Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/780249-Forbidden-Lovers
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #780249
A forbidden love about age and deception.
This story was written five years ago in high school. I recently edited it and corrected some typos. So, read and enjoy. All criticism is welcomed. :)
Chapter 1

         My name is Makayla Lynn Foster and despite my name I am not at all elegant, at least not in my opinion. My parents named me after my great aunt, who came from Italy. I never knew her personally but I had seen pictures of her. She was a beautiful women with long flowing brown hair and with eyes so mystifying that you felt like you had to be of royalty just to gaze into them. I was nothing like her, needless to say. People made fun of me all my life and I was tired of it. My senior year was a year I thought would be absolutely horrible, however, it turned out to be the best year that I had ever experienced. I had just broken up with my boyfriend Gregory Thompson. He was a mature nineteen year old darling that I had met at a beach party. We dated for about a month or maybe less and then decided that we were ready for a serious boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. We loved each other with all our hearts and went out nearly every night. Two months after becoming serious together, Greg began to shy away when he saw any high school student from Bayworth. I remember one time when he told a girl that I was "his cousin from out of state," which was absolutely bogus! My feelings were hurt because he had not only lied to me, but he lied to himself. I often asked him, "Why," and all he would say was "I love you no matter what I tell anyone else." Since Greg was my first love, I thought nothing of what he said to others, however, my view about him changed by August when he broke off the relationship. Greg took the news well and said that he would see me at school in a few weeks,which should of struck me as odd but it didn't. He then kissed my cheek and walked away.
         Weeks went by and finally the first day of my senior year came. I was in joy about graduating in a year but I felt horrible to because I had a broken heart. I caught up with my friends and told them all about Greg. I told them how beautiful his blue eyes were when they sparkled in the summer sun. I also told them how soft his kisses were, even thought they were chapped. 'Oh how soft they were!' My parents had only met him twice but my father hated him already. The main reason was because I was his "baby girl." If that was the case thought, I was no longer a baby. As I told them about Greg, I saw what I thought was him out of the corner of my eye. He was nothing like any of the other kids. In fact, Greg looked more like a teacher than anything else in the world. From that moment my life started to change. If what I saw was true, then I had not only kissed a teacher, but I had fallen madly in love with one. To be honest, I missed and still loved Greg very much. I could not jump to conclusions, after all there are several seniors that dress in a business-like manner. But this time it was different and I knew that he was not a high school student at Bayworth High. I didn't know what to do, so I did what I thought was right...I confronted him.
Chapter 2

         Greg Thompson was a new teacher at Bayworth High. He said taht he had gotten so caught up in romancing me, that he forgot about the laws behind a student-teacher relationship and I wasn't to mention it to anyone. It was too late for that. I could already imagine how Ashley Stewart, my best friend, would react to my foolishness, and how I should have gone to Tampa Bay to see the great fireworks on the fourth of July. (Of course, Gregory and I were making our own fireworks in the Orlando sun!) That was not the point though. I had committed a serious crime in which serious things could happen to me. I could only pray that Greg and I would not be punished for a love that was meant to be but couldn't. I began to worry about what would happen to Greg's career and worse, what would happen to me.
         Ashley came around the corner saying, "Why did you do that? Why?" I didn't know how to answer that question but I had to somehow. I told her that I didn't know, which was true. I hadn't asked Greg where he worked, I just knew that he worked. Ashley confronted me like she had always done when I told her about my parents and their fighting. I suppose that is the reason why we are such great friends. Afterwards we talked about the summer and what classes we had. Well, one good thing came out of all of the problems in my life: Ashley and I had six of our eight classes together. I was so happy for that. I always wanted one of my best friends to be in most of my classes and i finally got it.
         In weeks I forgot about Greg and I imagined that he had forgotten about me also, but I was wrong. At about eight o'clock one evening Greg called my house asking for me. My father recognized his voice and said that I was not home even though I was standing right next to him. Weeks after Greg broke up with me, I mentally placed his number into the back of my mind with all the other wasted knowledge. Why hadn't Greg dont the same? My father was tired of Greg calling me, so he went down to the Orlando Police Station. Within a few minutes, after I arrived at the station Greg's records appeared on the computer screen. Greg had a relatively clean record, except an occasional speeding ticket. It did say something, however, that stunned me.
Name: Gregory Nathan Thompson
Age: 25
Marital Status: Married
         The words on the screen were heard to believe but it must of been true. It must of been! "Married," I screamed, "Twenty-five!" "Yes baby, I am afraid so," my father said. I started to cry and then asked my dad why this had to happen to me. My father said nothing and maybe it was for the best because the look upon his face said it all.
         I had a serious problem with Mr. Gregory Nathan Thompson and had to find out whether or not he did had a family. If he had a family then why and how could he do that to me? Since we were out of school for a week, I could not talk to him, so I came up with my own plan. I decided to go to his home in Pine Hill and talk to him about his marriage and age. I only hoped that his wife would not be at their home.
Chapter 3

         I left the police station and went straight to Ashley's home in the Pine Hill subdivision. Fifteen minutes after arriving at Ashley's, I told her that I was going to go for a walk like I had done every time that I went to her home. That seems to be the best part about going there and she knew it just as much as I did. I have another reason for the walk this time though, so I set out on my mission. I remembered going with Greg to his home to pick up some clothes after a party and though it was dark I remembered somewhat the whereabouts of his home. I decided to go around the block first and try to find his prized 1997 Corvette. It was so special to him that if anything was to happen to it I think that he would die. It was silly to think that a man could love a car that much, but in reality that is the way some people are. It was his dream, a dream that became real, with the death of his father and the inheritance of over a million dollars. Greg loved having money and I could tell this even when he was pretending to be merely a nineteen year old boy, but I later realized that he was bored and therefore became a teacher.
         As I walked along the sun-kissed road searching for the home of Greg I noticed just how much each of the homes looked like the next. All of them were rather plain and not alluring at all. For such an expenses neighborhood it often seemed to be like a nursing home where everywhere you go the smells and rooms are all the same. The shrubs and flowers at each home were brilliant though and that was more appealing than anything. Even though I had walked these roads of Pine Hill before this was the first time that I actually noticed them. Maybe before I was not worried about the houses I was only worried about the thoughts that were running through my mind at the time.
         Several minutes had pasted, I assume, when I finally saw a Greg's Corvette coming down the road. I knew that it was him because no one else had a car like his; silver, beautiful, and full of power. Greg must of seen me because he slowing began to decrease his speed before the intersection was near and I doubted that he lived in one of the houses, they were not his style. Greg cam to a stop about a foot from me and got out. He looked handsome just like always; clean cut and well built. There, however, was a new look about him that made him more irresistible than ever before. I looked into his eyes and could see that he was on the verge of crying. I redness in his eyes made his blue eyes a different color than I had seen in the past. He tried so hard to hold back his tears but one slowly slid down his cheek. Greg had never cried before and it made me hurt to know that he was crying. I could feel the redness growing in my eyes and Greg had not even said anything yet. I walked over to his car and stared amusingly at him. I felt that I was responsible for the tears that rolled down his face and in that second I knew I was. Greg spoke finally, saying that he missed my laugh and my twinkling eyes. He even said 'I love you and miss you more than you could ever know' and then hugged me in a tight but careful manner. He never told me that is loved me before and I became speechless, forgetting the real reason that I was looking for him. After a while, I said, "Greg, you say that you love me but I don't know if I can trust you right now." He asked what I was talking about and that is when all the questions that I had stored into my brain started coming out. After the questions were all out and over with he began to tell me that he did in fact have a family. He said that he had a baby girl and used to have a beautiful, loving wife. The words 'used to' made me think that he meant that they just got a divorce, but he quickly clarified that for me. His wife died a year ago from a battle with breast cancer. I was saddened that he and his baby had to suffer the loss of someone that they held so close to their heart. He then said, "Makayla, you can hate me if you want to but please don't think that you are responsible for my actions. I do love you and I am sorry that I have put you through all this pain. Is it a crime to love someone that is your age? Yeah, sure I am twenty-five and you are eighteen, but age means nothing to me. In my eyes Makayla, you are the only woman for me and I hope that you feel the same for me. That's the honest-to-God truth!"
My heart melted as he spoke those words and I could not speak. Greg told me to say something but all I could do was start crying and turn away in shame. Greg walked over to me and touched my shoulder. He then kissed me on my cheek with a soft gentleness that I had never felt before. I turned around and embraced him without even thinking that someone might be watching. Then he asked me if I wanted to meet his baby girl. "Yes!" I exclaimed, "but not now I have to be getting back to Ashley's." He told me that he would drive me there but I said no. Ashley would have totally freaked to see me with Greg. She was the type of girl that never did anything wrong and never dated anyone a year older than her, not to mention seven years older! As a result, I had to walk home in the pouring rain. By the time I got to the house, I was drenched and Ashley was too busy laughing at me to realize me estatic happiness. That day Ashley laughed so hard that she almost peed in her pants, to me it was not funny at all, it was only memorable.
Chapter 4

         Saturday morning was the best day of my life. I woke up to Ashley's alarm clock radio playing a Garth Brooks song. Even though I was not much into country music, I enjoyed that song. I had planned to go to Greg's house to see him and the baby but I had a problem. I had made plans with Ashley to go to the gym for our aerobics classes. I could blow it off though by saying that I had an important matter to take care of or that I was sick. I hated having to lie to her though. I always felt horrible when I lied to someone that I cared for, but I did it at times when I thought that there was no other why around something. It is a terrible habit, but everyone does it, right?
         At twelve o'clock, I decided that I would just say that I was not feeling good and that maybe it was from me getting drenched last night. I told Ashley and she believed me or I like to think that she did. I left her house and headed for Greg's, with hope that Ashley would not run into me on the road. I was scared because I knew that she would not only gripe me out but tell my father who in return would be extremely upset. I did not want that to happen but I had to follow my heart, so that is what I did. When I got to Greg's I found the garage opened to where I could put my car in and Ashley could not see it. I got out and went to the door leading from the garage into the house. It was a beautiful house, with red brick and shrubs and flowers freshly planted all around. As I waited for Greg to answer the door I thought about how difficult it must be for him to work and take care of a little girl. It seemed like it would be a nightmare for me, but then again he was older and had more time to think about things. I had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity, though it was actually only a few seconds, when Greg answered the door. He was still in his night clothes and I could see his perfectly defined body underneath his t-shirt. I had the urge to just reach out and glide my fingers down his chiseled stomach and back but resisted and ask if it was a too early for me to be there.
         Greg had to go upstairs to get dressed and bring down the baby for lunch. While waiting, I noticed several pictures on the wall of a women. She was very beautiful with dark brown hair and blue eyes that seems to pierce the soul. She was quite lovely but there seemed to be pain in her smile and expression that you might only see if you looked at it for minutes on end. All of the pictures where from a regular 35mm camera that had been blown up to almost a life like size. I could no longer look a the pictures and turned to see a room that had more pictures in it. These pictures where not of the woman though they were of me. I remembered a lot of them, the pictures on the beach and the ones at a hotel that I had stayed at briefly. There was one of me in my bathing suit with the sunlight caressing my bare skin as the water from the shower rinsed of the sand from the beach. I turned around to see Greg staring at me with almost the same look that he gave me at the beach, except with disappoint from my snooping.
         I did not know what to say and was glad when he walked over and said, "She was an attractive woman with everything going for her. I took that picture to remember her the night before she passed away. She was still as loving as the day I met her, even when the pain was too much to bare. The doctors told me once that she could have lived longer if only they would have thought to check. For a woman of her age, though, breast cancer rarely is seen. Sometimes when I get to missing her a lot, I come and sit in front of her picture and talk to her. Though that pain never really goes away, it makes me feel better just to tell her my feelings" "I am so sorry Greg," I said. " I never knew the pain that you felt in your heart and wore upon your sleeves." Greg told me not to be sorry because it was not my fault nor any other persons, but when something bad happens to someone you just cannot help but be sorry. Greg was thankful that he had Shelbey to look after and protect. He said that without her he did not know if he would have made it. The only thing that he wish Shelbey had was a mother, so that it would not be so difficult.
         When Shelbey was finished eating Greg decided that she needed a bath and nap. I watched him bathed her and he seemed so happy and peaceful with her. It will always be the sweetest thing that I have ever seen. Their smiles and the twinkles in their eyes made my day a filled with more happiness and joy than I have ever experienced before.
         I waited in the kitchen with the dogs Munchkin, a rat terrier, and Rex, a bulldog. Both were eating their food that Greg poured before going upstairs to put Shelbey down. I noticed several exotic pieces of silverware in a china cabinet which I imagined had belonged to Greg's late wife. Every pieces was magnificent with flowers that resembled those used in ancient Japanese pottery. Even when most people would be threatened by the fact that their lover keeps pictures and momentos of their ex-lover, I was not. I had not reason to be jealous or threatened and not because she was no longer living but because I knew that Greg was capable of loving me and her. Besides for the sake of his daughter he had to keep her alive in his mind. Sooner or later he would have to tell Shelbey just how beautiful and wonderful her mother really was.

         It has been three years since my first meeting with Shelbey and I am on my way to Greg's for a surprise. My heart is pounding in my chest because of a rumor going around that Greg is going to ask me to marry him. I know my answer if he does, not because I have thought about it all day long, but because I would love to marry him and be his wife for the rest of my life. I cannot say that I will not be disappointed if it is just another one of his promotions, though, but either way I will live.
         As I pull into the driveway I see several cars lining the street near his home. I think to myself that maybe this is it. My feelings are to much and I sit in my car for about ten minutes before I finally walk inside. As I step inside the doorway I am greeted by the dogs and then Greg. My parents are even here, what a surprise. Greg asks me to sit down in the chair and then begins to kneel down and reach into his pocket. My heart begins to race again and tears begin to feel my eyes before he even says a word. Greg notices and gentles wipes away a tear before it glides down my check. He then says to me "Makayla, you are the sun in my life and everyday that we are together makes me wish for more. I love you with all of my heart and soul and believe that you are my soul mate." He then opened the box containing the ring and asked me if I would marry him. Without even glancing at the ring in his hand I said in a low whisper, "Yes!", and he slide the ring onto my left ring finger and put his forehead on mine and said that he will always be there for me and will love me for eternity. I was so excited that I could do nothing but cry and hug him tightly as though if I let go it would all disappear.
Chapter 5

         After a year of engagement and preparing for the wedding, today is the day that I will become Makayla Lynn Foster Thompson. My mother makes sure that everything is perfect so that I will remember this as a happy day and not a day of tiny mistakes. I had not seen Greg all night because of the belief that a bride should not see the groom before the wedding. I missed him and thought of him all night long; barely getting any rest. I was not tired though. I was excited and it fueled me to keep going.
         The time came for me to watch down the isle. My father looked husband in his suit, but I could tell that he was a sad that his little girl was now turning into a married woman. He gave me away and I finally was able to see Greg as he lifted my veil from my face. He was so lovely and looked like an angel standing there with candles lit all around him. He smiled at me and asked if I was ready to start a new life with him. I said of course, I have been waiting for this moment for a lifetime. We were married on June 29, 1999 and took our honeymoon in Hawaii.
         A month after we returned from Hawaii I found out that I was pregnant and told Greg. I was worried about how he would react since we never discussed having children. When I told him though he was excited and said that he could not be happier. We decorated the room and bought some extra baby things that we thought we might need. I went to the doctor regularly and though she knew the sex of the baby I wanted it to be a surprise. After nine months of gaining weight and growing a huge stomach I was ready to pop.
As I sat in the living room one evening watching television my water broke and Greg was there for me. He called the doctor and spoke for a while. On our way to the Hospital I could feel my contractions growing stronger. I remember as a little girl watching my dog, Lila, and my cat, Little Foot, having babies. It was a miraculous experience and I always wondered just how bad it hurt; well, now here I am and I realize that having the baby is the hard part but after looking at that precious little angel, all the pain disappears. I was waiting in my private room for about a room before Dr. Leoni came in to check up on me. She checked to see how much longer it might be before I delivered. I was already dilated to a five and she told me that is should be very soon. After nearly five hours, on March 7, 2000, I delivered a beautiful healthy baby boy. I could already tell that he had Greg's perfect little nose and his long feet. We decided to name him Seth Michael Thompson, after our father's. From there on, I knew that my life with Greg, Shelbey, and Seth would be the best thing that ever happened to me.
         Two days of hospital food later, I was ready to come home with Seth. The trip back to our Pine Hill was exhausting for me more than Seth, who slept all the way. Shelbey was allowed to sit up front in the Toyota that Greg bought me a year ago. We arrived at our house in just a few minutes and the baby was still asleep. We carried him up to his room which was decorated with Winnie the Pooh toys and stuffed animals, along with matching bedding and wall hangings. The room was perfect. As I put Seth in his bed, I watched how Shelbey looked at a him. So much love in her eyes that it made me fill with joy and I knew that any reservations that I might of had could fade away.
Chapter 6

         Each day was the same boring thing. All I did was cook, clean, and change diapers. I still loved my family but something told me that I had rushed in too fast. At night I would wake up to horrible nightmares about Shelbey and Seth being taken away from me. Just the thought of those nights made me want to stop everything I was doing and sit down and cry. I never got a glance at the man who was taking my little angels until one night. That night was the worst night of my entire life. Because of that nightmare, I became a woman that constantly looked over her shoulder and around every corner searching for the mysterious man to come into her life.
         When I told Greg about the nightmares that lurked in my darkest dreams, he assured me that he would never let anyone hurt his babies and I was one of his babies. Every night after that, Greg, Shelbey, and I would pray that I would not have any more horrible dreams. Maybe the prayers helped or maybe it was all in my head about the nightmares, but whatever it was, I began to sleep more peacefully except for the occasional cries from Seth and barking from neighborhood dogs. I prefer to believe that the nightmares were just a part of my wild imagination.
         My vivid imagination had always served me well, especially as a little girl. I always read scarey books by Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and the occasional Goosebumps, which really does not count as scarey. I also went the other way, reading everything from Emily Dickinson to Judy Baer. I believe that I am the why I am am because of my imagination. I am strong and comforting when needed and sensitive all at the same time. As a result, Greg had fallen in love with me, not only for who I was, but for my wild and crazy imagination. Taking long hikes in the mountains was one of the more exhilarating parts of my life. I also enjoyed spending time on the sea and encourages Greg to go with me. However, he was sea sick and often never made it onto the boat. I often made fun of Greg's sickness and inability to adapt with the changing current of the sea. Greg in return retreated back to his boyhood stage when he would block out the constant fighting of his parents. he never spoke during those moments, he just sat there staring at the sea or the life outside. Later I would blame myself for his problems and break down and cry like the baby I was.
         As a little girl, I too, remember retreating into my own world. I would daydream of being a rich and famous woman who starred in every good movie about love. My mother had even thought of sending me to see a psychiatrist just because I had an imaginary friend named Olivia who had her own friends that she would bring to dinner sometimes. I can recall one night when Olivia's friend sat in my father's chair and my father sat right on him. I got so mad that I went to my room without eating and stayed there. From that moment, my father realized that I really did need to see a shrink, as he put it.
         By the time that I was twelve I had seen four psychiatrists who all said that their was nothing wrong with me. I was just "an ordinary girl in an isolated world." Isolated was the exact word to describe my world then. I went to a private school until I was a freshmen in high school and had no friends. The only way that I could keep myself from going insane was to have Olivia around every minute. A year later, I met Ashley Stewart and all my imaginary friends disappeared from my life forever.
Chapter 7

         Twenty-five years have passed since Greg and I first met on the beach in Florida. My life is wonderful and I am happy that we have been together for such a long time. Today Shelbey is graduating from California State University. I think back to the first time that I saw her at the tender age of one. She was so beautiful then and even more beautiful now. Her smile is a lot like her fathers in that with just a little grin the world around her seems to light up. I would often worry about her all alone in California, but after seven years of living here she has adapted. Before she left we had a big going away party and went on one last family vacation with her. She was the prettiest girl and had guys around her at all times anywhere that we went. Her father often worried that she might be hurt and convinced her to take up karate and self defense lessons before you went to California. She did what he wanted and is a third degree black belt, which her father lets guys know.
         Now as I sit here waiting for Shelbey's name to be called I think of her going out into the world and getting a good job and starting her own family. I look at her now fifty year old father and gently wiped away a tear like he did the night he proposed. I cannot deny that I would be crying myself if my baby girl was about to enter the world of mad men and women. Even if I had not known Greg, I would still have felt his pain and joy just by looking into his eyes. I suppose the reason that I did not cry was because I felt like I had to be the strong one out of the three of us, Seth, Greg, and I. Of course, there is a drawback because Seth would be graduating soon, then I would be crying and Greg would be the strong one then.
         It seems like such a short time ago since I graduated from high school and then went on to college. 'Why is it that some of the best things in life happen so fast and the worst happen so slow?,' I ask myself. I never have been able to answer that question and maybe I never will.
Chapter 8

         The sirens ring outside as Greg lay in pain and I sit crying saying, You can't leave me, you are still too young to leave this world!" I rocked back and forth thinking that maybe Greg would live. For many years, Greg had not felt like himself. He is now sixty-five and on the verge of slip from this life with me to life with God and his late wife. I wonder why I never pushed him to go to the doctor during those three years he was having pains. Now today he lay before me with no hope of recovering. Greg had once told me that if he were to die, he wanted to die with his me by his side. I, however, was not a fan of the thought. I could not stand to see my eternal soul mate slip away from me right in my hands.
         The ambulance came and though I did not want to watch him go I did anyways. My dearest friend and husband died on November 3, before anyone had a chance to say goodbye. He left so many people behind that loved him, including children and even grandchildren, but most of all he left behind me. The sorrow of that day continues to live with me everyday that I am alive and will not disappear until I see him again. In spite of it all I went on with my life. I never remarried and though that pain is still there I know not to worry because as long as I can remember he will live on inside of me and will always remain in my heart. Since that day I became I very strong independent woman. I have survived in the endless journey through life. I have learned that searching for love is not necessary because love is constantly in search of you and everyone will find their love someday and somehow.

© Copyright 2003 Angel Wings 79 (angela79tx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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