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Ready for a ride...? |
CODE: M (set in the Manitou Island storyline) TAKES PLACE DURING (specific story): NA PAIRING: Ocryx/Nicolette (M/F) EXPLANATION: Well, I guess this one is obvious. O_O;;; All right, I will confess a little something. If you have ever read my dream journal, or if you have not, a recurring theme in some of my dreams is of me feeling romantically inclined toward...animals. Usually big imposing ones, like dogs and horses. These dreams have never GONE anywhere, thank God (except for one incredibly weird exception of me...um...giving oral sex to Tal Natha...*COUGH*...), but I'll admit I've had them. I will also state that I do NOT condone this--I tend to think that the dreams reflect some other issue, like a power issue, as that's what big animals like horses and dogs can represent in a dream--the struggle between domination and submission, perhaps. I don't believe my dreams are really telling me that I want to get involved with animals. >_< That having been said, this scene was one of my attempts to sort of exorcise this theme in writing. Take note that this is NOT really a horse, but in fact a demon in the shape of a horse...not that the theme doesn't recur in other scenes of mine. (There is a second, unfinished scene involving these two, and yes, Nicolette does convince Ocryx to again take the shape of a horse...PERVERT!) DISCLAIMERS: Already given; please see the above before calling me sick. Again, I don't condone this sort of thing. I also don't fully understand animal physiology, and don't really care to research it, obviously, so artistic license is of course taken. Ugh. * * * * * Shapeshifter Nicolette opened the stall door and led out her beloved horse, rubbing his muzzle as she did so. She loved to ride him in the evenings, when dusk was falling, and the air was cooling from the day's heat, and yet still warm as well. She led him outside and went to fetch his saddle. She still wore her dress, but she was a good rider, and this was no problem for her. As she got the large leather saddle down from the wall and approached him, she looked into his eyes with a smile as she always did--but then she froze...and her smile began to fade. Her horse stared back at her. His eyes shimmered, a very strange color that she'd never seen before...one moment they seemed red, the next, green...and they were much more intelligent than they had ever been. What was more...he seemed to be...speaking to her. Entreating her to come closer...or something. Entreating her to come to him. Slightly dazed, she set the saddle down--to place it upon his back now seemed blasphemous, in a way--and approached slowly. When she reached him she stared into those strange intelligent eyes and lightly touched his soft nose. He snorted and his breath against her hand was hot. His eyes still had that strange look, as if he were grinning at her over some private joke. What could it be? She couldn't tell. A strange, inexplicable feeling came over her as she stared at him. He stared back. After some time, she reached up to pull herself atop him, not stopping to place on the saddle or a blanket. In response he turned and trotted off into the woods, away from the stables. She leaned close and took hold of his mane as he picked up speed. Soon he was galloping, racing furiously through the woods, and Nicolette squealed and laughed as she held on, the warm breeze filling her lungs as the large powerful body sped on beneath her. She'd never felt anything so fun before! He slowed eventually as they came close to a stream, coming to a stop beside the flowing water. Nicolette laughed as she grasped his mane and slid off of his back to the ground. He snorted again, and she rubbed his head, smiling and staring into his large luminous eyes. He still stared back. As she stared at him longer the strange feeling overcame her again, but...more powerful this time. She found that she couldn't turn away. Those eyes, they seemed...evil? No, her dear horse could never be evil. Yet they seemed different somehow...she didn't know how. She only stared into them, as strange forbidden thoughts began to enter her head. She shut her eyes briefly, hoping to be rid of them, yet they only came more clearly, and faster. Her breath hitched in her breast and her hand squeezed into itself. She couldn't believe it...this...intensity coming from him. She wanted to give him everything he'd ever wanted, for being so kindly toward her...everything...everything she had ever wanted... Her hands slowly fell from his face. They stared. Her fingers moved to the back of her neck and worked at the button. They stared. One by one she undid the buttons on the back of her dress, slipping the top from her shoulders. They stared. She leaned down to push off her heavy skirts, so the thick rose-colored fabric fell to the ground. They stared. She worked at the laces on her white pantalets, loosening them. They stared. She stepped toward her beloved horse, reaching out for his face, her fingers lightly brushing against his fur. He pressed his muzzle against her skin, nostrils flaring and breath snorting. She stared at him, at the strange smiling look in his eyes. His head rose so he snuffled at her neck, her face; she shut her eyes and opened her mouth. Soft velvety fur pressed to her lips; her tongue licked along it, as she felt something large and warm and wet probe at her. She tasted it, tasted him, found it acceptable. He snorted and pawed the ground impatiently. Nicolette understood. Still dazed, she turned away and walked forward a bit to a large fallen rock. Her hands worked at the laces on her pantalets again. She heard him approaching, his large hooves tromping the grass behind her. Her breath picked up and her fingers fumbled. She unlaced the garment and tremblingly slid them down over her hips. Her bare skin prickled even in the warm air. She shivered, sliding the garment down to her knees, and touching the rock. Something soft and warm brushed against her buttocks and she flinched. She heard a loud whuffling noise as he inspected her, a slight curt neigh when she sensed that he found her acceptable. She shivered again, pleased. He was good. She was good. His large muzzle brushed her shoulder, whuffling at her ear. She understood. She parted her legs, bent close to the rock. She prayed that there was room for him. A loud snorting noise. One great hoof clanked against the rock beside her. He pushed himself up to his hind legs and placed his other hoof upon her other side, rearing up. He tossed his head, once. His eyes rolled wildly and his coat gleamed. She could tell that he most appreciated this. I serve you, beloved one. I serve you... More snuffling at her neck. She watched over her shoulder as he reared up further and finally saw his great black sheath. She had seen it so many times before, yet had never paid attention to it unless he was mating his mares. It was swollen and distended now, and he whickered at the air, his thick musky scent overpowering her. Nicolette sucked in a breath when the huge fleshy pink head slowly began to emerge from its constraints, sliding forward and upward smoothly. Her heartbeat increased as the size did. Six inches, seven, eight, ten, a foot--still the massive shaft rose, glistening wet. She moaned softly at the sight of the pearly fluid already just emerging from its tip. Her beloved horse snorted, loudly. He whipped his head and his mane flew. She sensed his approval. Thank you, beloved one... She shut her eyes and arched her back. Her buttocks parted, her glistening opening showing. Her juices dampened her skin. She trembled, waiting for her beloved to consummate their love, to make her whole. Whole... Whole... Whole. A snort. He tossed his head. Nicolette opened her eyes and blinked. With a sudden shock she realized where she was--in the middle of the woods, in the middle of nowhere--and what she was doing. Her pantalets hung bunched around her knees, her hands upon the rock; her backside was bared, exposed, ready. And with a start she saw her horse, her great black stallion, with both forelegs perched beside her, rearing up on his hind legs. As he moved slowly yet inexorably forward she finally saw again the massive pink penis thrusting forward between his legs, testicles the size of apples swinging below. She gasped and tried to turn, to duck away from him, but there was nowhere to turn. His forelegs kept her entrapped. She pounded her fists against the stone and called out for help--no response. She began to plead, voice whimpering pathetically. "Please...please, no...not this way...please...!" He snorted again. His eyes rolled madly. His muzzle lowered, teeth nipping at her neck when she squirmed and sobbed in fear. She smelled his musk, felt the top of his body press to her own. His thigh touched hers. A hot sleekness brushed her back, then aimed lower. "Oh God, no, please, no--!" She wailed and pounded her fists against the rock. The great beast bent its legs and lowered itself. Nicolette tried to pull her legs shut but somehow one of his hooves kept them parted, blocking her foot. She clenched her buttocks together tightly, crying, but felt the hot slickness brush against them, then stop and touch them, then press against them. It slid to the side and pressed against the crack, and slowly began to push upward. "God, oh God, no, no--!" Upward. Great black hips rose. Hot breath snorted from his nostrils. His flanks shivered and his tongue lolled in anticipation. She couldn't believe this, what he was doing, what was happening, what she'd allowed to happen. She shut her eyes and screamed, desperate, one last time. "Please, don't, please, oh God, PLEASE, NO--!" Her fingers dug into the rock. The giant shaft of her horse's penis pushed upward slowly, slowly. The thick wet head met her tight moist opening. He snorted and tossed his head, pleased. The round fleshy knob sought purchase; it slipped upward, more steadily now. Pushing past her soft curly hair. Pushing past her trembling wet lips. Pressing upward, inside. "GOD, NO, PLEASE--!" A great heavy snort. Her stallion's hips pushed upward. His tail rose high and flailed at the air and his hind legs shook. His belly lurched as he found purchase within and bucked high, pressing in tightly. Nicolette shrieked, a long, loud, earshattering scream, her whole body racking as his mighty member seemed to tear her in two. Oh God, she couldn't stand it! The pain threatened to make her lapse into unconsciousness; indeed; her scream died and she began to sink back in agony when he lowered himself, down and almost out, until he snorted and bucked up again. She screamed a second time; the pain was not as great, but still it tore her apart inside, and she cried and pounded on the rock. The great shaft slid down between her legs. Her blood and juices slickened it, slickened her shaking thighs, and the horse grunted his approval, tossing his head. You are a delicious little one, most delicious for my body, sweet little girl... Nicolette's eyes sprang open as the deep, lusting voice filled her mind. She glanced up and back at her horse, terror in her eyes. His own eyes met hers and he almost seemed to be--grinning triumphantly. With a sick horror entering her stomach she realized that although he bore the body of her beloved stallion--this was not her horse. "Oh...oh G...God...what...are you...?" she whispered, sick with dread. A chortling whicker. I am all your deepest desires come true, all those fantasies which you could never give shape. I am all that you ever wished for, and you are exactly what I have needed to sate myself, for quite some time now... With that he lowered his head, baring his teeth, and pumped into her. Nicolette cried out again and arched reflexively. She did this again with his next push, and realized with horror and disgust that she was rocking into his movements, allowing him to gain momentum, to push into her more fully. She was accommodating him, allowing him to--to mate with her! To couple with her like some filthy beast! To rape her! She tried once more to squirm away, but his weight and size were too great; she could not tear away without harming herself, his member was so inflamed and massive inside her, and he laughed mentally at her pathetic efforts. His hot sac slapped against her buttocks as he thrust, more quickly now. His teeth nipped at her neck. Nicolette's eyes rolled back and went shut. Her chest heaved and she sobbed in pain and exertion...but as the pain lessened...she found that she could barely fight back anymore...and not only did the pain lessen, but the pleasure began to increase... * * * * * The young girl crept through the woods, picking a berry or a mushroom here and there, silently crouching and watching a bird or a rodent along the way. As she went further along, filling her basket, she slowed her step and crept even more quietly. She'd caught a strange sound echoing through the trees, and the birds flapped and flew away in a cloud. She ducked close to the ground and fell silent, listening. Somewhere, far off, a woman's voice cried out repeatedly. "Oh! OH! Unh! Oh! Unh! Oh, God! OH my God! Unh! Oh--!" Getting to her feet again, she crept along, perfectly silent. The leaves rustled around her. The voice ahead grew slightly louder as she went. She couldn't tell whether the woman was in pain, or not; her cries were hoarse, her voice begging. "Oh my God! Oh my God--! Oh! Oh--n...no! No! Unh! Unh--! Oh my God--oh my God--oh please--OH--!..." A great heavy snorting sound caused another flock of birds to go flying, and she shielded her head from above. What strange sounds to hear, out in the middle of the woods. She reached a line of bushes and crouched low. She crawled forward on hands and knees and parted them just a bit, blinking at the sunlight. It faded behind the leaves and her eyes grew. A slender woman leaned against a large rock, arms outspread, fingers digging into the stone. Her face was pressed to the rock as well and her eyes were shut, mouth open wide as she yelled throatily. She wore fancy mainlander clothes, but her delicate pantalets were bunched down around her ankles. Her backside was bared to all who wished to see--except that the view of it was blocked, by the giant black horse which bent over her, his own hips bucking against her own, mounting her, his sleek behind bunching heavily with each mighty thrust. His tail flailed at the air and he kept his front hooves against the rock on both sides of her for balance. He rose and descended, rose and descended, his head tossing and breath snorting from his nostrils. His giant penis slid in and out of her. His tongue lolled over bared teeth; from the look of it, he greatly enjoyed the bizarre coupling, and the girl had to wonder if he'd somehow forced himself upon the hapless woman, pulling at her clothes and forcing her over the rock before she could protest. "Oh GOD!" the woman screamed, and her body arched wildly. Her hands finally left the rock--to reach back and squeeze at the horse's shifting hips. Her feet slid slightly to part herself more and she bent closer to the rock, arching so her buttocks parted more as well. The horse tossed his head, neighing and snorting loudly. She moaned and he pushed faster, harder. Her moan picked up as their lovemaking grew increasingly frenzied. The girl watched, dumbstruck. How had the woman gotten her horse to mate with her like that...? And why? A scream. The woman pressed her body to the rock, her breasts crushing. Her head went back as she let out a long harsh cry toward the sky. The horse snorted and heaved a giant grunt. His hips slammed her body against the rock and then went still but for a tiny spasming motion. The woman arched and moaned again, tears streaming from her eyes. She squirmed. Still the horse's buttocks pulsed. The girl suddenly realized, looking at his eyes, rolled back with tongue hanging out, that he was climaxing inside her, releasing the great gush of his seed. Indeed, as she let out her breath in a low moan and sank against the rock, the giant horse gently eased himself back to his hooves, and slowly, carefully drew himself out. His fat flaccid member, still dripping with blood and juice, slid back up into its furry sheath. He let out great snorting breaths and nibbled at the woman's neck. Still she made no move but to moan softly into the rock. When she finally began to slide down to the ground, he stopped her, and helped her down gently. He then stood beside the half-conscious woman, her face puffed with lust, his own breath heavy and labored as he paced in small circles around her, waiting for her to rise. He tossed his head, and after a while when the woman slowly rolled over, the girl covered her mouth to see the fleshy pink knob of the horse's penis peek its way out from under his swelling sheath; yet he did nothing to coerce her. He kept an eye on her until she seemed ready to push herself weakly to her feet, and then he would carry her back home. She saw the woman lift her head to look up at the horse--and rather than fear, she saw the desire and pleasure, and even gratitude, swirling there. The woman held her arms out to the great creature and he came forward, tail swishing. "Mount me again, beloved..." The horse snorted, tossed his head. He seemed intrigued by her offer. At another time...today has been pleasurable enough. My loins throb for me to be inside you, yet too much at once may be poor for both of us...you truly desire me once more, little one? "Yes...yes...I do...so badly, I do..." Then the next time, rather than dress myself up as your stupid little horse, I shall pleasure you in my true form. The girl covered her mouth again when the black horse began to shimmer, melting into a different image altogether. The woman gasped and cried out and tried to cover herself. She cringed in fear when the horned, winged demon lowered his head down to hers. Long pink tongue raked roughly over her exposed breast, soothing the bruise. The woman untensed and let out a shuddery sigh of relief. The demon spent a moment or so more licking and suckling at her breasts, until she began giggling and squirming in pleasure. The girl just stared. The woman didn't appear to care that the most potent, powerful demon upon the Island, Ocryx, was standing over her with his penis bulging outward, his tongue upon her salty body...but that was her choice, not the girl's. She silently got to her feet as the woman seized the demon's throbbing phallus and stroked his hot testicles, pursing her full lips to the shaft's tip and accepting its length as the demon began thrusting his hips forward at her, panting and growling loudly, and crept off through the woods again. Before he could see her and become interested. She didn't much like the idea of a giant horse or a great stag mounting and coupling with her, especially right now...it simply didn't seem very appealing. To each her own, she guessed. Please REVIEW if you rate. Please DO NOT rate if you won't review. Thank you! This item is not looking for critique. It was written solely for entertainment's sake. Although a scene from a possibly longer story, it is complete in itself and unless otherwise stated there is not going to be any more of it written. Additional unrelated SCENES may be written, but single scenes themselves are complete as they are. So please do not expect more. If you are interested in reading the series which INSPIRED the scene, just look elsewhere in my portfolio and you should find something. (Use the "story codes" given in the scene headers. For example, "MI" = "Manitou Island" series.) I am not looking for critique on grammar, spelling, style, sentence structure, flow, or the mechanics of writing. What I AM interested in is commentary on such things as characterization, plot, symbolism, theme, etc.--the deeper aspects of the story. I like to know if a scene is believable, if the characters are interesting, what you thought of how they interacted, if the writing evoked any emotions, things such as that. Feel free to criticize, but just keep in mind that I'm working on more important projects and shared this just for fun and/or to illustrate character interactions, so I don't plan to revise it any time soon. Comments on the characters, theme, etc. are more than welcome. ![]() |