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Mihdael defies Satan's demands; she orders Lucifer to convince him to obey |
ANGEL WARRIORS BOOK TWO – HELLBOUND , PART 2 NEW EDITS DONE IN JAN '05 IN GREEN III Again, the skittering of claws on rock, the sibilant whirring of wings, as invisible imps or trolls, scurried to carry out Satan’s bidding. The drapes once again concealed the lake of Hellfire; candles appeared - black, red, and purple - sending the shadows back into the edges of Darkness. The imps put forth an obvious effort to lighten the forbidding interior, to make it more pleasing to an Angel. They draped the black-lacquered furniture with bright blues and golds, pillows tossed here and there; foliage, obviously not real for plant-life of any kind would vaporize in the heat, appeared, lining the walls, the colors brilliant against the blackness. Completing the re-decoration, the imps scurried away, leaving them alone. “Is this not more to your liking?” Satan approached him, arm sweeping over the chamber. “I will do more for you, if you will tell me what you wish. I will give you power, riches, even other women.” She leaned close, but not touching,. “Tell me what it is that you desire.” “I wish only to be free of you, Lord Satan. Nothing more.” “You know,” she said, running a slim hand up his arm, over his shoulder, “this flimsy white garment, although it does enhance your best assets, does little to dignify the station you now have. As my consort, you should be attired as such, in robes of silk, velvet, and brocade. The very best,” she whispered, her fingers trailing down his back, “that Hell has to offer…” She had hardly finished speaking when he felt the cool, rich softness of silk against his skin. A deep red shirt and black, skin-tight leather pants had replaced the white tunic, the sandals replaced by black leather boots that reached to his knees. A black velvet mantle draped under his wings, across his shoulders, and held together by three rows of gold chains secured with an emerald clasp. Lined in gold silk, the heavy mantle swept to the floor, the hem bordered in red brocade laced with gemstones. The shirt collar opened in a deep V down to his waist, to a wide gold sash. His hair, braided at the sides, fell past his shoulders, entwined with thin, black leather strips with gold talismans of ancient religions. She surveyed him, nodding her approval. “Yes, that is much better; much more fitting for--” She picked up a crown, with black, twisted spires, blood-red rubies sparkling in the ebony filigree. “For the Prince of Hell.” “No. I will not wear such a thing. And I will not wear this garish adornment.” Mihdael threw the mantle off, and her hand closed tightly on his arm. “You refuse me?” “I will not be your consort.” “Then you will serve me without the title that goes with it, and without the privileges.” “I can not understand what you would want of me. You have millions of souls at your feet; thousands of Fallen Angels at your beck and call. Why would you have need of me, or of any Angel?” “God, you really are blond, aren’t you? Think, you idiot, what is the one thing Angels can not do?” “They can not procreate.” “Glad to know you are not quite as dumb as you act. Fallen male angels can not mate with any female angel. They can procreate with another species, or with other demons, but, really, why ruin the neighborhood with outsiders?” “I still do not understand.” “It’s a good thing you’re nice to look at… “But then, He probably didn’t tell you, did He? No, He wouldn’t,” she answered her own question before he could give the same answer. “It’s like this, my big, beautiful Angel. As a Fallen Angel, I can now bear children, if I want to; and you - you have known a mortal woman, and once having done so, well,” her fingertips followed the curve of seams, “whenever you take human form, in all ways, you are once again…capable…in all ways…” Her voice trailed off as her lips touched his. “No…wait--” He managed to free himself of her embrace, held her at arm’s length. “Why? For what purpose? You can have sexual pleasure with anyone. Why would you have need of me? For children? To exist here?” “No, not here,” she interrupted his denial. “I will create a world for them, as God created Earth for Man. And I’m not talking about one or two of the little …daemons,” she laughed. “I’m talking about an entire race of beings. Beings with the worst traits of Angels, with the supernatural powers of demons. “I will defeat Him with His own methods. Together we will begin a new race. I will give birth to hundreds at once, they will mature within weeks, and they will appear as Mankind. But they will worship me; I will be their God. They will outnumber Mankind within a few years, and I will give them power and strength. “Our children and grandchildren, and the generations after, will destroy Man and God. We will glory in their victories, and they will revere Satan, the New God. “ That is why you are here; that is why I need you – for the moment.” She managed to be both seductive and contemptible at the same time. Mihdael stared at her, too appalled at the whole idea to say or do anything. At his continued silence, she slid his arms around her and leaned her head against his chest. “But then, perhaps my plan does appeal to you.” She snuggled closer, the sharp edges of her talons trailing delicately over lean hips. “I am, after all, your ‘first love’; even if the one who claimed your heart was an inferior copy. Why settle for a cheap imitation, when the original is yours for the taking?” “No…no, I will not do as you command. I cannot believe that you would think to…to…create a race such as that. No,” he glowered at her, features set in hard lines. “I will not help you.” Anger blazed in her eyes, becoming red coals. She pulled back from him, and with an imperious glare brought the fires of Hell roaring up around him. The flames caught and burned the clothing she had given him, leaving, unharmed and untouched, the white tunic and sandals. He felt the heat, aware of its intensity, but protected from it by God’s Light. “You think you can deny me so easily? You are mine, Warrior. “You could obey me, rule at my side, have at your feet the spoils of a Universe! Stay true to your God, to His Law, and He will forsake you. Obey His command to attend me; your will is not your own. You must obey either God or myself, and either way, my commands are yours to obey. “Deny me, and you deny Him.” “He would not want me to obey such a command. It is blasphemous and sinful. Do what you will with me, Lord of Darkness; I will not do as you ask.” She screamed at him, an unholy shriek of fury and frustration. The very walls trembled, and flames soared to the ceiling; the floor split open beneath the warrior, and her voice shrieked after him, following as he was hurled to the depths of Hell. “You are damned, Angel; damned by Satan for all eternity! “Mankind will suffer greatly from your refusal, if not now then long after your name is gone and forgotten! Think upon that, Angel of Light; think upon the Evil I will loose upon the Earth because of your betrayal. Betrayal is all you know! “Think upon it, in your prison of iron and stone; think upon it as you listen to the cries of despair and misery, and know that you will be the cause of more! “You will be punished for denying me! You will learn, and know, what it is to challenge the power of Satan!” Chapter Four Satan had only slightly calmed down when Lucifer appeared, uninvited. “What? No willing suitor in your love nest?” He looked around in distaste, as she had not yet changed things back to what they were. “Don’t tell me you let an Angel slip through your grasp, without even a feather to show for your efforts?” “Shut up, you missing link to Mankind. I’m not finished with him. One approach failed; I have many others.” “You’re giving him another chance?! I halfway expected to see his wings hung on the wall—” “Oh, he’s hung, all right. And he would be quite handsome if not for that disgusting glare that continuously surrounds him. My skin crawls at the thought of having that…Light…touch me.” “What’s the matter, afraid you’ll be incinerated on the spot? Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you—” Lucifer broke off, seeing the crown and picking it up. “This is mine. What is it doing here, with you?” “I offered it to him as a bribe.” “As it is still here, I take it he refused you?” She scowled. “Yes.” “An Angel with ethics, how sad. I had not thought Salathiel to be strong enough to resist both you and power.” Satan smiled at him then, “It wasn’t Salathiel. As I could not ask for him by name, I was tricked into accepting a warrior instead.” “A warrior?” “Yes, and even with his stubbornness, and his unfortunate sense of honor, he is still…quite pleasing to me.” “Not too pleasing…” His voice took on a threatening edge. “I take what I want, Lucifer. And your status in Hell is dependent upon me, and no other. You rule for as long as I allow you to; you are my Alter Ego, for Mankind would not fear Satan as a woman. But I can dispense with you quite easily, replace your ‘commanding presence’ with…another. “So take care that you do not displease me.” Lucifer bowed, “As you say, My Lord Satan,” and then added quietly under his breath, “you bitch.” She heard, but did not lash out at him; for he was, after all, right. She was the queen of bitches, a title she was proud to carry. “Now, since the Angel has denied me – and insulted me in the process – he is to be punished. You will do that. He is imprisoned in the lower chamber. You are to convince him that continued resistance is unacceptable." “Are you planning on adding another eunuch to your collection? Because that’s the only way you’ll ever make a male – especially a Warrior – kneel to you.” “The threat will suffice. But make certain that you do not injure him too much,” she added darkly, “I want him able to function.” Lucifer stared at her, arms folded. “An angel will see through any threat, and if you want him for a mate, I can’t actually carry through on the threat. So, if I can do neither to him, then what good will any punishment be?” “Pain will serve. His own, and others; for I have also found that males cannot endure extreme pain for prolonged periods of time. “You will break him, Lucifer; bend him to my will. You have an exceptional talent for tormenting souls – I give you an Angel to torture at your leisure. “Show him the might of Lucifer. Show him the Darker side of Hell.” CHAPTER FIVE Archangel Michael knelt before the Golden Throne. “My Lord God, I wish to speak with Thee.” Hardly a day had passed since Mihdael had left, and already the higher Hosts, from Seraphim to Thrones, knew what had transpired. It was only a matter of time – a very short time – before the Angels were aware of it, followed by the Warriors. Thou may speak, Michael “An unFallen Angel has never been condemned to Hell.” That is so, and is still so. Mihdael is not condemned, for his soul is still Mine. “Unless… unless he accepts Satan, and denies Thee.” The concern edged Michael’s tone as he continued, “My army was sorely depleted during the Casting Out; and there will be unrest when my remaining Warriors learn that one of their own was sentenced to Hell; one who had committed no serious offense or transgression against Thee. They will wonder who will be next. They will fear for their souls, and be conscious of their every thought and action. “I speak for Mihdael now, when I could not then. For, in spite of his faults, Mihdael is loyal to Thee; his integrity is unquestioned, his bravery unmatched. I can ill afford to loose such a warrior.” Art thou asking Me to break My Word? My Word *is* My Word, even to one such as Satan. Michael hesitated a moment, considering alternatives. His warrior nature would not allow him to stand by while a brother angel was in dire need. “Only Thy Decree has kept his fellow warriors from his side, has forbidden any angel to aid him.” That is so. “Yet, Thee has also given me leave to answer his call, if he should ask it of me – is that not so?” Yes. And therein lies his salvation; only pride wilt prevent him from calling to thee. And it wilt be more difficult for him to call to thee than to any other Angel or Archangel, for he believes thou art no longer close to him. Michael glanced away, then looked staunchly into God’s radiance. “That was true, at one time; but no longer do I doubt him. I regard him as highly as I do any of my warriors. I would trust him with my soul.” Yet, thou hast not told him of this? The Archangel hesitated, then replied truthfully. “No, Father” He had wanted to – had meant to – but the opportunity had not presented itself; and he could not initiate it on his own. “I was too—” Proud? “And fearful. He would have been within his rights to reject any apology I might offer, and drive us even further apart.” I wilt leave it to thee to bridge this gap between thyself and thy brother angel, for thou art in the wrong. Mihdael never turned against thee, or Myself. Thee brought him before Us for Judgment. Thou hast Our forgiveness for that error; now, thee must have his as well. “Then I will do so; and accept his decision, whatever it may be.” Michael bowed with deep respect, but hesitated. Something still troubles thee, Michael? “Yes, Father. I would like to ask a question of Thee, but do not wish to incur Thy wrath.” Thee may speak freely. “Thy decision to give Mihdael unto Satan instead of Salathiel… Was Satan’s statement truthful? Did Thee manipulate and trick the Evil One with her own methods?” Michael, when hast Satan ever spoken the truth? And when hath I ever needed to resort to trickery? “It is that which has given me such great misgivings, Father; for Mihdael was not Earth’s Guardian until Thee set him as such, replacing Salathiel after Satan requested Earth’s Guardian.” And doest thee see the situation as Satan hast said it to be, or as thine own faith tells thee it must be? “I know Earth has many Archangel Guardians, but only one Angel Guardian at a time. Salathiel was not the first Guardian, but he served that office far longer than any other angel. I am also aware he preferred not to be Earth’s Guardian, as he had requested Thee many times to return him to his principal duty of tuning the Spheres. When Thee finally granted his request and placed Mihdael as Earth’s Guardian – for all time, as Thee told him – I knew not of Satan’s request or the bargain Thee made with her. I learned of the bargain when Mihdael did, and the same way he did. My heart told me that Thee truly intended for Mihdael to be Earth’s Guardian, yet my mind reasoned otherwise.” Then, Michael, set thy mind at rest.For Mihdael hast earned the post of Earth’s Guardian, at his own pace and time. Should I alter My Plan to assuage Satan’s perceived notion of trickery? “No, Father; I thank Thee for Thy words, and I will act on them accordingly.” [[[[[Note: Satan attempts to send her demons to Earth; God interferes God: What are thee doing? Satan: What I told You I would do! God: And why are thee doing this? Satan: That… that damned angel You gave me has disobeyed me! God: Thou art forbidden to send any threat to Earth because of his disobedience. Or art thou no longer worthy of thy title? Satan whirls around, agrily sends the demons away; a few remain. One is stupid enough to taunt her, and she blasts him nto oblivion. ‘Any other smart observations?’ they vanish immediately. “I thought not.” ]]]]]]] CONTINUED: HELLBOUND SECTION 3: "Angel Warriors - HellBound: Section 3" ![]() |