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Rated: E · Chapter · Emotional · #774584
a poem manuscript

Too Much Fun
On a Bus
Full of Kids

By: Amanda McNally

They are some of the wisest people
Advice for every bad turn
To steer you right
When you are off course
You’re guiding light
When all others fail
Confidants and allies
Will not tell and never retreat
Never asking for anything
But giving everything
They never stop loving
That is my best friend.


Love is everlasting
Though many do not know it.
It is the bond that strengthens the world
Like industrial strength superglue.
Holding the puzzle pieces together
Undissolvable bonds, steadfast forever
It is the reason and the mystery
The ties that hold a family
It can be stretched thin as a spider’s web
And strong as thrice forged steel
Love can be unmarred and untainted
Or full of heartache and grief
Love is sometimes pain in disguise
Cloaked by deceiving lies
Intangible and evasive
You cannot grasp nor taste it
Just a feeling, a sensation
Of contentment and elation
To be beside that special someone
That is love in its strongest form.

All I can think of is you
And I feel wonderful knowing it’s true
You like me, you love me
Never want to be without me
I can’t eat because I'm thinking of you
I can’t sleep, worrying about you
I can’t focus because all I can see is your face
Floating in my consciousness
im trying hard to concentrate
trying not to shake
my life seems so out of control
am overwhelming sense of elation
washes over my evey thought
drowning out eveything else
all i hear is your voice
echoing through my brain
Recalling your words is medicine to my soul
Soothing my troubles, relaxing my mind
All I can think of is you.


They are as real as you and I
Not enchanted by earth and sky
Normal people with extraordinary perceptions
Untainted by the world’s deceptions
A free spirit, a free soul
Where the realisms of the world don't take their toll
An unimagined presence
With an enigmatic essence
They are as real as you and I
When we let our imagination fly.

Tragic Realisms

Attack our dreams
Shattering ignorance, breaking the screens
That filter life so completely
And pulls the proverbial wool
Over already sightless eyes
Blinded from the truth
Visionless hopes grow dimmer
In this world
Where saints become sinners.

Alas, for love is fickle and can change on a whim.
‘Tis like quicksand: suck you in and drown you.
But friends! Friends are the lifesavers.
They will always be there; constant and steady.
And if you fall into the quicksand traps
Of the mind--a friend will be there
With a rope made of compassion and sympathy.

What matters truly to ourselves?
Love, compassion, family, place?
Or corruption, greed, and hate?
Wishful thinking for the former
All too true for the latter
Someday soon we may find out
That enlightenment is far away
From the plights and perils of everyday.

As cool as the wind blows
Like warm sunshine.

As a cold snow falls
Like hot coals.

As the north meets the south
Like east separates from west.

As many people cry-
Like few birds sing.

As love does the healing
Like hate unties new hope.

As living in a dream
Like dying in reality.

As things must end
Like all new beginnings.

‘Tis a bittersweet existence
This thing we call life.
There’s nothing more deceiving
Than the disillusionment
Which plagues our souls each day.
Confessions of a Werewolf

Oh the sil’vry orb that haunts my dreams
Pale and pure, light untainted
Casts its glow to purge the dark
Shrouded by shadows, trapped in lies
My curse, my death, my damnation
Hangs over me unfailing
A reminder to my own.
The monthly cycles wax and wane
Beware the wolf, the unnatural wolf
And watch your back I say
Advice given, advice dealt
Like the tarot cards of hell
Heed my call and stay away
And you shall live to see another day.

Like an electric shock
This thing, your touch, may seem
Alive beyond sight, sounds, or dream
When you look at me like that
It changes me.
When you speak to me like that
It thrills me.
You’ll never know exactly how I feel
Without you, my world comes crashing down

How can we ever know?
Why the wolf lifts its nose to the sky
And sings a lullaby to the moon.

How can we ever know?
If there are places beyond the nine
Unseen worlds, like ours, but beyond measure of time.

How can we ever know?
What’s under the ocean depths
Far below in inky darkness, a world within a world.

Just for Show

Utter desolation
Is what my life has become.
Utter isolation
The greater of two evils.
Utter insanity
When people mess with destiny.
When these things happen, you’ll never know
‘Till the end, all of life is just for show.

Different Perceptions
How each of us perceives the world
Is different in every way.

Some see life as an adventure
Exploring something new everyday.
Some think of it as a ride
And hang on for all they’re worth.
Some call it a curse
Welcoming the release of death.
Some consider it a blessing
Praising the lord each and every day.
Some live in the moment
Not worrying about tomorrow.
Some sit and while away their time
Caring for nothing at all.

It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you realize
Life is what you make of it.

Northward bound

There’s something in the air up here
That makes you think
Of perpetual blue skies
And tall mountain peaks.

There’s something in the air up here
Cold and crisp in winter
Invigorating the senses
And sharpening the mind.

There’s something in the air up here
Full of wonderment and life
With an unexplainable presence
An enigmatic essence.

There’s something in the air up here
Allowing you to dream
Float away to unconsciousness
As the endless miles roll on.

What Can You Do?

They say if you love someone, let them go
And if they come back, that’s how you know.

But what happens if they get lost along the way
Turned off the path of life
What happens if you miss them too much
To let them go?

Are you supposed to just sit there and pine
What if it takes them too long to come back
And you’ve found someone new?

Now what do you do?

How do you choose
If you love more than one?
How do you pick?
Which one is the one for you?
Which one do you choose
If they both make your head spin?
Which one do you pick
The one to spend precious time with?

It’s all up to you
You know it’s true.
Only you can decide
Don’t just run away and hide.
You can’t control whom you love
Is it the one you always think of?

How can you love somebody so much
When you don’t truly know them?

Why do we care so much
If we can’t do anything about it?

What do we consider an act of love
If we do everything for it?

Why do we ask so many questions
When we’ll never know the answers?

Healing hearts and minds
loving thoughts do entreat
A sigh, a sign
Of love’s first kiss
In the twilight eve.


A dream is a wish
That can come true.
Something to strive for
A goal to reach.
Giving hope where it’s needed.

Monotonous trees
Endless green
Snow on the ground
The road goes on.
Across the land
Under blue sky
Through the earth
Until you die.

Can you find your destination?
Is the road your salvation?
Going forward, never looking back
Wondering what’s ahead
Not worrying about behind.
Always there, never changing.

Lit by the moonglow
Silhouetted in the window
Looking out at the wide world
Wondering what’s outside
Beyond peripheral sight
And over the mountains
Through the trees
Under cold stone and across seas
Are they ever bitter
Knowing they’ll never see
The wonders of the world
Or do they not care?
One thing for sure
They know it’s out there.

An Ode to the Furballs

What’s inside those depths
Windows to the soul
Stare at you unblinking
Utmost beseeching
Wishing for you
To drop a friendly hand
And scratch behind the ears
Or under the chin.

Beautiful, wonderful creatures
Lithe and graceful in every way
An ode to the cat
Incomparable I say.

My Philosophy

I see everything as an opportunity
To learn, grow, and love.
I cherish every day of my existence
Like it’s my last.
Living life to the fullest
And tempting fate everyday.
Reveling in the mystery
Contemplating eternity.
There’s nothing more I want
Than to live ‘’til the end of days.
Celebrating life in every way
And never loosing faith in love.



A Pet.

Why do we call them pets?
They’re so much more than that.
Loyal friends who will never judge
Always true, no matter what.
Incorruptible, unlike us.
An unwavering sense of innocence
They cheer you up when you’re blue
Loving unconditionally.
Though they themselves won’t be their forever
Their memories will.
Always with us, no matter what
A perpetually bright light in a dark world.

(Making my way back home)

Seagulls calling, wind is blowing
Bringing the smell of brine
Salty air invigorating the spirit.
Though it’s warm, a cool sea breeze blows
Tousling hair, caressing your face,
A faint whiff of fishiness
Fragrant bouquets of wildflowers
Dot the land.
Quaint houses along the shorefront
Friendly people chattering
Inexpensive shops
Openly displaying their wares.
Unlocked doors, not worried about crime
Regal lighthouses on monoliths of stone
Shine out over the waters, guiding you home.
Content tourists wander about,
Wonderful open spaces
Secret secluded places
Where you can get lost in a daydream
Undisturbed by the noise of everyday
a quiet getaway, wild and free
Untouched by modern progress
So it may seem.
An appreciable degree of romance
Lovers walk, hands entwined
Peaceful and soul-stirring
that is my home,
I love Maine.

We are the ying-yang
opposites yet close.

Never to be unbound
like our friendship.

White inside black
your good rubbed off on me.

Black inside white
my evil rubbed off on you.

Our friendship is like the ying-yang
mystical and eternal.

Contrasting yet complimenting
everlasting colors will never fade.

White is the pureness
of the love for a friend.

Black is the bottomlessness
a never ending understanding between us.

We are the ying-yang
inseperable forever.

All I Am

an empty shell of a person
no love, compassion, family, trust
spirit flown from corporeal state.
gone are all the memories shared.
so long to all the feelings explored.
goodbye to all troubled thoughts.
past everything, anything in this world.
soul buried under lies been told
hidden in a place dark and cold
zombie like from day to day
happiness is unknown now
downtrodden and belittled.
until the day to leave comes
shrug off the guilt, break loose the shackles
that hold you to this life
for a promise of eternal freedom
that is the light that shines through the dark
and on to better days, never letting you fall.

Always you

All I wanted was a friend
you were there.
All I wanted was a helping hand
you were there.
All I wanted was a shoulder to cry on
you were there.
All I wanted was a smile
you were there.
All I wanted was a laugh
you were there.
All I need is love
turns out all I need is you.
You were always there for me
to pick me up when I fell
to give me support and faith
I love you more than life it’s self
and I pray that I will always be
there for you.

Wherever You Are
No matter where you are
I’ll be there.
In your heart and on your mind
I’ll be there.
When you think about anything
I’ll be there.
In everything you do
I’ll be there.
And whatever I do, where ever I go
You’ll be there too.


please someone help me
free me from this trap
a prison so lonely
so empty and cold

these prison bars that hold me in
keeping me from living
my life

I’m trying to get out
trying to escape
will no one save me
is there no rescue
does anyone care

go back to the things we have done before.
never again can we get them back.
the moment's gone, lost in an eternity;
yet locked up inside our memory.
it will not fade or grow clearer,
so relish life, for death draws ever nearer.

these are the days we have to live
there is no second chance.
use them wisely, do not squander
the precious time we have left.
and so the days go on and on
with us or without.
new lives are made as old ones
die out

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