Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/787789-Shadow-of-a-Tower
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #787789
Living in the shadow of a lifetime of Sarah tries to break free.
The Castle looked splendid in the early morning light, the spires of the towers seemingly stretching as though just woken. Sarah sighed in envy of the site. She put the stack of pictures she held back on the table and smiled at her friend, Monica.

'You'll see' Sarah said, 'someday I'll have an adventure to share with you.'

Monica laughed and swiped the pictures back into their envelope.

'I say we get ready for the concert instead.' Monica pulled Sarah off the couch. 'I hear this band is rocking and Valerie hinted that she could use your decorating expertise.'

Sarah sighed dramatically as she allowed Monica to drag her over to the closet. They shuffled through the many articles of clothing until both were assured of their Goddess-esque appearances. That done, Sarah grabbed the keys to her car and they were off.

Monica marveled in the fresh air rushing through her hair as they drove. Sarah rolled her eyes at Monica's dog-like happiness, but she, too enjoyed the feeling of having the top down. It had been a major selling point for the car. Only a convertable offered this much of an appearance of freedom.

Soon enough they arrived at the club. Sarah parked in her highly prized employee parking spot and the two girls slid out of the convertible like the Goddesses they believed themselves to be.

As soon as Sarah set foot in the club all other thoughts left her mind and she immediately took control of the other slacker employees, who were hanging over by the bar. Valerie entered the area amid Sarah digging through drawers and flinging open cabinets behind the bar. Monica sat on a bar stool in awe of Sarah's enthusiasm. Valerie watched as Sarah began shouting directions over her shoulder. In response, the slacker employees jumped to work. Monica noticed Valerie and beckoned her over.

'How was Europe?' Valerie asked, as she sat down.
'Fantastic as usual.' Monica sighed, 'I wish I could live there.'
'I'd be happy if you'd just drag me along some time.' Sarah said as she slammed a cabinet closed. 'Valerie, where the fuck are the black-light decorations?'

Valerie grimaced at the force of the question and slid off her stool. She walked to her office and came back with a mail order package. Sarah's eyes glazed over at the site.

'Is that...' Sarah held out her arms to box.

Valerie grinned and gave the box to Sarah. Sarah set it on the bar and pulled a swiss-army knife out of her skirt's back pocket. The cutting open of the box was almost like a religious ceremony. And when the flaps were fully open, Sarah squealed in joy. Monica laughed at her cynical friend's ecstatic joy.

'I take it I did well then?' Valerie grinned at Monica.

Sarah threw herself at Valerie, knocking her onto the floor in her enthusiasm. Everyone started laughing and Sarah got herself off of Valerie only to fall on her ass laughing. The slacker employees came over to help the two young women off the floor. Sarah once on her feet, walked unsteadily back to her post behind the bar.

'Drinks anyone?' She said, her frame still shaking in laughter.
'Drinks all around!' Valerie giggled as she struggled back onto a stool.

Sarah calmed herself and in an instant her natural ease behind the bar kicked in. She brought out 7 glasses and three unmarked bottles. With practiced grace, she poured a balanced amount of each into all of them-all but one. All of this done with not one drop spilled. Everyone watched in amazement.

'Bottoms up!' Sarah said raising her glass.

Everyone leaned back and swallowed.

'Did I hear drinking?' out popped a head from the office door.
'No worries Ed.' Sarah picked up the remaining glass. 'Made one for you as well.'

Ed grinned and bounded over to the bar.

'Although...' Sarah pulled the glass just out of his grasp, 'You still have a week until it's legal.'
'Fuck you.' Ed said and snatched the glass from her, chugging it in one swift movement.

He choked and started coughing. Everyone looked at him funny. Except Sarah, who smiled sweetly.

'What the hell was that?!' Ed wheezed.
'A new concoction.' Sarah leaned forward. 'Made especially foryou.'
'You're horrible,' Monica smiled, shaking her head.
'So, Val,' Sarah turned from Ed. 'Who are these silent slackers?'
'Oh, God, where are my manners?!' Valerie turned to the slackers. 'This is the band.'
'I'm sorry?' Sarah looked extremely lost.
'Josh, Sam and Gabriel. Aren't they the cutest guys you've laid your eyes on?' Valerie pinched on of their cheeks.
'Yeah okay, but...' Sarah heaved herself to sit on the bar.
'It's a new thing Valerie's been trying.' Monica explained.

Sarah shook her head exasperated.

'This is what I get for going home for a couple months.' she sighed.
'I had to get some sort of assistance.' Valerie cried. 'You count for like 10 people alone, and you AND Monica were going to be gone for awhile. That, and, everyone else out for hire were like 5 times your pay. Which, by the way, makes me love you guys that much more. Anyway, I decided to try and have the bands decorate the place for themselves.
'Out of breath?' Sarah smiled.
'Only a little.' Valerie smirked.
'Um,' one of the band interrupted, 'Do you think we could finish this place before it's supposed to open?'
'First things first.' Sarah looked sternly at the band. 'Which of you is which?'
'I'm Josh.' The one who'd spoken up earlier. His white-blond hair stood out among the darker two.
'Sam,' the next half-smiled, and waved. Though his hair was now a rich green-which matched his eyes-the light brown roots were evident.
'And you're Gabriel?' Sarah smiled at the last.

Gabriel looked up at her and met her eyes, unsmiling. Then, swiftly, he looked back down into his shot glass. Sarah was taken a back.

'Don't mind him.' Sam looked at his friend empathetically. 'His girlfriend just broke up with him last night.' Sarah cringed.
'Ugh, I know what that's like.' Sarah put a hand on Gabriel's arm, feeling him wince, yet refusing to remove the offending hand. 'Gabriel...do you mind if I call you Gabe? No? Good. How 'bout a heartbrake sundae, Gabe? On the house.'

Gabe looked at her pitifully Sarah smiled then kissed him. Gabe froze, his face flushed, Sarah laughed and jumped off the bar.

'Let's get this place funked up!' she said, and dumped the contents of the box out on the bar.

Sarah stepped back to admire their work. It looked like someone on acid had decided to become a decorator.

'Perfect isn't it?' Ed said beside her.
'Hell yeah,' Sarah slipped her arm around Ed's waist. 'So how've you been?'
'Pretty good.' He said, putting his arm around her shoulders. 'I broke up with Matt last week.'
'No way!' Sarah gave him a warm hug. Ed didn't try to stop her. 'You haven't told Val have you.'
'You know she'd baby me, and I can't deal with that.' Ed sighed. 'You're different. You listen, make suggestions, and offer yourself as a crutch if I so desire one.'
'Stop flattering me.' Sarah punched him. 'You really should tell her you know, she is your sister after all.'
'I know,' Ed smiled, squeezed Sarah's shoulders and walked over to join Monica by the stage while the band warmed up some more.

Sarah watched him, then went back to the bar. Once there, she set to work organizing everything for the evening. Eventually she lsot herself in thought while performing the monotonous tasks.

'Yo,' said a voice at the bar, almost causing Sarah to drop the bottle she was holding.
'Jesus!' Sarah panted, putting the bottle away. 'You scared me half to...'

Sarah found herself face to face with her ex. It had been 2 months now and Sarah could still feel the burn of his rejection. Why was he here? Why today? Why now? Sarah shook her head to clear out those questions.

'What the fuck do you want.' she glared at him.
'Whoa!' he held up his hands. 'Only to talk.'
'Get the fuck away from me.' Sarah said coldly.
'See now, that there,' he said pointing at her. 'That's why we aren't together anymore.'

Sarah's eyes flashed and she threw herself at him, hands wringing around his neck. Yet before she could do any real damage, she felt herself being bodily pulled off of him.

'Let go of me!' she screamed.
'Whoa there lady! Club hasn't even opened yet.' Ed said holding her tightly.
'Bullshit, he deserves this.' Sarah began struggling with renewed energy.
'Jack what the fuck do you think you're doing here?!' Monica screamed at the man panting on the ground.
'He's our new drummer.' Josh said jumping off the stage. 'You know him?'
'Oh no.' Monica replied sarcastically, 'We just enjoy jumping on random people we don't know.'

Sarah, realizing the futility of struggling finally fell limp, and only Ed knew she had started crying.

'All of you just get backstage and keep that thing away from the bar.' Valerie said, her voice deadly cold.

The band did as they were told, and the two others came over to Sarah's aid. She had managed to get herself behind the bar again, but her hands were shaking too much to even hold a glass, let alone pour into one.

'Deep breathes.' Ed was saying. 'And I'll help you out tonight.'

Sarah, about to protest was cut short.

'And I promise not to steal any drinks.' He smiled. 'You need the help on this side, Val can help Monica man the 'non-alcoholic' side tonight. She can multi-task the announcements, I promise.'

Sarah was too exhausted to try to argue anymore. Monica gave her friend a hug and sauntered past the band as they shuffled around backstage, trying to let the DJ get set up. Valerie hugged Sarah as well, then nodded to the Guards to start letting people in. As soon as the sound of the throng hit her ears, Sarah gained five degrees of composure. And when the first CD began to play-allowing the throng to get warmed up for the band-she felt herself smile. Ed gave her a squeeze then did a quick once over to familiarize himself and then opened the stamp drawer.

'Right arm, towards the chest, right?' He asked.
'Correct-a-mundo.' Sarah grinned. 'And we're using the blacklight ink tonight.'

Ed grinned, taking the stamp and ink out of the drawer, just in time for the swarm of people to clump up. Sarah checked IDs while Ed stamped. Many faces fell as they realized the owner of the club and her friends were clever. Sarah got a guilty pleasuer out of their pain.
Soon enough, the bar cleared a bit and Sarah poured herself and Ed a glass of water. The new DJ was on stage now and the throng loved him. The mass of bodies moving erratically on the floor created enough heat, the Sarah knew Valerie would soon have to blast the air conditioning, despite the outside temprature being below 20 degrees. This was the life. Sarah looked over and smiled at Ed who was still watching her carefully.

'I'm glad you stopped me.' She said.
'I almost didn't.' Ed grinned, 'I would have liked to watch him have the shit beaten out of him. Even better by you.'
'But?' Sarah slid onto the bar.
'Didn't want you arrested.'

Sarah threw back her head and laughed. As she relished the sense of freedom laughing gave her, she heard Valerie announce the band as the DJ hurried off the stage. The loud approval of the audience was audacious.

'Guess they're popular.' Sarah commented.
'No shit.' Ed pulled her down from the bar, looking uneasy.
'What?!' Sarah cried indignantly. "There are no customers.'
'He's here.'

Sarah whirled around and spotted a distraught looking young man approaching the bar. She looked to Ed, who had turned comletely white.

'I told you!' she hissed. 'You should have told Val! She had no idea not to redirect him!'

Ed looked forlorn. Sarah rolled her eyes.

'Go to the office.' she sighed. 'I'll talk with him.'

Ed hugged Sarah then retreated to the office. Matt continued his slow walk to the bar. When he looked up from the ground he saw Sarah and winced, but continued in his path.

'Hello Matt.' Sarah said. 'Drink?'
'No, I'm driving,' He looked down at the bar.
'He told me.' Sarah grabbed Matt's chin, forcing him to meet her gaze. 'Anything you got to say?'
'Fuck.' Matt winced. 'You wouldn't believe me.'
'But I'd listen before judging.' She said, not releasing him.
'I got scared.' he said, 'I couldn't tell my 'rents so I let them set me up.'
'And now?' Sarah let him sit on a stool.
'I came out and have officially been disowned.' Matt choked, 'I miss him Sarah. Like you wouldn't believe.'
'That's either a fantasmic lie,' Sarah paused. 'Or...or I need you to wait a few minutes. Go out and dance. I'll find you when I decide.'

Matt looked to the floor again and clambered off the stool. Sarah watched him trudge away. Ed reappeared by her side seconds later. he looked at her with anticipation.

'You listened?' he nodded. 'You want my opinion?' he nodded. 'Go to him.'

Ed smiled radiantly, and jumped clean over the bar, heading into the throng. Sarah hugged herself, wishing for a moment like that. No sooner had the thought entered her mind, she felt arms encircling her, and she relaxed in the embrace. Knowing full well that she shouldn't.

'Tell me what you need to say Jack.'
'I have a rather large fear of commitment.' he said into her ear. 'And I have five minutes in which we can talk before I'm back on stage.'
'So face me and talk.' Sarah disengaged herself from his warm arms and faced him.
'I thought if I broke up with you before we got too much further it would be less traumatizing for the both of us.'

The rest of the badn suddenly flocked to the bar. Sarah raised an eyebrow and Jack covered his smile.

'Would you like something?' she asked.
'Water and a story please.' Sam smirked.

Sarah reached below and grabbes four water bottles, handing one to each of the band. The she ducked below the counter, emerging with a small bowl of red and black colored ice cream.

'Heartbreak Sundae for the charming young Gabe.' she announced, handing over the sundae. 'But no story. Your fans have spotted you and your remaining break wouldn't be long enough.'

A horde of girls surrounded the band as they fought their way to the solitude of backstage. Sarah caught Jack's arm before he left.

'We can't ever get back together.' she said.

Jack looked at her. She smiled at the saddened appearance and ran her fingers down his prominant jawline.

'But we can be friends. That I promise you.' he said, reluctantly brushing her hand aside. 'And now back to business.'

As he walked away, Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath. At last, there was finalization. It still hurt, a lot, but she knew it would get better.


'The band was awesome Val, good job!' Monica slapped her friend on the back.
'Don't congratulate me. It was all Ed.' Val looked around. 'Where did he get off to.'

Sarah smiled knowingly. The realization dawned on her.

'Ed hired them?' she asked.

Valerie nodded and Sarah's face darkened.

'EDWARD VALENCE!' Sarah screamed.

Scrambling was heard in the office and Ed emerged looking sheepish and tousled.

'You knew didn't you.' Sarah intoned, striding towards him.
'Knew what?' Ed looked frantically to someone for help, but everyone was just as confused.
'Jack.' she hissed, Ed bit his lip and looked down. 'I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN! THAT'S THE REASON YOU STOPPED ME! YOU'VE BEEN PLANNING OUR 'reunion'. Well fuck you.'

Sarah was nose to nose with the cowering Ed.

'I quit.' Sarah turned to Valerie. 'I'm sorry Val. But I can't trust this gig anymore. This is the FOURTH guy he's tried to do this with. But this one was different and he knew it. I can't do it. Monica, if you want a ride, I'm leaving. Now.'

Sarah hitched up her skirt, grabbed her coat and stalked out the door. Monica raced to get into the car.


Sarah pulled over and Monica turned to her friend.

'Talk or shoulder?' Monica asked.
'Shoulder.' and Sarah started sobbing.

Monica unbuckled her seatbelt and leaned over to hold Sarah. This was worse than Monica had ever witnessed. Sarah, usually only prone to minor breakdowns, was weak with sobs.
Of course, the situation rather called for it, in a way. Sarah had just been forced to deal with her greatest heartbreak, screamed at one of her best friends, and quit the only thing that kept her happy recently. All in one night, what else could be expected? Yet, still, it threw Monica. She had never seen Sarah this vulnerable in the entire time they had been friends. It was a tad bit frightening.
After about twenty minutes, Sarah had calmed down.

'I'm driving us home.' Monica said.

Sarah nodded and switched seat with her friend. The open air surrounding the convertible was a typically loving embrace, not tonight. Tonight, it only kept Sarah awake, and coldly aware of the harsh reality that was now her life.
© Copyright 2003 Wallaby Wannabe (howlingwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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