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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Comedy · #773444
The ending of my book-thing, or is it? R&R and if you like, read others
If you're curious to go to the begining..."Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

6:02 p.m., Tuesday, December 12th
My Room

Well not much else happened there. The next day we all left.

However, newer stuff has gone down that will explain how the relationships are not OK. It all started when we first joined this new fitness center in town. It's really cool, all high-tech and shit.

Anyway, a lot of people joined up, and one of them was Shane. You remember, the guy from the dance. Yeah, well he and a bunch of his friends all joined. Mind you, I've known Shane since I was about 3 years old, but I can easily admit to him being cute, him and his friends. So we all started going to the Gym everyday after school and everyday we bumped into the Cuties (yes we do use that term in addressing them). It was great fun, we flirted like mad women. Great fun. Well…until the Boys 'surprised' us there.

We'd been coming for about a month by then and it was a great routine, work-out, flirt, and show off all at the same time. Anyway, we were standing around flirting and I felt an irritated tap on my shoulder. I turned around, ready to snap off the head of whoever had just interrupted me. Standing behind us were the Boys, scowling. My jaw dropped and I yanked the two on either side of me around. They protested, then squeaked in surprise. Eventually most all of us were gaping. The Cuties looked annoyed and slumped against the wall behind us.

"Nice to see you too." Mike growled.

Okay, true, it was a compromising position we were in, but come on! We hadn't seen or heard from any of them in over a month! Did they expect us to believe they hadn't done their fair share of flirting?!

"What…" Terri gaped.

Dragon rolled her eyes and went back to flirting.

"What," Jack asked, "are we doing here?"
"We thought we'd swing by on our way over to my house." Jeff glared, "You know, to surprise you?"

It was starting to get annoying. Really annoying. I mean, what right did they have to be screaming at us?! I've always hated when people do that to me.

"And what do we find?" Adam glared.
"You flirting with a bunch of idiots." Jake hissed.

Lori's eyes flashed a warning. Unfortunately, all boys are idiots. They kept going on and on, pissing us off more and more. They were berating us as though we were children. And doing so in a public place. Everyone was staring.

"GOD DAMN YOU!" Lori screamed and ran out.

I glared at the Boys and turned to the Cuties, smiling. The Cuties smiled back, though a bit worriedly.

"I'm really sorry you guys have had to witness this," I rolled my eyes towards the Boys. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yeah." Shane grinned.

I turned back, glared again and stalked out after Lori. Slowly, everyone else trickled out, some with tear-stained faces, others emanating anger. Rose and Dragon, however, stayed with the Cuties.

Lori stayed at my house that night, she couldn't face going to her house and knowing they Boys too were there. Since then none of us have talked to the Boys nor have they tried to communicate with us. And still I don't miss them. They were such assholes! Gah! Now I'm pissed.

10:23 p.m.
Still my Room

Sorry, didn't feel like filling you so I took a breather and got some food. Maybe I'm simply turning into an evil person. Oh well. I'm giving up on my social life for awhile anyway, starting to get behind in a few of my classes. Crappers. My mom's home.


11:03 a.m., Saturday, December 16th
My Room

Well, he broke up with me, the bastard. Just as I was fucking starting to fall for him, he dumped me. Well fuck him. The only ones who are as they were, relationship wise? Terri, Rose and Phoenix.

Sigh, I don't mind being single too much. Though, I'm going to have to kill Jeff for Willow. He seriously broke her heart. GAH!

I'm playing Angry Music. Helps me calm down. A little. God damn him, I'm crying. I fucking started to love him. Bye.


2:03 p.m., Monday, January 1st
The Living Room

Ooh! My new year welcoming present this year was my permit! It's so sexy. Mmm. Sorry 'bout not writing for awhile. Was in a fit of depression. But I'm over him now. We all focused our energy in on Rose and finding her a new boyfriend. And guess who Lori set her up with for a blind date!!! JAKE!!!

Lori, Joy, and I had gotten together a week ago to discuss what kind of person it should be. And up on reflecting we uncovered they were highly compatible. And when I phone up Jake, well, I put him on the phone with Lori, and after much yelling and aggravated sighing, she convinced him, and set up the date. Jake knew what was going on, Rose however we left in the dark of all details. I hope it went well yesterday with the two of them.

Only five and a half months till Summer break. I'm going to Deutschland to meet up with one of my cousins. Then we get to travel all over the place. It'll be great fun. Shit, pen dying. Toots.

Love ya!

11:16 a.m., still Tuesday
In front of my Computer

Yay! Rose said she really hit it off with Jake. Lazy, am pasting.
BatCowch: He was so sweet!
OnyxLily: So are you going out again?
BatCowch: …
Onyx Lily: Did he?!BatCowch: Just now, on-line.
OnyxLily: *much celebrating*
BatCowch: Is Lori okay with this?
OnyxLily: Yeah, she's the one who set it up. We all figured you deserved a nice guy after the Bastard.
BatCowch: I'm not sure Jake's much better. I mean he didn't trust Lori at all…
OnyxLily: Well…
BatCowch: What?! Am I missing some gossip?!
OnyxLily: she broke up with him. But I think it hurt her more than it did him…
BatCowch: so she thought it would be a better idea just to let him go.
OnyxLily: Precisely.
BatCowch: …
OnyxLily: ?
BatCowch: Can you keep a confession on the DL?
OnyxLily: of course!
BatCowch: When they were going out, I always wished they would break-up and he'd fly to me

Okay, I'm done with that. My glue stick is starting to run out, and I'm tired. Besides, that explains more than enough. I started talking to Mike on-line tonight. It was…interesting, to say the least. But I think we can be friends again. I'm gonna sign on again and see if he's on yet. Farewell for now.


11:03 a.m., Wednesday, January 3rd
Still sitting in front of my Computer. (Do I have a life??)

Dumb-ass Jeff just IMed me. Wanted to know if we could be friends still. Fat Chance. He screwed up Willow quite royally.

Fuck I'm stupid.

Yes, yes I did say 'sure'. I'm too weak to say 'Hell no Jeff! I hate you!'

And the part that's even worse? I really do still want to be friends with him. Willow's going to kill me.

Shut-up. I do NOT have a crush on him. I’m merely on the rebound after Michael.

I can't believe I just fucking wrote that! I need a nap.

6:00 p.m.

I fucking hate my mother! She just fucking told me that Dad's getting transferred to a new position in Illinois. And as if that isn't bad enough…WE HAVE TO FUCKING MOVE WITH HIM!!! I'm going over to Lori's I don't want to fucking deal with this.

10:02 p.m.

I am Jell-O.

2:06 p.m., Thursday, January 4th

I suppose you would like to know why it is that I have turned into Jell-O? Well as I am running out of space I'll write as much as I can.

Last night I stormed out of the house and stalked over to Lori's. I noticed that there was no car in the driveway and remembered that Lori had gone to an open audition at the local theatre. I figured I'd try anyway. So I knocked on the door with the angry tears still running down my face. I heard talking and movement inside.

Jeff opened the door and it took him a second to take in what the wretched looking creature on his porch was.

"Who is it?" said a voice from inside.
"It's Lils," Jeff murmured as I leaned dejectedly against the doorframe.
"Who?" asked Jake incredulously, jumping into view of the doorway. "Shit."
"What?" Mike asked, "Why is she here?"
"Is Lori back yet?" I whispered hoarsely.
"No," Jeff looked concerned, "you can wait in her room though…if you want."
"Thanks," I murmured and slid inside, running on automatic, as I couldn't see through the sheen of tears.
"Hey Lily." I heard a worried Jack say from a corner. I'd never really found out what he'd gone through. But he looked horrible from my glance at him.

I slunk up the stairs, quietly escaping their looks, and swiftly closed Lori's door behind me before I finally collapsed on the floor. As I lay there with the tears flowing, I heard Jeff tell the guys it was probably a good idea to leave. All of it is ingrained into my memory. The words. So painful.

"Fuck Jeff," Mike shouted, "why do you care about that bitch?! It's probably an act to get some of your attention anyway!"
"That's not cool Mike," Jack said.
"Seriously dude," Jake berated, "you're the one who cheated on her, and then decided to dump her after her minor offense to your ego."
"You cheated on her?!" Jeff hissed loudly.

This conversation had the effect of making me cry harder. I hadn't know there was a starting point to his decision to break-up. I'd thought it had been me flirting with the Cuties at the Gym.

"Dude," Jeff was shouting, "you dumped her because you were cheating on her all the while, and when you came back to receive her attentions, she was giving a minor portion out to someone else?!"
"This other girl would give out man!" Mike shouted, "Which would you go for?!"
"You dumped her for Maria?!" Jeff shouted, "You cheated on her with your new girlfriend?! Did Maria ever even know?!"

He got a new girlfriend. News to me.

"You're going out with her?!" Jake shouted.
"I thought you wanted back with Lily?!" Jack asked, his voice thoroughly infused with anger.
"Get the fuck out of my house Mike." Jeff hissed.

I heard a door slam.

"Dude," Jake said, "tell Lily we hope she's okay, alright?"

I heard the door close again and feet coming up the stairs. When Jeff opened the door, I looked up at him. And in the look of concern I saw in his eyes, I suddenly let myself feel, really feel. I full on sobbed. Jeff fell to his knees and held me like an older brother protecting his sister from the evils of the world. Eventually I calmed down enough to tell him what had happened at home. He looked at me. Hard.

"I'm sorry Lily, but you can’t leave." He stated.
"Tell that to me mum." I hiccuped.

He looked at me again and suddenly I was in his arms and he was kissing me. It felt so right.

When we separated, it took awhile to sink in. And when it did. 'shit, Will's going to kill me if she finds out.' Was the first thought in my head. I meant to berate Jeff for causing me this problem.

"I love you," were the words that came out of my mouth. Way to go beratement.

My hands flew to my mouth and I was on my feet and out the front door in an instant. In my rush out the door, I ran smack into Lori.

"What's wrong?" she asked grabbing my shoulders.
"I'm moving," I said and started crying again.

Lily held me outside, crying also. When we were both able to breathe normally, she asked if I'd want to come inside and talk. I looked at her, thinking of Jeff, and shook my head. When I got home, I floated up to my room and slammed the door, locked it, and threw a dresser for safe measures. No intrusions for me.

And that's why I'm Jell-O. And that's the end of this journal.
© Copyright 2003 Wallaby Wannabe (howlingwolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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