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by Neissa
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Thriller/Suspense · #776969
11-13 Chapters of MTTWTWMTE
Karen nodded. She thought of telling Neissa about the Tombs of the Four Chosen ones but she figured she wouldn’t. Neissa was always good at figuring out things. “I’ll see you around then I guess.”

“Sooner than you would want to,” Neissa said, then she starting walking away.

Karen was thinking about what Neissa said. She watched as Neissa disappeared behind the trees. She could really never understand Neissa. Neissa was always so dark and deep. Nobody could ever predict was on her mind or even her next move. Karen decided to give up on the meaning. She really didn’t feel like doing anything right now.

She walked into her house and had millions of questions asked by her brothers about Neissa and the conversation. She just walked by letting their annoying voices lingering in her mind. She walked up the stairs to her room and put on her music. She could blast it because her parents where so strict with everything she did. No swearing, no rated R movies, well pretty much no nothing. She was sixteen for God’s sake! She was old enough to handle all that but they still thought she deserved to be treated like a six year old. She pulled herself up onto her bed. She fell asleep within minutes.

Karen awoke late that night around midnight. She wasn’t exactly allowed downstairs or anywhere but her bedroom and she had to be asleep. She had DSL though; she could look up the Tomb. Or at least try to look it up. She didn’t really think the internet would help her at all.

She found one match for it. The person who made the website was a thirteen year old girl who lived maybe two hours from Karen. She learned that through reading the about me section. She went onto the part about the Tomb. The girl had written:

The Tomb of the Four Chosen Ones

From information that I had collected from the Urban Legends and all the things I have read in my books. The Tomb of the Four Chosen Ones is supposed to be hidden deep in some Forsaken Woods. Which the Forsaken Woods are located in Sidney. Not Sidney, Australia it’s a city about twenty miles outside of Kiliopo. The Tomb is said to be the burial grounds of the four species that started this earth. Vampire, Shape-Shifter, Elf and Devil. They were said to be four teenage males who had dreams of having certain powers. Victor Chrome had a dream of living only in darkness and he loved the taste of blood. He was extremely allergic to garlic and he had no interest in God. Simba Johnston dreamed of being able to take the form of any animal he wished too. But he was weak from diseases so he could stay in form for too long or he would have weakness to what the animal has. Eric Bennett wished to be a “good” guy as most people who say. He wanted to be a creature who man would believe to not exist, to live in the woods and hunt. Don’t forget the pointy ears he wished to have. Finally Dominic Gamma he wanted to be the ruler of the underworld. In his Greek religion Hades had already took his spot. If he couldn’t be the ruler he wanted to posses at least fifty percent or even more power as the Hades had. They all made a pact to wish upon what they want. As soon as it happened they would tell each other what they wished to become. They believe their ruler would name their species. Sixty-six days later Victor began experiencing weakness around sun and even worse reaction to garlic. He also had a craving for blood. Simba had growing so fur after he saw a dog and wished to be one. He wouldn’t come out until the next day when it was complete. Eric began having great hunting techniques and his ears starting getting pointed. Dominic began to get cold because in hell it was hotter than on earth. He could touch fire with no problem and cold bare the hottest heat on earth. They met up on the sixty-ninth day and told them about the changes. Victor, Simba and Dominic laughed at Eric for his choose of goodness. Eric began to fight back but they murdered him. Shortly after that they all disappeared. Nobody is completely sure what happened to the rest. Many rumors have been spread around but no one seemed to settle on one. They say any person who secretly wishes to have these powers and lets nobody in on their powers would be grated it if they pray for it for sixty-six days straight without breaking the cycle.

Karen was amazed at how much that sounded like it could very well happen. She decided to print it out and maybe somebody knew where the Forsaken Woods were. She hurried up then grabbed the paper and hid it inside her room. She wondered if you actually prayed for sixty-six days if you would turn into what you want to be. She decided to try and see if anything would happen.

Chapter 12

Karen’s Secret

Karen woke the next morning from the obscene blast of music from her brother’s room. Karen swore under her breath and then hopped out of the bed. She fumbled her way to the dresser. She got dressed and then joined everybody else down at kitchen. Karen’s mother run through the dining room and the kitchen preparing everybody breakfast. Her mother was tall, thin woman with short dark hair. She was kind but very strict and protective with her kids. She placed the plates in front of them. She hurried along and told the kids to get ready. Karen had color guard practice, Peter had band camp and the youngest Derrick had soccer practice and their mother rushed them. Their mother was always trying to make them succeed and also trying to keep them busy.

After Karen’s mother hurried them and shoved them into the car, they were off to their own individual activities at separate places. Karen thought her mother would go crazy from having to drive them every where. Peter was older than Karen and he had not gone for his drivers test. No matter how much they bugged him to. Karen couldn’t wait until she could go. She was supposed to take her within the next two weeks.

Karen was the first one to be dropped off in their cycle. She made her way into the High School with her flags and she set them down in her spot. She looked around to see if any of her friends were there yet. She found Becky sitting on one of the tables, dangling her feet and looking like she was sad. Karen went over to see if she could figure out anything but Becky just said family problems and didn’t seem to specify exactly what they were. Then Karen thought she should just mind her own business. There is no possible way to see the pain behind the mask. Karen had a few secrets of her own. Secrets that nobody besides Karen and her parents knew. Something sinister.

She walked back to her flags and grabbed a small white pull with a satin material on the end. She began trying to work on her routines before their teacher came. As soon as he came Karen had to be prepared for anything he might throw at them. He was an unpredictable man who really didn’t seem to care much about what he said.

After about an hour Karen felt weak from all the exercises he decided to do so they could “shape up.” Karen found them annoying but she did them anyways. Then he decided to try doing some of the harder things to do. It was also a test to see who gives up easily and the ones who are persist. Not that they were going to kick anyone out. Karen was having fun and she learned new things and most she succeed at. She was persist and a straight A student. She was in special academic programs and ranked one of the highest in her school. She hated the way people always used her smarts against her. She was academically gifted but she still liked to fool around and have fun. It was about three hours of practice before their teacher said they could stop and leave. All of them were very relieved.

Karen grabbed her flags and walked outside. She saw her mother standing next to her father. Then the secret seemed to pop back into her head. She wished she could just forget it. It would have been two years on that day that it happened. The image burned and the pain struck her. Her brothers didn’t know anything about Krista. Krista would have been a year older than Karen if she wasn’t murdered. She was fifteen when she died. She was murdered by her parents. They did it because Krista drove them mad. Back then they had no restrictions and they pretty much could do whatever they pleased. Krista starting getting into the punk rock scene and she started getting on drugs. Her parents did everything to try to help her with her drugs, alcohol, and suicide background. Her parents just couldn’t take too much more of it. They waited until they got Karen and her brothers out of the house for a weekend. Krista was grounded so she had to stay home. They waited and waited until she went to sleep then they took a piece of rope and tied it around her neck and then hooked it. They pulled it and Krista went up into the air and choked to death. Karen had been spending the night at her grandmother’s house. Her grandmother lived right across the street. Karen had wanted to get one of her CDs and she walked into the room to see Krista hanging from the ceiling. Karen screamed and caught the attention of her parents. They beat Karen badly and warned her if she told anybody they would kill her. Karen obeyed them not wanting to die. She went back to her grandmother’s and snuck past her and she went to sleep. She been having horrible nightmares about that day every since. Everybody believes Karen life is so perfect. They just don’t know what past she had.

Krista was placed in side of a bag with cinder blocks and dropped out into the ocean, Far enough out that her body wouldn’t wash up for a while, if it ever did wash up. Karen’s parents wanted to cut off her fingers and toes and her head so they couldn’t check fingerprints, footprints or even dental records. They just decided to put her deep into the ocean.

Karen snapped out of the thought. It hurt her to think about it. She could feel the tears wanting to come out. Krista was always there for her. She had to bare the pain of the secret of her sister for two years. Her brothers were told Krista was sent off to a rehab center. Karen thought her brothers were extremely stupid for buying such a cheap story. Karen walked to her parents van and placed the flags in the back. Her parents smiles and happiness seem to cover there murderous background. She sat in the back seat and waited until they picked up her brothers.

As soon as Karen walked through the doors, she went up to her room. She placed her flags in the corner and put on her music. She jumped up onto her bed and sat there. Thoughts of Krista and the life she has now were flooding her mind. She thought about all that for about five minutes before she came out of it. She realized she could have very well told the secret without her parents knowing it was her. There must have been some ways were the body could wash up or even been brought up to the surface. All the possibilities ran through her mind. They won’t see Karen if she even tells. They’ll be in jail. Karen was thinking really hard about it.

“Karen,” a small voice said. It sounded like a girl.

Karen looked around, “Who’s there?” Her eyes shifted around the room. Where was the voice coming from? Who was talking to her?

“Don’t tell,” the voice said. “Please don’t tell the police. Mom and dad will escape from jail and kill you. Trust me Karen.”

“Krista?” Karen said. “Where are you and how do you know?”

“I can’t show you my face,” Krista voice echoed. “Master says I can’t. I can’t tell you how I know either. Master will not let me.”

“Who’s Master?” Karen asked. She had so many questions were running through her mind. “Who is he? What is he doing to you?”

“I can’t tell you everything you want to know. I have my limitations. You can’t die because Master only needs one more soul before…”

Krista voice disappeared.

“Krista!” Karen said louder than she thought she did. Her parents were standing at the door. They must have been there through out the whole conversation. They looked as though they were about to strangle Karen. They might have done so if her brothers weren’t home. This is the only time she was happy here brothers were around her.

Karen just sat there. She was too stunned from what just happened to say or even to move. Her parents were defiantly gonna kill her now. She had revealed that she was gonna tell. She hasn’t said anything yet, though. They couldn’t possible kill her if she just thought doing it. They could just threaten her like they did last time. Or maybe they could kill her.

“Who were you talking to?” Her mother asked in a hot voice.

Don’t try to play stupid! Karen thought. “No one of your concern.”

Karen’s mother walked up to Karen. She looked down at her and slapped her hard across the face. “I’m not that stupid you little bitch!” Then she grabbed Karen by the throat and lifted her up into the air.

Karen grabbed her mother’s hand trying to pull it away so she could breathe. She clawed at her mother’s hand but nothing seemed to loosen her grip. Karen could feel it becoming very hard to breathe. Her vision started to go blurry and the room seemed as though it was spinning.

Karen fell to the ground. All she remembered was hearing a loud crack and falling. She hit her head off her bed on the fall to the floor. It left her unconscious for about an hour. She awoke with her mother’s dead body lying next to her. Karen got up as quick as she could and examined the body. Something hit her mother in the head and pretty hard too. Where was her father though? Who hit her mother in the head and saved Karen? Was it her brothers? Did her father do it? All these questions flooded Karen’s mind.

Karen tried hard to keep her balance and not fall again. She slowly went down the stairs. She walked into the family room and saw her brothers just sitting there watching T.V. and eating sandwiches. Nothing out of the ordinary. She smelled burning wood and look into the back of the yard. She saw her father burning a wooden baseball bat. It looked as though it had red spots on it. Karen immediately thought her father did it.

“Dad didn’t kill mom,” Derrick said, seeming as though he could read her mind. “Peter and I did. Dad told us that mom was insane and we had to dispose of her. She was being controlled by a demon.”

Peter took his focus off the T.V and looked at Karen. “Dad also told us what actually happened to Krista. You knew didn’t you? You knew mom killed her.”

“They both did!” Karen exclaimed. “Dad’s as guilty as mom was. He was there and they both hung her.”

“No,” Peter protested. “Dad was sleeping while mom did it. When he heard you scream it woke him up and followed mom back to yours and Krista’s room.”

“Then why did he threaten me along with mom?” Karen began to ask questions. “Why did he beat me with her? Why didn’t he go to the police on her? Why did he help clean up the body? Why…”

“They would have blamed me along with your mother,” Their father said hearing the last bit of conversation while he was closing the sliding glass door. “They would have asked all of you what happened and I thought since you saw me there, you would also blame me.”

“So for the past two years,” Karen started. “I thought you and mom were psychos but actually mom was the psycho. Why didn’t you tell me that you were innocent! I was really thinking about telling!”

“I didn’t think you would believe me,” her father said. “You always seemed to have your opinion and nobody else would make you change your mind. Your mother always wrapped you up with all the activities.”

“Okay,” Karen said being irritated that she was wrong. She always hated being wrong. “How are you going to explain her body? Don’t dare tell me you’re going to bury it and say she was missing. If they come to the house and find her body, they’re going to be very suspicious. You’re fingerprints, hair are going to give it away. Not to mention the huge blood stain in my carpet. You can’t get rid of the stain. They can spread the stuff that makes blood glow in the dark and find out she was murdered.”

“Really?” Her father said. “I’m glad I have a genius of a daughter.”

“You didn’t know that?” Karen said. “Mom didn’t probably didn’t even know that herself! Don’t you people ever watch television?”

“No, I actually don’t,” her father said sarcastically.

Karen got angry. She pushed past her father and ran up the stairs to her room. She stage dived in her bed and pulled out a piece of paper from a hidden crack in the wall. She put her shoes on and went back down the stairs. She walked back down to where she was standing before.

Her brothers and father looked at her like she was going to kill them. “I hate you all!” Karen spat. “You have no damn clue what you are doing! You all can go to hell for all I care. You ….ed your life and I’m not gonna let you do that to mine. I have more important things to do. If you even send any police to try and find me I promise you they won’t find me.”

Karen walked outside and examined the cars. There was no way she was going to walk twenty miles and maybe even more. She looked back inside the door and saw her father and brothers still had the same surprised look on there faces. Karen would just have starting bursting out laughing if she wasn’t so mad. She walked back into the house and snatched the car keys out of her father’s hand.

“You won’t need this any time soon,” Karen said.

Chapter 13

Neissa’s Mistake

Neissa walked into the sliding glass doors. She walked up to the main desk of Saint Joe’s Hospital. She looked at the receptionist and almost got sick. The girl must have been a recovering anorexic because she was so thin you could see almost every bone inside her body. Neissa decided she should keep her mouth shut and try not to get too sick.

“What room is Taren Lelsi in?” Neissa asked politely.

The anorexic girl typed in a few letters and said, “Level 12 and the room number is 13a.”

“Thank you,” Neissa said and scurried over to the elevators. She pushed in the 12 button and waited for it to reach the top. Neissa didn’t think they would put Taren on such a high level. She waited patiently as the door opened. She read the signs above her to see what way she was supposed to be going. She silently walked into the room and saw Taren was fast asleep on the bed. Being the kind of person Neissa was, she wouldn’t let Taren rest.

“William,” Neissa whispered into Taren’s ear.

Taren sat straight up and looked around. “Where?” Her eyes were still looking for William. “Neissa!”

“What did I do?” Neissa said innocently. “I didn’t do anything at all so you can’t blame me for anything that you claim I did wrong! I have proof that it was my evil twin!”

“Just shut up while you’re ahead,” Taren said. “Just shut it.”

“Okay then,” Neissa said. “Sorry I didn’t give sleeping beauty her ugly rest.”

"No,” Taren said. “Just stay a little longer, please. Nobody ever comes
to visit me.”
“Come on, Taren,” Neissa said. “It’s not as bad as you think it is.
There’s much worse things than that.”
“ Yes it is,” Taren yelled. “ Live my life! See what Hell I go
through! You don’t understand! You have such a perfect life.”
“ Wait,” Neissa said. “ I have a perfect life?” Neissa let out a
small laugh and then got a serious face. “ My life is worse than you can
imagine. My father beats me. I’ve been pushed downstairs, punched,
kicked, thrown into dressers and my favorite being chased with a chain
saw. My mother covers it up because she doesn’t give a shit! Is that a
perfect life? I wish they would just die!”
“ I didn’t know it was that bad,” Taren said sympathetically. “
How can you live with them?”
“ I ran away a week ago,” Neissa said. “ I’m getting along much
better without them. I really hope when I go back I find them dead.”
“ Neissa!” Taren said. “ You yelled at me when I talk like that.
You shouldn’t wish that! Things could get better! Why are you going
against what you used to lecture me for?”
“ Times change,” Neissa yelled. “ So do people.” She gave Taren
a crooked look. “ Get used to it.” Neissa started walking out the door
when Taren pleaded her to stay.
“ Please stay,” Taren said. “ I don’t like being alone.”
“ Get used to being alone,” Neissa said without looking back at
Taren. “ With you attitude you’re going to be alone for a good while.”
She finish walking out the door.
Neissa realized she had no place to go. She didn’t want to bother
Thorn much more. Like most people he needed time to be with his
friends than to be with Neissa 24/7. All her friends at this point hated
her or left to go find the Tomb of the Four Chosen Ones. Taren was so
stupid to leave her diary out in the open with the directions there.
Taren didn’t know Neissa looked through there. She didn’t it while
Taren went for some tests. She might as well go back to the Hellhole
she came from.
On her way back home, she had an urge just to go to Thorn’s
house for a quick second to see how he was. She was about to go up
and ring the door bell when she heard laughter. The dining room blinds
where open just enough for her to see inside. She stopped to study the
environment inside. She wasn’t trying to be nosy but she was
extremely curious. She saw Thorn and a girl standing in front of each
other. Neissa had a perfect view from the side of them. She
immediately recognized the girl as Alicia. Alicia was a girl from their
school who believed she was Gothic but didn’t have the style or
attitude to be considered one. Neissa could see that Thorn had a small
crush on her but they were together and trusted he wouldn’t cheat on
her. Her mind instantly changed when she saw them kiss. She didn’t
want to stick around to see the ending of it. She was much to
She slowly entered the front door of her house. Both of her
parents were in the living room as she entered. Just her luck!
“ Oh my God,” Beth said as she jumped to her feet. “ We missed
you so much! Don’t you ever do that again!”
Mark looks over at her. “ I knew you would be back.”
“ Don’t worry,” Neissa said. “ It won’t be too long.” She finished
the sentence with an evil smirk on her face. She was planning
something that would shock the both of them.
She walked up to her room ignoring her parents fake smiles and
emotions. They didn’t care. Neissa opened the door to her room and
grabbed a notebook and wrote a poem.

As I sit here
Wondering of why
Everything bad always happens to me
I just lost my true love
Everything else now seems a blur
Friends and Family
Are no use in this situation
But how to fix it?
I don’t think I can or ever will
My life is worthless now
Or so it seems
I look up at a rigid rock
It’s overlooking the ocean
Just down below if you happened to fall off
There are many sharp rocks at the bottom
Where the waves are now lapping against
Will that end all my problems?
Taking on swift move off the rocks’ edge?
Will my problems only begin?
How many people would be affected by the loss
Of a simple worthless human being
I contemplate on what I should do
The only person I can ask for advice is now gone
What would you do if you had the same situation
I have now....
That seems good, Neissa thought. She looked around her room
and remember she had weapons concealed in her room. She got up
and walked over to the spot and looked inside. They were still there.
She sat there and looked at them. She had a hatchet, ax, knife and
sword. She examined the various lengths and sharpness of each blade.
Tonight is the night she would end all her problems.
She waited until her parents came up and said there fake
goodnights and I love you. She went back to the place deep in her
room and looked at each weapon. She grabbed the hatchet and ax.
She walked over to her bed and sat down, placing the blades in front
of her. She took the hatchet and placed it to her throat. She was about
to slice her throat but she thought, Why should I end my life over
them? They should be the ones to pay!
She crept out of her room and silently entered her parents room.
She walked to the left side of the bed where her father lay innocently
sleeping not knowing what was about to become of him. She took the
ax in her hand and lined it up with the middle of his neck. Just as he
eyes were opening, she lifted the blade and swung down hard.
Completely decapitated him. The blood slowly seeped through his
neck. Neissa let out a small chuckle. She had some blood on her
clothes but didn’t bother to try disposing of it. The cops would never
be able to find her anyway.
Her mother was awakening at this point. She sat up and looked
into Neissa’s direction completely unaware of her fate. Neissa brought
up the ax and swung it so it hit her mother hard in the side of her face.
She tumbled backwards off the bed still alive. Neissa walked over to
the other side of the bed and decapitated her mother as well.
Neissa felt relief overcome her body. She was so happy. She felt
that most of her problems were gone. She wouldn’t get caught for a
while even if they could find her. Her parents had no friends and their
families didn’t associated with them. It would take weeks before the
even realized they were gone. They both have at home jobs and the
only way they would find out is if someone visits or the bill collectors
call. By the time that happens, she would be far away. Before she
leaves though, she has one more loose end to tie up.
Neissa found herself walking to Alicia’s house. She knew her
parents would be home since she announced it to the whole school.
She walked up to the front door and turned the handle. It opened up
with ease. What an idiot, Neissa thought. Smart move to leave your
door open. Now I have to teach you a lesson of what happens when
you do that. She walked around till she came across a black door. She
figured that she did that and walked inside. She looked at the black
room with many expensive “gothic” items decorated the room. She
found Alicia fast asleep. She walked along side the bed and grabbed
the hatchet from her coat pocket. She placed it on the middle of Alicia
neck and slid it slowly across but deep enough to kill her. The blood
slowly trickled, then she lifted the blade and stabbed it between her
eyes. She wiped the blood on her comforter and place it back in her
pocket. That’s what you get bitch, Neissa thought. Trying to steal my
boyfriend and you couldn’t even live long enough to tell the world how
much of a slut you are!
Neissa found herself thinking of Thorn, maybe it wasn’t all Alicia.
Maybe Thorn was flirting with her, and she just found it to be the right
time to kiss him. She walked downstairs and found Alicia’s mother’s
car keys. She walked out to the car and fumbled with the keys till she
unlocked the doors and started the ignition. After a few minutes, she
was successful and left without a second thought.
Chapter 14
Neissa pulled into Thorn’s driveway. She turned off the car and
placed her weapons in the back of the car. She figured she wouldn’t
need them. At least not yet. She walked up to his front door and rang
the doorbell four times to let Thorn know it was her. Thorn opened the
door and looked semi-surprised to see her. Then he focused his
attention on her clothes, she didn’t have time to change so the blood
was still on it.
“What happened?” Thorn asked. Concern filled his voice but
Neissa brushed the fact aside.
Neissa just gave him a blank stare. “ Don’t you know? How could
you not know?”
Thorn looked completely confused. “ No, actually I don’t know.
Would you mind telling me?”
“ Does the name Alicia ring any bells in that head?” Neissa said
with a small smirk on her face.
“Oh,” Thorn started to say a sentence but stopped. “You didn’t
see what she did, please tell me you didn’t see that. Neissa I can
“ Yes,” Neissa said. “ I saw you kiss her and I don’t want to know
anything else that might of went on in your sick and twisted fantasies.”
She looked away and said, “ An explanation would be nice though.”
“How much did you exactly see?” Thorn asked.
“ Not much,” Neissa said. “ I turned away in disgust because you
broke what you said back at the warehouse! I guess you were like
Dimitri all along.”
“No,” Thorn argued. “ I didn’t break anything. You didn’t see me
push away did you? I can’t stand her. I love you baby girl and no one
Neissa got right up in his face. “ Then why was she here. Why
did you even let her get so close? You seemed to enjoy it though.”
Thorn looked discouraged. “Do my words mean anything to you?
She showed up with Benj and they just mysteriously showed up. I
didn’t know she was going to be here?”
Neissa looked deep into his eyes. She tried to read his mind but
it was hard. He wasn’t the easiest person to read minds. She watched
him and he walked to his radio and put on his favorite song, “The
Taste of Ink”. The words played in her head. She understood what was
on his mind. “ You’re words are the only things that keep me alive.
They mean everything to me. It my seem like it’s not sinking in but it
just takes me a while to believe all of it. I’m used to people playing
games with my mind and I’m just not used to expressing my feelings.
Please tell me you understand?”
Thorn looked a little happier. “Yes I understand. You don’t have
to be skittish around me. I’m not going to criticize you and I’m not
going to hate you for saying something. Just trust me baby girl.
There’s no need to fear when you’re around me.” He smiled a bit.
Neissa loved it when he smiled. Though she still had doubts in
her mind that he was telling the truth, she still accepted what he said.
She took her chances of regretting that later. “ I’ll believe you but if
you’re lying I will never talked to you again in my life.”
“ Fair enough,” Thorn agreed. “ I’m not lying to you so I’ll be
talking to you for a while.” She smiled again.
Neissa smiled herself. She wasn’t the type to smile but he made
her so happy. There was just something about him that was different,
she really couldn’t explain it but he was just do special to her. “ Okay
then.” She stood up and began to walk to the door. “ I have to go.”
She went to open the door when Thorn jolted in front of her. She
took her hand. “ No way are you leaving this house without kissing
me!” Neissa laughed and kissed him. “ Now you may leave.”
Neissa laughed again. “ Thank you.” She smiled a bit more. She
loved the way he act. No matter how much he can act like an eight
year old she still loves him. “ I love you.”
“ I love you, too,” Thorn said with a smile as her closed the door.
Neissa got in the car and drove to Raven’s house. She felt bad
for just disappearing on her like she did last time she was there. She
pulled up to the driveway and saw her dad’s car. No lights were on in
Raven’s room but Neissa still decided to go in. She went to the front
door and walked in. Raven’s dad was sitting in a chair watching
television, he jumped when Neissa walked in.
“ What are you doing here?” Raven’s dad said.
“ I came here to get Raven,” Neissa said. “ You don’t think I
came to visit you, did you?”
“ Smart ass,” Raven’s dad scoffed. “ She’s not here. I have no
clue where she is. She could be dead for all I know.”
“ How long has she been gone?” Neissa asked.
“ Since the day you left here,” he replied.
“ How did you know I was here?” Neissa asked. “ You were with
someone and you never heard or saw me. How did you know?”
“ None of your business,” he laughed. “ Karen and Taren went to
look for The Tomb of the Four Chosen Ones.”
“ How did you know about that?” Neissa asked.
“ I know more than you will ever know,” he said. “ I suggest you
leave and go find her or stay here and die.”
“ I hate you,” Neissa said while walking back to her car. How
would he know anything! Neissa thought. I always knew there was
something fishy about him.
Neissa drove many hours on highways to get to the small city
where the Forsaken Woods were. It took her hours also to find where
it was located. It was actually located in the middle of a busy city but
the trees and woods were huge and thick. The tomb could be
anywhere in the woods and Neissa had no clue were to begin. She
parked out near the eastern edge of the woods. She looked into what
may kill her. She mustered up her courage and entered.
The branches below her snapped as she walked past. It smelled
strongly of rain but the skies were blue and it hadn’t rained in weeks.
She lowered her eyes to the ground. This could take days! Neissa
thought to herself. I could easily pass it up! How do I even know
where Raven is? What if something happened to her? Oh, I hope she is
fine! The thoughts made Neissa said and she began to tear.
Neissa held her eyes down to the ground. She began to see
small traces of footprints. She might find someone that could help her.
Maybe it was Raven’s prints. She began to jog to put up the pace and
hopefully find the person who left the marks.
She suddenly stopped after a minute. She let her eyes raise up
and see what she almost ran into. Standing in front of her is what she
had been searching for. She had found The Tomb of the Four Chosen

© Copyright 2003 Neissa (nissan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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