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Rated: E · Fiction · Spiritual · #782598
A preacher and a occultist have a conversation
The Witness
by Rick Kenai

“Excuse me, Mr. Rakes,” said the well- dressed young man to an older man who was turning the page, “My name is David Farworthy. I was hoping that I could talk with you if you have a few minutes.”
Jim looked up at the man addressing him and smiled. A look of recognition crossed his eyes as he closed his book and set it down on the table.
“As long as you’re not going to try and sell me something I’d be happy to talk. Did you have a topic in mind?” he replied smiling and taking a sip of his Scotch.
It was David’s turn to smile.
“As a matter of fact I did. One of your favorites from what I understand. Religion.” He sat down at the table and continued.
“You see,” I’ve wanted to talk with you for a while now and in preparation of our discussion, I’ve done a little research about you. Nothing invasive, I’ve only asked folks here in the bar about you. Your name is Jim Rakes and you are the leader of very large occult fraternity. You’ve been practicing magick for over a decade and you love talking about politics and religion. For some reason I was real nervous about talking with you, but I was told by everyone that I spoke with here that you are a pretty nice guy, that you love to debate and that you would welcome a chat with me.”
Jim started laughing and nodded his head in agreement.
“Excuse me for laughing but I didn’t realize I was so well known. Your information is right on. I love to talk religion and politics. But just so everything is on the table, I’ll tell you that I’ve been expecting this talk. Looking forward to it actually. I’ve seen you looking at me and have asked a few people what your story was. You are the pastor of the evangelist church over on Acorn St. and I understand that you too are a fairly nice guy. So are you here to save my soul or are you approaching me as fellow clergy?”
“Well, a little bit of both I guess. Is that okay?”
“Sure, as long as you’re honest with me. I’ll even pray with you if you like. But keep in mind that I used to be an evangelist as well, so the saving my soul part is pretty futile. I’ve debated with many a Christian preacher and priest. But as long as you’re respectful and honest, I’ll talk with you.
“Terrific. Let me buy the first round?”
“Pastor, you’ve picked the best way I know of getting me to say nice things about you.”
The minister chuckled and turned towards the bar. “Tracy! Another round over here, please.”
“You got it Reverend.” Yelled back the barmaid cheerily.
“So David, this is your party, where would you like to start?”
“Well, how about you tell me your story. I mean, how does one turn from preaching the Good News of Christ to, using your organization’s words, promulgating the Law of Thelema?”
“Wow! I’m impressed. Looks like you’ve done your homework. How much time do you have? Never mind it doesn’t matter. Just stop me when you get bored. It was actually a process that spans over the better part of a decade. I didn’t go from preacher to Thelemite in one fell swoop.
When I first accepted Christ, and later, filled with the Spirit, boy howdy was I on fire. There was a time when I hitchhiked from Anchorage, Alaska to the Lower 48 without a dime in my pocket living on the Word. Matthew 6:25-34 to be exact. Let’s see, I think I still have it memorized. ‘Therefore I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they group: they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more, clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore take not thought saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or wherewithal shall we be clothed? For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But see ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.’ Did I get it right?”
“Wow!!! Now it’s my turn to be impressed.”
“Don’t be. I preached it for years. Anyway, there I was hitchhiking through the Alaskan wilderness preaching the Word. Would you believe I never went hungry? Of course you would. As a matter of fact, after my trip was over, I had about $75.00 in my pocket from people who would pick me up and give me money to support my trip.
Some real quote on quote ‘miracles’ took place on that trip. Remind me to tell you about them sometime. My ‘faith’, a cuss word to me now, was much greater than the proverbial mustard seed back then. So you ask how I lost my faith? Well, there was another verse in the bible that I held to heart. Mark 16:17-18: ‘And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them;’ Now here is the important part, and they shall lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover.’ Oh, I was a believer and my dad was sick at the time. Still is for that matter. So I laid hands upon him. I anointed him with holy oil. And I believed. As I said, he is still sick.
So this started my mind asking questions. The bible said it, so why wasn’t it happening? I believed damn it! Why wasn’t my father recovering from his illness? But of course like a good Christian, I couldn’t believe that the Bible was wrong. I figured that it was I. Maybe, I just didn’t believe enough?
Fast-forward about four years. I was in college and preaching the word to anyone that would listen (and many who wouldn’t) a lot of my friends even called me the Preacher. Anyway, a lady friend of mine came up to me almost in tears and told me that her boyfriend was going that night to check out an occult organization. She had been told that it used to be run by a man by the name of Aleister Crowley who was said to be the most evil man ever. She begged me to go with him and make sure he didn’t get into anything that he couldn’t handle. I told her of course I would go.
What I found that was not at all what I was expecting. The folks I met that night were some of the nicest people that I had ever met. The house was clean and orderly. Lived in, but relatively clean. I got into a debate with one of them concerning the infallibility of the Bible. David, this was the first debate that I had ever lost. He handed my argument back to me with such large holes in it that I never even saw; because of my ‘faith’ I might add. Well, the seed was planted.
I started studying and learning and realized that although Christianity taught many truths, it was not the end all and be all of religion. Nor was it by any means the only window into the spiritual and the divine.
Since what you wanted to know was how I came to leave Christianity, I’ll fast forward this story and say that not long after that I started studying and practicing Wicca. Several years later, I got into Ceremonial Magick and took initiation with the O.T.O. and I have been a Thelemite ever since. Actually, I think I have been a Thelemite all my life. But you know what I mean.
“That’s some story. Religion has always been important to you?”
“You don’t have to say anything. But keep this in mind. I will never tell you that Christianity is the wrong path to follow. Although there are elements that I do believe are wrong, I believe that if it is something that gives you the strength and the Will to get up in the morning and face the world, if it is something that causes you to treat other people with respect and compassion, if it helps keep you sane in a world that is not. Then rock and roll! But allow me to follow my path. Does that make any sense?”
“Yes it does. You know, I think that I feel a lot like you did when you went to see that O.T.O person with your friend. So let’s get into specifics. You said there were elements of Christianity that were wrong. What elements are you referring to?”
“No, I don’t think so. I’m not going to sit here and pick apart Christianity in front of you. If you have specific questions then I’ll be glad to answer them. That’s growth for me as there was a time back in my more militant days, that I would use any flimsy excuse to start disparaging Christianity. I learned that wasn’t always the best way to make friends and influence people. Even people that agreed with me. But that was long ago and I don’t do it anymore.
I’ve got a better idea. Why don’t we hang out for awhile? Become friends. You can see a little of what my life is like without depending on Christ. I think you’ll be quite amazed at how like yours it is. If I remember correctly, you’re a family man aren’t you Dave?”
The pastor look startled that this man would know that. That he would care about such a thing. “Why yes I am.” The pastor responded proudly.
“Great!” said David loudly. “Then would you be interested in bringing your family over to my house to meet my family and have supper? Pending approval of my wife of course, I’m not sure what she has planned. She usually doesn’t mind though. I’ll tell you David, my honey is an amazing cook. Even if you don’t wish to be friends and learn about what Thelema is, I wouldn’t turn down an invitation to eat my honey’s cooking.” Jim said humorously.
David thought about this for a second. Horror being the first thing he felt. Breaking bread with someone who wasn’t a Christian? Going to his home and meeting his family? His WHAT? A family man who wasn’t a Christian? How could this be? Here was a man who not only wasn’t a Christian but he was an occultist and very proud of the fact. As proud as he was about being a Christian. How could this be? Here was a man who was exhibiting most of what the Bible calls the “Fruits of the Spirit” but yet he wasn’t a Christian. How could this be?
“Sure I’ll come even if my family has other plans.” Said the Pastor thoughtfully.
“I am finding that you baffle me sir, and I don’t like that much. You have not acted in the least of how I suspected and believed that people like you would. I am finding that the more I get to know you, the more I like you. Yet you are the epitome of almost everything that I’ve preached against for decades now. This is quite disturbing to me. So, why don’t you call your wife and find out if we are giving her enough notice.” Said the pastor with a wide grin on his face, and a look of excitement in his eye.
Jim laughed.
“As I told you Dave, you and I have more in common that I think you’re prepared to admit. Order us another round and I’ll go call Athene.
Again the preacher was startled, this time at the name of the Greek Goddess. As Jim walked outside to make his call, Dave walked up to the bar.
“Hey Tracy, one more round.”
“You got it Rev.” she poured the drinks and looked into the minister’s eyes. “So what do you think of our resident Magician?” she asked smilingly devishly.
“Your enjoying this aren’t you?” laughed the preacher.
“Honestly, I haven’t gotten a read on him yet. But he’s different. I can honestly say that I’ve never met anyone like him.”
“You ain’t kiddin’ preacher. I’ve put the moves on him more times than I care to admit, and you know, he’s shot me down every time. That can hurt a girl’s ego but you know, every time he has let me down so that I hardly noticed he was rejecting me. He’s a very nice guy. He is so in love with his wife and children that he wouldn’t even kiss me when I gave him ample opportunity. He said that if I wanted to have that kind of relationship with him that I would have to talk with Athene first and get her blessing but that he was game. He said it in such a strange way, very matter-of-factly. He reacted to my proposal as if there were nothing wrong with it. It made me wonder what his wife would say if I did ask. But that ain’t goin' to happen. Ask a wife if I can sleep with here husband? Yeah, sure I’ll get right on that.” Tracy said laughing and shaking her head.
“Have you met Athene?” Inquired the Preacher.
“Yeah, a few times. She doesn’t come in here often but now and again she will come in with Jim. She’s not what I would call beautiful, but she is pretty. And VERY sweet.
“Well, it seems that I may have an opportunity to meet his family tonight. He’s invited me and my family for supper. I find I’m actually kind of nervous. Although don’t tell Jim.” He said laughing.
Jim walked back in through the door with a smile beaming on his face from ear-to-ear.
“We’re on David. Here’s my card. Athene suggests 7:00. Is that good for you?”
“Sure, as I said, even if my family has plans, I’ll be there at 7 sharp. And thank you. I’m really looking forward to meeting your family.”
“My pleasure Preacher. See you soon”.

Chapter 2

© Copyright 2003 Rick Kenai (thelemite at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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