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Jenna's in college and needs to loosen up |
Jenna Kensington had grown up in a big, luxurious house in Austin, Texas with her parents and older brother. Now she lives in a small apartment in Cambridge, MA, attends Harvard Law School on a scholarship, and devotes all her time to studying. Ever since her father died in a tragic car accident when she was seventeen, Jenna had been determined to fulfill her father’s dream of his little girl becoming a lawyer just as he was. And though his death was sudden, her father had made sure all his affairs were in order and that the members of his family would be financially stable should something happen to him. Jenna had decided to put the money her father had left her in savings just in case she should need it one day. She was determined to make it through law school by working hard on both her studies and in the real world. When she wasn’t in class, Jenna worked part time as a go-for and a researcher for a big time law firm so she could afford to pay her bills. She lives in a cozy little apartment near campus, and wouldn’t have it any other way. She loves being independent and doesn’t mind that she doesn’t have the time or energy to go out to the clubs and party like most of her friends and classmates. She sighed as she turned the page on the case she was studying for her exam on Friday. When she looked down again, the words bunched together. Okay Jenna, I think it’s time you take a little break and watch some t.v. or read something besides a law book. Walking to the couch and flipping on the t.v., she wondered what all of her friends were doing. Smiling, she pictured them at the clubs dancing, drinking, and socializing. Her best friend Ally, was probably impressing all the guys with her awesome dance moves and bubbly personality. The phone rang, jerking Jenna back to reality. “Hello?” “Hey Jenna! What are you up to?” Grinning at the sound of Ally’s voice, Jenna wasn’t surprised loud music and laughter were coming from the other end of the receiver. “Hey Ally, I’m just gettin’ some work done.” “Aww Jenna, that stuff can wait. You need to come down to Club 103, it’s ladies night!” “I would...but I’m extremely busy.” “Please...you never go out, there’s a lot of hot guys down here.” “I do too go out.” “When was the last time?” “Last Saturday night.” “It was a dinner that the law firm held.” Ally said to her friend with an exasperated sigh. “Ally, I really have to finish studying this case for my exam tomorrow.” “Well okay, but leave all of Saturday free because we’re going shopping. That new place, Club Infinity opens over on fifth street then. Oh yeah, and don’t forget, next week’s spring break.” “Alright Ally.” “Now Jenna, promise me.” “Okay, I promise.” “Talk to ya tomorrow!” “Later.” “Buh-Bye!” No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t get her mind back on that case. Becoming frustrated she just gave up and watched t.v. until she fell asleep. **** “Jenna, we have got to do something about your social life. You are always at school, work, or home studying.” Ally told Jenna while they waited for their lunch to be served at Jim’s Steakhouse Saturday afternoon. “My social life is fine. I just have a lot to do for school and work, which is why I’m either working or studying.” “Well, all that’s gonna change this week, because we have no classes, and I know your boss gave you the week off.” At that moment, their food arrived saving Jenna from having to respond to Ally’s statement. After they ate, Ally began dragging Jenna to all sorts of stores to find outfits to wear to the club later that night. Ally quickly found her outfit, a black mini-skirt, with a silver rhinestone belt, a silk silver v-neck shirt, and a pair of black open-toed heels. “Ally, I really don’t think it’s necessary for me to get a new outfit.” Jenna called to her friend from inside the dressing room. “Yes it is, just consider it a reward for acing that exam yesterday. Now let me see what you have on.” Jenna stepped out wearing a long, scoop neck, black dress with slits up the side. “There is no way you’re going out in that!’ Ally exclaimed. ‘You look like you’re going to a funeral!” "Now this is more like it." Ally said holding up a sexy, short, strapless red dress with a slight slit up the thigh. "Uh-uh. I cannot wear that Ally." Jenna complained. "Hey, you need to wear something sexy, you're not going to be sitting around the house. At least try it on. You never know, you could love it." "Or I could hate it." "What harm is there in trying it on. And if you hate it, we can find you something else, no sweat. Just put it on and see what it looks like." "I dunno." Jenna said, the doubt very apparent in her voice. "Please." Ally begged, giving her infamous puppy dog pout. "Okay okay. Just stop giving me that look." Jenna let out an exasperated sigh as she trudged back in the dressing room. Once she'd put the dress on, Jenna realized Ally had been right. She loved the dress. It was as though it had been made especially for her, it was just perfect. She stood there staring at her reflection, amazed at how great it made her look and feel. About ten minutes later she was jerked out of her thoughts by Ally banging on the door. "Jenna, are you okay in there? Listen, if it doesn't fit or look good we'll find something else. It's no big deal, there are a ton of other stores around here we can go to." Jenna opened the door and stepped out so she could get Ally's opinion. "Wow! That looks terrific! You are definately getting that dress. I don't care what you say, you look hot!" "I know Ally, I am in love with it." "Great, now all we have to do is find you some sexy red sandals to go with that scandalous dress." Once they'd found Jenna's shoes, despite Jenna's protests, Ally concluded they deserved a manicure and peticure, her treat. ********* Standing in front of the full-length mirror at Ally's apartment, Jenna found herself wondering if she'd gone crazy when she'd bought that dress as she frantically tried to yank it down so it would cover some more of her legs. The more she pulled it down, the more the front of it came down and even more cleavage was showing. She couldn't believe the job Ally had done on her hair and makeup. "Ally, I'm not so sure about this. Do you think you have something a little more modest I can wear tonight?" "No way Jenna, you're dressed to kill. You're gonna have to beat the guys off with a stick tonight." "I don't wanna beat any guys with anything." "Girl, you've got to loosen up. And that's just what you're gonna do this spring break. Whether you like it or not." With a flip of her hair, Ally turned on her heel and flounced off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. "Ally, maybe I should tone down the makeup a little. You did a great job, I just don't think it's me." "It's not like you, but it really suits you, just hush. Listen to me, I know all." Ally poked her head out the bathroom door and gave a smirk. ![]() ![]() |