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Rated: 13+ · Editorial · Religious · #780332
A look at the supposed persecution of christianity in the United States
Christians being persecuted? NOT!!

By Rick Kenai

David Limbaugh’s new book "Persecution: How Liberals are Waging War Against Christianity” has been making a lot of waves lately. Many people are asking some good questions about this particular subject so I decided I would do a little research and see what the whoopla is all about.

In foreign nations, especially the Middle East right now, there is wide spread Christian persecution including murder and imprisonment. That much is certain. But here in the United States I have found no evidence of any sort of persecution.

Oh sure, there are numerous examples of different school districts and government agencies doing their best to look as ridiculous as possible by not letting some students and citizens do things that are part of their religious expression. For instance passing out their literature, or praying in school. Truly a foolish and moronic thing for schools to do is get all uptight and let parents take them to court over such nonsense. Especially when it does not interfere with the curriculum of the school. Keep looking for it though. Today’s government schools are not gaining a reputation for doing intelligent things with the money that they receive or in how they treat the children that attend them. But that is a different topic.

I don’t have a single problem with Christians praying to the god that they worship. Whether the adherent be in school, government or wherever. Pray on is my theory. What I do have a problem with though is when Christians want the rule of law behind the principles of their religion.

What do I mean by this? Well, how many of you reading this live in a place where you can’t buy a beer on Sunday? Ever wonder why that is? Because a bunch of Christians thought it was a bad idea. And oh my god, I love it when a new Harry Potter book comes out because then all the Christian wackos come out crying for a law against occult literature. Look at your school reading list, or library list and see how many of the classic books have been banned and find out why. Due to some Christian principle is the usual case.

How many Christians would freak if Samhain became a national holiday like Christmas is? Why can’t it be? Because not enough people hold the night of Samhain holy is why. And by the way, if you don’t know what Samhain is then go look it up.

Speaking of Christmas, I have not been a Christian for many years now and I have asked repeatedly not to have to take the day off from work because of this Christian holiday. You wouldn’t believe the looks I get. “You want to work on Christmas?” I’m asked. Well, no I don’t necessarily want to work, but I do want to get paid for it. Why should I be forced to take the day off and the subsequent pay cut if I don’t believe in the holiday in the first place? Yep, I get some weird looks from that one.

For centuries, the Christian church did it’s best to persecute, murder and otherwise exterminate other religions and entire cultures. If you don’t believe me, just read your bible, which documents many of these happenings. The Inquisition and the witch burnings are a few more examples. And now it cries because many people are saying no to the church and living by their own rules. Christianity and Christian principles that go against our human nature are starting to be recognized as unnecessary. And this has many Christians in an uproar.

But in the United States, Christians are NOT being persecuted. They are winning the court battles that have occurred when they are right. Not a single Christian has been executed for the purpose of being a Christian. They are not losing their constitutional rights. They are not being imprisoned for being Christians. So I ask…where is the persecution?

Christians have no problem with talking to my child about their religion, but let a Wiccan High Priestess talk to a Christian’s child about their religion and you would think all hell has broken loose.

A note to Christians: Let me live my life the way I want to and you live life the way you want to. I won’t hold you to my principles and you please do the same. Your religious rights stop when it starts to affect my household and me. Don’t force me to pray or not to pray, don’t force me to hide to do something you don’t like, leave me be to do what my spiritual beliefs tell me is right for me to do.

Christians still pervert their religion enough to persecute those they don’t like. Do a web search and find out how many women have lost custody of their children because a Christian judge didn’t like the fact that they were witches. Find out how many pagans have lost their property because their Christian landlord thought they were sinners and would not let them live on their property for the sole reason of not being a Christian. And the list goes on and on.

Again I ask, WHO is under persecution? Certainly not Christianity. Criticism yes, persecution, no way.

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