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Backstory for two D4D characters. Nonconsensual violence. (NC) |
RAPE WARNING CODE: D (set in the D Is For Damien storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA PAIRING: Alec Bodine/Anna Clare (M/F) EXPLANATION: Hints are given in the novel D Is For Damien, and in "What You Want," that former Scorpio cultist Anna Clare (referred to only as "Miss Clare" in D4D) was brutally mistreated while she served as the "favorite" of then-high priest Alec Bodine. This mistreatment involved frequent beatings, rapes, and mutilations, not to mention near-constant humiliation; being favorite was not necessarily a good thing, especially as far as Bodine was concerned. (Even cult higher-up Gregory was seldom spared from Bodine's whims.) What made her the meek figure she was in D4D and in the later in-progress novel The Scorpio Murders? This scene shows only one of her very many times spent with Bodine, and despite its violence, this is VERY TAME compared to some of the other things he probably put her through. (As shown in "What You Want," she still bears scars, and is unable to have children.) My primary objectives here were explaining Miss Clare's fearfulness and showing Bodine's depravity. See also "Windup Toy" and "Keep Your Enemies Close" for more on this truly sick character...I think I have yet to come up with somebody as vicious as he was. That's counting all the characters in the Ameni Chronicles, even, which is saying quite a lot. DISCLAIMERS: None that I'm aware of. * * * * * Good Girl Gregory reappeared with Miss Clare walking behind him, her head hanging. He stepped aside to let her into the room and she walked directly over to Bodine though he hadn't said anything to her; as she did so Bodine gave a smile Gregory didn't like. He never liked what Bodine had in mind, especially when it involved the female members of the cult. He was used to fetching Miss Clare--her first name was Anna--for Bodine, but that didn't mean he had to like it. He started to turn back to the door. "Hold it," Bodine's voice stopped him. He paused, cringing silently. This had never happened before. Usually he was out once the woman was in. He knew there'd been something odd in Bodine's smile. He turned back to look at him, a question on his face, and Bodine just grinned back, drunk half out of his mind. "You stay," he said, pointing at him as if Gregory didn't know who he was talking about. "I'd like you to see what you're missing this time." Gregory forced his face to remain impassive. "I have other work to do--" "Work I assigned you. Drop it." "But you said you wanted me down at the--" "I don't care what I said," Bodine replied, his eyes narrowing and his tone getting ugly. "I'm telling you to stay." Another grin. "Besides, you might like it. I'm sure the lady will. Won't you, Anna?" She didn't say anything, just stood at his side, eyes on the floor. Gregory knew he had to give it up. The last thing he wanted to do was stay there and watch. But he turned his back to the door and stood straight as if guarding it, trying to tell himself that was what he was doing anyway, staring fixedly at a spot on the opposite wall. Bodine seemed to forget about him, at least momentarily, as he moved toward Miss Clare. She kept her hands locked in a tight knot at the base of her back and didn't move as he approached, abruptly grabbing her jaw, forcing her mouth open and jabbing inside with his tongue. Gregory couldn't help seeing it and flinched. He saw her do the same thing but she still didn't move. Bodine gave a guttural laugh, gripping her jaw tight in his fingers as he reached down with his other hand, releasing the zipper on his pants. He turned to glance at Gregory suddenly. "Hey!" His voice brought an immediate response from the other man standing near the door. "I said watch. If I see your eyes go wandering again, I'll make damn sure they won't be looking anywhere else anymore." Gregory shut his eyes briefly, took a breath, and opened them again, obeying. He'd have to watch for now. Maybe after, when Bodine got too caught up in what he was doing, he could sneak away without being noticed. It was the least he could hope for. He definitely didn't like watching. It had never been something he'd been particularly fond of. Yet he did so, and saw Bodine finish unzipping his pants, reaching inside and drawing himself out. Gregory flinched again; Bodine was already getting hard. He stepped back toward the bed, still gripping Miss Clare's jaw, until he reached it and then he let go of her, suddenly clutching her by her hair and forcing her down. She fell to her knees with a thud. Gregory winced at the sound and actually felt sorry for her, then tried to shove the feeling out of his mind. There was no place for sympathy here. She was lucky he was being this considerate with her. "Do it," Bodine ordered, his voice husky. As Gregory watched the woman reached out--her hands were shaking, he noticed--and took him in her fingers, guiding him into her mouth. That was something else Gregory didn't like. Bodine threw back his head and groaned out loud, shivering with pleasure. He sank down so he lay back over the bed, only his legs hanging off; Miss Clare shifted onto one knee, still sucking at him, her mouth moving up and down. She was grimacing and her eyes were shut tight. Gregory wished he could shut his, as well as his ears; Bodine groaned continuously, his hands spread flat against the junction of his thighs and lower belly, shifting his hips this way and that, seeking the most pleasurable motion. He grabbed the back of Miss Clare's head again and forced her down harder against his crotch, then pumped his hips upward; she didn't quite manage to suppress a gagging sound which only Gregory caught as she continued. Bodine's groans evolved into a series of words. "Ohhh, yes," he panted, shivering, his back arched up to create a hollow between him and the bed. "Yeah, you do that just right. Come on. Come on." His voice acquired a strained, urgent quality; he pushed his hips up twice, sharply, his hands running up and down slowly. "Do it faster. Come on, you can do it better than that." Miss Clare swallowed and started moving up and down faster. Gregory wanted to turn away; the back of his throat burned with disgust. Bodine growled and shuddered. "Come on. Come on," he whispered huskily. "Faster. Aw, yeah, you do that good. Ah! Come on!" He swiveled his hips, pushed up into her, shuddered again in a spasming motion with a guttural yell. Miss Clare flinched and her shoulders jerked; Gregory could tell Bodine had reached his orgasm, in the matter of only a few minutes. He shook his head with disgust. He wouldn't doubt that was the way it was all the time. He'd turned his head to the side when Bodine sat up panting heavily, unceremoniously pulling Miss Clare away from himself. He pulled her back, up to his face, almost immediately, and began kissing her again. There was no clock on the wall but Gregory had a vague sense of how much time was passing; after about ten or fifteen minutes he heard a sound and glanced back to see Bodine push the woman down onto the bed, pulling her dress up sharply and tearing off her underwear with a faint ripping sound. Gregory saw her jerk again, but she made no move to get away; Bodine looked up at Gregory and grinned, an ugly, almost feral grin. "Told you you'd start liking it, didn't I?" Gregory had to force himself not to sneer. "Don't look away now. I'm only just getting started here. How about you, huh?" He straddled the woman, kneeling over her bared lower body, staring into her face which from his position Gregory couldn't see. He did see her fingers digging into the sheets at her sides, maybe forcing herself not to reach up and claw him. "You excited? Huh? Answer!" He struck out suddenly, fury flickering briefly in his eyes, slapping her across the face. He grabbed her jaw. "Are you excited or not?" Gregory heard her whimpering, saw her nod. "Good." Bodine smiled again, placated. "'Cause I've got something for you." He grabbed her arms as if to hold her down--though she wasn't moving away--and kicked apart her legs, thrusting inside with a full, lustful yell. Miss Clare let out a small cry, whether of pain or something else, Gregory couldn't tell, though he definitely knew it wasn't pleasure. He had to endure watching Bodine bouncing atop her, in and out, thrusting hard, the strained look she had as she tilted her head back, the twist of pain all too evident on her face; when he briefly closed his eyes to shut it out it was almost worse with the sounds the two made, Bodine's heated, rapid panting, his hoarse pleasured groaning, the frantic thumping and squeaking of the bed as he pumped, an occasional gasp from the woman as she tried to catch her breath or force down the pain that must be shooting through her. He opened his eyes quickly, trying to shut out images growing in his mind, to see Bodine, sitting up, thrust his hips forward abruptly, tossing back his head with a triumphant yell. Miss Clare cried out, clutching the sheets and twisting against him, racked with silent, tearless sobs, feeling the opposite of his satisfaction. He collapsed over her, sweaty and panting, apparently not caring whether she could breathe or not. Gregory turned away. "What's the matter, Gregory?" Bodine panted, pushing himself up on one arm and looking at him. He wiped his forehead, kneeling and swinging his other leg out of bed, leaving Miss Clare lying shaking on her back, hands clenched to her chest, her dress pushed up around her now-bruised hips. Gregory swallowed and looked at him. Bodine gestured gamely at the woman. "You want a turn at her?" Gregory shook his head, mute. Bodine grinned. "Aw, come on. Don't tell me she doesn't turn you on. Get up!" He whirled on her, snapping out the command harshly. As if programmed to she sat up immediately, standing and pathetically attempting to smooth out her wrinkled, sweat-stained dress, still not making eye contact with anybody. Her own eyes were wet; the tears hadn't spilled down her face yet, but Gregory had the feeling they were going to soon. Bodine took her by the arm, drew her to him, and ran his tongue along her ear. "You mean to tell me you'd actually turn down doing something as nice and sweet as this?" he murmured, his hand running up and down her side, cupping underneath her breast and squeezing hard. This time she barely flinched. "She'd be just right for you, Greg. Real quiet, like a mouse, doesn't make a sound if you don't want her to. But if you'd like a screamer I'll bet she could do that too. Couldn't you, honey?" He squeezed her again; she didn't reply, just stared blankly at the floor. "Pretty flexible, too. Man, you should have been here to see some of the things I've had her do for me. Just like your very own wind-up doll. Stand up, sit down, on her knees, on her head--I just say the word and she lets me do her any way I want. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" He paused; this time she gave a tiny nod, sensing he was expecting a reply. "Good girl." He kissed the top of her head. "One time I had her bend over this chair so her head and shoulders hung over the back and just her ass was up in the air. I had to kneel on the chair to get in her that time. That one was good." Gregory felt the back of his throat burning again. Bodine just chuckled to himself at the memory, still kissing her ear and the side of her face. "And this other time--boy, you should have seen it, you'd've gotten a hard-on just like that--I had her support herself on her hands and feet and arch her back way up in the air, so she looked just like a human bridge; all I had to do was stand there and keep her legs wide apart and go at her like she was a wheelbarrow. That one was so good I bet you liked it too, huh?" He peered into her face; she nodded meekly again, though Gregory could see the flush climbing up into her cheeks, the shame in her eyes. Bodine just chucked her lightly and laughed again. "Yeah, me too. Just thinking about it's turning me on. That was a good one." The look in his eyes changed again; this time they were positively ruthless. "How about one more round, huh, sweetie? Think you could manage for your old friend Alec? I think you can; down on the floor." A hard edge crept into his voice. Miss Clare did as she was told, kneeling again. Gregory thought he was going to have her mouth him as she did before; however, she seemed to know something else was coming up, and as soon as Bodine knelt down beside her Gregory realized it too. "Down." He pushed her in the back; Miss Clare dropped to all fours. "Good girl." A stony smile. Gregory grimaced to himself and tried to turn away again. "Don't you even." The words came out cold and slow. Bodine was staring at him, looking almost ready to snarl. "I said you watch. Who knows." Another grin. "Maybe you might learn something, to get you by with the ladies." Like you know anything, Gregory thought, but he didn't dare say it. Instead he stood where he was, trying to look blank, as Bodine came up behind Miss Clare, pushing her dress up to the middle of her back, baring her for his own view. "Take a look at that, Gregory," he said, and gently caressed one buttock. "Probably something you've never seen before, huh?" Screw you. "Just say the word and you'll be seeing a whole lot more." He abruptly poked his fingers between her buttocks, separating them. She gasped but cut it off in the middle, forcing herself to remain still. Gregory could hear Bodine's panting. "Watch and see how it's done, old boy. Then maybe you can be the lucky one someday. You can't go out without knowing how to do it." Gregory bit his tongue, forcing the rage building up in his chest to stay down. Bodine didn't even have the decency to enter her properly, in Gregory's view. He instead pushed in, penetrating her anus, harshly enough so that she bit off a cry of pain. Gregory nearly felt himself do the same thing, just seeing him do that. Bodine didn't appear to notice--or at least care about it--either; he gave a guttural laugh, clenching her hips tightly, and started pumping, their skin making a muffled slapping sound each time they met. Gregory could barely see her face, but he could tell she had her eyes closed and was biting her lip, probably trying to block out the feeling of being violated so grotesquely. He couldn't help it; he actually did feel sorry for her. Being high priest's favorite was definitely not a good thing, as he'd known from the start. He thought it was bad enough, just enduring watching it, but Bodine leaned over Miss Clare as he rocked rapidly, his voice husky with strain and lust as he spoke to her. "Bark," he said; Gregory's eyes widened. He couldn't have heard that correctly. But he saw the likewise alarmed look on Miss Clare's face, and Bodine, not getting a response, said it again, snarling and sinking his fingers into her skin this time. "Bark!" he snarled. She bit her lip and whimpered; he bucked into her savagely, causing her to cry out again. "I said bark, damn it! Like a dog! Like the bitch that you are. A wild bitch in heat! Bark!" It took her a moment to summon up any sound at all, and then it was just another whimper. Bodine snarled and moved faster, maximizing his own pleasure but bringing her even more pain. This time she did bark, and the pathetic sound of it made Gregory wish he'd never been invited in that evening. "Again! Do it again!" Bodine snapped. Miss Clare sobbed, and barked again. Just like a dog. "That's right," Bodine panted throatily, pushing at her repeatedly, his voice dropping. He grunted. "That's exactly right. You keep that in mind. You're nothing but my bitch. You hear me?" She nodded, still sobbing, and barked to let him know that she did as soon as his thrusts became more painful. "That's right. I ever hear you've been screwing someone else, and you're going to be one spayed bitch, you understand?" He didn't pause to let her answer; instead he grunted again, shivering violently. "Awhhh. That's right. You screw pretty good for a bitch in heat. Not bad at all." He shivered again, tossed his head, groaned. Gregory didn't care anymore; he shut his eyes and turned his head. It didn't matter anyway, as Bodine was too far gone to notice him. He continued pushing at Miss Clare, in and out, in and out, grunting deeply as if he were in heat as well, climaxing and shuddering with a long groan of pleasure. Gregory immediately opened his eyes and pretended to have been watching, though not looking directly at them; he peripherally noticed Bodine pulling out and pushing Miss Clare away, apparently dismissing her. She had to drag herself to her feet, again trying to smooth out her dress, now wrinkled and stained with more than sweat--Bodine's climax hadn't been all inside--and removing herself to stand off to the side, partly in shadow, her head hanging as if in embarrassment. She kept wringing her hands. Bodine stood after a moment spent catching his breath, tucking himself back in and zipping up his pants. He sighed, giving them both a satisfied smirk as he straightened himself out. "Well! Did you enjoy it after all? Huh, Greg? Did you?" Gregory didn't speak. Bodine stepped forward until he was only several inches away. "Didn't you?" he asked again, only now his voice was low, deadly soft, his smile chilly. Miss Clare peered up at them, still wringing her hands. "Come on, Gregory, don't lie to me. Take a look at her. Doesn't she make you hot? Don't you just want to do her?" Gregory kept his eyes locked straight ahead, staring just over Bodine's shoulder at nothing. Bodine dropped his voice another level, barely a whisper. "If you're interested in her, I could always put her on loan for a night or two. You being my second, I wouldn't mind too much, and I'm sure she wouldn't either. Sure, if I find out she's been screwing anybody else she won't have anything left to screw with, but with you, I could make an exception. What do you say?" Still no reply. Gregory sensed a trap, and he wasn't about to fall facefirst into it. Bodine's smile faded, then came back, even worse than before. "I see," he said; Gregory had to look at him this time, noting the catch there. Bodine nodded slightly. "You don't get off on her. You're not the kind. I should've known before. I bet this is what turns you on, eh?" Gregory prepared himself to say something, then sharply sucked in his breath, his muscles tensing. Bodine had just grabbed at him through his pants. He bit his tongue to keep back a retort but felt the flush creeping up his face at the sound of Bodine undoing his zipper and reaching inside, wrapping his fingers around and caressing gently. Bodine grinned. "Bet this is what turns you on, huh? Am I right?" Gregory could feel himself hardening. Damn you, you filthy bastard, he seethed. He didn't say anything, just stared ahead, trying to force his breathing to remain normal. It was hopeless to wish the same thing for what else was happening to him. He'd never felt so humiliated in his life--Miss Clare was still standing at the side of the room, staring at him with wide eyes--yet his body's response to Bodine's touch was altogether different. He could feel the hardness pushing against his pants, straining to get out. "I should have known from the start," Bodine said. "The way you never let me set you up with any of the pretty young faces around here." You mean pretty young eight year olds, you damn pervert. "You should've told me a little sooner. Maybe you and Derrick would get along better, huh?" A cold laugh. "I never thought of that before! That's what we'll do; I'll make Derrick into your own personal servant. He can wait on you just like anything. I bet he'd be good over a chair, too! Right, Anna?" Miss Clare, drawn back into the conversation, averted her eyes as if sensing Gregory's embarrassment. She stared at the floor instead. Bodine stepped closer, just an inch or so from Gregory's face. Gregory stared through him, his shoulders shaking slightly. Bodine's hand was moving a little faster, up and down; I bet this turns you on, you stinking piece of shit, Gregory thought helplessly, though whether it was making Bodine hard or not he couldn't tell, nor did he wish to look or find out. Bodine just smiled and kept on rubbing. "Yeah, that's a good idea. You just let me know whenever you want him brought around, or you can go fetch him yourself. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. Then I can have Miss Clare here all to myself, and Derrick can be your toy. How's that sound? How'd you like that? Take it from somebody who knows, Greg; he's pretty good. I've gotten him to do all kinds of things too. Sure, I don't think he likes it too much but that doesn't matter, does it? You can make him do anything you want. You want him to suck you? Just let him know. He's got a good mouth, pretty gentle that way, no biting or anything like that. You want to suck him? Go right ahead. Like I said, he won't bite." A laugh. "Takes him a while to come, too, so you could be at it for a while before anything happens. You could do him, or he could do you; though truthfully I don't know how he is that way, I've never let him do me, I much prefer doing it to others than having it done on myself, but I'm sure he could do a good job on you if that's what you really wanted, if you could ask him right and get him excited enough, which shouldn't be too hard since you seem to like it so much--" Gregory forced down a gasp and jerked; Bodine laughed out loud and Gregory felt the heat seep into his face as surely as what had been inside him seeped out, squirting beneath Bodine's rapid massage and soaking the front of his pants. He bit his lip this time at Bodine's laughter; the high priest let go of him and turned away, flicking a hand at the air. "I knew you'd like that. Go on, take the bitch in heat here with you. Don't get any ideas with her along the way; Derrick doesn't bite, but she might." Another chuckle as he collapsed back on his bed. "I might get jealous if she sucks at you, though I might overlook you sticking yourself in her hole. It's only natural. But oh, that's right, you'd prefer Derrick to stick you, wouldn't you." Another laugh. "You sure would, I bet you'll go call on him right now. Well, go ahead, and don't mind me. Maybe I'll come watch the proceedings." Gregory turned away and let out his breath, surreptitiously zipping himself up. Miss Clare stepped away from the side of the room and silently followed him as he exited, Bodine still laughing inside. Gregory didn't even check to see if she followed him or not; he headed for the restroom, still feeling the heat furious in his face. After tonight he was going to ask that somebody else take over his post for a night or two; maybe he'd play sick. He'd never played sick before, but right now was as good a time as ever. He reached the restroom, with its one working sink, the staple in every restroom in the building, the one sink they could use; he stopped outside the door and finally turned to face Miss Clare, who stopped behind him. "You stay here," he ordered. "I'll be out in a minute." He turned to the door; "Wait," she said. Gritting his teeth in irritation, he turned back. Miss Clare barely managed to look up at him and said, meekly, "Could--would it be all right if I came in? I just--I just want to get straightened out a little, maybe wash this off a bit..." She brushed her hands against her rumpled dress. At first Gregory felt only annoyance, then a slight bit of sympathy again. Then he just felt guilty that he hadn't noticed before. He wanted to clean up; she just wanted to, as well. She was as embarrassed as he was, even though with her it was pretty much a nightly thing. He sighed, almost snorted. "Yeah, sure. Just make sure you don't splash me or anything or you'll still be feeling it next week, understand?" She nodded, a little hastily; Gregory turned from her again and went inside, and she followed. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |