiled and started out of the room.


"Eve!" Irene called, coming into the shop from her dad's room.

Eve shook her head and continued fixing the shelf of canned food, which had just fallen.

"Yes?" Eve asked, not looking up to find Irene.
"I'm going over to Video Express to get some more of Levi's movies for the marathon. Do you have any other requests while I'm out?" Irene asked, retrieving her purse and heading towards the door.
"No." Eve looked over at Irene. "I'll be fine with what you get."
"Good." Irene opened the door, letting a chill breeze in. "Be back in a bit then."

With that said, she walked out of the door. Eve stood up, wondering about people having to have such theatrical exits. As she dusted off her pants, she heard a whine coming from her room. Cursing to herself, she tromped up the stairs, and threw open the door. Angel stood expectantly, with her leash laid out by her feet.

"I suppose you want to go for a walk then?" Eve inquired. Angel barked impatiently. Eve threw the leash aside, and ran down the stairs. Angel stood at the top of the stairs looking confusedly from leash to mistress.

"Come on then. I trust you enough. Besides, my mind is wandering too much to pay too much attention to a leash." Eve held open the shop's door.

Angel romped down the stairs and out the door. Eve chortled then slipped out after the dog, locking the door, and hoping Irene had brought her key with.
They walked to a park nearby, and as it had been expected to be a warm day, the area was set up for Shakespeare in the park. Instead, since the temperature had dropped so drastically, the actors merely sat in costume sipping hot tea, and waiting to see if an audience would show up. Eve looked longingly at the costumes, they were so nicely made.

"And here we are." Jess announced, pulling a door open, and revealing an entire room filled to the brim with clothing. "Wardrobe."
"Wow." Catia looked around the room in awe. "There are so many costumes!"
"Yup, I'm gonna go find Lucy. She's in charge here." Jess started off through the racks of clothing.

Catia looked around at all the fabulous clothing surrounding her. It didn't seem real. How could it be? How could everything be going this well for her? Jess came back followed by a short little woman with a head of frizzy brown hair. She seemed almost a twin to Ramona, only…happy.

"Cat," Jess introduced, "this is Lucy. Luce, Catia."
"Nice to meet you Catia." Lucy extended her hand.
"Call me Cat." Catia said, shaking her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet the keeper of all these magnificent things."

Lucy laughed, as the door behind Catia suddenly burst open. There stood the small plump figure of Ramona. She didn't look any happier than earlier.

"Hello sister dear. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Lucy said, still smiling.
"I am not here for idle chit chat. Jessica, the young actor has been waiting by your trailer for five minutes now. The director wants everyone on set in half an hour." Ramona ran her hand through her already tousled hair.
"I was on my way back just now." Jess went out the door.
"Ramona, dear," Lucy said, soothingly, "You must relax. Mr. Jacksin won't mind if anyone's a little late."
"Yes, yes," Ramona sighed, "I know. Catia, how are you getting along?"
"Fine, thank you." Catia smiled politely.
"Very good," Ramona smiled. "Well, I better go and check on Jess again. Can't always trust that girl to do what she's supposed to."

With that thought, Ramona left. Lucy sighed and wandered into the racks of clothing, motioning for Catia to follow. Catia wandered after Lucy, still in awe of all the clothing. Lucy stopped in front of a rack, and Catia almost ran dead into her. After weeding through the costumes for a few seconds, Lucy pulled out a slinky little black dress, and handed it to Catia.

"Go on," Lucy urged. "Put it on."

Catia ducked behind a changing curtain Lucy had pointed out on their way through the racks of costumes, and slipped the dress-with much difficulty-on. It was a perfect fit. When she stepped out again, Lucy smiled and clapped her hands together in delight.

"Perfect!" Lucy exclaimed. "What do you think?"
"It's wonderful." Catia twirled around, enjoying the feel of the fabric.
"I'll need to fray the bottom yet. Maybe a little shorter." Lucy murmured to herself, Catia ignored her and reluctantly went behind the curtain to change back to her clothing.
"Do I need to try anything else on?" Catia asked.
"No, I can figure everything out from this dress." Lucy looked at her watch. "You'd better hurry and head over to the set."
"How do I get there?" Catia asked from behind the curtain.
"Take a right as soon as you leave here, and keep going straight. If you get lost, the Crew will help you find your way. Don't be intimidated by them." Lucy took the dress from Catia as she stepped out. "A lot easier getting it off than on, huh?"
"Yup." Catia replied. "Thanks Lucy."
"Good luck, Cat." Lucy called after the retreating form.

When Catia finally reached the set-with much help from the Crew-Ramona seemed to magically appear at her side. It seemed to Catia that Ramona was in a much better mood.

"We're going to just run through lines and maybe start blocking today." Ramona indeed sounded much more relaxed than 20 minutes ago.
"Great" Catia replied, "When do I meet the boy opposite my role?"
"He should be here soon." Ramona smiled. "He needed more work done by Jess than you."

Catia nodded and Ramona led her to another part
of the set. When they arrived there, Catia was directed to sit down, relax, and wait for her costar. Then Ramona walked away. Life seemed too easy to be real in that instant. If only Angel could be with her. Catia heard a slight commotion coming from behind the set. Ramona reappeared, dragging a very red-faced young man. Catia raised her eyebrows. Jess, who was following behind Ramona saw Catia and grinned, looking pointedly at the boy.

"Marlene," Ramona introduced, causing Catia to look up curiously, "this is Josh Peters. Josh, this Marlene Backlané."
"Nice to meet ya." Josh muttered, staring at his feet.
"What took you two so long?" Catia addressed Josh and Jess.
"Josh here is a bit clumsy," Jess spoke in a restrained voice. "We encountered a few 'obstacles'."
"I see," Catia, looked him over. "Makes sense. He looks the part of a klutz."

Jess laughed. Hard. Even Ramona started laughing. Josh turned an even darker shade of red. However, he did look up at Catia's face instead of her shoes. When he did, his jaw dropped. Catia, again, raised an eyebrow. Josh recovered himself quickly, and glared at Catia, his face finally devoid of red.

"What, exactly do you mean by that?" Josh raised his voice, cutting off the laughter.
"Precisely what I said." Catia replied, picking up the script on her chair. "When you blush and stumble about as you did, you perfectly fit the stereotype of a klutz."

Josh seemed about to say something, but thought better of it. Ramona, finished laughing, asked Josh and Catia to follow her. While Josh stuck to Ramona's back, Catia waited for Jess to finish giggling. When she finally quieted, Catia started walking ahead. Jess caught up quickly, still grinning.

"You know," she said, "Josh isn't his real name."
"Oh?" Catia asked, uninterested.
"Yeah," Jess said, "Notice, Ramona used your character's name as well as his when introducing you. Anyway, he looks familiar-to me at least. Like I've seen him somewhere before. How about you?"
"He looks spoiled." Catia stated and opened the door into a room Ramona had led Josh into.
Jess laughed and started walking back to her trailer.

The bell jangled above the door, and Eve jumped in surprise, she hadn't even realized she'd come back to the shop. Angel barked as Irene waltzed in, as though she were on cloud 9. Eve calmed her nerves, locked the door behind Irene, and followed the traipsing girl into the TV room, Angel close at her heals.

"Well?" Eve asked, "What happened?"
"I bumped into him." Irene sighed, falling onto the couch. "He was renting one of his own movies. Said he was horrible in it, but it was worth it for the leading lady. He remembered my name though."

Irene clutched at her chest. Eve rolled her eyes at the theatrics and sat in the recliner. Angel nudged at Irene until room was made for her, then settled on the couch beside Irene.

"So, in what order are we watching the movies?" Eve asked.
"Reverse order." Irene recovered herself and put in the first DVD.

Eve, upon seeing the first few minutes of the film, realized she had in fact already seen it-Fighter Wars. So she reverted instead to drifting back to her own experiences in film.

"Alright," said the director, "is everyone here? Good. I am Scott Jacksin, the director. Call me Scott, unless specifically told otherwise."
Everyone around the table smiled, starting to relax with this new person. The Crew stood around, waiting to know what was left for them to do.
"We're just running lines today, so crew, you're free to go and finish up your painting." Scott said, grinning as the crew left the room laughing and joking around. "Now that they're gone, we can begin. Top of the script please, we need to have this memorized in a week or less if possible."
"Much time has passed, but my memories are still vivid of a time more loved than these." Catia read the opening lines and it went from there.

The director was so impressed with the main characters' reading, he found he could not stop them from proceeding, as he was enraptured in the drama of the story. After two hours, they had read unto the end and there was silence in the room. Then Scott took a deep breath.

"That was bloody brilliant." He said. "I'm not going to be able to see any real problems till we try to get this memorized and blocked. Two things though, Josh and Marlene, you seem to have a bit of animosity between you, you're supposed to be in love. I suggest you two do things off set and get to know each other. Deal?" Catia and Josh looked at each other warily, then nodded. "Second," the director continued, "all of you others, you're going to be majorly downplayed by these two it seems. Try to find ways to act your parts more realistically, find something to distinguish them. Don't want these two young ones getting cocky."
"Alright," Ramona said after a pause, "that's enough then, if we need you later, be available. We'll call you with times ASAP. Are we done?"
"Yes," Scott grinned, "see you tomorrow, hopefully onset, and work on your lines."
"So," Catia said to Josh, as everyone started dispersing, "are you free right now?"
"Yeah," Josh sighed, "I suppose I am."
"Well," Catia stood, "that's as far as I can go with planning. I just got to the area today."
"I know a nice Thai place if you want to go Dutch?" Josh suggested, standing.
"Sounds like a plan." Catia said, and as they started walking the short distance to the restaurant, she quickly calculated how much money she would be able to spend.

When the waiter seated Catia and Josh, they must have been mistaken for a feuding couple; they were seated in a cozy little corner in the back. Both shifted uncomfortably.

"Look," Catia stared at her hands. "I'm sorry about this morning, that really set us off on a bad foot."
"Yeah," Josh grinned, "but it sucks that you're right."
"About what?" Catia asked, looking up.
"Both spoiled and a klutz." He chortled.
"You heard…" Catia gasped.
"Yeah," Josh reassured quickly, "but it's no big. At least you're now giving me the benefit of the doubt."

They chatted idly for awhile, ordered food, and chatted over that as well. Finally, they reached the desserts.

"So, Josh," Catia said.
"So, Marlene," Josh smiled, and Catia grinned at the thought of their characters in the restaurant.
"What's you're real name?" Catia smelled her freshly brewed cup of coffee.
"Leven, and yours?" He sipped at his tea.
"Catia, but I prefer Cat."
© Copyright 2004 Wallaby Wannabe (howlingwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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