Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/792536-Drained
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Writing · #792536
Well I updated. long time no read right?anyway I need some help so please rate w/ comments
*Author's Note: It's still not finished and I need to work on some grammer and context errors, but I'm really having trouble w/ the last sentence. All suggestions are welcome so please feel free to e-mail me any comments.*


As I had practiced, I glided down the Roman stairs to the grand ballroom where they all awaited my presence. I fought against my urge to give up my lady-like ways and run down the stairs as I had done not long ago. The faces turned as they heard my painful shoes touch the stones ever so softly. I held back my amazed look and gave them my most dazzling smile. My father had always been one to go a little overboard with his feasts and balls, but this was too much. The room filled from wall to wall, the musicians were more magnificent than I had imagined, and the hall was decorated elaborately as if it were for a wedding. In a way it was. I was there for my “coming out to the world” party, which meant that the time had come for my father to pick a respectable suitor.

I heard a few muffled claps as I glided from the stairs to the floor. My father walked up to me full with pride. He loved me dearly, but I was not always known for my grace and nobody had ever seen how truly beautiful I was except for my father. Even I was surprised at how royal and beautiful I looked. The suitors of course had noticed it immediately and had begun to make their way through the throng to ask me to dance. I, always being well mannered, accepted all requests to dance and went through each song as if it were a ritual. After I had worn myself out I gracefully walked to the corner where me good friend, Amelia, was watching me with an amused look upon her face.

“Clean up nicely, don’t you?” she giggled

I smiled a little nervously, “I do try every now and then. Anybody notice me?”

She looked at me a rolled her eyes “Only almost every good looking knight in the room.”

I laughed quietly and replied “Really? Oh, and don’t roll your eyes it’ll give wrinkles when you’re older so you end up looking like Mr. Boding.”

She glared at me and I could not help but think of our teacher in her dress. I began to laugh aloud, but stopped suddenly when my father came over to us and gave us a stern look. I bit my bottom lip and followed him, waving good-bye to Amelia behind my back. He motioned for the feast to begin and then pulled the chair next to him out for me. I sat down and others began to find their seats and take their places. I could see that Amelia and I had not been the only ones to tamper with the seating arrangements. Somehow, my father had received his way because Sir Aaron sat right across from me.

Amelia took her seat next to mine and tried her best not to laugh. She did though lean over and whisper in my ear, “You knew this wouldn’t be a waste of time and the good sir is proof of that.” She was referring to the fact that we both had an infatuation with Sir Aaron. He was fairly good looking and had always been kind to both of us. I had not considered him more of a friend until that moment.

His beauty captivated Amelia and me both. His fair skin, dark hair, rich brown eyes, (to the point where they almost looked black), and of course, the presence, or aura that surrounded him. He was a knight, but we had known him before then when he had been nothing but a page. He had evolved into a much different man since then. You could not help but watch him with amazement and wonder what he had planned next.

After everyone had taken their seats, my father raised his glass and everyone stopped talking to listen to what he had to say.

“To my daughter and the hope that she will be provided with the appropriate suitor and live a very happy life.”

Everyone raised their glasses and looked from my father to me then slowly brought them back down. I could not help but catch Aaron’s eye as he replaced his glass. He smiled at me and I could feel my heart begin to melt. He just had that way with you. You could be as cold as stone and he could still find a way to melt your heart and soul. The food was brought out on platters of gold and silver. That was only to draw your attention away from the smell and look of rotting meat. I smiled politely and picked at my food hoping that nobody would notice that I was not eating. Amelia poked my leg and gestured towards Aaron. I looked up from my platter and met Aaron’s eyes. He smiled sweetly at me and I could not help but blush. My father glanced at both of us and grinned sheepishly already forming the sound of wedding bells in his head. “So,” my father exclaimed suddenly, “How are your lessons going?”

“Dull,” I replied, “Father, I have no desire to sew or learn how to speak softly, never sharing my opinions.”

“Elizabeth, quiet!” he hissed under his breath while glancing wearily at Aaron.

Aaron just smiled and continued to eat the pheasant on his plate. I scowled at them both and glared at the food on my plate. Each course passed with me only picking at my food. My father gave me stern looks to signify I was being very rude and my behavior was unacceptable, but I continued as I was just the same.

They served desert and as the diners finished they chatted among themselves in a respectful manner, of course. Aaron glanced at me and then turned to my father. “Your highness the meal was delicious, but I was wondering if your daughter and I may be excused to the gardens?” My father’s eyes twinkled with joy. “Most certainly, Sir Aaron, it was a pleasure to have you dine with us.” Aaron bowed his head and walked over to my chair awaiting my hand to help me out. I placed my hand lightly in his as he led me toward the gardens. I could feel every set of eyes on my back as we walked past.

As we reached the moonlit garden, quietly, I began to tug at the unbelievably long gloves. Aaron laughed when I had finally gotten one of them off and grabbed my other gloved hand to remove it. He barely pulled at one of the fingers and it slipped right off my arm. I stared at him as he pressed my bare hand to his lips and kissed it as sweetly as a rose smells. He stood upright again and I moved slightly closer to him, interlocking my fingers with his. He placed his hand on the side of my face, ran his thumb across my cheek, and pulled me even closer to him so my face was just inches away from his. He closed the gap by pressing his lips to mine and kissing me as I had never been kissed before.

“I’m sorry,” he breathed as he pulled away from me.

I opened my eyes and smiled, “Do not apologize,” I managed to whisper as my cheeks flushed the color of wine.

He held me and kissed me again. “Will you please be mine?” he whispered in my ear. I nodded without a second thought. Out of all the suitors awaiting my presence, Aaron was the only one I would truly enjoy sharing my life. I had known him for years, and what was better than loving some one you already knew? I leaned on him still holding his hand as he kissed my neck. I bit my lip, “Aaron not here, not now,” I whispered. He nodded and gave me one last kiss before I put my gloves back on. After I had managed to pull the unbearable gloves back up my arms, Aaron escorted me back to the ballroom. He pulled away to talk to my father and as my arm still lingered in his Amelia came to my side.

“Life is passing by as fast as I hawk flies,” I whispered to her breathlessly still watching Aaron make his way through the crowd to my father. She pulled me away to a secluded area in the ballroom. “Please explain yourself to me, for you have left me in the woods with all this nonsense you speak of,” she said exasperated.

“I have promised myself to him, Amelia. I can feel it in the beating of my heart that I have made the right choice. This feeling makes my heart race and my cheeks flush as red as ripe grapes.” I explained to her while searching the crowds for my father and Aaron.

“You are in love!” she giggled, “I can see it in your eyes and hear it in your voice. You’re absolutely glowing.”

I smiled at her and she took my hands in hers. “You shall be married!" she exclaimed her eyes filled with excitement. I laughed despite myself and joined in on her happiness. I was startled as my father appeared behind me with Aaron and motioned for me to follow him to the throne area. The trumpets sounded and my father stopped in front of the throne. All heads turned at the sound of the trumpets and my father pulled me to his side.

“As this ball was thrown to find the appropriate suitor worthy enough of my daughter,” he beamed to his audience, “I am overjoyed to announce that my purpose has been fulfilled. As of tonight my dearest daughter, Elizabeth, has been promised to Sir Aaron of Landbury.” He pressed Aaron’s and mine hands together and patted them. “I speak for the entire kingdom when I say I hope you both have a life filled with joy as your mother and I had.” I smiled at my father and he kissed me lightly on my forehead. Aaron wrapped his arms around me and I rested my head on his chest. I heard a few polite claps as Aaron took my elbow and escorted me onto the ballroom floor to dance.

I danced as if on a cloud and while Aaron barely held me, it was that little support that kept me from falling to my knees. Soon the moon was finishing its reign of the sky and the beginnings of dawn became seen. Aaron took my hand in his and placed his other hand in the small of my back. He walked me to the stairs that I had descended hours before and wished me sweet dreams. “I hope to see you soon, my love,” he whispered. Again, I was graced with one of his tender kisses and with that, he walked away to his chamber.

I had barely laid my head on my pillow when Amelia came bursting into my chamber followed by my nurse. She sat beside me on my bed and I managed to pull myself sleepily upright.

“What do you want?” I managed to mumble.

“Sir Aaron has been called off on a quest! He’s requested your presence before he leaves!” Amelia said breathlessly.

“What?!” I exclaimed. I was fully awake now and Nurse had been getting my clothes ready. Amelia grabbed my robe from Nurse and threw it at me. “Come, before he leaves!” She ordered. Nurse let out a quiet cry as I ran past her and down the stairs. Aaron was waiting at the bottom already dressed in his armor. I ran towards him, “Where are you going?” I asked him.

“To find Helen’s jewels in Rome, you have been touched by Helen’s beauty and it is only right for you to be treated as royally.” He explained to me.

“No! I do not need jewelry, all I need is you” I said and looked deeply into his eyes.

“Never the less,” he looked away, “It would be unfit for you to be promised to me and I have no way of showing how grateful I truly am.”

He put his finger under my chin to lift my head and gave me the last warm kiss I would ever know. I pulled back as tears filled my eyes and began to roll silently down my cheeks. He stopped the tears with a touch of his finger and then turned away.

“I must go now,” he whispered unable to look me in the eyes, “I will be back as soon as my journey allows me. I promise.”

I watched him ride away the tears now streaming down my face and staining my robe. ‘As soon as his journey allows him,’ I thought, ‘how long could that be? How long must I wait?’

The wait would be unbearable, over a year to be exact. I never received word of his health, but I waited. I waited nights and days, from season to season. My smile faded every day I waited and my father began to worry. Amelia was promised to her own knight and left me to my misery, watching the horizon for the cloud of dust that would be Aaron.

The day came where as dusk had begun to set in, a fury of hooves were heard from a distance. I ran to the gate and waited in anticipation. The sound grew louder and I saw the glint of armor just as the sun was setting. My father motioned for me to come in not wanting me to be disappointed if it was not him. I would not go. Something in my mind was telling me to stay where I was. I knew it was him I could feel him throughout my entire body. There I waited until the moon had risen and the horses had finally reached the gate.

I gasped as he took his helmet off and willed myself to stay put until he saw me. As if he was reading my thoughts, he looked up and gave a faint smile. That is all it took for my legs to take on a mind of their own and race towards him. He dismounted and wrapped his arms around me, but this time it was different. It seemed stiff, forced maybe, but I just assumed it was the armor. He pulled me close and whispered, “You’re just as beautiful as the day I left if not more.”

I could not help but smile even though his words fell upon my ears flat and dead. Something had changed about him, but I could not place my finger on what it was. I was overjoyed that he was back. He was here with me and that is all the mattered. My father came rushing out ready to welcome him as the heir to the thrown as he was soon to be. My father suggested that Aaron take a bath before the celebration feast of his return.

We all sat down at the very empty banquet table and talked of Aaron’s quest. He entertained us with stories of all the knights he encountered and made me cringe when he described the bloody battles. When we had finished feasting, he presented my father with the treasure he had recovered.

“I have something for you Elizabeth,” he whispered and turned to my father, “Sire, I’m sorry to interrupt, but please excuse your daughter and myself for a moment.”

“Yes, yes, my boy, take all the time you need. It warms my heart to finally see a smile on my daughter’s face.”

Aaron walked over to my seat and helped me up. He took my arm in his and led me toward the garden. By the time we got there, I realized he had taken off my glove and I smiled as he took my other hand. A smile danced across his lips but his eyes showed no emotion. I stared into them. They were darker, they had seen more then he had been willing to tell. He shook his head slightly and pulled a single jewel on a gold chain from his pocket.

“This jewel nearly cost me my life,” he whispered as he gently put it around my neck, “It was all worth it just to be here with you again.” He rested his hands on my shoulders and I shivered slightly. He pulled them back quickly and I fiddled with the necklace. The jewel was deep red unlike any jewel I had seen before. It was simple, yet it had a story behind it. One I was not ready to hear, but amazed that Aaron had risked his life for such a simple gem.

Aaron stared at the jewel around my neck. “We should go back,” he whispered still mesmerized by the red stone. I nodded and placed my hand over the jewel unconsciously. Aaron pulled my hand away from my neck and placed it upon his lips. Again, I was struck by the feeling that the kiss was forced. I pulled back nervously and he stared at me amazedly. I glanced at him and lowered my eyes. He looked as if I had slapped him. His eyes turned to stone and he turned his back to me already making long strides back into the ballroom.

As I watched him walk away, tears fell silently down my cheeks. ‘This is not the man who left,’ I thought, ‘His eyes have never been so cold.’

I made my way silently to my room and managed to get back before anybody could wonder why I was so distressed. I closed the door to my bedchamber behind me and slid down the door. I crawled away from the door and turned around so I was facing it. I stared at the door, tears still streaming down my face, hoping that my door would open and Aaron would be there eager to explain his behavior. The door did not open. No explanation. Just me, staring at the door, grasping the jewel while the tears fell harder and I crumpled into a pile on the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head, face down on them, the tears staining the gown.

I crawled onto my bed and cried into the covers and pillows until the darkness of sleep surrounded me. I was so worn out from crying, I barely noticed the light rap the door. I curled up tight under the blanket and ignored the knocking. The door swung open slowly and Aaron walked lightly toward my bed. “I know you’re awake, Elizabeth,” he whispered loudly enough for me to hear him.

“Please,” he pleaded, “I need to talk to you.”

His voice sounded helpless and weak. The mere thought that he needed me, compelled me to follow him outside into the darkness. He did not make a sound, as we made our way through the corridors, and I could not see very far in front of me. When I could no longer hear Aaron, I began to get anxious. I felt blindly through the dark, straining for any sound of movement.

Without any warning, I heard the ruffle of clothing, felt the flutter of his breath upon my neck, and I saw his soft, dark hair fall on his pale skin. He pulled me close and whispered, “I’m sorry,” into my ear. He kissed my neck softly and then I felt pain. I gasped, but the sound of his voice in my head soothed the pain and eased my worries. He fed and I began to feel weak. I could feel my heart pounding as he pulled away. I gasped again at the sudden pain that filled my chest. Aaron placed me softly on the ground and my heart began to beat faster. My eyes darted from the dark sky to Aaron’s blood stained lips.

“But,” I whimpered, “I’m too young to die.”

Aaron gave a soft chuckle, “And I, only 4 years older than you, deserved to be damned?”

“I loved you,” I managed to say between gasps; “You are a monster.”

Laughter danced in Aaron’s eyes, and even though he did not make a sound, I could hear the ringing of his laughter in my head. “I may be a monster, my love, but I am immortal which you are not. I would save your last breaths for words more worthwhile than telling me what I have become.”

My eyes began to droop and each breath I took was raggedy. “My father will kill you,” I managed to whisper.

“He will have to find me first,” Aaron responded. He bent down close to my face and ripped the chain from my neck. He stared at the jewel in his hand and laughed. He kissed my forehead leaving a lip shaped stain with my own blood. The last thing I saw before darkness enveloped my vision was Aaron’s cold eyes gazing down at me and the smirk dancing at the corners of his mouth.

Chapter 1

I threw my sketchpad across my room and glared at the walls surrounding me. There was a light tap on my door and it opened revealing the worried look on my mother’s face.

“Is everything alright, sweetheart?” She questioned.

I scowled, “No, I can never get his face right. I can see it in my mind, but I can’t draw the face on paper.”

“Miranda,” my mom whispered, “Why do you get into such detail for your homework art sketches?”

I stared at her unable to explain the passion that I felt for art. Every detail meant something to me. If it was not perfect, I had not done it right.

“Mom, I just need to be alone for right now. Please leave.” I said exasperated.

She pursed her lips. “Dinner will be done in an hour then,” she said as she closed the door. I watched the door, day dreaming about my sketch. Mrs. Simon had asked us to draw something from the past. It could be any general event in the past, or something more significant if we were willing to share. My father’s face darted across my mind’s eye again. I groaned and fell back on my bed staring at the ceiling. I folded my arms behind my head and tried to remember every last line in his face, every freckle, and every crinkle of a smile playing in the corners of his eyes. ‘Ah the sweet memories from the past,’ I thought.

I jumped as my bedroom window began to slide open. I hurried to the end of the bed and held my mechanical pencil over my head ready to stab. I heard laughter before I actually saw his face.

“You should have seen the look on your face!” he exclaimed.

“Oh my God! I hate you, Stephen!” I screamed.

He just laughed as he stumbled into my room. “What were you going to do with a pencil, anyway?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” I laughed, masking the fact that I could do a lot more with a pencil then most people could do with a knife. He shook his head at all the crumpled sketch paper littering my floor.

“C’mon,” he said, “We’re all going to Mason’s party, and I believe you need a break.”

“And since when have you known what I needed,” I sighed as he looked at the CDs that were covering my desk. He tore his eyes away from the Blink 182 cover and smiled at me.

“I’ve always known what you needed,” he said, “You just won’t tell me what you want.”

‘What do I want?’ I wondered, ‘I want him, but we’ve been friends for too long,’ I thought as I watched him. “C’mon,” he pleaded, “For me?” I sighed again, “Oh alright, but let me tell my mom and give me a few minutes to change.”

A grin spread across his face and he kissed my forehead. “You’ve got it,” he whispered, “I’ll be waiting out front for you.” He made his way to the window and waved back to me above his shoulder before he was gone through the rectangular opening. I rushed to my closet and threw on my light blue skirt and a pink tank top with crème lace lining the top. I searched for my flip-flops under the mess of clothing on my closet floor. I slipped my flip-flops on and went to the bathroom to brush my chocolate brown hair. My mom heard my flip-flops. “Miranda, what are you doing?” she questioned.

“I’m just got invited to go out with some friends,” I replied, “We’ll probably end up just hanging out at Sarah’s house. Nothing big, Mom. Just like a little get together.”

She sighed, “I really wish you weren’t so ‘spur of the moment’ all the time,” she muttered.

“Can I go?” I asked.

“I suppose so. I can’t really stop you and you’re basically ready to run out the door anyway.” She responded.

I grabbed a light jacket and put my lip gloss in the pocket as I folded it over my arm. I ran my fingers through my hair and kissed my mom’s cheek as I walked past. “Thanks, Mom. I love you. Be back before one, promise,” I said as I made my way out the door. “Love you too and be careful!” I heard her yell as the door closed behind me.

Stephan saw me coming down my walk and opened the passenger door for me.

“Why thank you,” I laughed, “Trying out your moves on me I see.”

“Why else would you be my friend?” he joked.

He patted the steering wheel. “Okay, we’re going to go pick up Tyler and Sarah,” he thought aloud.

Stephan put the 1975 firebird in gear and I turned on the radio. H.I.M. sprang from the speakers and we both sang along to the passion filled lyrics of “Heartache Every Moment”. I looked at Stephan. “Steph, you hear the passion in his voice?” I asked. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, “Yeah.”

“Well, that’s how I feel about art and nobody seems to understand why I feel so passionate about it.”

We had stopped in front of Sarah’s house and Steph had turned to look at me. “Miranda, I understand and you know I do, or at least with all we’ve been through together concerning our families you would know that I understand,” he looked around as if confused of where we were. “Well we’re here!” he exclaimed, “You wait in the car and I’ll go get Sarah and hopefully Tyler will be over here like I asked him to be.”

“Yeah, hopefully,” I mumbled.

I sighed heavily as soon as the car door closed and flipped through radio stations. I almost danced with glee when I stumbled across “Little Black Backpack” and turned it up so it was blaring out the windows. The song had just ended when my door opened and I saw Sarah smiling at me. “Awe you looks so cute when you’re singing,” she giggled.

I smiled, “I do, don’t I?”

Sarah scrunched her nose, “No, actually it’s kind of repulsive,” she joked.

“Oh hush, you,” I said, “You won’t crush my dreams of stardom.”

I lifted the back of my seat so Sarah could squeeze in behind me. Tyler, already behind Steph’s seat, looked at me. “The way you were wiggling, I thought you were singing Madonna,” he shrugged, “How was I to know?” I laughed, slightly embarrassed, and went back to listening to the radio as Steph and Tyler talked about the future band they were going to have. I stared out the window watching the scenery race by.

“Miranda?” Sarah’s voice called to me. I shook my head.


“We’re here,” she said.

“Oh!” I exclaimed, realizing that we were the only two in the car. I got out of the car and lifted the chair for her. “Sorry, I must’ve spaced out,’” I laughed.

Sarah got out of the car and hugged me. I was a little confused. “What was that for?” I asked.
“You just looked like you needed a hug,” she explained. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and I did the same. “C’mon,” she said, “Lets go have some fun.”

Tyler and Steph were waiting for us at the door and Tyler shook his head when Sarah and I started bumping hips. Sarah broke away from me and dragged Tyler closer to the booming speakers to dance. “There’s something going on between those two,” I heard Steph say as he came up behind me, “Oh well. Hey, I’m going to go find Mason.”

He patted my shoulder lightly and I nodded. I stood there watching the sweat soaked bodies “bump and grind.” Tyler and Sarah were nowhere in sight. I jumped nearly three feet in the air when Mason came up behind me and poked my sides. “Hey,” he said as he casually draped his arm around my shoulders, “You look upset, kind of distant.”

“I’m fine,” I managed to say as I cleared my throat, “Where’d Steph disappear to?”

“Oh I don’t know. I think Kelley dragged him off somewhere. Anyway, Miranda, I’d like you to meet Aaron,” Mason encouraged.

A curly mop of dark hair bobbed in front of my vision. “Sorry, man,” the voice said, “I got stuck in the crowd. Now, what was your name again? I’m afraid I missed that.”

He turned around and flashed a smile in my direction. My eyes widened as I mumbled my name. He was gorgeous. His looks screamed emo rocker and tortured poet. Aaron was lean, but you could see the muscles ripple under his tight, vintage, Mario Bros. Peach Princess shirt. He had high cheekbones, and his eyes were a warm chocolate color. I had to restrain myself from uncontrollably throwing my body at him. Mason touched my arm. “Miranda?” he questioned.

“Huh?” I replied shaking my head.

“Are you alright?” Mason asked his brows slightly furrowed.

“I’m fine,” I told him as Aaron took my hand. “Miranda, huh?” he smiled, “And where is your Ferdinand?” he asked referring to my favorite Shakespeare play, The Tempest. An image of Steph flashed in my mind, but quickly destroyed as Kelley opened one of the many doors dragging him behind her. ‘Slut,’ I thought as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. I looked back at Aaron.

“Unfortunately, Ferdinand doesn’t exist,” I told him. “That’s a shame,” he said to me as he looked into my eyes. I shook my head and looked around the room. Mason had begun to make his way through the crowd to “mingle” with the others. I took my hand from Aaron and put my thumbs in the pockets. “So, are you new around here? Like, are you a new student at Nywatt?” I asked him hopefully.

“Yeah,” he responded, “I just registered the other day. My brother and I moved in down the street.”

“That’s cool,” I said nodding. He nodded too, looked down at his Converse All Stars, and looked back up at me nervously. “Um,” he began shakily, “I was wondering if maybe… Well if maybe we could do something together sometime?” I smiled and thought to myself. ‘He’s a total hottie and he seems to be pretty sincere. Well and why shouldn’t I go out with him?’ “I’d like that a lot,” I told him as my cheeks began to burn. He flashed another one of his gorgeous smiles in my direction. I smiled back and started moving slightly to “Toxic” by Britney Spears. I admit she isn’t really my taste in music, but when you hear the music you can’t help but move. Aaron grabbed my hand and led me through the gyrating bodies. He pulled me closer and whispered, “Would you like to dance?”

“I’d love to,” I replied as he put his hands on my hips and I began moving to the music. Aaron was fast to catch on and started moving at all the right times in all the right ways. We laughed as Britney faded out to Tony Bennett. “Man, Mason has an odd taste in music,” I told Aaron as I tried to catch my breath. “Yeah,” he agreed and looked around the room noticing all the couples. “Would you like to dance?” he asked for the second time. I nodded and he took my hand in his and put the other one around my waist.

‘This is great,’ I thought, ‘Not only is he utterly irresistible, he’s also a great dancer. What else has he got up his sleeves? An awesome band? Published works? Oh, I cannot wait until I see him at school.’ Aaron pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder on impulse. I wrapped both arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I felt him twirl the ends of my hair around his fingers and I imagined running my fingers through his dark hair. I saw Steph dancing with Kelley and I couldn’t help but smile at him. He smiled back at me and I thought that maybe Steph wasn’t for me. Maybe we are just meant to be friends. I closed my eyes and inhaled Aaron’s barely noticeable cologne. ‘Yes,’ I thought, ‘this is exactly right.’

The song ended and Nelly’s “Air Force Ones” pounded against the walls. Aaron lifted my chin, “Hey, let’s get out of here. Wanna go for a walk?” he asked. I nodded and he took my hand leading me toward the door. We started walking past all the cars and a burst of cold air blew past us. “Hold up,” I told him as I ran to Steph’s car. I opened the door and grabbed my jacket putting it on as I walked back to Aaron. I lifted my hair up from under the jacket and snagged my hair on my necklace. Aaron glanced at my neck and his eyes seemed to widen in disbelief.

“Hey, that’s neat,” he said, “Can I ask where you got it?”

“Um… Yeah, I got it from my dad before he left. I’ve never taken it off ever since… Well ever since he died in the car crash,” I told him nervously fiddling with the necklace.

Aaron looked slightly embarrassed, “Oh, I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to upset you,” he whispered to me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him trying to keep warm and hoping to get my father’s face out of my mind’s eye. “I guess you miss him. I’m sure he was a good guy and a great father,” he said absentmindedly. I shoved my hand inside my jacket pockets and turned around sharply so I was facing him. “Listen,” I said just as sharply as my body had moved, “I really don’t want to talk about this. My father is dead… gone. Just leave it at that, okay?” He stared at me as the wind blew a piece of my hair into my face making it stick to my lip gloss. I brushed it away and turned back around to continue walking.

“Miranda,” he called to me. I turned around and saw him walking briskly to try to catch up with me.

I turned around to see him looking at me with his hands shoved into his pockets. I motioned for him to catch up and pulled my jacket tighter around me. He jogged lightly until he was next to me. Aaron furrowed his brows as he watched his shoes scuff the sidewalk.

He took a rattled breath and glanced at me. He opened his mouth as if he was going to speak, but instead furrowed his brows again. He concentrated hard on the black of his Chuck Taylor’s. The wind hard and made bumps appear on my legs. I didn’t even that I was shivering until Aaron had placed his jacket over my shoulders.

“Aren’t you cold?” I asked him.

“No,” he replied as he shook his head and squinted into the distance. He looked back at me and studied my profile. He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. “There’s something about you,” he said as he curled my hair around his finger. He smirked as the ends of my hair twined around his fingertips and I shifted to face him. “Something about me, huh? And how do you figure that?” I asked. He ran his fingers lightly down my cheek and neck until he reached the chain of my necklace. He concentrated hard on the jewel. “I don’t know,” he managed to whisper. I brought my hand to his and covered it over the chain. Aaron squeezed my hand and brought his down to his side. I sighed slightly disappointed as my hand dropped.

We walked in silence until we had reached the end of the street. I leaned on a tree and crossed my arms over my chest. Aaron pulled himself onto one of the sturdy limbs gracefully. His feet dangled in front of my face and he leaned forward to fix his shoelaces. He was balanced perfectly on the limb and seemed completely at home between the branches.

He nudged my shoulder with the toe of his shoe. “What are you thinking about?” he asked. “Going home,” I replied, “I don’t want to, but I have classes to take tomorrow.”

“Oh, what kind of classes?”

“Usually different stuff every weekend,” I told him as he leaped down from the branch.

“That sounds interesting,” he mused.

“Yeah,” I agreed, “it is a lot of fun. Sarah and I have been signing up for classes together ever since we met in dance class. So far we’ve taken tap, jazz, ballet, karate, Thai Chi, fencing, pottery, drawing, painting, Jazzercise, Punk Rock aerobics, and many more.”

Aaron chuckled, “Well, you’re certainly well rounded in extracurriculars aren’t you?”

I smiled up at him, “Now, what gave you that idea?”

“Oh, just a feeling I got,” he said. “Just a feeling.”

“If you ask me, these feelings you get are pretty accurate,” I accused.

He faltered slightly as he fed me his answer of, “lucky guess.” We stood in sort of an awkward silence, but it didn’t last long as the night stillness was shattered by the call of Aaron’s name ringing down the street. Aaron sighed as he looked toward the source. I pulled at a lose string on the jacket’s sleeve while I tried to keep from wondering if the sigh was of relief, or annoyance.

Aaron touched my shoulder lightly to take my attention away from the fraying cuff.

“Listen, I’m sorry to leave like this, but I’m almost positive that’s my brother so I should probably head back home,” he told me.

I nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’s fine. Just let me give you your jacket back real quick,” I replied as I began pulling my arm out. Aaron shook his head and stopped me from taking it off. “Keep it,” he said as he pulled the sleeve back up my arm. “Gives me a reason to bug you again sometime.”

I smiled, “Well, um… goodnight then?”

“Goodnight,” he agreed.

He shoved his hand back in his pockets and watched me make my way back to the party. I sighed as I made my way through the crowd trying to find my friends. “Time to go home,” I mumbled to myself.

Chapter 2

Aaron cracked his neck as he made his way back to his house that he shared with one of the newborn fledglings. He sighed once more as he thought back on his encounter with Miranda. ‘She’s different,’ he admitted to himself, ‘nothing like her father. She’s stronger mentally, but not much. Now, what could this brat want now?’ Directing the last part of his thought to the mind of the young immortal, Zach, who was waiting for him at the door.

“I didn’t um… I didn’t mean to interrupt you during your hunt, honest,” Zach explained to him nervously.

Aaron scoffed, “If you had interrupted me I wouldn’t be standing here before you.”

“Oh well, um…”

Aaron stopped him and scowled, “You reek of fear, Zachariah, and if you continue to act as prey I will treat you as such.”

Zach nodded and went to open the door for Aaron. Aaron shook his head in disapproval. He couldn’t understand why Zach would continue to lower himself to being no better than a servant.

Zach was a healthy young man with a more filled out body and the same dark hair as Aaron. He could easily look just as old as Aaron appeared, or a few years older. The only thing that separated the two was the hundreds of years of immortality that Aaron held over Zach, and the simple, deep red jewel that hung around his neck under his shirt. That one jewel defined Aaron as on of the most powerful and feared of all true immortal vampires.

Aaron’s thoughts returned to Miranda as he made his way past the formal living room to his bedroom, which also served as his office. Zach trailed behind him waiting for any offhand instructions. Aaron ignored Zach’s presence as he tried to convince himself that he felt no attraction to Miranda.

“Have you ever heard of a man named Kelley?” Aaron asked Zach while taking a seat at his desk chair.

Zach shook his head slightly ashamed.

Aaron let out a sigh of annoyance, but began his story. “Well, Kelley was one of those mortals that believed he had been called to fight against evil. This was naturally understandable because Kelley had this sort of sixth sense. He could see things of unusual nature including the heavy burden of our pasts and the souls that continue to roam the earth in eternal turmoil. He could also sense a being's power. It drove him mad to know that not only did the undead contain the most power, but the most dangerous. We have a sort of charm that can overwhelm people allowing them to be our next victim and we are gifted with heightened senses along with a few other abilities that no mortal can posses.

“So anyway, Kelley took it upon himself to seek us out and destroy what bittersweet lives we led. He was a fierce man making him a worthy opponent, and had he been given the chance, he would have made one of the strongest vampires of our time,” Aaron paused to make sure he still had Zach’s attention.

“While he killed many of the weaker fledglings, he never thought to fight against their immortal elders. That is until we threatened his daughter’s life. Out threat only outraged Kelley causing him to lash out at us with such anger and force. I had never seen anyone so determined and I will remind you that I have lived for a long time.

“He managed to slay one of the creators of our kind, Othronus. Kelley ripped the jewel from Othronus’ neck and then plunged his knife deep into his heart. Then, knowing that Othronus’ death would cause a stir of emotion among the vampire community, he hurried back to the aide of his daughter. He fashioned the jewel to her liking and made sure she wore it to protect her from us.

“Foolishly, we decided that Kelley wasn’t worth the pursuit and remained hidden from his sight. It began an unspoken truce, if Kelley didn’t see us then neither side would seek the other out. Of course we sent one of the fledglings to spy on Kelley and his family. We soon discovered that he had taught his daughter defense and fighting techniques that could save her from us. That much we had expected, but what we hadn’t expected were the nighttime tales that included our descriptions and weaknesses. While we thought nothing of the girl, the secrets her father had told her were not to be ignored. Meaning his death awaited him as soon as his guard was down.

“Even though it took nearly five years to complete his fate it was well worth the wait. There were many calling for his blood, but only seven were allowed to witness his death. I was among that seven and I watched as three silent tears fell from Kelley’s eyes while they began. They used his own knife to cut off his fingers and work their way up his limbs. It was almost beautiful to watch the death I had never felt. They then took his mangled and dismembered body and placed it in his car. The car was later crashed into a boulder where it burst into flames destroying the body and leaving nothing but ash,” Aaron finished and looked back at Zach whose face showed a display of amusement, disgust, and shock.

Zach stared at the blank wall behind Aaron’s head as he grasped in his mind to find the right words to state his question, “Will I be subjected to such acts of morbidity often?”

Aaron chuckled softly, “Only if you want to, besides the opportunities are rare and few.”

Zach sighed and then asked the questions that had been on his mind since the beginning of Aaron’s tale. “So why are you telling me all this?”

Rubbing his eyes in exhaust, Aaron explained the reasoning behind his story, “Well, the council is calling for Othronus’ jewel. Whoever can retrieve the jewel and destroy the power that has kept it for these many years will get to serve in his place. Kelley’s daughter was the last known owner of the jewel and I know where she is. Her name is Miranda, and if I assume correctly she’s closer to her death than she can even fathom.”

Zach snorted with Aaron’s last comment, “You sound like one of those cartoon villains.”

Aaron grinned. “Well, I’m glad I could lighten the mood. So, why exactly were you calling me back anyway?”

"Somebody's been calling all night, but everytime I answer all I hear is some foreign language. It almost sounds like Latin."

Aaron's eyes widened. "The council..." he gaped, "But what do they want with me? They haven't summoned me since the massacre in Russia. Nearly two hundred years and now they ask for me."

Noticing that Aaron was lost in thought, Zach took it as a sign for him to leave.

Zach sighed as he felt the familiar ache begin in his gums and flow through his veins to his chest. He was too take his prey by force, but he hadn't fed for days. If he didn't fee soon he'd go mad from bloodloss. Gathering what strength he could, Zach willed himself...
© Copyright 2003 Brittany Alyn (happixbunni7 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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