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by Neissa
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Death · #776970
Final Chapters
Chapter 15
Tomb of the Four Chosen Ones
Neissa stepped back. She had actually found what she had been
searching for. She thought it would take more than an hour to find it.
She saw several marks in the ground lead inside. Neissa felt relief
overcome her body. She stood for a minute, it looked different than
she expected. It was made completely out of rocks and just rocks, like
something from Ancient peoples. It didn’t look to big from the outside
but she couldn’t see around it and she didn’t want to take any chances
of getting lost trying to find one.
She looked behind her. There was no use chickening out or
turning back now. This is what she had to do. She sighed deeply and
walked on into what may be her death bed.
She entered the small hole in the rocks where the footsteps in,
to her surprise there was much light inside but no visible windows or
anything. She continued to walk down a corridor that could barely fit
two people side-by-side. She felt like she was walking forever until she
found a open space. There were many decorated pots around on
wooden shelves. It seemed as though someone lived in there. Written
on the walls where some symbols and odd looking letters everyone
around the walls. She went to a small table sitting lonely in the middle
of the room. She saw many paper laying on the table but they were
also written in the strange language.
There was only one exit to this room. The corridor was the same
size unfortunately but it was much shorter than the first one. The next
room had the small writing on the wall but had sofas lining the walls.
The middle of the room was completely empty except for the sofas.
Neissa found it eerie, since come of the sofas were completely hidden
behind the dark shadows. Neissa heard a crackle sound.
“ Why have you come here?” A voice from nowhere seemed to
say. “ What made you drive all the way out here from Kilopo?”
“ Who are you and how’d did you know where I lived?” Neissa
asked. She was getting a bit frightened at this point.
The voice laughed. “ Let’s just say I’m a person you really never
paid attention to. You used to make fun of me for my lack of humor.
Do you know now who I am?”
“ Jeremy?” Neissa took a quick guess.
“ Yes,” the voice replied. “ Now, what possessed you to come all
the way out here?”
“ It’s really none of your damn business,” Neissa said
sarcastically. “ My question is really why the hell are you here? Do you
even know what you stumbled upon?”
“ You make me sound like such an idiot,” Jeremy called out. He
lifted himself off the sofa and stepped into the light. He was pudgy
with jeans and a huge T-shirt on. His blonde, almost white, hair made
him stand out in the dark room. “ I shall warn you, what you are about
to come across is worse than anything imaginable.”
“ What could possibly happen?” Neissa asked.
“ You, my friend, will find out soon enough,” Jeremy laughed and
walked back towards the corridor where Neissa had just entered.
Neissa shoved off what he said. It didn’t matter to her because
most of the things he had to say were based on untrue fables and
legends. Nothing for her to fear would be here. Or at least she hoped.
She continued to search the room until she found an exit. It
wasn’t the easiest thing to do because everything was so dark now
compare to what it had been when she first walked in.
After a few minutes, she finally found the exit. She walked down
another narrow path just like the others. She found herself, this time,
in an empty room. The walls, yet again, had the strange writing. She
walked around the room to touched the walls, searching for the exit.
When she came to a certain spot on the wall she felt something warm
and soft. She receded back.
“ Welcome to my worst nightmare,” the soft warm lump said. In
stepped into the light revealing a man about 5’ 9” with silver hair. He
had soft blue eyes and a fairly built. He pounced onto Neissa knocked
her into the ground. She felt the heavy structure pin her to the
“ What the hell!” Neissa shouted. “ Get off of me! Get off!”
“ Why should I?” The man said.
“ I will kill you if you don’t!” Neissa said uncertainly.
“ I would take that for a reason but I have you pinned to the
ground and I can’t see anyway of you leaving,” he said with a smile.
“ Come on!” Neissa said impatiently. Her eyes glow the red color
The man looked into Neissa’s eyes and seemed almost afraid of
them. He got up and backed off. He leaned down and helped Neissa to
stand up. “ I’m sorry.”
Neissa brushed off the dirt. “ Now you’re sorry!” She rolled her
eyes. They had returned to their normal color. “ Why did you seem as
though you were afraid of me?”
“ It was your eyes,” he said. “ They seemed demonic. What and
who the hell are you?”
“ That’s the same question I’m wondering for you!” Neissa spat.
“ I am Kristopher,” he said. “ Call me Krist though. What I am is
none of your business until I know who you are.”
“ I’m Neissa,” she said. “ I have no clue what is with my eyes
turning red and my murderous intentions. I was driven here by pure
curiosity and we are supposed to solve the puzzle of the Four Chosen
“ Who are we?” Krist asked.
“ Raven, Karen, Taren and I,” Neissa said. “ I’m not sure what
we are supposed to solve but it’s supposed to be in here.”
“ I know what you’re here for,” Krist said in a low voice. “ I was
driven here for the same reason.” He looked deep into Neissa’s eyes.
Then he returned his gaze to the floor. “ I solved my part of the puzzle
and I can’t tell you what is going to happen. I could only help you with
a bit of the puzzle but the rest is up to you.”
“ What?” Neissa asked. “ What is the puzzle? Tell me!”
“ I told you I can’t!” Krist shouted. “ You must find out what it is
you are here for. You have friends you say, did they already come
“ I’m guessing they did,” Neissa replied. “ I’m not sure I haven’t
talk to them. Why?”
“ They are awaiting you in the next room,” Krist said.
“ Thanks,” Neissa said with a slight smile. “ I have a question,
who the says “await” anymore?”
“ Shut up and move on,” Krist said with a smile.
“ What ever you say,” Neissa said.
Neissa took his advice and went through a pathway that was
newly there. It hadn’t been there before. She went through and found
a huge room with four pillars centered. It had a very ornate rug in the
middle of the room. It was decorated with pots and other valuable
riches. Neissa saw Taren, Raven, and Karen standing in front of each
pillar staring into the middle of the room. Neissa walked forward to
them but the didn’t say anything and they didn’t even move.
“ You must stand by the last pillar,” Krist said.
Neissa did as she was told. She placed herself by the top left
pillar. Krist watched on awe as fire, wind, water and earth elements
appeared from each body and form a ball of light in the middle of the
Chapter 16
Demons, Shape-shifters, Vampires & Elves
Fire emerged from Neissa. Wind emerged from Raven. Water
emerged from Taren and earth emerged from Karen. The formed a
black light and out of the light emerged four bodies.
The first body was a young male with demonic features. The had
bright red hair that seemed like it was on fire. His eyes were the blood
red color Neissa’s got to be a times. He wore black baggy pants and a
red shirt.
The second body was also a young male. He had extremely pale
skin with midnight black hair. He wore black shorts coming a few
inched below the knee. The has a black shirt with a black trench coat
over it. His eyes were cold black and he had unusually large canines.
The third body was yet another male. He had silver hair and his
attire was completely silver. Even his eyes were silver. He wore baggy
pants and a shirt and has a wolf choker on.
The fourth and final body emerged. It was a scrawny male with
less than perfect feature. He had long brown hair pulled back and
braided. He wore thick glasses and behind them were vivid green eyes.
The light disappeared and each one of the body stood in front of
each of the friends. The demonic one stood in front of Neissa and
introduced himself as Dominic. The one with the silver attire stood in
front of Taren and introduced himself as Simba. The one in black stood
in front of Raven and introduced himself as Victor. The final scrawny
one was in front of Karen and revealed himself as Eric.
“ Intriguing,” Neissa said in shock.
“ You’re supposed to be the Four Chosen Ones aren’t you?”
Taren asked.
“ No duh!” Karen said to Taren.
“ What are each of you supposed to be and what the hell did you
want from us?” Raven said.
Dominic was the first one to speak, “ Each of us has business
with only one of you. We know your secret desires and what kind of
being you want to be.” Dominic slightly smiled. “ My business is with
Neissa and you have Victor to take care of you.”
Victor looked at Raven. “ You are mine, yes? I’ll explain to you in
a bit what you, personally, were brought here for.”
Simba looked at Taren. He smiled. “ Same goes for you too,
blondie.” Taren looked back at him offensively.
Eric glanced at Karen for a quick second then dropped his head.
Karen got the message and said, “ Yes I know, the same goes for me
also.” Eric slightly shook his head.
“ Now,” Dominic spoke. “ Each of you have to enter the door
behind each of your pillars and we will talk to you personally.”
Each of them did as they were told and entered the rooms. The
Four Chosen Ones conspired for a moment then entered after each of
their victims.
Eric was trying to explain to Taren but he was so shy and didn’t
exactly know how to tell her.
“ Where do I start?” Eric said. He was getting very frustrated
with himself. “ Why can’t I find the words!” Eric began pacing the
room. Karen watched as he walked back and forth.
“ Let’s begin by telling me what you’re going to do to me?” Karen
“ Well, I’m not going to do anything yet,” Eric said. “ You’re
going to begin to experience small changes in your life. If you rejected
them, then you won’t become what you have wished for.”
“ What have I wished for?” Karen said to test him.
“ You want to be an elf,” Eric said. “ So did I many, many years
ago. It actually happened to me and then I was ridiculed and torture
till finally one day...”
“ One day?” Karen asked.
“ I can’t go on anymore,” Eric said. “ It’s too painful and plus I’m
not sure of the whole story of what happened. You would have to
Dominic, he was the one who put up most of a fight and knows what
actually caused our deaths.”
“ Can you tell me anything else?” Karen said.
“ All I have to say is,” Eric started, “ don’t trust everyone you
met. Watch out for the dark ones and don’t give up on your dreams.
You are extraordinary! You will get all of your dreams if you just
believe and trust in them. I know your future but I cannot help you
“ Why?” Karen said. “ What’s going to happen to me? What am I
going to do? You cannot tell me you know what going to happen in my
life! You can’t possibly know!”
“ Karen!” Eric shouted. “ I know when you’re going to die, who
you are going to marry and what happens to you in two minutes! The
only way it will change is if you do something completely stupid or you
cheat your human death!”
“ What do you mean by my “human” death?” Karen said.
“ You’ll find out soon enough,” Eric said with a smirk. He walked
out of the room slamming and locking the door behind him.
Victor was having his conversation with Raven. It was almost
exactly the same as Karen but without the tension and shouting. He
too, joined Eric outside after a minute or two after Eric. Simba and
Dominic had the same conversation with Taren and Neissa. The only
variation is that Neissa is supposed to be a demon, Taren a
shape-shifter and Raven a vampire.
“ Should we bring him out as a challenge?” Eric asked.
“ It wouldn’t hurt,” Victor chimed in.
“ But what if one dies?” Simba said.
“ That’s just a risk we will have to take,” Dominic said.
Krist revealed himself from back in the corner. “ Wait a minute
what are you going to make them fight?”
“ Krist you should know who he is,” Dominic spoke. “ He’s the
one who killed you in your past life before you came with us?”
“ You better not be talking about Theo!” Krist said. Dominic just
Chapter 17
Meeting Theo
“ No way!” Krist said. “ You can’t make them fight him! He
maybe have a human body but that mother has some extremely good
“ We have to see how good they are,” Eric said.
“ If one happens to die they will be resurrected sooner or later,”
Victor said.
“ You can’t do this to them!” Krist protested. “ They are innocent
and helpless against him! I beg you, please don’t!”
“ We have to,” Victor said. “ We need to know if they are worthy
enough to be call “ supernatural”.”
“ Come on!” Krist continued to speak. “ You can’t!”
Dominic came up and grabbed Krist by the throat. “ You can’t tell
me what the hell I can and cannot do! Do you understand me!”
Krist just looked into Dominic’s eyes. He could say anything at
all. Nothing would change the fact that they were going to release
“ Give them a handicap or something,” Krist suggested.
“ NO!” Dominic roared. “ There will be no handicaps! They have
to fight fairly! I doubt any of them will die!”
“ They could!” Krist said. He was trying to muster up all the
courage he could. “ You know what will happen to them! I don’t.”
“ Exactly,” Dominic said with a smile. He released Krist’s throat. I
suggested you go back to wherever the hell you came from and leave
us alone.”
Krist began to walk away. He stopped after a little and said, “ If
any of them die, I will personally kill you myself.” Then Krist made his
way out of the tomb.
Dominic, Eric, Simba and Victor laughed. Dominic was probably
laughing the hardest out of them all. Eric had a small chuckle. Eric
wasn’t really the evil one of the bunch. Of course you should know that
since he’s the one who wanted to be an “elf”. Simba only had rage in
him when he had been in a certain body, besides his own, for periods
of time. Victor was evil but not as much as Dominic could be at times.
“ What a queerball,” Dominic muttered under his breath. That
just made everyone else laugh a little harder.
“What’s so funny?” A voice called out to them. He stepped into
the light and reveal himself. It was Theo. His long black hair was
slicked back into a ponytail. He had dark skin and green, envious eyes.
He wore black pants with a black T-shirt bearing the words, “ If you
stare long enough, I might do a trick”.
“ Glad to see you made it,” Victor said smoothly. “ We were
laughing at Kristopher. You remember him, don’t you?”
“ I know him all to well,” Theo said. “ What do you want me to
do today for you?”
“ We have four girls for you,” Simba spoke. “ We need you
to...How shall I say it...Test them.”
“ Are they the new Chosen Ones,” Theo replied.
“ Yes they are,” Eric said in a squeaky voice. “ We need you to
test them but not kill them...Or try not to kill them.”
Theo laughed at how Eric tried to speak to him but was so afraid.
“ That’s all you ask of me? Is to test a few girls with no powers?”
“ Yes,” Dominic said. “ Don’t use your powers at least. Just to
make it fair between all of you. There will be swords, daggers and a
variety of other objects hidden around the area. You may use them but
no magic.”
“ Okay,” Theo said. “ This will be so much fun.”
Theo went over to the next room and sat down and waited
patiently while the others got the girls. They all returned to where
Theo was in a little. Taren looked around the room as though it was
going to come to life and kill her. Raven had a straight face on her and
didn’t seem to really pay attention to what was happening. Neissa had
a dull look but she let her eyes roam around and examine small
details. Karen just kept her eyes to the ground and tried not to
acknowledge anything in her head.
“ Welcome, welcome ladies,” Theo said. “ I am Theo and I will be
your worst nightmare for tonight.”
“ Don’t wish on it,” Raven spat. “ There’s nothing that makes you
different from everyone else.”
“ That’s what you think,” Theo retorted. “ I don’t have time to
watch on your narcissistic attitude. Thinking in your head that you fear
nothing but I can see right into your empty head. I can see your fears,
your wants and your dreams. I know things about you even you don’t
“ What do you know that I don’t?” Raven asked.
“ I know your dad is a descendant of the Wind Vampires,” Theo
said. “ That’s why white light came out of you. Your certain type of
vampire can transform into Ravens. Ever wonder how you got your
Raven looked at him dumbfounded. She turned her head away in
disgust. How would he know more about her than she knew. Her
father could be a descendant of a Vampire race. Did he even know he
was and why did he never tell her?
“ What about me,” Taren spoke up.
“ You always wanted to be a vampire all your life,” Theo said
without thinking. “ But unfortunately, your mother comes from the
descendants of Shape-shifters. They specialty is mostly water animals
with the exception of the Taren. It’s a cross between a tiger and
dolphin. It may sound weird but they have the land skills of the tiger
and water skills of a dolphin. They look like cats but only slightly
larger, almost like a bobcat.”
“ Okay that’s enough,” Taren said.
“ Don’t you even start telling me about me,” Karen said.
“ I’m fine,” Neissa said.
“ Okay then,” Theo said. “ Let’s begin.”
Chapter 18
“ Now,” Theo said. “ We will be having a battle. Each of you have
five minutes to prove to me that you are worthy to be another one of
your kind. You will not be allowed to use powers or anybody else.
There are various weapons scattered throughout the area. If you
survive the five minutes you win but if you die you lose. Common
sense but hey just telling you the consequences. Now who will be my
first victim? How about you Karen.”
Karen nodded her head. She walked forward and stood in front
of Theo but far enough away that he couldn’t hit her. Then after a
minute, Eric announced they could start the fight. Theo trusted forward
and attempted to kick Karen in the stomach but she moved slightly to
the left and he went tumbling forward. He regained his balance and
smacked Karen across the face. She returned the favor with a kick but
he blocked it. They weren’t worried about weapons. They just had fun
punching and kicking around for the rest of the four minutes.
Karen stepped back after Eric had called it time. She gasped for
air and waited for Eric or Theo to say something.
“ Congratulations,” Theo said. “ You lasted five minutes and
showed amazing technique for an elf descendant. You win and you
may experience some changes over the next few months. Don’t worry
it’s just your body settle in to your new form.”
“ You make it sound so painful and permanent,” Karen said
“ Permanent, yes,” Theo said, “ painful, no.”
“ Thanks,” Karen said. She walked over to Eric who also
congratulated her as everyone did.
“ Who shall be my next victim,” Theo said. He smiled. “ Taren
come on down.”
“ This will be a show worth watching,” a voice called from behind
“ Who are you?” Theo said.
“ That’s not important now,” the voice said. He revealed himself
and stood behind Neissa. He was about 5’ 4” with light brown hair. He
was very petite and he had spiked hair and bracelets on. He had his
ear pierced and his cartilage pierced on his left ear.
“ Okay then,” Theo said sarcastically. “ Come on Taren!”
Taren slowly inched her way up to him. She hated pain more
than anything and she didn’t really want to fight. She may be a fast
runner but her fighting skills aren’t the best. She finally made her way
up after the boy standing next to Neissa called her weak and
Taren looked at Theo and regretted hearing Simba telling them
to begin the fight. Theo charged at her and she dodged. She tried
dodging every punch but after two minutes she got tried and decided
she had to fight. She went to punch Theo but he grabbed her hand and
punched her in the stomach. She fell backwards and laid on the floor
for a second. Then Theo went to jump on her but she rolled to the side
and he hit the ground. She jumped up and ducked when Theo tried to
throw his body on her and he tumbled right over her. When they went
to get up Simba called it time.
Theo looked at Taren. He was out of breath. “ You pass.”
Taren jumped up and down for joy. “ YES!” She screamed
(actually squealed) in delight.
“ That’s not right!” The boy said. “ What kind of world are we
living in where midgets can actually win against giants!”
“ Who are you anyway?” Neissa asked suspiciously.
“ I’m Damen Dracon,” he said. “ Did you rig this or something?”
“ Actually,” Dominic said. “ She won it fair. There are weapons
hidden but so far nobody has bothered to find them.”
“ He let her off easy,” Damen said.
“ I wouldn’t be surprised,” Neissa mutter under her breath so
Taren couldn’t hear.
“ Your turn now,” Dominic said to Neissa.
“ Okay then,” Neissa said. She walked up in front of Theo. She
looked him in the eye and tried to read his mind. She saw a reflection
of a blade hanging from the ceiling. He was going to grab it.
“ Ready,” Dominic said. “ Set. GO!”
Neissa jumped up and did a back flip grabbing the blade. It was
a four foot long sword. Not that bad. It was about 3 inches in width.
She turned around and saw Theo cursing at her because she grabbed
it. Theo charged and Neissa jumped and he ran right underneath her.
For the next minute or so, she didn’t use the sword at all. She just
jumped around and hoped he would hit her. The one time she jumped
her grabbed her foot and she did a front flip and he hung onto her foot
the whole time. When they landed he was on his back and Neissa had
the sword to his throat and called time.
“ You win,” Theo said loudly.
Neissa smiled down at him and removed the sword. She tossed t
into a dark corner where it would be hard to find.
“ Raven,” Victor said.
As Raven and Neissa walked by each other, they gave a small
high-five and continued walking to their destinations.
“ What are you guys competing for?” Damen asked Neissa.
“ To be what our ancestors were,” Neissa replied.
“ What are they?” Damen asked.
“ Karen’s is an elf,” Neissa said.
“ That’s lame,” Damen said.
“ For you it may be!” Karen shouted over to him.
Neissa smile. “ Taren’s a shape-shifter.”
“ Those are pretty cool,” Damen remarked.
“ Raven has a vampire descendant,” Neissa continued. “ I’m a
Demon descendant.”
“ Those are both pretty cool,” Damen said. “ I’m better though.”
“ What are you?” Neissa said.
“ I’m the spawn of Satan,” Damen said proudly. “ I’m not one of
those little come-to-be demons. I have Satan’s blood in my veins.”
“ That’s cool,” Neissa said.
“ Would you two just shut up!” Victor said.
“ Fine,” Neissa replied. Damen went to say something but Neissa
kicked him. He stayed silent.
Theo looked Raven. She felt his back pocket. He waited for Victor
to call it time.
“ I’m not letting you win this,” Theo said.

Chapter 19
More to the World than What Meets the Eye
“ Go!” Victor yelled right after Theo finished his last statement.
From Theo’s back pocket emerged a gun. He cocked it back and
aimed for Raven.
“ Don’t!” Neissa shouted. She ran forward but a familiar person
knocked her down. She looked up to him and it was Seth.
“ No!” Taren said. She ran over to Neissa but somebody else
knocked her down. She looked up to him and it was Keith.
“ What the hell?” Karen said. Someone else walked in front of
her. “ What the hell do you think your doing?” The man in front of her
placed a shotgun to her head. “ Okay then, never mind.”
Theo continued to stare at Raven. Raven looked back at him,
unafraid. She was willing to take her fate. From the dark corner of the
room, the blade which was throw by Neissa flew in-between Raven and
Theo. The tip of the blade pointed at Raven and the flat edge was at
Theo. Theo timed the shot just right and hit the back of the blade and
sent it through the middle of Raven’s neck.
“ NO!” Neissa, Karen and Taren screamed.
Raven grabbed the blade and slid it out of her neck. She looked
down at it. She threw in down to the ground and collapsed next to it.
Keith, Seth and their crew left after Raven fell.
“ Why did you kill her!” Neissa shouted. “ Why not me! You have
more issue with me! You should of killed me!”
Keith looked at her and continued to walk with his crew.
“ Answer me!” Neissa said. “ Why did you kill her! You bastard!
Get back here!”
Keith continued to walked. “ I have my reasons.” He stopped a
minute to say that then he continued on his way.
Neissa began to cry. “ Why the fuck did you kill her! She didn’t
do a damn thing to you!”
“ Neissa,” Taren said. Taren was also crying and so was Karen.
Taren and Karen walked over to Raven’s body. Taren bent over
an touched Raven’s face. The warmth was draining from her body.
Karen turned away and she began to cry even harder. Damen came up
behind Neissa and helped her off the floor. Neissa thanked him and
walked over to console her friends.
“ Do you think she could survive,” Taren said hopefully between
her sobs.
“ No way,” Damen said.
Neissa put her hand in her pocket. She pulled out a key and
gave it to Damen. “ Get my car and drive in the woods as far as you
can and then wait. We will be out with Raven and you better take us to
the nearest hospital.”
Damen shook his head and left almost immediately.
Karen grabbed Raven’s feet and Neissa grabbed her upper half
and Taren went ahead to steer them out. Damen was right outside the
tomb and then they hopped into the car. Damen sped backwards until
he made it to the main road and then he flipped the car around and
drove as fast as the car would take him.
They made it to the hospital and they immediately began to work
on Raven. Neissa gave them permission to try everything necessary to
try and revive her. After an half an hour, the doctors came out and
told Karen to start making funeral arrangements. As soon as Karen
heard that, she burst into tears and so did Neissa and Taren. They sat
together and consoled each other. Damen watched as the mourned.
He was contemplating on cheap funeral homes close by.

A few days after the death of Raven was announced, she was
laid out in a funeral home close to Kiliopo so all her friends could visit.
Karen and her family came and so did Taren and her family. Thorn and
his mother came and Neissa came along with them. People that hated
Raven throughout the school year came and mourned for her. They
prayed and wished they would of been nicer to her. After everyone had
left Karen, Taren, Neissa and Thorn began to talk.
“ Come on,” said Karen’s and Taren’s family.
“ Just wait in the car we’ll be out in a minute,” Karen said to both
of their families.
“ Okay,” their families said. They walked outside and along with
them Thorn’s mother joined them.
“ Why didn’t your parents come?” Karen said.
Neissa shoved off the question. “ There were just asses and
didn’t want to take time out of their precious schedule.”
“ That’s sad,” Taren said.
“ Come on,” Thorn said. “ We better get going. Visiting hours are
“ Go out to the car,” Neissa said. “ Me, Karen and Taren need to
say our last good-byes.”
“ Okay,” Thorn said. He kissed Neissa and did as she told him to.
They walked over to Raven’s casket. She was laid out in a fancy
black coffin with gold trim and cream color insides and sheets. There
were pictures of her and her friends but none of her family lying with
her. Her family actually never came to even visit her. Neissa laid a red
rose in with her. The looked down at her.
“ They did a good job covering up that cut in her neck,” Taren
said. “ They could of eased it on the make-up and hair-do.”
“ That’s true,” Karen said.
“ We’ll miss you Raven,” Neissa said. “ I love you.”
“ I love you, too, Raven,” Taren said.
“ I love you,” Karen said.
As soon as they were about to turn around they heard the casket
creek. They saw some of the pictures fell over. Taren went to set them
back in place when Raven’s body just sat straight up in the coffin. She
turned and opened her eyes to reveal them being black and looked at
Neissa, Karen and Taren. Taren had jumped back and screamed.
Neissa and Karen sat there paralyzed.
She opened her mouth and said in the most sinister voice
possible, “ There’s more to the world than what meets the eye.”
© Copyright 2003 Neissa (nissan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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