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Will old flames be rekindled? |
This part is not yet edited. I would like to thank 4 people for encouraging me to continue on with this little venture: My darling fiance’ John (emilbus322), Jim (Incurable Romantic), Nelda Moody, and Day...without you guys reading it and helping me along the way, it would still just be a story line floating through my brain! I am blessed to have each of you in my life! Thank you all! Merry Christmas! Part 5 The Dream Weaver was amused at the twist of events. Beth was playing right into his hands now, and that’s the way he liked it! *** David found himself in a large, dome shaped room. The room appeared to be made of glass. In the center was a single bed covered in nearly blinding white linens. Next to the bed was a glass topped table and a single chair, embossed in the same blinding white fabric that covered the bed. He didn’t know how long he was going to be kept here, but he knew it wasn’t going to be easy to stay confined and silent. The glass around him seemed more intense than being at the Imax. At least at the Imax, you viewed a large screen that covered the entire wall before you. Ceiling to floor, and left to right. But this, this was completely surrounding him. Every degree of the room reflected Beth. Her kissing Mark, her humming afterward. Their lunch and all they had talked about. It was more than he could bare and he silently began to crumble. He knew that the Dream Weaver wouldn’t allow him to go to her tonight. He feared that her dreams would be intertwined with her memories of Mark and their past together. He laid down on the bed trying to get focused. But the images wouldn’t dissipate, they just kept playing over and over. At some point, he fell asleep from complete mental exhaustion. When he awoke, he could see Beth curled up in her bed. Safe, alone, and sleeping peacefully. She appeared to be sleeping sound, there was no sign of emotion displayed on her face. For that, he was grateful. He sighed a sigh of relief and went back to sleep, this time, he felt more at ease. *** Beth could hear the phone ringing, but she found herself unable to move. She now knew what Naudia meant about feeling drugged. In her mind, she knew she had to get up...she had to answer the phone...had to get to work. But her mind was unable to coax her body. She quickly faded back to sleep. *** Mark came into the store for coffee, hoping to find Beth and ask for another date. Lunch, Dinner, he didn’t care. He just wanted more TIME with her. Jeremy was still there, and he didn’t see Beth anywhere. “Hey Jeremy, what are you still doing here?” “Beth hasn’t shown up yet and when I called her, there was no answer.” “Is that like her? I mean, it’s not the Beth I know.” “No, it’s not like her at all! I don’t know what the hell is going on.” “Yesterday at lunch, she told me she still lives the same place she used to, maybe I should go over and check to make sure she’s alright?” “Dude, that’d be cool. Do you mind?” “No, just let me call my boss and let him know, then I will head to her house.” “Great! Can you call me when you get there? I’ll call Daniel and see if he can come in early.” “No problem! I’ll call and let you know what’s up.” “Thanks man! I am so ready to blow this joint!” “It’ll take me about 15 minutes to get there. I’ll call you as soon as I know what’s up, OK?” “Sure dude, thanks!” Mark couldn’t wait to get to her side, he knew something wasn’t right! He had to know she was ok. God knows I love her! I always have, I always will! He thought to himself. When Mark reached Beth’s house, he noticed there seemed to be no movement. He knocked on the door, nothing. He called her from his cell, no answer. Mark started checking window’s and doors. He found the back door slightly ajar. He opened the door the rest of the way and stepped inside. He was concerned about the door being opened and hoped she was OK. He began looking around the living room and kitchen, nothing seemed disturbed. In fact, it looked like nothing had been really changed since he had been here years before. Same decor, same Beth. He thought to himself. Her car was still in the driveway, but he didn’t see her anywhere. He started down the hallway calling her. “BETH, are you here? Are you OK?” She could hear him, but she found herself unable to respond to him. He made his way to the bedroom where he found her lying in her bed, peacefully asleep. He stroked her long velvety hair and talked gently to her, hoping to wake her up and maybe have a little quite TIME together. Just the two of them, alone. He loved the thought! "Beth, are you alright honey? Beth wake up." But she didn’t respond. Fear immediately consumed him! Something just wasn’t right! He ran to the phone to call 911. “911, what is your emergency?” “It’s my uh, my girlfriend. I can’t get her to wake up. She is not responding to anything!” “Is she breathing?” “Yes ma’am, she's breathing but not moving.” “Did she take any medication?” “No, Beth’s not like that! Can you please get a paramedic here?” “Calm down sir, the paramedics have already been dispatched. They should be there any second.” “They are, they're at the door now!” Mark slammed the phone down while the operator was still in mid stream of her sentence. Mark threw open the door and ushered them to Beth’s bed. They checked her pulse and tried to talk to her. She was barely able to respond to their questions, she was only slightly coherent! She informed them that she was merely exhausted and had to get some sleep. The EMT looked at Mark. “Are you sure she didn‘t take any medication that would knock her out?” “I’m sure, Beth's been really tired lately. She wouldn’t need anything to help her sleep!” “Well, what do you want us to do? Should we take her to the hospital for more tests and observation?” “No, I’ll stay with her until she’s awake and doing OK.” “OK, call us again if she doesn’t come around in the next few hours.” “Yeah, sure. I’m sure she’ll be fine though.” “I am too or I’d be taking her in, better to be safe than sorry.” “Ya got that right. Thanks for coming.” Mark walked them to the door and called his boss to let him know that there had been a slight emergency and he wouldn’t be able to make it back in. Then he called Jeremy to let him know that Beth would be fine, she just needed some rest. “That’s good, glad to here its nothing major. Daniel is already on his way in, so everything will be covered here. Just tell her to rest up and we’ll see her tomorrow.” “OK. I’m going to stay with her until she’s awake and is doing OK.” “Alright, I’ll let Daniel know. See ya later.” “Bye.” Jeremy relayed the message to Daniel as soon as he arrived. Daniel still had an uneasy feeling about Mark and wasn’t real sure if he liked the idea of him being there with her. But what could he say? “She’s the boss.” Still, it bothered him that Beth was so exhausted all the time these days. And Naudia had been the same way. Neither one of them could get out of bed? “There is definitely something going on here.” But he had no idea what. *** Mark went back to the bedroom where Beth was again fast asleep. He moved her pillows around a bit, tucked her in and gently laid down beside her. She was laying on her side, so it made it easy for him to cuddle up next to her. He snuggled his chest to her back and let his arm relax over her stomach. “God I’ve missed this Beth.” He loved being so close to her again. He got lost in the fragrance of her flowing golden brown hair. Her scent was always enough to send him over the edge, but for now, he knew that he could only lay there and hold her. He was content with that. He knew that he would have more TIME later to continue where they had left off in their relationship. He also knew he could be patient if he had to be. He wasn’t going to lose her again. *** David felt completely helpless. He hated what he was seeing, yet he knew he was powerless to stop it. He only hoped Mark would back off. But he felt that wasn’t likely to happen. He was worried about Beth. She seemed as though she was so far out of it. He didn’t understand what was happening to her. “God let her be OK!” David couldn’t shake the images of Mark holding her while she slept. “Damn, it should be me holding her. I should be the one there to take care of her. Not him!” But his words fell on deaf ears. He was still alone in this room with no way to communicate with Beth. *** The Dream Weaver was pleasantly pleased with how the players were finally playing the game. He was also very excited about the way Mark was taking over the lead. That one needs no prompting at all! He thought to himself. He is going to make this game so much more intriguing. *** Mark fell asleep holding her like he was never going to let her go again. He had no intentions of it. He was finally home again, and that is where he planned on staying! This concludes part 5 of my little story...look for
Thanks for all your support! Gina |