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Be careful who you spend the night with--someone else may be watching... |
CODE: H (set in the Horus/Kemet storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA PAIRING: Ra/Rayet (M/F) EXPLANATION: See "Great Royal Wife" for the more passionate flipside of this story. Ra tends to go to Great Royal Wife Nebhet when he's feeling furious about something, and to second wife Rayet when he's in a calmer, sweeter mood. This is all well and good if you like really hot passionate stuff, like Nebhet does, but what happens when your husband is in a really LONG good mood...? DISCLAIMERS: When this was first written, Rayet's name was given as Rat. That's since been changed. * * * * * Little Sister Nebhet Hotep flounced into her quarters and slammed the door, throwing herself into a chair and scowling at the floor. She couldn't believe how he treated her, the mother of his important children, his first and great royal wife. He should have been with her tonight; but no, she was certain he'd gone to Rayet, the cowering strumpet. Ra had always liked her better. It was either because she was his sister, or because she was always so--accommodating. He still visited them both, but he went to Rayet more often, if the number of children she'd given him was any indication. Nebhet suspected that he even sneaked to her room occasionally in the middle of the night. He'd done so with Nebhet a few times, in the past; but that had been before Rayet. She'd been happy enough before Rayet. She looked over at her mirror, sitting on a table. Had he actually gone to her? He would come to Nebhet usually after some confrontation, or when he was angry; she was the perfect outlet for his anger, which she always managed to convert into passion, so their nights together were always stormy, and even wild at times. Yet he never visited her when in a good mood. He must go to Rayet then. She kept thinking, he'd been in a good mood tonight. Slowly, she rose, and went to pick up the mirror. She took a breath, and concentrated. The copper surface swirled. An image started to form; a dim image, shrouded in shadow, flickering lamplight the only thing illuminating it. Anger flared up in her chest and her fists clenched when she saw what she'd been looking for--a bed, from above, the two figures in it occupied. The dim shape on top was naked and moving slowly, buttocks contracting, then releasing, and tightening again. Beneath it--a female figure, her arms draped over its shoulders, her legs hugging its hips. Her head was tipped back, her eyes shut. A light sheen of sweat covered them both. Nebhet wanted to smash the mirror in her rage. Ra hadn't gone to her; he'd had her called to him. The bed was his own, and they were making love in it. They hadn't even covered themselves; as her view shifted she could see them from the side. Ra's thick panting filled the air. Rayet's breasts pushed against him when she strained. He lifted his head from kissing her neck to feel them, his fingers gently caressing their curves, tracing delicate patterns over her nipples. She sucked in her breath and moved her head from side to side. Ra's hands slid underneath her to feel and splay her buttocks; Rayet let out a long, low moan, arching and rocking slowly with him. He repositioned himself and Nebhet heard his panting grow heavier. She ground her teeth with fury. Why, why had he called her? Why wasn't Nebhet good enough? Why did he only come to her in anger--why was Rayet the one to experience him in so many ways? She'd watched them before; they made love in many ways besides this--she'd seen him allow Rayet on top of him, and in his lap, and once they'd coupled standing up, Ra gently pressing her against a column and thrusting while her thighs embraced him. Once she'd even accidentally happened on them enjoying each other in the courtyard pool! She'd come looking for Ra only to find him and Rayet reclining in the water, Rayet giggling softly and twirling a lotus before his face as he smiled and held her to him; the water hadn't managed to conceal the fact that beneath the surface, their legs were twined together, their hips meeting in union. It was only Nebhet's abject embarrassment and apologies that had spared her from Ra's temper. The only satisfaction she'd gained was knowing that Rayet had been embarrassed too. But the moment that had by far infuriated her the most was when she'd seen them in one of the outdoors courtyards in the open, under the moonlight, Rayet lying on the ground on her stomach, resting her head on her arms, and Ra crouched atop her hips with his head tilted forward, swaying slowly. The moon silhouetted them. Nebhet could remember clearly the way Ra's thighs clasped Rayet's prone body, the way his hands fondled and spread her buttocks further, the way he'd thrust, urging himself into her gently. While she barely moved, just letting him pleasure himself with her. Nebhet had gone back behind a column, too angered and humiliated to watch; but the sound of their soft cries of desire haunted her still. Ra never moaned that way for her. In her mirror now, they were moving faster, their hips pumping into each other, Ra breathing quickly as he pushed, moving up and down. Rayet wrapped her legs around him welcomingly. Nebhet slammed down the mirror. She could watch no more; if she did, she knew her anger would never die. Instead she went to her bed and lay down with her hands before her face, alone. * * * * * Rayet trailed her fingers over the muscles of Ra's back as he moved, pushing into her. The hot fanning of his breath over her face she welcomed, and the touch of his hand upon her breast; she'd loved him since her youth, but had never found the courage to tell him, not even when it had come time for him to take a wife and he'd chosen Nebhet Hotep, the daughter of Amon and Mut. Everyone had seen the match as a purely political one, but a wise one as well, as the two were suited in temperament. Rayet had said nothing, merely watched the marriage with an aching heart. She wasn't certain what had, several years into the marriage, turned her older brother's eye her way; but something had, and she hadn't rejected it. When he had asked for her hand she'd submitted demurely; he'd seemed to appreciate her meekness as the opposite of what he was, and she'd carried the behavior to his bed. By right of law Nebhet's children were to supersede hers in importance, as Nebhet was the great royal wife; Rayet didn't much care, as all that she'd wanted was Ra. Nebhet had looked none too happy when they'd retired from the wedding banquet to his quarters. Rayet herself had been a little frightened, but also excited, her heart beating hard in her chest; she'd desired him all her life, and the moment had come, she was pure and ready for him. Still he'd been most gentle with her, removing her clothes in the dim light with most of the lamps extinguished, and taking time to ready her with his fingers playing over her most secret area until she trembled in anticipation; his swift entry had been searing and painful, but the slightest touch of his hand to her abdomen had ended that, as she recognized his healing power coursing through her and banishing the pain. Needless to say she had let him make love to her all night, enjoying his feel, and the knowledge that all she had ever wanted was now hers--his pleasure was her pleasure--and she'd only lamented the coming of dawn when he'd had to leave her to bring the daylight. He'd touched her once again, to remove the ache of exertion from her body; thereafter she'd spent most of the day lying spent in his bed, until nightfall brought him back, and with him the tender ache, the sweet feel of him within her. In the days afterward, he'd come to her bed nightly two weeks in a row. She harbored no jealousy for Nebhet, though she knew the royal wife envied the time Ra spent with her, which was increasingly more often. He went to Nebhet only when extremely angry; Rayet didn't care to guess how they spent the time. She feared and respected her husband's temper and authority; she'd seen how furious he could get the one time Nebhet had appeared while they passed their time in the pool. That time had been enjoyable, at least at first; when Nebhet had shown up out of nowhere she could tell that Ra had thought she'd been spying on them. She'd hidden herself among a patch of waterlilies and cowered while Ra's invective rained down over his first wife; only Nebhet's quailing apologies and hasty departure had spared her, Rayet was certain. If that was the mood in which Ra visited her, she hoped he saved those times for Nebhet. Ra kissed her neck, bringing her back. She heard him murmur softly near her ear; the speed of their coupling had increased considerably. He'd honored her greatly by having her called to his room; such a gesture was usually reserved for a new bride or the great royal wife. He kept his cheek pressed to hers as he moved, his breath heavy against her ear. No matter how many times he wished to make love to her, she would submit; not only because of his authority but out of her love for him. Rayet clutched his back more tightly, opening her mouth. Ra grasped her sides; he drove into her strongly but steadily. She listened to the tempo of his panting, the tempo of his strokes inside her. "My Brother, My Lord," she whispered to him, breathlessly; he pushed and released and she cried, "Majesty!" as his fluid heated her inside. With a moan she sank back, trembling. As she lay panting, exhausted, once more she felt the familiar touch and spreading warmth as Ra again banished the tired ache from her body. She drew him to her again gratefully. No matter if he should wish to have her again that very night, she would accept him. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |