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Will Meri give up what she loves or do what her family wants? |
Prologue (Meri) “I live in an unknown land, am ruled by an unknown king, and I am unknown.” I repeat this phrase every morning when I wake up. It keeps me humble. Of course, it does not take very long to get humble. All I have to do is wait in bed a second more then is required and a bucket of cold water on my face will set me straight. Courtesy of Bertha. In truth, my land, Forthensia, and King Roger are not that unknown. But they are not well known either. This is because we are a myth, a fantasy island surrounded by raging waters, which will dash you against the rocks surrounding most of the island. The raging waters part is actually true. No one but a Forthensian can sail safely in our waters. Many have tried though, as the shipwrecked people here will testify to. It is because of the shipwrecked that Forthensians do not toss the sailors out of taverns when they talk of foreign lands. It is not one of Garigee, the trickster god’s, long tales but a fact. Other lands exist and I should be the one to know. A long time ago the Kieran family ruled Forthensia. If it wasn’t for the New Ones I would be queen today. But the New Ones came, in the form of passengers on a destryoed fleet. They saw our lands and our palace and longed for it. They bombarded the royal palace and killed all those who would not surrender. Because of Mahi, the mother god, and her gift to my family, the gift of fore-and farsight we were able to escape The Massacre, as it was called. When a good deal of years past we sensed it was safe to return and we did. We worked in the village as blacksmiths, but we never failed to send two of our family into the palace to work and secretly keep an eye on things. Overtime the New Ones forgot us and we were able to use our family name once more. But until me, my family has always sworn they would take back the throne one day. But one thing is for sure, they never thought it was going to be the way last queen, Ilsia envisioned it. It was one of the last prophecies the old queen had made. “One day the New One king will fall off his stool, the old cow will not bear young, and round will go to the gods. It is then that the one who both ours and theirs will come to the throne.” Needless to say the lady was mad. She had just witnessed the murder of her faithful subjects and was delirious with grief. She up and died right after so no one really paid that much attention to it. It was a joke among my family. My papa would say to me when I complained about the work, “Never you worry Meri dear, one day we are gonna win back our palace and you won’t have to work.” Then my Mama would say, “Just gotta make sure to push the ol’king of his stool” But I was a rebel, still am in fact. I didn’t want the throne or anything. The New Ones can have it. I just wanted to read. All the books in the world in fact. I couldn’t care less if we went on the throne or not. I just wanted to be free of the world and go into my own. The one where people fly and play with gods, dragons, and the like. But this was not to be. The shop where Mama and Papa worked burned up with them and my uncle and auntie in it. Now there was only me. The only Kieran left. I was forced to uphold tradition and take my place in the palace to spy. This was about 5 or so years ago. I work in the palace as a maid now. And right now I was one hungry maid. I don’t usually get up early so I got dressed quickly and tried to find my way into the kitchen for a loaf. Why do I even try. Not five steps from the door and Bertha stopped me. She shoved a pail of water (no doubt the one she had planned to dump on me this morning) and a scrub at me. “Clean the West Wing corridor.” She growled. “And Meri, don’t even think of slacking off.” With that she swung around and started to march towards the room of another poor maid. “Good morning to you to!” I was awarded with a grunt. I don’t think she really likes me. -----a few hours later----- I was almost done with the West Wing when it happened. I had just polished the marble floor when all of the sudden my vision turned black. “Oh, no.” I groaned, recognizing the signs. This was a vision. I always hated to have visions. Not that i am saying I don't appreciate the gift Mahi gave us. To do that is to insult her and the Mother's wrath is painful. but she could have considered my appearance to others. To the people on the outside it would seem as if I was in a trance. Or as Brtha would like to say slacking off. Occasionally I hear a maid say retarded. Ah goody, I just wanted to come off as mentally retarded person. But then all of these thoughts drifted away and suddenly I was standing inside the throne room. A flare of horror came over me. Was this the vision? The vision my family has been plagued with starting 100 years after The Massacre? It was a simple vision really, of a throne room with a shaded throne. No one had been able to tell who was on the throne and no one ever has. That was about all the vision revealed. But everyone knew it was important. That our future depended on it. I had never recieved the vision before but I always expected it to be the same as the others. Why should I be different? But somehow I knew this vision was going to reveal more. This vision would reveal much more then the ones before So I opened my eyes and concentrated. It was a throne room. Millions of people cheering the shaded sorveigns on the throne. I looked at the throne and gasped. All of the sudden I was back in the hallway. But my mind didn’t quite catch up yet. All I could think about was what I saw. Because this time the throne wasn’t totally shaded. True, you couldn’t see one of the monarchs, but you could see one person. The queen. Me. Ch.1 I knew that by now I must look way more sillier then usual, with my mouth opened slightly and a far away look in my eyes. But right now I didn't care. I was going to be the queen. And soon. When objects in visions were shaded it meant that it was to far off in the future to be worried about. But now it was near. Soon I would be queen. I shuddered. I never wanted to be queen. I was more likely to drive my subjects mad. But there was no choice now. Visions can't be changed. Then it occured to me. How was I going to be queen? Not by force. No way. I am not that sort of girl. Well, maybe I am. But I am not going to take the throne by force. The only other way was marriage. And the only way to be married onto the throne was to marry...EWWW! I will not marry Rolande. Uh uh. you can take me to Sadi, god of the underworld, first. I am sorry, but Rolande is just so...gross. He is fat and stupid and hideous. It would never work. I guess I'll just have to see what comes along. "I'll take that one." said a voice from behind me. I turned, eyebrows raised and motuh opened to give a scathing speech when the words died in my throat. First I saw a pair of black boots. As my eyes travled upwards the boots ended and pants began, covering what I was sure was strong and muscled legs. Even more upward was a wool white shirt that was loose but did not conceal hard and chisled abs. Then, as I was practically standing I saw his face. Oh, his face. It was like a marble statue of a god, it was so perfect. His hair was a honey brown that just called out for me to touch it. Then I saw his eyes. A deep brown, almost black, that you could just fall into. But more importantly his eyes were smiling. Which means he knows what I just did. check him out. Immeadiatly I exclaimed "Excuse me sir, but I'm not an object for you to just pick out and take, like food from a table." My ma often told me whne she was alive that my mouth would kill me one day 'cause of the things that seemed to pop out of it. I guess this was not the case today. Either way he seemd sort of shocked which made me smile. But it seems that is ma warned him about his mouth too. But for much different reasons. |