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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #771529
The is the first part to a book I'm writing about 5 teens becoming a family.
Nine years ago five teenagers were sent to a town to live with a middle aged Black woman when no one else wanted them. It was there where they grew and discovered things about theirselves and the people in that town that had been hidden for years.


The Family
Moma Lola: The lage Black woman who takes them in. She writes non fiction books for all ages, lives in a huge house with ten bedrooms, her best friend is Jason Watchokiss, and her favorite thing is telling other people what to do to make their life better and watching them succeed.

Devon Kemon: A tall thin white teenager who's on ther honor roll wherever he goes. He's the smartest guy in town and finished High school 2 years ago. He's seventeen has light brown hair and pale blue eyes. He loves to read and loves to take care of animals. He's the oldest and looks out for all of them. He has a black belt in karate.

Kyra Jones: A short, quiet, black girl who despises school and slides by on C's. She loves to read CosmoGirl and William Shakspeare. She loves to surf internet and hates the color orange. She's the youngest at 15 and the shortest at 5"

Brandon: A muscular Native American guy who wrestles and inhales gatorade like it was air. He has long black hair with pale brown eyes. Girls are always falling over themselves to go to bed with him. He loves to read the magazine Guys INC. and scares the girls boyfriends away. He's sixteen years old.

Roxann Heraria: A tall sexy mexican girl who knows what she wants out of life and how to get it. She has wavy jet black hair with natural gold highlights and dark eyes. She's on the debate team and plans to be a lawyer someday. She atrracts guys like bees to honey and is forever falling for the wrong ones. She's sixteen years old.

Janice Cooper: A thoughtful Chinese American who loves school and cleaning house. She has a job at the local hotel cleaning rooms and cannot stand a dirty house. She has short black hair and oval eyes the color of saphires. She likes to bike ride and learn things about people. She's sixteen years old.

The Friends

Jason Watchokiss: Moma Lola's best friend. He's 29 and has loved Moma Lola for ten years but doesnt have the courage to do anything about it. He owns a car repair shop and can fix beat up cars so well people called him the "Michaelangelo of Beat up Car sulpters." He loves the Beatles and Little Richard.

Pete: The towns local electrician and plumber. He loves to gossip and always has some info on one person or another. He seems know whats going on before it even happens. He lives with his brother who has Down Syndrome and loves Mexican food. Age 24

The Teachers

Ms. Ula Pratt: The High School counselor, Ms. Pratt thinks she knows what's best for her 'clients' and can be a total pain in the butt but she's a sweet lady who only wants the best for the future leaders of the country.

Mr. Parker: The English teacher who believes all kids could be genius's if they only try. He wonders if he's met one who truly cant in Kyra but it he isnt giving up. Mr. Parker has a wife who's six months pregnant and has a long going feud with Moma Lola.

The House
A ten bedroom mansion with twleve bathrooms, an attic, a basement/lab(Devons), a family room, four studies(Moma Lola's, Devons, and the largest one is divided into four decent sized cubicles), a kitchen, two dining rooms, a four car garage. The house was sitting on 14 acres of land mostly woods with a large lake. Moma lola bought fifteen years ago.


Kyra Jones Entry One

Monday is here again. Another day of school. If I was still living at home I could drop out in seven months when i turn 16 but Moma Lola will never allow it even if I dont go to college. She's so BIG on college. The way she's ordering all those cataloges from all those Universities for Devon. He'll probably go to Harvard or Yale. They want him- he's such a genius! If I had his brains I wouldnt dread getting up every weekday morning. I can re-read my CosmoGirl magazine in class, *sigh* it's going to be a long day.

Janice Cooper Entry One

Another Monday, today I have a math club meeting, spanish club meeting and a student Counsel meeting. One during school time and two after. Good thing this monday I dont have to work. Moma Lola is cooking pancakes, sausage, and bacon. I think I've gained five pounds since I've gotten here. Oh well, It's all for a good cause. I dont want to hurt Moma Lolas feeling ya know- yeah right. It's just that her cooking is SO good. I had better hurry up and get down there or Brandon and Kyra will eat it all up. That girl is so thin and short I dont know where she puts it all! Where is my denim skirt?

Brandon Daigiin Entry One

Moma Lola's pancakes are SO good, I could eat them all day. If the rest of them dont get down here soon I'm going to eat them all up. Kyra is sitting right across from me. For a small girl she sure can eat! God, she's putting them away as fast as I am! Moma Lola places another plate of pancakes on the table. "Here ya'll go- this is the second to the last plate so slow down." I slowed down slightly. I have a big wrestling practice this afternoon and need all the energy I can get- even if I am going to burn it before ten o clock hits. I'm a growning boy. I'm the star wrestler on the team and for some wierd reason. The girls at this school go for wrestlers and not football players. whatever turns them on. In my last school they didnt even have a wrestling team-as you can imagine that school sucked - big time. damn, look at the time, if I didnt hurry I would miss Dana- I promised her I would walk with her to school. It's the begining of February. Why her parents made her walk was beyond me but they wouldnt let her get a ride with us- "Not with Devon driving." they say. "Responsible or not he's still a teenager." They're a bunch of jackasses. So thanks to them I'm going to be freezing mine off. What a way to start the week.

Devon Kemon Entry One

I'm waiting for the rest of them to finish breakfast and get their butts to the van. The van is brand new. Moma Lola bought it for us. I'm the only one who has a license. Brandon just recieved his permit though. It's freezing cold out there. Living in northern oregon is such a change from warm southern california, but I like it a lot. Moma Lola is great after school today we're going over to the junior college to an interview. Moma Lola wants me to go to Harvard actually and they have already accepted me, so has Yale. But I really dont want to leave and go across country for school. I can get just as good an education in Oregon as in Virginia or wherever in my opinion. Moma Lola will be satisfied as long as I'm inrolled in a four year university and furthering my education. I do want to go to college but I'm not sure how I feel about Moma Lola paying half my way- the rest is being paid by scholarships and grants. Moma Lola never went to college but got rich anyway from her books. Anyway- it looks like I'm going to have to drag them to the van this morning.

Roxann Heraria Entry One

I've finished my research report on Natural Disasters and Moma Lola says it's a sure A+. I cant afford anything else if I'm going to get into a fabulous law school. Debate team meets today to discuss a new topic- I have absolutly no brilliant ideas- I have a good seven hours to think though. I'm in the van now- Kyra's reading her CosmoGirl- Moma Lola is going to kill her if she brings home another report card like the last one. I dont want to be one to preach though- she knows what she's suppose to be doing. Brandon is busy finishing up his math homework that he didnt do on Friday. I can see why all the girls get so hot and bothered about him. If I didnt think of him as a broher I would be after him myself. I can already tell this week is going to be amazing dull.

Kyra Entry Two

I'm sitting in English class- out of all my classes I hate English the most. Mr. Parker hate me too I can tell- He thinks I'm the dumbest student he ever had. He keeps saying I can achieve anything if I just try- they just dont get it. I do try- It just never works. My English book is open on my desk and my CosmoGirl is open on my lap to the article.'The top ten ways to french kiss' I sneak a glance up. Mr. Parker is sitting at his desk doing whatever it is teacher's do when we kids are slaving away at our school work. Just as I look down to continue reading my magazine a note lands on my english book. I look around in suprise. Quickly I bring it down to my lap and opened it. It reads.........

Kyra, It's me- Ralph- I study in the library every lunch period- wanna join me?

Ralph... Ralph is a guy who sits in the back of the class to my right. He's wheelchair bound most of the time 'cause his leg are totaly weak- from some desease- at least that's what I've heard. I could probably use the studying time but it would be so uncomftorable being with a handicapped guy- what would I say? I glanced back at him. He had his head cocked to an angle and was smiling a sweet angelic smile at me. He really did seem like a sweet guy- what the heck? I nodded- his smile widened then he went back to his English- Why did he ask?

Brandon Entry Two

I'm sitting in Algebra 2 class and I'm suppose to be solving problems on page 134 instead I was flirting with Lisa Hurge who sat directly across from me.The bell rang I jumped up. I would have double homework but who cared? I glanced at the board for the homework assignment then rushed out the door.

Mark Deden met me outside of Chemistry, he was a fellow schoolmate- but not a friend. He's on the football team and is as popular as me- and I'm not bragging. As soon as I caught sight of him I knew he had a bone to pick- or so to speak.

"Brandon- I've been hearing some things about you and Emily." Emily is Marks girl- She's hot but I'm not all that interested. Sure we flirt at times but when dont I? I mean nothing by it as always. But was I going to let mark know that? Hell no. "What sort of things?" I asked nonchalontly raising an eyebrow. "That you've been messing around with her over the weekend."
I shook my head. "Crap, and I thought I was keeping my plans a secret." With that I walked around him and into the classroom. I have a feeling Marks going to try to make some trouble with me- oh well, I'd deal with it then.

Janice Entry Two

I'm sitting on a bench in the locker room, my knee is bothering me again. Dang, I thought it had completely healed over. The door opens, a girl around my age walks in- she's wearing the shortest skirt I've ever seen and a shirt so revealing it would have been better if she had not worn anything at all. She had long blonde hair and clear blue eyes. I ignored her. Instead of going to a locker she headed straight for me. "Hi, I'm Laker- I just moved here a week ago- anyway I hear you can inroduce me to Brandon Seever." I could tell she was only talking to me cause she wanted something- she's that type girl.

"Yeah, I know him." I said indiferently. Still rubbing my knee. "Well, I need to meet him and I cant seem to do it on my own. How well do you know him- and how do yoy anyway?" The way she said it I could tell in her book I didnt rate much
who cared? I picked the ice pack off the bench and pressed it upon my knee. She was waiting for an answer. I ignored her. My knee was throbbing- If the swelling didnt go down soon Moma Lola would take my to the doctor and that's the last thing I want. "Hello??? I was asking you a question girly." Laker said waving a hang in front of my face. I glanced up looking at her through my hair. "I dont like the tone of you voice." I said removing the ice pack and feeling my knee. Thats just the way I am. I cant stand it when people just look down at you- or right through you for that matter, it isnt right. It's as bad as being prejudece- ya know? Anyway she was glaring at my than said with an attitude.
"Fine, I bet you dont even know him- I've seen him and that hot a guy would never hang out with a girl like you." With that totaly un-original remark she flounced out of the room. I admit that I'm not the most fashionable of girls- but I believe that helping humanity and becoming all you can be is more important than chasing every sexy guy you see. Every time I see a shallow girl like that I cring at what a disgrace to the female race they were. Crap- my knee is about the size of of a grapefruit- no excaping the nurses office now.

Devon Entry Two

Moma Lola is making herself beautiful in her bathroom and I'm waiting in the living room. The presentation begins at 10 and if she doesnt hurry up we'll be late. I kinda miss going to school, But I'm here with Moma Lola I get to read her latest chapter before the others and hang around town and basicle do nothing which pretty cool cause everyone else my age is in school. To tell you the truth I'm the most comftorable behind a desk doing complicated work which with my IQ is hard to come by. Maybe Moma Lola is right- maybe I do need to go off to Yale- who knows? My watch reads 9:39. It takes a good 20 minutes to get to the college. I shake my head- We might as well forget about it.... "I'm ready- for heavens sake Devon arent you ready?" Moma Lola was standing in the doorway looking at me as if it was my fault we were running late. I smirked at her and got up pointedly looked at my watch. She pretended not to notice. "oh, do move your butt Devon sweetie- we're going to be late." Moma Lola is really pretty- She's big buy not fat and she carries herself well, she has long black hair and almond shaped eyes (or so says Janice) I cant realy tell what they're shaped like. She was wearing a blue and Black skirt with a white dress shirt. She was wearing white sandles Sure she looked good but it took her an hour and a half for that??? I will never understand.

I'm going to add more in a day or so, please rate it and review it. Dont dwell on the spelling I'm working on that.
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